Occupational safety standard system. Electrotechnical devices for voltage more than 1 000 v
Система стандартов безопасности труда. Электротехнические устройства на напряжение свыше 1000 В. Требования безопасности
Status: Effective. The limitation of effectiveness has been lifted: Resolution of the State Standard No. 564 of 06.22.92
The standard applies to switching electrical apparatus, arresters, current and voltage transformers, insulators and inputs. The standard establishes safety requirements for the design of electrical devices.
Стандарт распространяется на коммутационные электрические аппараты, разрядники, трансформаторы тока и напряжения, изоляторы и вводы. Стандарт устанавливает требования безопасности к клнструкции электротехнических устройств.
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS15841
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
PromExpert »
III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes »
2 Safety requirements for certain types of work »
2.10 Operation of electrical installations, electrical equipment and power tools »
ISO classifier »
13.100 Safety of professional activity. Industrial hygiene »
National standards »
13.100 Safety of professional activity. Industrial hygiene »
ISO classifier »
29.260 Electrical equipment for working in special conditions »
National standards »
29.260 Electrical equipment for working in special conditions »
ISO classifier »
29.260 Electrical equipment for working in special conditions »
29.260.01 Electrical equipment for work in special conditions in general »
National standards »
29.260 Electrical equipment for working in special conditions »
29.260.01 Electrical equipment for work in special conditions in general »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
T General technical and organizational and methodological standards »
T5 Documentation System »
T58 System of standards infield of nature conservation and improvement of use of natural resources, labor safety, scientific organization of labor »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Occupational safety standards system (SSBT). Scientific organization of labor. Safety precautions. Sanitation and occupational health »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Rules for acceptance, use, operation and repair. Safety engineering »
The Document References:
GOST 10693-81: Hermetic capacitor bushings designed for rated voltages 110 kv and more
GOST 11475-80: Surge arresters, tubular, to protect the insulation of electrical equipment of alternating current for voltage of 3 kV and higher. Specification
GOST Occupation safety standards system Electrical equipment. General safety requirements
GOST 1516.1-76: Electrical equipment for ac voltages of 3 to 500 kv
GOST 16357-83: Nonlinear resistor-type arresters for standard ac voltage
GOST 22229-83: Ceramic through insulators for voltage over 1000 V. General specifications
GOST 28856-90: Line suspension polymeric rod insulators
GOST 5862-79: Ceramic insulators and covers for voltage over 1000 V. General specifications
GOST 8608-79: Porcelain pin support insulators for voltage above 1000 V. General specifications
GOST 9984-85: Ceramic support insulators rated for voltage over 1000 v
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 10169-77: 3-phase synchronous machines. Test methods
GOST 10693-81: Hermetic capacitor bushings designed for rated voltages 110 kv and more
GOST 12.1.013-78: Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Electrical safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.031-81: Occupational safety standards system. Lasers. Methods of dosimetrical control of laser radiation
GOST Occupational safety standards system. Installations, generators and induction heaters for electrothermics, ultrasonic installations and generators. Safety requirements
GOST 12.2.041-79: Occupational safety standards system. Drilling equipment. Safety requirements
GOST 12.2.094-83: Occupational safety standards system. Rolling equipment. General safety requirements
GOST 12.2.123-90: Textile machinery
GOST 12.2.124-2013: Occupational safety standards system. Alimentary product equipment. General safety requirements
GOST 12.2.124-90: The food industry equipment
GOST 12.2.139-97: Agricultural machinery. Maintenance-production equipment. General safety requirements
GOST 12.3.043-90: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial technologies of optical coating application on pieces. General safety requirements
GOST 14693-90: Unsealed metal-enclosed switchgear
GOST 14694-76: Metal-clad switchgears up to 10 kV. Test methods
GOST 16357-83: Nonlinear resistor-type arresters for standard ac voltage
GOST 1639-2009: Non-ferrous metals and alloys scrap and waste. General specifications
GOST 1639-78: Non-ferrous metals and alloys scrap and waste. General specifications
GOST 1639-93: Non-ferrous metals and alloys scrap and waste. General specifications
GOST 17717-79: Alternating-current load-break cutouts for voltages of 3 to 10 kv
GOST 17772-88: Semiconducting photoelectric detectors and receiving photoelectric devices. Methods of measuring photoelectric parameters and determining characteristics
GOST 18397-86: Ac high-voltage circuit breakers standard voltage 6-220 kv for frequent switching operations
GOST 19262-80: Frequency protective relays. General technical requirements
GOST 1983-2001: Voltage transformers. General specifications
GOST 1983-2015: Voltage transformers. General specifications
GOST 22782.0-81: Explosion-proof electrical equipment
GOST 22782.2-77: Explosion-proof electric equipment
GOST 22782.4-78: Explosion-proof electrical apparatus. Pressurized enclosure. Technical requirements and methods of testing
GOST 23116.0-83: Cadmium of high purity. General requirements for methods of spectral analysis
GOST 23274-84: Mobile buildings. Electrical devices. General specifications
GOST 23484-79: Electrohydraulic-plants for removing of cores. Technical requirements
GOST 23624-2001: Measuring laboratory current transformers. General specifications
GOST 23625-2001: Measuring laboratory voltage transformers. General specifications
GOST 24754-2013: Mining electrical equipment of normal production. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST 24754-81: General purpose mining electric equipment
GOST 25645.323-88: Polymeric materials. Methods of radiation tests
GOST 29156-91: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Electrical fast transient /burst immunity. Technical requirements and test methods
GOST 29191-91: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means. Electrostatic discharge immunity. Technical requirements and test methods
GOST 30374-95: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Microsecond impulse disturbance immunity. Technical requirements and test methods
GOST 30585-98: Electromagnetic compatibility of engineering facilities. Resistance to the action of lightning discharges. Technical requirements and test methods.
