All-Union Norms of Technological Design of Nonmetallic Building Materials Enterprises
Общесоюзные нормы технологического проектирования предприятий нерудных строительных материалов
Status: Not defined by law
The standards set requirements for the design of technological processes for the extraction of raw materials at a quarry and the production of finished products at the plant, which are part of non-metallic building materials enterprises with both excavator and hydro-mechanized field development methods. TSOs are intended for the development of model projects and their binding, individual construction projects, projects for the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises of the non-metallic building materials industry.
Нормы устанавливают требования к проектированию технологических процессов добычи сырья на карьере и производства готовой продукции на заводе, входящих в состав предприятий нерудных строительных материалов как с экскаваторным, так и с гидромеханизированным способом разработки месторождений. ОНТП предназначаются для разработки типовых проектов и их привязки, индивидуальных проектов строительства, проектов расширения, реконструкции и технического перевооружения предприятий промышленности нерудных строительных материалов.
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Approved: Ministry of building materials industry of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS161597
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
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Design and construction of facilities of other ministries »
The Document References:
GOST 1033-79: Fatty cup grease. Specifications
GOST 12.1.003-83: Noise. General safety requirements
GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air
GOST 12375-70: Single-rotor crushers for coarse grinding
GOST 1320-74: Tin and lead babbits. Specifications
GOST 1957-73: Constaline grease. Specifications
GOST 20458-89: Grease Torsiol-55. Specifications
GOST 20799-75: Industrial oils. Specifications
GOST 20-85: Rubber-fabric conveyor belts
GOST 23510-79: UNIOL-2 Grease. Specifications
GOST 23845-86: Hard rocks for crushed stone production for construction. Technical requirements and test methods
GOST 24100-80: Raw materials for crushed gravel, gravel and sand for construction. Technical requirements and test methods
GOST 25137-82: Nonmetallic building materials, solid broken stone and sand made from industrial waste, porous aggregates for concrete
GOST 3333-80: Graphite lubricant
GOST 3640-79: Zinc. Specifications
GOST 8267-93: Crushed stone and gravel of solid rocks for construction works. Specifications
GOST 8268-82: Gravel for construction work
GOST 8736-85: Sand for construction work. Technical requirements
GOST 8736-93: Sand for construction works. Specifications
GOST 8773-73: Grease ЦИАТИМ-203. Specifications
SN 202-81: Instructions on the composition, procedure for the development, coordination and approval of projects and estimates for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures
SN 245-71: Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises
SNiP 2.01.01-82: Construction climatology and geophysics
SNiP II-4-79: Natural and artificial lighting
SNiP IV-2-82: Price lists for the construction of buildings and structures for intersectoral purposes
The Document is Referenced By:
RD 107.21.001-88: Order of equipment layout drawing development.
SP 407.1325800.2018: Excavation. Rules for the performance of work by hydromechanization
VNTP 06-91: Departmental norms for the technological design of cement plants
VSN 182-91: Standards for Road Construction Material Surveying and the Design and Development of Near-Road Quarries for Road and Highway Construction
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