
GOST 12.1.003-83

ГОСТ 12.1.003-83

Noise. General safety requirements

Шум. Общие требования безопасности.

Status: Partially effective. By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated 01.03.2016 No. 101-st, it was restored on the territory of the Russian Federation only in relation to products delivered under the State Defense Order; IUS 6-2016

The standard establishes noise classification, characteristics and permissible noise levels at workplaces, general requirements for protection against noise at workplaces, noise characteristics of machines and equipment, vehicles and other equipment, and noise measurements.

Стандарт устанавливает классификацию шума, характеристики и допустимые уровни шума на рабочих местах, общие требования к защите от шума на рабочих местах, шумовым характеристикам машин и механизмов, средств транспорта и другого оборудования и измерениям шума.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 6/6/1983

SKU: RUSS16575

Price: $88.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 13 Environmental protection, protection of people from environmental exposure. Security »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 002/2011 TR TS. On safety of high-speed rail » Regulations and standards (to TR CU 002/2011) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 003/2011 TR TS. On safety of railway infrastructure » Regulations and standards (for TR CU 003/2011) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 010/2011 TR CU. On safety of machinery and equipment » Regulations and standards (to ТР ТС ТС 010/2011) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 018/2011 TR CU. On safety of wheeled vehicles » Regulations and standards (to 018/2011 TR CU) »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes » 1 General occupational safety requirements »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » II Industrial sanitation and occupational health » 5 Protection against mechanical vibrations » 5.2 Acoustic noise »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » I Legal and organizational basis of labor protection » 3 Organization of labor protection at enterprise » 3.3 Special assessment of working conditions »



National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » T General technical and organizational and methodological standards » T5 Documentation System » T58 System of standards infield of nature conservation and improvement of use of natural resources, labor safety, scientific organization of labor »

National Standards for OKSTU » SYSTEMS OF GENERAL TECHNICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL STANDARDS » Occupational safety standards system (SSBT). Scientific organization of labor. Safety precautions. Sanitation and occupational health »

The Document is Replaced With:

GOST 12.1.003-2014: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. General safety requirements

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 12.1.003-76: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. General safety requirements

GOST 12.1.003-76*: Occupational safety standards system (SSBT). Noise. General safety requirements (with Amendment No. 1)

The Document References:

GOST 12.1.003-76*: Occupational safety standards system (SSBT). Noise. General safety requirements (with Amendment No. 1)

GOST 12.1.020-79: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Method of control for sea and river vessels

GOST 12.1.023-80: Noise. Determination methods of stationary machine noise characteristics values

GOST 12.1.024-81: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of noise characteristics of noise sources in anechoic room. Precision method

GOST 12.1.025-81: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of noise characteristics of noise sources in reverberation room. Precision method

GOST 12.1.026-80: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of noise characteristics of noise sources in a free-field over reflecting plane. Engineering method

GOST 12.1.027-80: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of noise characteristics of noise sources in reverberation room. Engineering method

GOST 12.1.028-80: System of the standards for safety of work

GOST 12.1.029-80: Means and methods of defense from noise. Classification

GOST 12.1.050-86: Occupational safety standards system. Methods of noise measurement at work-places

GOST 12.2.002-91: Occupational safety standards system. Agricultural machinery. Methods of safety evaluation.

GOST 12.4.026-76: Signal colors and safety signs

GOST 12.4.051-87: Individual hearing protection means

GOST 12.4.095-80: Occupational safety standard system. Agricultural self-propelled machines. Methods of determination of vibration and noise characteristics

GOST 17187-81: Noise meters

GOST 20296-81: Aircraft and helicopter of civil aviation. Acceptable noise levels in flight decks and in salons and methods of noise measurement

GOST 23941-2002: Noise of machines. Methods for determination of noise characteristics. General requirements

GOST 23941-79: Noise of machines. Methods for determination of noise characteristics. General requirements

GOST 27435-87: External noise of motor vehicles. Permissible level and methods of measurement

GOST 27436-87: Internal noise of motor vehicles. Permissible level and methods of measurement