GOST 30852.0-2002: Explosionproof electrical apparatus. Part 0. General requirements
GOST 31829-2012: Ozonization equipment. Safety requirements
GOST 32145-2013: Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Еlectric energy quality control in the public power supply systems
GOST 32216-2013: Special railway rolling stock. General technical requirements
GOST 32676-2014: Smoothing reactors for railway traction substation. General specifications
GOST 33073-2014: Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Control and monitoring of electric power quality in the public power supply systems
GOST 33431-2015: High-voltage boxes of passenger cars for locomotive traction and multiple units. General specifications
GOST 33798.2-2016: Railway applications. Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 2. Electrotechnical components. General rules
GOST 33798.3-2016: Railway applications. Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 3. Electrotechnical components. Rules for d.c. circuit-breakers
GOST 33798.4-2016: Electric equipment of a railway rolling stock. Part 4. A.c. circuit-breakers. General specifications
GOST 34062-2017: Railway traction substations, transformer substations and power supply linear devices. Safety requirements and control methods
GOST 34433-2018: Trunk pipelines for oil and oil products transportation. Transformer complete substations with voltage from 35 to 220 kV. General specifications
GOST 687-78: Ac breakers for the voltage exceeding 1000 v
GOST 689-90: Disconnectors and ground-wires for alternating current with voltage over 1 000 v
GOST 7746-2001: Current transformers. General specifications
GOST 7746-2015: Current transformers. General specifications
GOST 7746-89: Current transformers. General specifications
GOST 8.216-2011: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurement. Potential transformers Checking methods.
GOST 8.216-76: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Voltage transformers. Methods and means of verification
GOST 8.216-88: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Voltage transformers. Verification methods
GOST 8.237-2003: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Single-value electrical resistance measures. Verification procedure
GOST 8.237-77: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measuring resistance coil. Methods and means of verification
GOST 8.259-77: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Electric induction watt-hour meters of active methods and means of verification
GOST 8.278-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. D. C. measuring voltage dividers. Verification methods
GOST 8.278-78: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. D.C. Measuring voltage dividers. Methods and means of verification
GOST 8.449-81: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. D. c. bridges. Methods and means of calibration
GOST 9.701-79: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Vulcanized rubbers. Test method for radiation ageing resistance
GOST 9.706-81: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Polymer materials. Test methods for radiation ageing resistance
GOST 9219-95: Electrical draft gears. General specifications.
