
GOST 27751-88

ГОСТ 27751-88

Reliability of the constructions and the foundations. Principal rules of the calculations

Надежность строительных конструкций и оснований Основные положения по расчету

Status: Not effective - Canceled in the Russian Federation. The document is not included in the list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), the application of which on a mandatory basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulation on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 No. 1521)

This standard applies to building structures of different materials, the foundation of all types of buildings and structures and establishes the basic provisions for their calculation of the power effects

Настоящий стандарт распространяется на строительные конструкции из разных материалов, основания всех видов зданий, сооружений �� устанавливает основные положения по их расчету на силовые воздействия

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction, 3/25/1988

SKU: RUSS15896

Price: $71.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Documents System of normative documents in construction » 2. General technical regulatory documents » k.20 Basic provisions for reliability of building structures »

Technical Supervision » Section I. Technological, construction, energy supervision and environmental protection regarding limitation of negative anthropogenic impact » IV. Regulatory legal acts and regulations » 4. Security of capital construction objects » 4.1. Federal State Construction Supervision »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » III Quality » 2 Product quality assurance » 2.2 Quality requirements for individual product properties » 2.2.2 Ensuring wear resistance, reliability, durability of products and ergonomic indicators »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.010 Construction industry » 91.010.30 Technical aspects »

National standards » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.010 Construction industry » 91.010.30 Technical Aspects »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » Zh Construction and building materials » Zh0 General rules and regulations for construction and building materials » Zh02 Design and calculation norms »


The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 11118-2009: Autoclaved aerated concrete panels for external walls of buildings. Specifications

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GOST R 58137-2018: Automobile roads of general use. Guidelines for risk assessment during the life cycle

ID 24.2001: Organization of Design (Commentaries on Performance of Design Activity and Certain Provisions of Standards and Procedural Issues on Organization of Design)

Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems

Manual AV-22-r: Guidelines for technical diagnostics of road tunnels

Manual for MGSN 2.07-01: Inspection and monitoring during the construction and reconstruction of buildings and underground structures

MDS 11-5.99: Procedure Guidelines On The Expert Appraisal of Engineering Survey for the Feasibility Study (Projects, Draft Projects) of the Construction Units

MDS 13-22.2009: Methods of geodetic monitoring of the technical condition of high-rise buildings and unique buildings and structures

MDS 13-24.2010: Recommendations on the rules of geotechnical support of high-rise construction and adjacent space

MDS 20-1.2006: Temporary recommendations on the designation of loads and impacts acting on multifunctional high-rise buildings and complexes in Moscow

MDS 20-2.2008: Temporary recommendations for the safety of large-span structures from avalanche-like (progressive) collapse under accidental effects

MDS 21-2.2000: Fire resistance and fire safety of reinforced concrete constructions

MDS 50-1.2007: Design and construction of foundations, foundations and underground parts of multifunctional high-rise buildings and building complexes

MDS 80-16.2000: Model Forms for Contracts (Agreements) Between Customer and Designer (Surveyor) with Recommendations for their Use

MRDS 02-08: Manual on scientific and technical support and monitoring of buildings and structures under construction, including long-span, high-altitude and unique

MSN 42-01-2011: Gas distribution systems

ODM 218.2.017-2011: Guidelines Design, construction and operation of roads with low traffic

ODM 218.3.093-2017: Methodical recommendations on the use of a polyurethane binder for strengthening slopes, recesses, bulk structures, cones of bridges and overpasses

ODM 218.4.001-2009: Method for assessing the transport and operational status of mountain road tunnel crossings

ODN 218.1.021-2003: Design of Road and Highway Bridges in Seismically-Active Areas

RD 153-34.1-21.326-2001: Procedural Guidelines for Inspection of Structural Elements of Process Buildings and Structures of Thermal Power Stations. Part 1: Reinforced Concrete and Concrete Structures

RD 153-34.2-31.604-2002: Recommendations on technological issues of repair and reconstruction of the chambers of impellers of hydraulic units in order to increase their operational reliability

RD 153-39.4R-128-2002 (VSN): Engineering surveys for the construction of oil trunk pipelines

Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope

RMD 31-03-2008 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for the design of buildings of hotel enterprises, motels and campgrounds in St. Petersburg

RMD 31-04-2008 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for construction of residential and public high-rise buildings