GOST 31273-2003: Noise of machines. Determination of sound power levels using sound pressure. Precision methods for anechoic and semi-anechoic rooms

GOST 31274-2004: Noise of machines. Determination of sound power levels using sound pressure. Precision methods for reverberation rooms

GOST R 12.4.026-2001: Occupational safety standards system. Safety colors, safety signs and signal marking. Purpose and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods

GOST R 12.4.208-99: Occupational safety standards system. Hearing protectors. Ear-muffs. General technical requirements. Methods of testing

GOST R 12.4.213-99: Occupational safety standards system. Hearing protectors. Simplified method for the measurement of insertion loss off ear-muff type protectors for quality inspection purposes

GOST R 41.51-2004: Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles having at least four wheels with regard to their noise emissions

GOST R 51400-99: Noise of machines. Determination of sound power levels using sound pressure. Engineering methods for small, movable sources in reverberant fields for hard - walls test rooms and for special reverberation test rooms

GOST R 51401-99: Noise of machines. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure. Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane

GOST R 51402-99: Noise of machine. Determination of power levels of noise sources using sound pressure. Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane

GOST R 51616-2000: Motor vehicles. Internal noise. Permissible levels and methods of tests

The Document is Referenced By:

GKINP 15-236-91: Instructions for printing processes in kartoizdaniya

GOST 10141-91: Rod and ball mills

GOST 10150-88: Marine, diesel locomotive and industrial diesel engines

GOST 10223-82: Batch-weighing dispensers of discrete action, balance and batch-weighing dispensers of continuous action

GOST 10223-97: Weighing batchers of periodic operation

GOST 10512-78: Magnetic and electromagnetic separators. Specification

GOST 10512-93: Magnetic and electromagnetic separators

GOST 10578-86: Diesel engine fuel pumps. Types, basic parameters and technical requirements

GOST 10580-2006: Technological foundry equipment. General specifications

GOST 10700-97: Waste paper and board. Specifications

GOST 10921-2017: Radial and axial fans. Methods of aerodynamic tests

GOST 10921-90: Radial and axial fans. Aerodynamic testing methods

GOST 11030-93: Motor graders

GOST 11442-74: Axial fans of general purpose

GOST 11442-90: General-purpose axial fans

GOST 11996-79: Batch-type mixers for rubber. General specifications

GOST 12.1.003-76*: Occupational safety standards system (SSBT). Noise. General safety requirements (with Amendment No. 1)

GOST 12.1.020-79: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Method of control for sea and river vessels

GOST 12.1.023-80: Noise. Determination methods of stationary machine noise characteristics values

GOST 12.1.024-81: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of noise characteristics of noise sources in anechoic room. Precision method

GOST 12.1.025-81: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of noise characteristics of noise sources in reverberation room. Precision method

GOST 12.1.026-80: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of noise characteristics of noise sources in a free-field over reflecting plane. Engineering method

GOST 12.1.027-80: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of noise characteristics of noise sources in reverberation room. Engineering method

GOST 12.1.028-80: System of the standards for safety of work

GOST 12.1.035-81: Arc and resistance-welding equipment. Noise exposure limits and methods of measurement

GOST 12.1.036-81: Noise. Admissible levels of noise in houses and public buildings

GOST 12.1.040-83: Occupational safety standards system. Laser safety. General

GOST 12.1.050-86: Occupational safety standards system. Methods of noise measurement at work-places

GOST 12.2.004-75: Occupational safety standards system. Special machines and devices for pipe-line building. Safety requirements

GOST Occupation safety standards system Electrical equipment. General safety requirements

GOST Devices for electric welding and plasma treatment

GOST Electric heating equipment safety

GOST 12.2.008-75: Equipment and facilities for gas-flame treatment of metals and thermal

GOST 12.2.009-99: Metal-working machines. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.011-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Building, road and earth-moving machinery. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.011-75: Construction and road machines

GOST 12.2.015-93: Machines and equipment for glass industry. General safety requirements

GOST Compressor equipment

GOST Compressor equipment

GOST 12.2.016-81: Occupational safety standards system. Gas compressing equipment. General safety requirements

GOST Sheet-bending presses. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.017-93: The forging and pressing equipment general safety requirements

GOST 12.2.022-80: Conveyers.

