ODM 218.3.042-2014
ОДМ 218.3.042-2014
Recommendations for determining the parameters and assignment of categories of defects in assessing the technical condition of bridges on highways
Рекомендации по определению параметров и назначений категорий дефектов при оценке технического состояния мостовых сооружений на автомобильных дорогах
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time
The document is an advisory act in the road sector, containing a catalog of defects and technical recommendations for assigning defect parameters, assessing their development, maintainability and impact on operational safety, reliability (carrying capacity) and durability when performing surveys and assessing the technical condition of bridge structures on automobile roads. The document is used in the inspection of any type of bridge structures on federal highways at various stages of the life cycle - newly built, operated, after the completion of repairs, major repairs and reconstruction. The document is also recommended to be used when inspecting buildings and on other public roads (for municipal buildings, etc.). The recommendations are addressed to specialized survey organizations, as well as structural divisions of Rosavtodor, federal departments of highways, highways management, interregional directorates for the construction of federal roads, territorial road management authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in organizing and accepting survey works in accordance with the rules for applying documents technical regulation in the field of road owner Properties.
Документ является актом рекомендательного характера в дорожном хозяйстве, содержащим каталог дефектов и технические рекомендации по назначению параметров дефектов, оценке степени их развития, ремонтопригодности и степени влияния на безопасность эксплуатации, безотказность (грузоподъемность) и долговечность при выполнении обследования и оценке технического состояния мостовых сооружений на автомобильных дорогах. Документ применяется при обследовании любых типов мостовых сооружений на федеральных автомобильных дорогах на различных этапах жизненного цикла - вновь построенных, эксплуатируемых, после выполнения ремонта, капитального ремонта и реконструкции. документ рекомендуется использовать также при обследовании сооружений и на других дорогах общего пользования (для муниципальных сооружений и др.). Рекомендации адресованы специализированным обследовательским организациям, а также структурным подразделениям Росавтодора, федеральным управлениям автомобильных дорог, управлением автомобильных магистралей, межрегиональным дирекциям по строительству автомобильных дорог федерального значения, территориальным органам управления дорожным хозяйством субъектов Российской Федерации при организации и приемке обследовательских работ в соответствии с правилами применения документов технического регулирования в сфере дорожного хозяйства.
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Approved: Federal Road Agency Rosavtodor,
SKU: RUSS161486
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93.080 Road construction »
93.080.01 Road construction in general »
The Document References:
Code 190-FZ: Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation
Federal Law 196-FZ: Traffic Safety
GOST 14782-86: Nondestructive testing. Welded joints. Ultrasonic methods
GOST 15140-78: Paintwork materials. Methods for determination of adhesion
GOST 15467-79: Product quality control. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions
GOST 16504-81: The state system of testing products. Product test and quality inspection. General terms and definitions
GOST 17624-2012: Concrete. Ultrasonic method of strength determination
GOST 20911-89: Technical diagnostics. Terms and definitions
GOST 21778-81: System of ensuring of geometrical parameters accuracy in construction. Main principles
GOST 21780-2006: System of ensuring the accuracy of geometrical parameters in construction. Accuracy calculation
GOST 22690-88: Concretes. Determination of strength by mechanical methods of nondestructive testing
GOST 22904-93: Reinforced concrete structures. Magnetic method for determining the thickness of the protective layer of concrete and the location of reinforcement
GOST 23615-79: System of ensuring accuracy of geometrical parameters in construction. Statistical analysis of accuracy
GOST 26433.0-85: System of ensuring geometrical parameters accuracy in construction. Rules of measurement. General
GOST 26433.2-94: System of ensuring geometric parameters accuracy in building. Rules for measuring parameters of buildings and works
GOST 26607-85: System of ensuring of geometrical parameters accuracy in construction. Functional tolerances
GOST 26775-97: Clearances of navigable bridge spans in the inland waterways. Norms and technical requirements
GOST 31937-2011: Buildings and constructions. Rules of inspection and of the technical condition
GOST 8.009-84: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Standardized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments
GOST 8.050-73: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Reference conditions for linear and angular measurements
GOST 8.051-73: The State Measurement System. Errors allowed when measuring linear dimensions from 1 to 500 mm
GOST 8.207-76: Direct measurements with multiple observations. Observation data processing methods
GOST 8.326-89: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological certification measuring instruments
GOST 8.549-86: The state system of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Permissible errors of measurement of linear dimensions to 500 mm with non-specified tolerances
GOST R 27.002-2009: Dependability in technics. Terms and definitions
GOST R 50597-93: Automobile roads and streets. The requirements to the level of maintenance. Satisfied the traffic safety
GOST R 52289-2004: Traffic control devices. Rules of application of traffic signs, markings, traffic lights, guardrails and delineators
GOST R 52398-2005: Classification of automobile roads. General parameters and requirements
GOST R 52399-2005: Geometric elements of automobile roads
GOST R 52606-2006: Traffic control devices. Classification of barriers
GOST R 52607-2006: Traffic control devices. Roadside barriers. General technical requirements
GOST R 52748-2007: Automobile roads of the general use. Standard loads, loading systems and clearance approaches
GOST R 54257-2010: Reliability of the constructions and foundations. Basic principles and requirements
GOST R 8.563-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedures of measurements
ODM 218.1.001-2010: Recommendations for the development and application of technical regulation documents in the field of road facilities
ODM 218.2.012-2011: Classification of structural elements of artificial road structures
ODM 218.2.044-2014: Recommendations for the performance of instrument and instrumental measurements in assessing the technical condition of bridge structures on highways
ODM 218.3.014-2011: Evaluation method for technical condition of bridges and automobile roads.
ODM 218.4.001-2008: Guidelines for the organization of inspection and testing of bridge structures on highways
ODM 218.4.002-2009: Recommendations for protection against corrosion of structures used on the roads of the Russian Federation bridges, fences and road signs
ODN 218.017-2003: Guide to Assessment of Transport Operational Condition of Bridge Structures
SNiP 3.01.03-84: Survey operations in construction
SNiP 3.06.04-91: Bridges and pipes
SNiP 3.06.07-86: Bridges and Pipes. Rules for Inspection and Testing
SP 126.13330.2012: Survey operations in construction
SP 35.13330.2011: Bridges and pipes. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.05.03-84
SP 46.13330.2012: Bridges and pipes
SP 79.13330.2012: Bridges and culverts. Rules of examination and test
The Document is Referenced By:
ODM 218.2.070-2016: Guidelines for the design, installation and maintenance of seismic protective devices of bridges on highways
ODM 218.2.090-2017: Guidelines for the use of tubular welded grooves in the construction of roads
ODM 218.2.093-2019: Guidelines for assessing the technical condition and confirming the effectiveness of the use of structures made of polymer composite materials on roads
ODM 218.3.062-2019: The use of robotic telediagnostic systems for the inspection of culverts and drainage structures on roads
ODM 218.5.009-2008: Technology for magnetic diagnostics of prestressed reinforcement and assessment of the technical condition of reinforced concrete beams of bridge structures
ODM 218.6.030-2017: Recommendations for establishing and warranty periods and service life of structural elements of bridge structures
SP 79.13330.2012: Bridges and culverts. Rules of examination and test
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