


Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Classification of water bodies

Охрана природы. Гидросфера. Классификация водных объектов

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. The limitation of the effectiveness period has been lifted: Decree of the State Standard No. 99 dated 01.26.88

The standard applies to water bodies of a single state water fund and establishes a classification of water bodies by categories and classes, reflecting their physiographic, regime, and morphometric characteristics. The standard does not include hydrochemical, hydrobiological, bacteriological indicators of water quality, which are taken into account when classifying waters of a particular type of water use.

Стандарт распространяется на водные объекты единого государственного водного фонда и устанавливает классификацию водных объектов по категориям и классам, отражающим их физико-географические, режимные и морфометрические особенности. Стандарт не включает гидрохимические, гидробиологические, бактериологические показатели качества вод, учитываемые при классификации вод конкретного вида водопользования.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR, 2/4/1977

SKU: RUSS15967

Price: $381.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 13 Environmental protection, protection of people from environmental exposure. Security »

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » II Ensuring environmental safety » 2 Protection and protection of surface water bodies » 2.4 Requirements for protection of surface water bodies in implementation of activities » 2.4.1 General requirements for protection and protection of surface water bodies »



ISO classifier » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.060 Water quality » 13.060.01 General water quality »

National standards » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.060 Water quality » 13.060.01 General water quality »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » T General technical and organizational and methodological standards » T5 Documentation System » T58 System of standards infield of nature conservation and improvement of use of natural resources, labor safety, scientific organization of labor »

National Standards for OKSTU » SYSTEMS OF GENERAL TECHNICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL STANDARDS » System of standards in the field of nature protection and improvement of natural resources use »

The Document References:

GOST System of standards in nature protection and improving utilization of nature resources. General provisions.

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Utilization of water and water protection. Basic terms and definitions

GOST 18451-73: Oceanology. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions

GOST 18452-73: Oceanology. Sea level. Terms and definitions

GOST 18453-73: Oceanology. Tidal phenomena in the World Ocean. Terms and definitions

GOST 18455-73: Oceanology. Wind waves and ripple. Terms and definitions

GOST 18456-73: Oceanology. Chemistry of Sea. Terms and definitions

GOST 18457-73: Oceanology. Estuary areas of rivers flowing into the sea. Terms and definitions

GOST 18458-73: Oceanology. Instruments and technical means. Terms and definitions

GOST 18458-84: Instruments, equipment and vessels of observations in seas and oceans. Terms and definitions

GOST 19179-73: Hydrology of land. Terms and definitions

GOST 19185-73: Hydraulic engineering. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions

GOST 26463-85: Glaciers. Terms and definitions

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Indices of state and regulations for valuation survey for fishery waters

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Procedures for quality control of water in reservoirs and stream flows

GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. General rules for water pollution protection over well drilling and oil and gas extracting on land

GOST R 57567-2017: Water quality. Identification of the hydromorphological features of rivers

GOST R 58329-2018: Rules for the operation of main condensate pipelines and product pipelines

Manual for SNiP 1.02.01-85: Manual on the compilation of the section of the project (working draft) "Environmental Protection"

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: Guide to SNiP 11-01-95 on the development of the section of project documentation "Environmental Protection"

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: The manual on the initial requirements for the development of design documentation for equipment of individual production (to SNiP 11-01-95)

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: A collection of explanations of certain provisions and the contents of paragraphs of the Instructions on the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and preparation of project documents for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures of SNiP 11-01-95 (Questions and Answers)

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: A guide to SNiP 11-01-95 on the development of a section of project documentation "Organization and working conditions of workers. Production and enterprise management"

ONTP 10-85: All-Union norms of technological design of production for the manufacture of products from metal powders based on iron and copper

OST 34-70-656-84: Nature preservation. Hydrosphere. Water consumption and water disposal in heat and power engineering. Main Terms and definitions.

PB 08-83-95: Requirements for the Organization and Safe Operation of Underground Storage Facilities for Natural Gas in Salt Deposits

R 52.24.309-2004: Organizing and secure monitoring of surface water pollution on Federal Hydrometereology and Environmental Monitoring Service web

R 52.24.353-2012: Sampling of surface water land and treated wastewater

R 52.24.713-2008: Methodology for calculating the indicator of compliance with standard volumes of work on monitoring pollution of surface land water

RD 153-34.0-02.405-99: Methodical instructions about restrictions towards disposals of pollutants together with sewage of heat power plants

RD 153-39.4-075-01: Rules of maintenance overhaul of oil-trunk pipeline at waterway, railway and category I-IV highway crossings.

RD Standards for technological design of seaports. Section 18. Environmental Protection

RD 34.02.401: Method for Development of Standards for Water Consumption and Water Disposal at Thermal Energy Facilities

RD 39-0148052-537-87: Model of a Working Design for Construction of Oil and Gas Wells

RD 39-133-94: Instructions for protecting the environment during onshore oil and gas well construction

RD 51-1-96: Instruction on protection of environment during construction of onshore wells at fields containing multicomponent hydrocarbons, including hydrosulphuric hydrocarbons.

RD 52.18.833-2015: The procedure for conducting observations and assessing the state of surface water bodies to determine the impact of industrial facilities and industries of hazard class I

RD 52.18.834-2015: Observational procedure in background control sections for determining and evaluating state of surface water bodies and impact of industrial facilities and plants of hazard class I

RD 52.24.309-2011: Organization and conduct of regime monitoring of the state and pollution of surface land waters

RD 52.24.309-2016: Organization and conduct of regime observations of the state and pollution of surface land waters

RD 52.24.622-2001: Guidelines. Calculation of background concentrations of chemicals in water streams

RD 52.24.622-2017: Procedure for calculating reference background concentrations of chemicals in water of water bodies in order to establish allowable waste water discharge standards

RD 52.24.622-2019: The procedure for calculating the conditional background concentrations of chemicals in the water of water bodies to establish standards for permissible wastewater discharges

RD 52.24.634-2002: Guidelines. Refinement of the location of the sections (points) of observations and sampling modes based on the use of tracer methods for studying the hydrodynamic characteristics of water bodies

RD 52.24.635-2002: Guidelines. Observation of toxic pollution of bottom sediments in freshwater ecosystems based on biotesting. Hydrochemical Institute (GHI)

SP 482.1325800.2020: Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys for construction. General rules for the production of work

VRD 39-1.13-057-2002: Work Management Procedure for Environmental Protection During Well Construction

VSN 51.2-84: Engineering Survey on Continental Shelf

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