GOST 22950-95
ГОСТ 22950-95
Mineral wool slabs of higher rigidity on synthetic bond. Specifications
Плиты минераловатные повышенной жесткости на синтетическом связующем. Технические условия
Status: Effective
The standard applies to mineral wool boards of increased rigidity on a synthetic binder with water-repellent additives, made of hydromass using wet forming technology, and mineral wool boards of increased rigidity of a corrugated structure on a synthetic binder, manufactured using dry molding.
Стандарт распространяется на плиты минераловатные повышенной жесткости на синтетическом связующем с гидрофобизирующими добавками, изготовленные из гидромассы по технологии мокрогоформования, и плиты минераловатные повышенной жесткости гофрированной структуры на синтетическом связующем, изготовленные по технологии сухого формования.
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Approved: Ministry of Construction of Russia,
SKU: RUSS16176
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K.64 Heat-insulating, sound-insulating and sound-absorbing materials »
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II Industrial sanitation and occupational health »
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91.100.60 Heat and sound insulating materials »
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91.100 Building Materials »
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Zh Construction and building materials »
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As a Replacement Of:
GOST 22950-78: Mineral wool slads of higher rigidity on synthetic binder. Technical requirements
The Document References:
GOST 10354-82: Polyethylene film Specifications
GOST 12.4.028-76: Respirators шб-1 "lepestok"
GOST 13843-78: Rod aluminium wire. Technical conditions
GOST 14192-77: Marking of cargoes
GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking
GOST 15846-79: Products for transportation to the areas of the far north and remote regions
GOST 17177-94: Thermal insulating materials and products for building application. Test methods.
GOST 18051-83: Wooden containers for heat-insulating materials and products
GOST 20477-86: Polyethylene tape with adhesive layer. Specifications
GOST 21391-84: Means for the palletization. Terms and definitions
GOST 2228-81: Paper for bags
GOST 24597-81: Unitized tared and piece goods cargoes. Main parameters and dimensions
GOST 25336-82: Laboratory glassware and equipment. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 25880-83: Heat insulating construction materials and products. Packing, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 25951-83: Thermoshrinking polyethylene film. Specifications
GOST 26281-84: Heat-insulating construction materials and products. Acceptance rules
GOST 26381-84: Disposable flat pallets general specifications
GOST 30244-94: Building materials. Methods for combustibility test
GOST 30256-94: Building materials and products. The method of the thermal conductivity determination by a cylindrical probe
GOST 30290-94: Building materials and products. Surface converter method of thermal conductivity determination
GOST 3282-74: General-purpose low-carbon steel wire. Specifications
GOST 3560-73: Sealing tepe
GOST 4640-93: Mineral wool. Specifications
GOST 503-81: Cold-rolled low-carbon steel strip. Specifications
GOST 515-77: Bitumized and tarred packaging paper
GOST 6009-74: Hot-rolled steel strip. Specifications
GOST 7076-87: Building materials and products. Method of thermal conductivity determination
GOST 7076-99: Building materials and products. Method of determination of steady-state thermal conductivity and thermal resistance
GOST 9078-84: Flat pallets
GOST 9570-84: Box and post pallets
The Document is Referenced By:
GJeSN 81-02-28-2001: State estimated standards. State elementary estimate norms for construction and special construction work. Part 28. Railways (as amended by orders of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated January 30, 2014 N 31 / pr, dated October 17, 2014 N 634 / pr, dated November 12, 2014 N 703 / pr)
GOST 11024-2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete panels for external walls of residential and civil buildings. General specifications
GOST 11024-84: Concrete and reinforced concrete panels for external walls of residential and civil buildings. General specifications
GOST 31310-2005: Wall three-layer reinforced concrete panels with energy-efficient insulation. General specifications
GOST 31310-2015: Wall three-layer reinforced concrete panels with energy-efficient insulation. General specifications
ONTP 444-86: National Engineering Design Standards for Facilities for the Production of Mineral Wool Products and Building Components
Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
SP 23-101-2000: Design of thermal performance of buildings
SP 23-101-2004: Design of thermal protection of buildings
SP 434.1325800.2018: Polystyrene concrete enclosures. Design rules
TSN 23-318-2000: Thermal protection of buildings. Republic of Bashkortostan
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