GOST 12.2.024-87: Noise. Power oil-immersed transformers.

GOST Woodworking machinery. Construction safety requirements

GOST Woodworking equipment safety requirements for design

GOST 12.2.029-88: Machine tool attachments

GOST 12.2.030-2000: Occupational safety standards system. Hand tools. Noise characteristics. Limits. Methods of testing

GOST 12.2.041-79: Occupational safety standards system. Drilling equipment. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.042-2013: Occupational safety standards system. Machines and technological equipment for live-stock-raising and forage production. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.042-91: Occupational safety standards system. Machines and technological equipment for livestock raising and forage production.

GOST 12.2.044-80: Occupational safety standards system. Machines and equipment for oil transportation. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.045-94: The equipment for production of rubber-technical products

GOST Technological foundry еequipment. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.046-80: Occupational safety standards system. Equipment for foundry production. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.048-80: Occupational safety standards system. Saws and flat knives sharpening machines. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.051-80: Occupational safety standards system. Technological ultrasonic equipment. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.055-81: Ferrous and nonferrous scrap and waste metal processing equipment

GOST 12.2.056-81: Occupational safety standards system. Electric and diesel locomotives for 1520 mm gauge. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.072-82: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial robots, technological complexes and sections with robots. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.072-98: Industrial robots. Robotized technological systems. Safety requirements and testing methods

GOST 12.2.084-93: Occupational safety standards system. Machines and equipment for laundries and dry-cleaning enterprises. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.086-83: Positive displacement hydraulic drives and lubrication systems

GOST 12.2.088-2017: Standards system of labour safety. Ground equipment for well repair and realization. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.088-83: Standards system of labor safety. Ground equipment for well repair and realization. Safety general requirements

GOST 12.2.092-94: Occupational safety standards system electromechanical and electrical heating equipment for the catering industry

GOST 12.2.094-83: Occupational safety standards system. Rolling equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.096-83: Standard system of labour safety. Steam boilers with pressure up to 0.07 MPa. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.098-84: Occupational safety standards system. Insulated sound cabins. General requirements

GOST 12.2.099-84: Occupational safety standards system. Aggregates for steel smelting. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.100-84: Occupational safety standards system. Machines and equipment for manufacturing clay and lime brick, ceramic and asbestos cement products. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.100-97: Machines and equipment for manufacturing clau and lime brick, ceramic and asbestos cement products. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.102-2013: Occupational safety standards system. Machines and equipment for timber logging and floating. Safety requirements, control methods for safety requirements and evaluation of labour safety

GOST 12.2.102-89: Machines and equipment for timber logging and floating, forestry tractors

GOST 12.2.105-84: Occupational safety standards system. Mineral processing equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.106-85: Occupational safety standards system. Machines and mechanisms for mining of ore, non-ore and placer deposits. General hygienic requirements and methods of testing

GOST 12.2.107-85: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Metal-cutting machine tools. Allowable noise characteristics

GOST 12.2.108-85: Occupational safety standards system. Rigs for drilling exploration and hydrogeological holes. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.110-85: Air piston stationary general-purpose compressors

GOST 12.2.112-86: Occupational safety standards system. Mine electric locomotive transport. General requirements for rolling stock

GOST 12.2.113-2006: Crank presses. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.116-2004: Three- and four-roller plate-bending machines. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.118-2006: Shears. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.119-88: Occupational safety standards system. Rotary and rotary conveyor automatic lines. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.120-88: Cabs and operators workplaces of tractors, building-road machines, single-axle prime movers, quarry dump trucks and powered agricultural machines

GOST 12.2.121-2013: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial tractors. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.122-2013: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial tractors. Methods for estimation of safety

GOST 12.2.122-88: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial tractors. Methods for estimation safety

GOST 12.2.123-90: Textile machinery

GOST 12.2.124-2013: Occupational safety standards system. Alimentary product equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.124-90: The food industry equipment

