NB ZhT TsT 01-98
НБ ЖТ ЦТ 01-98
Diesel train Safety Standards Change №1
Дизель-поезда. Нормы безопасности Изменение №1
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time
Safety standards apply to diesel trains and are used for certification in the certification system established by the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.
Нормы безопасности распространяются на дизель-поезда и применяются при проведении сертификации в системе сертификации, созданной федеральным органом исполнительной власти в области железнодорожного транспорта
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: Ministry of Railways of Russia,
SKU: RUSS161063
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
PromExpert »
III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes »
2 Safety requirements for certain types of work »
2.9 Operation of vehicles »
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.14 Testing and monitoring of vehicles and equipment »
4.14.3 Railway and tram locomotives, rail rolling stock »
PromExpert »
IV Conformity assessment of products and services »
2 Declaration of conformity and certification of products and services »
ISO classifier »
45.060 Rolling stock of railways »
45.060.01 Rolling stock of railways in general »
The Document References:
GN Maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) of pollutants in the air of residential areas
GOST 10150-88: Marine, diesel locomotive and industrial diesel engines
GOST 10448-80: Marine, locomotive and industrial engines. Acceptance. Test methods
GOST 11677-85: Power transformers
GOST 11828-86: Rotating electrical machines. General test methods
GOST 11928-83: Automated diesels and gas engines systems of alarm-and-warning signaling and protection
GOST 12.1.003-83: Noise. General safety requirements
GOST 12.1.006-84: Occupational safety standards system. Electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies. Permissible levels at work-places and requirements for control
GOST 12.1.010-76: Explosion safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.030-81: Electrical safety protective grounding, neutral grounding
GOST 12.1.044-89: Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indices and methods of their determination
GOST 12.2.056-81: Occupational safety standards system. Electric and diesel locomotives for 1520 mm gauge. Safety requirements
GOST 1452-2003: Screw cylindrical springs for trucks and draw-and-buffer gears of railway rolling stock. Specifications
GOST 166-89: Vernier callipers. Specifications
GOST 18142.1-85: Semiconductor power rectifiers of 5 plus kw capacity
GOST 18855-94: Rolling bearings. Dinamic load ratings and rating life
GOST 20.57.406-81: Electrical equipment, devices for electronic technology and quantum electronics
GOST 21447-75: Coupler contour line. Dimensions
GOST 22339-88: Shunters and industrial diesel locomotives. Types and main parameters
GOST 22602-91: Main-line diesel locomotives. Types and main parameters
GOST 22756-77: Power and voltage transformers and reactors. Test methods of electric insulation strength
GOST 23286-78: Cables, wires and cords. Standards for insulation and sheath thickness and voltage tests
GOST 24505-80: Numerical control units. Symbols for control panels
GOST 24940-96: Buildings and structures. Methods of measuring luminance
GOST 25463-2001: Main-line diesel locomotives for 1520 mm gauge. General technical requirements
GOST 2582-81: Electric rotatory traction machines
GOST 26445-85: Insulated power wires
GOST 26567-85: Semiconductor energy converters. Test methods
GOST 26824-86: Buildings and structures. Methods for measuring the luminance
GOST 26918-86: Noise. Noise-measuring techniques for railway transport
GOST 28465-90: Cleaning devices of the driver's cab windscreens of tractive rolling stock. General specifications
GOST 28466-90: Horns and signal whistles. General specifications
GOST 29076-91: Marine, locomotive and industrial diesel engines. Requirement to fire protection
GOST 29205-91: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means. Man-made noise from electrical transport. Limits and test methods
GOST 2933-83: Low-voltage electrical apparatus. Methods of tests
GOST 2990-78: Cables, wires and cords
GOST 30247.1-94: Elements of building constructions. Fire-resistance test methods. Load bearing and separating constructions
GOST 3345-76: Cables and insulated conductors. Method for the determination of the electric resistance of insulation
GOST 3484.2-88: Power transformers. Heating tests
GOST 3484.3-88: Power transformers. Measuring methods of dielectric parameters of insulation
GOST 427-75: Measuring metal rules. Basic parameters and dimensions. Specifications
GOST 7502-98: Measuring metal tapes. Specifications
GOST 9219-88: Traction electrical devices
GOST 9238-83: Construction and rolling stock clearance diagrams for the USSR railways of 1520 (1524) mm gauge.
GOST R 50602-93: Wheelchairs. Maximum overall dimensions
GOST R 50603-93: Wheelchairs. Type classification based on appearance characteristics
GOST R 50605-93: Wheelchairs. Methods of determination of overall dimensions, mass, minimum turning radius and minimum turn-around width
GOST R 50810-95: Fire hazard of textiles. Decorative textiles. Flammability test method and classification
GOST R 50951-96: Outside noise emitted by the main. Line and shunting diesel locomotives. Measuring rates and methods
GOST R 50952-96: Diesel locomotives. Ecological requirements. General
GOST R 50953-96: Emission of the exhaust gas pollutants by the main line and shunting diesel locomotives. Norms and determination methods
GOST R 50957-96: Diesel cars. Specifications for caring of invalids
GOST R 51317.6.4-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Emission from technical equipment intended for use in industry environments. Limits and test methods
GOST R 51320-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Man-made radio disturbance. Test methods for technical equipment which are man-made radio disturbance sources
NB ZhT TsL 111-2003: Passenger cars and motorwagon rolling stock. Passenger seat. Safety standards
NB ZhT TsT-TsP 053-2001: Locomotives, motor-car and special self-propelled rolling stock of railways driver's chair. Requirements to certification.
NPB 248-97*: Cables and wires are electric. Fire hazard indicators. Test methods
NPB 252-98: Heat-generating appliance, using various kinds of fuel. Fire safety requirements. Test methods.
OST 24.050.28-81: Passenger cars. Methods of measurement and evaluation of vibration
SP 2.5.1198-03: Sanitary regulations for the organization of passenger transportation by rail
ST SSFZhT TsT 019-99: Locomotives and rolling stock rolling stock of federal and industrial railway transport. Typical test methods for determining the levels: sound and sound pressure, external noise (sound) and vibration (mean square values of vibration accelerations)
ST SSFZhT TsT 16-98: Traction rolling stock. Typical methods of dynamic strength tests of electric trains and diesel trains
ST SSFZhT TsUO 082-2000: Rolling stock and special railway rolling stock fire detection and fire extinguishing sys-tems. Standard test methods
ST SSFZhT TsUO 105-2000: Traction rolling stock. Experimental determination and calculation of the concentration of hydrogen in the battery boxes of the rolling stock. Typical test methods for explosion proof.
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