GOST 30247.1-94
ГОСТ 30247.1-94
Elements of building constructions. Fire-resistance test methods. Load bearing and separating constructions
Конструкции строительные. Методы испытаний на огнестойкость. Несущие и ограждающие конструкции
Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 12-1995
The standard is used for: - supporting, self-supporting and curtain walls and partitions without openings; - coatings and ceilings without openings with suspended ceilings (when used to increase the fire resistance of the structure) or without them; - columns and pillars; - beams, girders, elements of arches, trusses and frames, as well as other supporting and enclosing structures. When establishing fire resistance limits of structures in order to determine the possibility of their use in accordance with the fire safety requirements of regulatory documents (including certification), the methods established by the standard should be applied.
Стандарт применяют для: - несущих, самонесущих и навесных стен и перегородок без проемов; - покрытий и перекрытий без проемов с подвесными потолками (при применении их для повышения предела огнестойкости конструкции) или без них; - колонн и столбов; - балок, ригелей, элементов арок, ферм и рам, а также других несущих и ограждающих конструкций. При установлении пределов огнестойкости конструкций в целях определения возможности их применения в соответствии с противопожарными требованиями нормативных документов (в том числе при сертификации) следует применять методы, установленные стандартом.
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Approved: Ministry of Construction of Russia,
SKU: RUSS16532
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
2. General technical regulatory documents »
K.21 Fire safety »
Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) »
001/2011 TR TS. On safety of railway rolling stock »
Regulations and standards (to TR CU 001/2011) »
Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) »
003/2011 TR TS. On safety of railway infrastructure »
Regulations and standards (for TR CU 003/2011) »
PromExpert »
IV Fire safety »
2 Fire and explosion safety of substances, materials and products »
ISO classifier »
13.220 Fire protection »
13.220.50 Fire resistance of building materials and elements »
National standards »
13.220 Fire protection »
13.220.50 Fire resistance of building materials and elements »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
Zh Construction and building materials »
Zh3 Building structures and parts »
Zh39 Test methods. Packaging. Marking »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »
As a Replacement Of:
ST SEV 1000-78: Fire safety standards for building design. Fire Test Method for Building Structures
ST SEV 1000-88: Fire Safety in Construction. Building Components. Test Method for Fireresistance
ST SEV 5062-85: Fire safety in construction. Fire resistance of structures. Technical requirements for furnaces
The Document References:
GOST 30247.0-94: Elements of building constructions. Fire-resistance test methods. General requirements
ST SEV 383-87: Fire safety in construction. Terms and Definitions
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 12767-2016: Reinforced concrete solid slabs for floors in lange-panel buildings. General specifications
GOST 12767-94: Reinforced concrete solid slabs for floors in lange-panel buildings. General specifications
GOST 13015-2003: Concrete and reinforced concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 13015-2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 25098-2016: Reinforced concrete panels for partitions in industrial and agricultural buildings. Specifications
GOST 26992-2016: Reinforced purloins for roofing in industrial and agricultural buildings. Specifications
GOST 27108-2016: Frame structures of reinforced concrete, prefabricated for multi-stored buildings with beams. Specification
GOST 28737-2016: Reinforced concrete foundation beams for buildings walls of industrial and agricultural enterprises. Specifications
GOST 30247.2-97: Elements of building constructions fire resistance test method doors and gates
GOST 30247.3-2002: Building structures. Fire-resistance tests methods. Elevator shaft doors
GOST 30247.4-2022: Building structures. Translucent enclosing structures and filling of openings. Test method for fire resistance
GOST 30826-2001: Laminated glass for building. Specifications
GOST 31666-2014: Diesel-multiple unit train. General technical requirements
GOST 32488-2013: Exterior wall panels of claydite-concrete for residential and public buildings. Specificatiоns
GOST 32603-2012: Three-layered metal panels with mineral wool insulation. Specifications
GOST 33000-2014: Glass and glass products. Fire resistance test method
GOST 33119-2014: Polymer composites constructions for foot-bridges. Specifications
GOST 34394-2018: Locomotive and motor rolling stock. Requirements of fire safety
GOST 34720-2021: Fire dampers of ventilation systems. Test method for fire resistance