GOST R 12.1.031-2010: Occupational safety standards system. Lasers. Methods of dosimetric control of laser radiation
GOST R 50007-92: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Microsecond impulse disturbance immunity. Technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 50599-93: Welded steel vessels and apparatus under high pressure. Non-destructive control while the manufacturing and operating
GOST R 50612-93: Machines and equipment for manufacturing of sugar. Safety requirements
GOST R 50620-93: Machinery and equipment for bread baking industry. Safety requirements
GOST R 50911-96: Agricultural machinery. Maintenance-production equipment. General safety requirements
GOST R 51330.0-99: Explosionproof electrical apparatus. Part 0. General requirements
GOST R 51706-2001: Ozonisation equipment. Safety requirements
GOST R 52034-2003: Ceramic support insulators for voltage over 1000 V. General specifications
GOST R 52034-2008: Ceramic support insulators for voltage over 1000 V. General specifications
GOST R 52082-2003: Support polymeric outdoor insulators for voltage 6-220 kV. General specifications
GOST R 52565-2006: Alternating-current circuit-breakers for voltages from 3 to 750 kV. General specifications
GOST R 52725-2007: Surge arresters for a.c. electrical installations for voltage from 3 kV to 750kV. General specifications
GOST R 52726-2007: Alternating current disconnectors and earthling switches for voltage above 1 kV and operating mechanisms for them. General specifications
GOST R 53333-2008: Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Electric energy quality control in the public power supply systems
GOST R 53978-2010: Special railway rolling stock. General technical requirements
GOST R 54317-2011: Launching and technical complexes of space-rocket complexes. Safety requirements
GOST R 54564-2011: Non-ferrous metals and alloys scarp and waste. General specifications
GOST R 54564-2022: Non-ferrous metals and alloys scrap and waste. General technical conditions
GOST R 54797-2011: Boxes high-voltage passenger cars for locomotive traction and multiple units. The general technical requirements
GOST R 54828-2011: Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for nominal voltages above 110 kV. General technical specification
GOST R 54828-2022: Complete gas-insulated metal-insulated switchgear (GIS) for rated voltages of 110 kV and above. General specifications
GOST R 55190-2012: Metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages up to and including 35 kV. General specifications
GOST R 55190-2022: Complete metal-enclosed switchgear (GIS) for rated voltage up to 35 kV. General specifications
GOST R 55602-2013: Switching devices for railway traction network and power substations earthling. General specifications
GOST R 55606-2013: High-voltage plug couplers (electrical connectors) for quarry electrical equipment and power grids. General specifications
GOST R 55607-2013: Electrical equipment (installations) for power supply systems of machines and devices In open-pit mining. General specifications
GOST R 55716-2013: High-voltage switchgear. General specifications
GOST R 55882.2-2013: Railway applications. Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 2. Electrotechnical components. General rules
GOST R 55882.3-2013: Railway applications. Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 3. Electrotechnical components. Rules for d.c. circuit-breakers
GOST R 55882.4-2013: Electric equipment of a railway rolling stock. Part 4. A.c. circuit-breakers. General specifications
GOST R 58786-2019: Electrical equipment for nuclear power plants. General technical requirements
GOST R 59772-2021: Circuit-breakers for alternating current with voltage from 6 to 35 kV for railway traction substations, transformer substations and linear devices of railway traction power supply systems. General specifications
GOST R 8.622-2006: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The quality performances of electric energy. Procedures of measurements during the control of electric energy in the public electrical systems
GOST R 8.686-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. A.C. balanced bridges. Verification methods
GOST R 8.687-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. D. C. measuring voltage dividers. Verification methods
IM 14-25-2005: Electrical engineering controls. Switches (switches). Microswitches (microswitches). Track switches (switches). Toggle switches. Directory
MI 1199-86: Guidelines. GSE. Calibrators and converters measuring digital code in a constant electric voltage and current. Method of verification
MI 1201-86: Guidelines. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Sequence Spectrum Analyzers. Method of verification
MI 1202-86: Guidelines. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Instruments and converters measuring voltage, current, resistance, digital. General requirements for methods of verification
MI 1695-87: Guidelines. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Measures of electrical resistance are multi-valued, used in DC circuits. Method of verification
MI 2132-91: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Automated energy accounting and control systems based on IISE and KTS Energy. Measuring channels. Method of verification
MI 2158-91: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. AC electricity meters electronic. Method of verification
MI 2275-93: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Energy accounting and control system based on a set of technical means (CTS) Automated energy. Measuring channels. Method of verification
MI 2288-94: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Specialized information and computing complexes for accounting and control of energy and energy carriers, composable on the basis of SPC LOGICA. Method of verification
MI 2337-95: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Electric meters for active and reactive energy induction with built-in pulse shaping devices. Method of verification
MI 2413-97: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Measuring system for commercial metering of electricity based on the Metronika measuring and computing complex. Method of verification
MI 2728-2002: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The list of regulatory documents on security requirements. The order of their application in the normative documents of the ICE
MI 2808-2003: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The amount of electrical energy. Measurement technique for the distribution of unbalances in the wholesale electricity market
MI 2845-2003: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Measuring voltage transformers 6
MI 2846-2003: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The amount of electrical energy and power. The method of measurement in the branches of OJSC Tyumenenergo