GOST 12.2.125-91: On-land cable equipment

GOST 12.2.130-91: Occupational safety standard system. Single-bucket excavators. General safety and ergonomical requirements for the operator's position and methods of their control

GOST 12.2.133-94: Operation safety standard system. Vacuum fluid circular compressors and pumps. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.135-95: Equipment for processing of meat and poultry farming products

GOST 12.2.138-97: Industrial sewing machines

GOST 12.2.139-97: Agricultural machinery. Maintenance-production equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.140-2004: Small tractors. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.140-97: Small tractors, powered blocks and motor cultivators. General requirements for safety

GOST 12.2.232-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Surface drilling equipment. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.233-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Refrigerating equipment of refrigerating capacity over 3,0 kW. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.003-86: Occupational safety standards system Electric welding works. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.005-75: Painting works

GOST 12.3.009-76: Occupational safety standards system. Loading and unloading works General safety requirements

GOST 12.3.013-77: Occupational safety standards system. Type-writing works. General safety requirements

GOST 12.3.014-90: Occupational safety standards system. Manufacture of pressed wood shaving plates. General safety requirement

GOST 12.3.016-87: Occupational safety standards system. Building construction anticorrosive protective works. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.019-80: Occupational safety standards system. Electrical tests and measurements. General safety requirements

GOST 12.3.026-81: Occupational safety standards system. Forge-pressing. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.027-2004: Foundry work. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.027-92: Foundry work

GOST 12.3.031-83: Occupational safety standards system. Work with mercury. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.033-84: Occupational safety standards system. Constructing machines. General requirements of safety

GOST 12.3.035-84: Construction. Painting. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.036-84: Occupational safety standards system. Flame machining of metals. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.038-85: Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Works on thermal instulation of equipment and pipe lines. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.039-85: Occupational safety standards system. Plasma treatment of metals. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.040-86: Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Roofing and water proofing. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.042-88: Occupational safety standards system. Woodworking manufacture. General safety requirements

GOST 12.3.043-90: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial technologies of optical coating application on pieces. General safety requirements

GOST 12.4.095-80: Occupational safety standard system. Agricultural self-propelled machines. Methods of determination of vibration and noise characteristics

GOST 12252-86: Angle modulation radio stations of land mobile service. Types. Basic parameters. Technical requirements. Methods of measurement

GOST 12367-85: Tube mills of grinding units. General technical specifications

GOST 12375-70: Single-rotor crushers for coarse grinding

GOST 12376-71: Single rotor crusher for medium and small grinding. Specifications

GOST 12495-77: Refrigerators, grate. Specification

GOST 1293.15-90: Antimonous lead alloys. Spectrographical method for determination of nickel

GOST 12997-84: SSI Products. General specifications

GOST 13.1.401-2001: Reprography. Micrography. Cameras. Technical requirements

GOST 13.1.401-74: Reprography. Micrography. Cameras. Types

GOST 13.1.403-75: Reprography. Micrography. Microcopying equipment. Types

GOST 13.1.404-80: Reprography. Micrography. Film processors. Specifications and methods of control

GOST 13.2.001-2001: Reprography. Copyrography. Electrophotographic document copying machines. General technical requirements

GOST 13107-79: Devices for speech reception and transmission. Methods of measuring acoustic noises

GOST 13348-74: Antimonous antimonides. Method of spectral analysis

GOST 1341-2018: Vegetable parchment. Specifications

GOST 13420-79: Transmitters for point-to-point radio communication. Basic parameters, technical requirements and methods of measurements

GOST 13531-74: Concrete placers for precast reinforced concrete factories

GOST 13556-91: Building tower pillars building tower pillars

GOST 13822-82: Generating sets and moving diesel-power stations. General specifications

GOST 13924-80: Stationary broadcast transmitters. Main parameters, technical requirements and methods of measurement

GOST 14106-80: Curing autoclaves

GOST 14180-80: Ores and concentrates of non-ferrous metals. Methods for sampling and preparation of samples for chemical analysis and determination of moisture