GOST 34805-2021: Passenger cars of locomotive traction. Fire safety requirements. Test methods for assessing the fire hazardous properties of non-metallic materials
GOST 7481-2013: Armoured glass. Specifications
GOST 9561-2016: Reinforced concrete multihollow panels for floors in buildings. Specifications
GOST R 12.3.047-98: Occupational safety standards system. Fire safety of technological processes. General requirements. Methods of control
GOST R 42.4.01-2014: Civil defence. Civil defence constructions. Test methods
GOST R 51136-2008: Protective laminate glass. General specifications
GOST R 52382-2005: Passenger lifts. Fire-fighters lifts
GOST R 52383-2005: Lifts. Fire safety
GOST R 52625-2006: Lifts. Landing doors. Fire resistance test methods
GOST R 53295-2009: Fire retardant compositions for steel constructions. General requirement. Method for determining fire retardant efficiency
GOST R 53296-2009: Fire fighting lifts placing. Requirements of fire safety
GOST R 53299-2019: Ducts. Fire test method
GOST R 53301-2013: Fire dampers of ventilation systems. The test method for the fire resistance
GOST R 53301-2019: Valves for fire ventilation systems. Fire test method
GOST R 53305-2009: Smoke shields. The test method for the fire resistance
GOST R 53307-2009: Construction elements. Fire doors and gates. Fire resistance test method
GOST R 53308-2009: Building structures. Fire-resistance tests methods
GOST R 53309-2009: Buildings and building's fragments. Method of real fire tests. General requirements
GOST R 54495-2011: Glass and glass products. Fire resistance test method
GOST R 54928-2012: Pedestrian bridges for polymer composites. Specifications
GOST R 55364-2012: Electric locomotives. General technical requirements
GOST R 55658-2013: Panels wall with the wooden framework. Specifications
GOST R 55896-2013: Building structures. Doors the enclosures of lift shaft. Fire resistance test method
GOST R 56076-2014: Building structures. Construction from double skin metal faced insulating panels. Fire resistance and fire hazard test method
GOST R 56206-2014: Polymer composites. Methods for assessing the fire hazard and fire limits
GOST R 56817-2015: Building structures. Fire-resistance test method. External weight out walls
GOST R 58018-2017: Interim composite polymeric supports for overhead power lines voltage 35-220 kV. General specifications
GOST R 58021-2017: Composite polymeric supports for overhead power lines of voltage 6-20 kV. General specifications
GOST R 58304-2018: Product data management. Electronic layout of the product. General requirements
GOST R 58729-2019: Protections of ice hockey rinks. Technical specifications
GOST R 70345-2022: Two-level laying of cable lines in cable structures and production facilities. General requirements
GOST R 70446-2022: Construction structures. Means of fire protection of movement joints. Test method for fire resistance
GOST R 70848-2023: Smoke protection equipment for buildings and structures. Overpressure valves. Test method for fire resistance
MDS 12-23.2006: Temporary recommendations on the technology and organization of construction of multifunctional high-rise buildings and building complexes in Moscow
MDS 21-2.2000: Fire resistance and fire safety of reinforced concrete constructions
NB ZhT TsT 01-98: Diesel train Safety Standards Change №1
NB ZhT TsT 02-98: Diesel locomotives. Safety regulations
NB ZhT TsT 03-98: Electric trains. Safety Standards. Amendments №1-4
NB ZhT TsT 04-98: Electric locomotives. Safety standards
NPB 233-96: Method of full scale fire test. General requirements
NPB 237-97: Building constructions methods of fire-resistance testing of cable penetrations and enclosed cable inputs. Building construction. Methods of fire-resistance testing of cable penetrations and enclosed cable inputs
NPB 250-97: Fire fighting lifts. General technical requirements
ODM 218.2.017-2011: Guidelines Design, construction and operation of roads with low traffic
ODM 218.2.058-2019: Recommendations on the use of composite materials in the construction of bridge structures and pedestrian bridges
ODM 218.2.076-2019: Recommendations on the use of composite structures for areas with extreme temperature conditions (below minus 40 degrees Celsius and above plus 40 degrees Celsius)
ODM 218.2.093-2019: Guidelines for assessing the technical condition and confirming the effectiveness of the use of structures made of polymer composite materials on roads
Order 1317: The list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" is ensured
Order 1573: The list of national standards and sets of rules, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" is ensured
Order 832: The list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" is ensured
Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
RMD 51-25-2018 St. Petersburg: Recommendations for the design, installation and operation of facade systems for new construction, reconstruction and repair of residential and public buildings in St. Petersburg. Part II Recommendations for the operation and repair of facade systems for new construction and reconstruction of residential and public buildings in St. Petersburg