MI 2982-2006: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Voltage transformers measuring from 500/square root of 3 to 750/square root of 3 kV. On-site verification method
MI 3000-2006: GSOEI. Systems automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electric energy. Typical method of verification
MI 3000-2018: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Systems automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electric energy. Method of verification
MI 3022-2006: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Normalization of the load of the secondary circuits of measuring current transformers
MI 3023-2006: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Normalization of the load of the secondary circuits of measuring voltage transformers
MI 3050-2007: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Voltage transformers measuring. Methods of on-site verification using PVE voltage converters
MI 3195-2009: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Load power voltage transformers, the method of measurement without disconnecting circuits
MI 3195-2018: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Method of measuring the load power of measuring voltage transformers under operating conditions
MI 3196-2009: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Secondary load current transformers. The method of measurement without disconnecting the circuit
MI 3314-2011: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Measuring voltage transformers 220
MP 001-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) Severstal Ropes JSC Volgogradsky Branch. Verification Method
MP 006-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) MP EMR
MP 135-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) PJSC "Penzmash". Verification Method
MP 140-2019: Automated information-measuring system for commercial accounting of electric energy (AIIS KUE) of Transneft PJSC in the part of Transneft Vostok LLC at pump station No. 7
MP 201-045-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG software 220 kV
MP 201-047-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG software 220 kV
MP 201-048-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG software 220 kV
MP 201-049-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG software 220 kV
MP 206.1-176-2018: Automated information-measuring system for commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of the traction substation "Kirenga" of the East Siberian Railway branch of the Russian Railways OJSC within the boundaries of the Irkutsk Region
MP 206.1-230-2018: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of PJSC
MP 26.51.43/17/19: Automated information-measuring system for commercial metering of electricity of LLC "AUCHAN". Verification method
MP 31-2019: The automated information and measurement system for commercial metering of electrical energy (AIIS KUE) of PJSC "Transneft" in the part of JSC "Transneft - Diascan" on the Scientific and Production Base. Verification method
MP 312235-076-2020: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity AIIS KUE UNEG PS 220 kV Megion. Verification Method
MP 312235-077-2020: RUSENERGOSBYT LLC automated information measuring system for commercial accounting of electric energy (AIIS KUE) for energy supply of the branch of BUNGE CIS LLC in Kolodeznoye. Verification Method
MP 32-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial accounting of electric energy (AIIS KUE) of JSC Energy Sales Company (LLC Teplo-Wimm, LLC Vegetables of the South from 35 kV Substation Dalnaya). Verification Method
MP 471-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electric power of UNEG PS 220 kV A-20 (technological connection to outdoor switchgear-110 kV and indoor switchgear-10 kV)
MP 471-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electric power of UNEG PS 220 kV A-20 (technological connection to outdoor switchgear-110 kV and indoor switchgear-10 kV)
MP 472-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electricity UNEG PS 220 kV Afipskaya (cable line 110 kV Afipskaya - Naumenkovskaya No. 1, No. 2)
MP 472-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electricity UNEG PS 220 kV Afipskaya (cable line 110 kV Afipskaya - Naumenkovskaya No. 1, No. 2)
MP 473-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial accounting of electricity at UNEG SS 220 kV Vyshesteblievskaya (IIK VL 220 kV Vyshesteblievskaya - Taman 2)
MP 473-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial accounting of electricity at UNEG SS 220 kV Vyshesteblievskaya (IIK VL 220 kV Vyshesteblievskaya - Taman 2)
MP JePR-205-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) "Limanskaya SES"
MP JePR-205-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) "Limanskaya SES"
MP JePR-216-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) of JSC "NESK" for GTE "Gelendzhik" second stage. Verification method
MP JePR-217-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) Construction Innovations LLC, second stage. Verification method
MP JePR-222-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial electricity metering (AIIS KUE) of NPP LLC at the facility of LISCo Broiler LLC (GTD No. 5). Verification method
MP JePR-224-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) of CJSC "Nizhnevartovskaya GRES". Verification method
MP JePR-226-2020: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) RUSENERGOSBYT SIBERIA LLC. Verification method
MP JePR-227-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG PP 220kV Amga
MP JePR-227-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG PP 220kV Amga
MP JePR-230-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of PJSC "TNS energo Yaroslavl"
MP JePR-230-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of PJSC "TNS energo Yaroslavl"
MP JePR-232-2020: Automated information-measuring system for commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of LLC "MSC Energo" in terms of electricity supply of LLC "Mine Gramoteinsky"
MP JePR-232-2020: Automated information-measuring system for commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of LLC "MSC Energo" in terms of electricity supply of LLC "Mine Gramoteinsky"
MP KCSM-177-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity LLC "Terbunsky potter". Verification Method
MP KCSM-186-2019: Channels measuring systems of automated information-measuring commercial metering of electricity AIIS KUE UNEG Substation 330 kV "Gubkin". Verification method
NB ZhT TsE 100-2002: Partitioning posts and points of parallel connection of alternating current. Safety standards
NB ZhT TsE 101-2002: Partitioning posts and parallel DC connection points. Safety standards
NB ZhT TsT 144-2003: Electrical equipment of railroad rolling stock. Safety Standards
ND 105549001-99: Methods for measuring voltage losses in the voltage circuits of electrical energy meters
OST 26-04-2153-77: Labour safety standard system. Cryogenic equipment. General safety requirements and constructions.