RMD 51-25-2018 St. Petersburg: Recommendations for the design, installation and operation of facade systems for new construction, reconstruction and repair of residential and public buildings in St. Petersburg. Part II Recommendations for the operation and repair of facade systems for new construction and reconstruction of residential and public buildings in St. Petersburg

Rules on the Selection of Pressure Vessels and Equipment: Instruction on the selection of pressure vessels and devices operating under pressure of 100 kgf/cm2 and overpressure protection, Ministry of Petroleum Energy

SDOS-04-2009: Construction control. Methodology for conducting construction control during construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities

SNiP 11-02-96: Engineering surveying for construction. fundamentals

SNiP 2.01.09-91: Buildings and constructions in undermine territories and collapsible soils

SNiP 2.03.01-84: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures

SNiP 31-02-2001: Residental single-family houses

SNiP 31-05-2003: Public office buildings

SNiP 31-06-2009: Public buildings and constructions

SNiP 32-04-97: Railway and highway tunnels

SNiP 34-02-99: Underground Storage Facilities for Gas, Petroleum, and Their Products

SNiP 42-01-2002: State committee of Russian Federation for construction and residential-utility complex (GOSSTROY OF Russia)

SNiP 52-01-2003: Concrete and ferroconcrete structures. Principal rules

SNiP II-8-78: Buildings and Structures Constructed on Underworked and Subsiding Soils

SNiP II-A.14-71: Buildings and Structures Constructed on Underworked and Subsiding Soils

SNKK 22-301-99: Construction in Seismic Areas in the Krasnodar Kray

SO 153-34.20.121-2006: Standards of technological design of overhead power lines with voltage of 35 - 750 kV

SP 11-104-97: Collection of rules for engineering surveys for construction. Engineering-geodetic surveys for construction

SP 11-105-97: Engineering and geological survey for construction

SP 11-114-2004: Engineering surveys on the continental shelf for the construction offshore oil and gas installations

SP 16.13330.2011: Steel structures

SP 20.13330.2011: Loads and impacts

SP 22.13330.2011: Buildings and structures foundations

SP 24.13330.2011: Pile foundations

SP 32-105-2004: Subways

SP 33-101-2003: Determination of design hydrological performance

SP 34-106-98: Underground storage of gas, oil and refined products. To replace VSN 51-5-85

SP 35.13330.2011: Bridges and pipes. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.05.03-84

SP 50-101-2004: Design and construction of soil bases and foundations for buildings and structures

SP 50-102-2003: Design and construction of soil bases and foundations for buildings and structures

SP 52-104-2006: Steel fibre reineorced concrete structures

SP 52-105-2009: Reinforced concrete structures in cold climates and on permafrost soils. (In the development of SNiP 52-01-2003 and SNiP 2.02.04-88)

SP 52-117-2008*: Reinforced concrete spatial structures of coatings and floors. Part I. Calculation methods and design

SP 53-102-2004: General rules for steel structure design

SP 54.13330.2011: Multicompartment residential buldings

SP 55.13330.2011: Sindle-family houses

SP 64.13330.2011: Wooden structures.

ST RK 1399-2005: Motor roads. Engineering surveys for construction, reconstruction, and capital repairs. Requirements for scope of work

ST RK 1684-2007: Bridgeworks and culverts on motor roads. General designing requirements

ST RK 1858-2008: Bridgeworks and culverts on motor roads. Requirements at designing of concrete and reinforced concrete structures

STA 25.03.02-2004: Combined security system

STO-SA-03-002-2009: Rules for the design, manufacture and installation of vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and oil products

TR 161-05: Technical recommendations on the design, installation and operation of hinged facade systems

TR 50-180-06: Technical recommendations for the design and installation of pile foundations using discharge-pulse technology for high-rise buildings

TRD 11-501-2004: Procedure for preparation of the capital construction project in St. Petersburg

TSN 12-318-2003: Rules for acceptance and commissioning of completed construction projects. Amur region

TSN 13-311-01: Inspection and assessment of the technical condition of buildings and structures

TSN 22-302-2000*: Construction in seismic areas of the Krasnodar Territory

TSN 30-308-2002: Design, construction and reclamation of solid waste landfills in the Moscow region

TSN 31-332-2006: Residential and public high-rise buildings

TSN 50-302-2004: Designing the foundations of buildings and structures in St. Petersburg

TSN 50-304-2000: Foundation Beds, Foundations, and Underground Structures

TSN 50-304-2001: Basements, foundations, and underground constructions

VSN 286-90: Guidelines for the calculation of reinforced concrete chimneys

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