RMD 56-05-2008 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for the design, manufacture and installation of translucent structures with safety glazing
RMD 56-05-2015 Saint-Petersburg: Recommendations for the design, manufacture and installation of translucent structures with safety glazing (2016 edition)
SDA 24-2008: Rules for assessment (certification) of testing laboratories personnel
SNiP 31-06-2009: Public buildings and constructions
SO 34.49.505-2003: Regulations for fire retardant coating for building constructions of buildings and facilities of power engineering enterprises
SP 120.13330.2012: Subway systems
SP 163.1325800.2014: The designs with application of gypsum plasterboards and gypsum fiber sheets. Terms of design and installation
SP 2.13130.2009: Systems of fire protection. Fire-resistance security of protecting units
SP 2.13130.2012: Fire protection systems. Providing fire protection to facilities (with Amendment No 1)
SP 2.13130.2020: Fire protection systems. Ensuring fire resistance of objects of protection
SP 251.1325800.2016: Educational institution buildings. Design rules
SP 252.1325800.2016: Preschool educational institution buildings. Design rules
SP 259.1325800.2016: Bridges in dense urban aveas Design rules
SP 31-105-2002: Design and construction of energy-efficient single-family houses with wooden frame
SP 329.1325800.2017: Buildings and structures. Rules of inspection after the fire
SP 35.13330.2011: Bridges and pipes. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.05.03-84
SP 362.1325800.2017: Fencing structures made of sandwich panels. Design rules
SP 382.1325800.2017: Glued laminated wooden structures on glued rods. Calculation methods
SP 432.1325800.2019: Fireproof coatings. Condition Monitoring
SP 433.1325800.2019: Fire protection of steel structures. Work Rules
SP 451.1325800.2019: Public buildings with the use of wooden structures. Design rules
SP 452.1325800.2019: Residential multi-apartment buildings with the use of wooden structures. Design rules
SP 460.1325800.2019: Buildings of educational organizations of additional education for children. Design rules
SP 468.1325800.2019: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Rules for ensuring fire resistance and fire safety
SP 55-101-2000: Fencing structures made with gypsum-cardboard sheets
SP 55-102-2001: Structures made with gypsum fiber sheets
SP 55-103-2004: Structures made with the gypsum partition plates
SP 64.13330.2011: Wooden structures.
SP 64.13330.2017: Timber structures
SP 79.13330.2012: Bridges and culverts. Rules of examination and test
TR 149/2-05: Technical recommendations on the technology of using a complex of finishing materials for major repairs, rehabilitation and reconstruction of building facades
TR 161-05: Technical recommendations on the design, installation and operation of hinged facade systems
TSN 23-309-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Tver region
TSN 23-311-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Smolensk region
TSN 23-313-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Tyumen region
TSN 23-314-2000: Standards (standards) for energy-saving thermal protection of residential and public buildings. Kaliningrad region
TSN 23-317-2000 NSO: Energy saving in residential and public buildings. Standards for heat consumption and heat protection. Novosibirsk region
TSN 23-318-2000: Thermal protection of buildings. Republic of Bashkortostan
TSN 23-319-2000 Krasnodar region: Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings. The norms for thermal performance of the buildings
TSN 23-321-2000: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Astrakhan region
TSN 23-322-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Kostroma region
TSN 23-323-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for thermal protection of buildings. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area
TSN 23-324-2001: Energy-saving thermal protection of residential and public buildings. Komi Republic
TSN 23-325-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Energy-saving thermal protection of buildings. Design Standards. Altai region
TSN 23-326-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Guidelines for energy-efficient thermal protection of buildings. Republic of Kalmykia
TSN 23-327-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Bryansk region
TSN 23-328-2001: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Amur region
TSN 23-331-2002: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Chita region
TSN 23-332-2002: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Penza region
TSN 23-333-2002: Energy consumption and thermal protection of residential and public buildings. Nenets Autonomous Okrug
TSN 23-339-2002: Energy efficiency of residential and public buildings. Standards for energy consumption and heat protection. Rostov region
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