OST 36-100.2.03-84: Occupational safety standards system. Labour saving tools. Installation tools and devices. General safety and ergonomics requirements.
PNST 159-2016: Automatic information and measuring system of commercial accounting of electric energy. General specifications
PNST 164-2016: Electric equipment for nuclear power plants. General technical requirements
PNST 282-2018: Instrument transformers. Part 1. General specifications
POT R M-023-2002: Industry-Wide Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Gas Flame Working of Materials
POT R O 00030171: Labor protection rules during the operation of navigable hydraulic structures
POT R O-97300-06-95: Rules for labor protection in the sugar industry of the food industry
RD 153-34.0-11.209-99: Recommended Practice. Automated Electric Energy and Power Monitoring and Metering Systems. Standard Method for Measurements of Electric Energy and Power
RD 153-34.3-03.285-2002: Safety Requirements for Construction of Electric Power Transmission Lines and Electrical Installation Work
RD 26-11-87: Instructions on acoustic methods for monitoring the structure and mechanical characteristics of gray and high-strength cast irons
RD 34.11.333-97: Standard Method for Measurements of Quantity of Electrical Energy
RD 34.11.334-97: Standard Method for Measurements of Electrical Power
RD 50-363-82: D.C. measuring high-voltage dividers. Methods and means of verification
RD 50-525-84: Guidelines. Dosimetric Instruments for measuring the exposure dose and average exposure dose of pulsed photon radiation with photon energies from 8 to 480 fJ (from 50 to 3000 keV). Methods of verification
RD EO Provisions on acceptance and testing form conformity assessment for nuclear plants.
Resolution 2425: On approval of the single list of products subject to mandatory certification and the single list of products subject to declaration of conformity, amending the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2020 N 2467 and repealing certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
RMG 133-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The automated data-measuring systems for the commercial metering of electric power. Model verification procedure
RT-MP 6655-500-2019: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Automated information and measurement system for commercial metering of electricity AIIS KUE UNEG Substation 220 kV Murashi. Verification method
RT-MP 6687-500-2019: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG Substation 220 kV Nizhniy Kuranakh in terms of connecting power receivers of CJSC SAKHA GOLD MINING. Verification method
RT-MP 6694-500-2019: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Automated information and measuring system for commercial electricity metering (AIIS KUE) LLC "INVEST-ENERGO". Verification method
RT-MP 6695-500-2019: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Automated information and measuring system for commercial electricity metering (AIIS KUE) LLC "QUANT", 3rd stage. Verification method
RT-MP 6732-500-2019: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Automated information and measurement system for commercial metering of electricity AIIS KUE UNEG Substation 220 kV Omutninsk. Verification method
RT-MP 6733-500-2019: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Automated information and measurement system for commercial metering of electricity AIIS KUE UNEG Substation 220 kV Falenki. Verification method
RT-MP 6734-500-2019: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Automated information and measurement system for commercial metering of electricity AIIS KUE UNEG SS 220 kV Gornaya. Verification method
ST RK 1830-2008: Railway traction substations. Specification
ST SSFZhT TsE 134-2002: 27.5 kV AC sectioning posts for electrified railways. Typical methods of certification tests.
ST SSFZhT TsE 135-2002: 3.3 kV AC sectioning posts for electrified railways. Typical methods of certification tests.
STB 1172-99: Non-destructive testing. Control with penetrating (capillary) substances. General provisions
TU 16-674.073-86: Short circuit breakers of types KRN and KZ for voltage classes 35, 110, 150 and 220 KV
TU 34-38-20121-87: Oil inlets. General technical conditions for major repairs
VNTP 1-31-80/MChM SSSR: Instructions and norms for technological design and technical and economic indicators of the energy sector of ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Metallurgical plants. Volume 7. Electricity
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