GOST 26887-86
ГОСТ 26887-86
Platforms and ladders for civil engineering work. Specifications
Площадки и лестницы для строительно-монтажных работ Общие технические условия
Status: Effective
This standard applies to metal platforms and stairs used in the process of construction and installation works during the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures to accommodate one or two workers directly in the work area.
Настоящий стандарт распространяется на металлические площадки и лестницы, применяемые в процессе производства строительно-монтажных работ при возведении и реконструкции зданий и сооружений для размещения одного-двух рабочих непосредственно в зоне производства работ
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Approved: Gosstroy of the USSR (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction),
SKU: RUSS15904
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The Document References:
GOST 10354-82: Polyethylene film Specifications
GOST 12.4.026-76: Signal colors and safety signs
GOST 12969-67: Plates for machines and devices. Technical requirements
GOST 14192-77: Marking of cargoes
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 166-89: Vernier callipers. Specifications
GOST 19281-89: Rolled steel with increased strength. General specifications
GOST 19282-73: Low-alloyed plate strip universal steel. Specifications
GOST 24258-88: Different types of scaffolding. General specifications
GOST 2930-62: Measuring instruments. Characters and signs
GOST 3282-74: General-purpose low-carbon steel wire. Specifications
GOST 380-94: Normal quality carbon steel
GOST 427-75: Measuring metal rules. Basic parameters and dimensions. Specifications
GOST 4784-74: Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys. Grades
GOST 5378-88: Vernier protractors. Specifications
GOST 7502-98: Measuring metal tapes. Specifications
GOST 9.032-74: Unified, system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations
GOST 9.105-80: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paints coatings. Classification and basic parameters of painting methods
TU 14-1-3023-80: Sheet metal sheet, broadband universal and shaped of carbon and low alloy steel with a guaranteed level of mechanical properties, differentiated by strength groups
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 12.2.042-2013: Occupational safety standards system. Machines and technological equipment for live-stock-raising and forage production. General safety requirements
GOST 12.2.042-91: Occupational safety standards system. Machines and technological equipment for livestock raising and forage production.
GOST 12.2.124-2013: Occupational safety standards system. Alimentary product equipment. General safety requirements
GOST 12.2.124-90: The food industry equipment
GOST 12.2.133-94: Operation safety standard system. Vacuum fluid circular compressors and pumps. Safety requirements
GOST 12.3.003-86: Occupational safety standards system Electric welding works. Safety requirements
GOST 12.3.026-81: Occupational safety standards system. Forge-pressing. Safety requirements
GOST 12.3.035-84: Construction. Painting. Safety requirements
GOST 12.4.009-83: Fire-fighting equipment for protection of units. Basic types. Location and maintenance
GOST 17108-86: Positive-displacement hydraulic drive and lubricating systems. Methods of parameters measurement
GOST 20073-81: General-purpose stationary air piston compressors. Acceptance rules and methods of tests
GOST 23886-91: Cadmium sheets and plates. Specifications
GOST 27321-2018: Demountable tubular scaffold for constructional works. Specifications
GOST 27321-87: Demountable tubular scaffold for construction works. Specification.
GOST 27819-88: Fresh apples. Cold storage
GOST 28012-89: Demountable travelling stage. Specifications
GOST 28347-89: Rolling scaffold with movable working place. Specifications
GOST 31528-2012: Machines and equipment for munufacturing of sugar. Safety requirements
GOST 31529-2012: Machinery and equipment for bread baking industry. Safety requirements
GOST 33738-2016: Agricultural and forestry machinery with electric drive. General safety requirements
GOST 34058-2017: Internal buildings and structures utilities. Mounting and start-up adaptive control of air-conditioning evaporative and condensing units. General technical requirements
GOST 34378-2018: Translucent enclosing structures. Windows and doors. Installation work execution, check and demands for results of works
GOST R 12.3.049-2017: Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Works at height. Terms and definitions
GOST R 12.3.050-2017: Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Works at height. Safety regulations
GOST R 50612-93: Machines and equipment for manufacturing of sugar. Safety requirements
GOST R 50620-93: Machinery and equipment for bread baking industry. Safety requirements
GOST R 53055-2008: Agricultural and forestry machinery with the electric drive. General safety requirements
GOST R 54317-2011: Launching and technical complexes of space-rocket complexes. Safety requirements
GOST R 58623-2019: The main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Vertical cylindrical steel tanks. Technical Operation Rules
GOST R ISO 14122-1-2009: Safety of machinery - permanent means of access to machinery. Part 1. Choice of fixed means of access between two levels
Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems
MDS 12-11.2002: Procedures Manual for SNIP 12-03-2001 "Occupational Safety and Health in Construction. Part 1: General Requirements" for Occupational Safety and Health Training and Testing of Supervisors and Specialists in Construction
MDS 12-16.2003: Recommended Practice for the Development of Local Regulations (Proprietary Standards) for Use in an Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems in a Construction Organization
MDS 12-22.2005: Recommendations for the application in the construction industry of the requirements of regulatory legal and other regulatory acts containing state regulatory labor protection requirements
MDS 12-25.2006: Scaffolding. Installation, calculation, and operation
MDS 12-40.2008: Recommendations for the preparation of a project for the installation of scaffolding
MDS 12-57.2010: Installation of scaffolding on high-rise buildings. Project of work production
MDS 12-58.2011: Scaffolding. Manufacturing, installation, operation
OST 26-04-2153-77: Labour safety standard system. Cryogenic equipment. General safety requirements and constructions.
