
RD 50-258-81

РД 50-258-81

Guidelines. Unified system of instrument standards. Means of measurement and automation. Nomenclature and characteristics of ergonomic indicators

Методические указания. Единая система стандартов приборостроения. Средства измерений и автоматизации. Номенклатура и характеристики эргономических показателей

Status: Not effective - Canceled. IUS 8-1988

Guidelines establish the nomenclature and characteristics of ergonomic quality indicators and apply to the means of displaying information, controls and control panels of measuring and automation instruments (CIA) with which the human operator interacts directly. Methodical instructions do not apply to control panels used in the conditions of a strictly limited space of the workplace of a human operator. Based on these guidelines, requirements are developed in standards and technical specifications for specific types of AIA. The content of the guidelines is consistent with the content of the standards of the "man-machine"

Методические указания устанавливают номенклатуру и характеристики эргономических показателей качества и распространяются на средства отображения информации, органы управления и пульты управления средств измерений и автоматизации (СИА), с которыми непосредственно взаимодействует человек-оператор. Методические указания не распространяются на пульты управления, применяемые в условиях жестко ограниченного пространства рабочего места человека-оператора. На основе настоящих методических указаний разрабатываются требования в стандартах и технических условиях на конкретные виды СИА. Содержание методических указаний согласовано с содержанием стандартов системы "человек-машина"

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR, 6/26/1981

SKU: RUSS165449

Price: imgalt

The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » II Industrial sanitation and occupational health » 7 Psychophysiology and ergonomics »


ISO classifier » 25 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING » 25.040 Industrial automated systems » 25.040.40 Measurement and control of production process »

The Document References:

GOST 12.2.032-78: Operators location in a silting position. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 12.2.033-78: Operators location in a standing position General ergonomic requirements

GOST 16035-70: Product quality. General ergonomic indicators. Terms

GOST 21033-75: Man-machine system Basic concepts Terms and definitions

GOST 21034-75: Man-machine system. The workplace of the human operator. Terms and definitions

GOST 21480-76: Man-machine system Semigraphics General ergonomic requirements

GOST 21752-76: Man-machine system Control hand wheels and steering wheels General ergonomic requirements

GOST 21753-76: Man -machine system control levers

GOST 21829-76: Man-machine system. Coding of visual information. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 21837-76: Man-machine system. Placard of collective use of digital sign-synthesizing electroluminescent indicators. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 22269-76: Man-machine system Operator workplace layout of workplace elements General ergonomic requirements

GOST 22613-77: Man-machine system. Rotary switches and commutators. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 22614-77: «Man-machine» system. Key-actuated and push-button switches and commutators. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 22902-78: Man-machine system. Reading device of visual display. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 23000-78: Man-machine system. Control consoles. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 23554.0-79: Quality control system. Expert methods of assessing the quality of industrial products. General principles

GOST 26.001-80: Unified system of standards of instrument making (ESS). General principles

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