OST 45.091.350-91: Occupational safety standards system. Metal masts and towers of radio enterprises. General safety requirements
PB: Safety regulations and industrial sanitation for loading and unloading operations on railway transport
PB: Safety regulations and industrial sanitation for the repair and maintenance of railway tracks and structures
PB 03-428-02: Safety Requirements for Construction of Underground Structures
POT R M-003-97: Intersectoral rules on labor protection when performing forging and pressing
POT R M-010-2000: Intersectoral labor protection rules in the production of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials and products
POT R M-012-2000: Industry-Wide Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Work at Heights
POT R M-013-2000: Industry-Wide Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Chemical Cleaning and Washing
POT R M-014-2000: Intersectoral Occupational Safety Rules
POT R M-026-2003: Intersectoral rules on labor protection during the operation of gas facilities of organizations
POT R O 29-001-93: Labor protection regulations for printing companies
POT R O 97300-12-97: Labor protection regulations in the beer and non-alcoholic food industry
POT R O-001-2002: Rules on labor protection for printing organizations
POT R O-112-001-95: Rules for labor protection during the operation of oil depots and gas stations
POT R O-112-002-98: Rules for labor protection during the operation of trunk oil pipelines
POT R O-29-002-94: Occupational Safety Rules for Publishers
POT R O-29-003-95: Occupational Safety Rules for Bookstores
POT R O-97300-016-98: Rules on labor protection. Beekeeping
POT R O-97300-03-95: Occupational Health and Safety Rules
POT R O-97300-05-95: Rules for labor protection in food concentrate and vegetable drying industries of the food industry
POT R O-97300-06-95: Rules for labor protection in the sugar industry of the food industry
POT R O-97300-07-95: Rules for labor protection in the production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages
POT R O-97300-08-96: Rules on labor protection in animal husbandry. Pig breeding
POT R O-97300-13-97: Occupational Safety and Health Requirements in Poultry Farming
POT R O-97300-14-97: Rules on labor protection in animal husbandry. Fur farming
POT RO-13153-TsM-933-03: Industry rules for labor protection in the economy of freight and commercial work on the federal railway transport
RD 03-410-01: Instructions on the procedure of comprehensive engineering certification of cryogenic tanks for liquefied gases
RD 11-06-2007: Guidelines on development procedure for work execution program and schedule for hoisting machines and loading-unloading operations process chart.
RD 153-34.0-02.308-98: Method for Verification Tests of Ash Collection Units of Thermal Power Stations and Boiler Plants
RD 153-34.0-20.608-2003: Guidelines. Project work for the repair of power equipment power plants. Requirements for the composition, content and design
RD 153-34.1-27.301-2001: Test methods for ash collecting plants of thermal power plants and boilers
RD 153-34.3-03.285-2002: Safety Requirements for Construction of Electric Power Transmission Lines and Electrical Installation Work
RD 153-39.4-078-01: Operation Requirements for Tanks on Trunk Petroleum Product Pipelines and at Petroleum Depots
RD 31.1.02-04: Rules of technical operation of lifting and transport equipment of sea trading ports
RD 34.03.201-97: Safety Code for the Operation of the Thermo mechanical Equipment of Electric Power Stations and Heat Networks.
RD 34.22.507-90: Typical instruction on operation of sprinkling machines
RD EO 0069-97: Rules for the organization of maintenance and repair of systems and equipment of nuclear power plants
Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
R-SSK 05-2016: Recommendations on the procedure, rules for the development, coordination and approval of work projects using lifting structures
SNiP 12-03-2001: Labor safety in construction industry
SP 12-133-2000: Safety in construction. Statutes on the procedure for certification of work stations by working conditions in construction and housing and utilities.
SP 70.13330.2012: Bearing and enclosing structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 3.03.01-87
SP 86.13330.2014: Main (Trunk) pipelines
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