GOST 14227-97: Dish washing machines. General specifications

GOST 14294-75: Pneumatic hand shears and nibblers. Specifications

GOST 14333-79: Rubber working mills. General specifications

GOST 14782-86: Nondestructive testing. Welded joints. Ultrasonic methods

GOST 14940-96: Bleached sulphate pulp made of deciduous (aspen) wood. Specifications

GOST 15594-80: Throw-over type jaw crawler-mounted log loaders

GOST 15616-84: Pneumatic screw pumps for cement. General specifications

GOST 16123-88: Microphones. Methods of measuring electro acoustic parameters

GOST 16162-85: Standard reducers. General specifications

GOST 16469-79: Canal excavators

GOST 16772-77: Converter transformers and reactors. General specifications

GOST 16844-93: Vibration

GOST Environment protection. Atmosphere

GOST Nature protection. Atmosphere. Rates and methods of measuring carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons content in exhaust gases of petrol-engine vehicles. Safety requirements

GOST Environmental conservation. Atmosphere

GOST 17108-86: Positive-displacement hydraulic drive and lubricating systems. Methods of parameters measurement

GOST 17335-79: Positive displacement pumps

GOST 18103-84: Installations for manufacturing reinforced concrete three-dimensional elements of sanitary engineering cabins and lift shafts. Specifications

GOST 18130-79: Semi-automatic machines for consumable electrode arc welding

GOST 18142.1-85: Semiconductor power rectifiers of 5 plus kw capacity

GOST 18442-80: Non-destructive testing. Capillary methods. General requirements

GOST 18509-88: Tractor and combine diesel engines. Methods of bench tests

GOST 18516-80: Gasoline power saws. Rig trial methods

GOST 18576-85: Non-destructive testing. Railway rails. Ultrasonic control methods

GOST 18576-96: Non-destructive testing. Railway rails. Ultrasonic testing methods

GOST 18910-96: Hydraulic instruments and devices. General specifications

GOST 18962-86: Floor-mounted machines of railless electric transport

GOST 19347-2014: Copper sulfate. Technical conditions

GOST 19862-87: Pneumatic drives. Methods of measuring parameters

GOST 20073-81: General-purpose stationary air piston compressors. Acceptance rules and methods of tests

GOST 20247-81: Power electric-furnace transformers and transformer sets

GOST 20532-83: Television radio transmitters of I-V bands. Basic parameters, technical requirements and measuring methods

GOST 20680-2002: Mechanical mixing devices (agitated vessels). General specifications

GOST 20791-83: Centrifugal glandless electric pumps. Technical requirements

GOST 21021-2000: Numerical control units. General technical requirements

GOST 21021-85: Digital programmed control devices

GOST 21204-83: Gas burners. Classification. General requirements, marking, and storage

GOST 21204-97: Industrial gas burners. General technical requirements

GOST 21208-75: Construction mast hoists. Specification

GOST 21393-75: Automobiles with diesel engines. Smoke emission. Norms and methods of measurements. Safety requirements

GOST 21444-2016: Coating рaper. Specifications

GOST 21671-82: Petrol electric units

GOST 21792-89: Shipboard diesel installations. Acceptance and methods of ship trials

GOST 21903-76: Paint materials. Methods of relative light-fastness determination

GOST 21915-93: Asphalt pavers

GOST 22246-84: Auxiliary and emergency marine diesel-generators

GOST 22247-96: Centrifugal and section pumps for handling water. Basic parameters and dimensions. Safety requirements. Control methods

GOST 22373-82: Butterfly and ball valves for hydraulic turbines

GOST 22579-86: Single-sideband modulation radio stations of land mobile service. Types, basic parameters, technical requirements and methods of measurement

GOST 22727-88: Rolled sheet. Ultrasonic test methods

GOST 22827-85: General purpose self-propelled boom cranes

GOST 22859-77: Hydraulic auto hoisters

GOST 23074-85: Fertilizer placers for liquid organic fertilizers

GOST 23337-78: Noise. Methods of noise measurement in residential areas and in the rooms of residential, public and community buildings

GOST 23450-79: Industrial radio noise from industrial, science, medical and domestic high-frequency equipment standards and measuring methods

GOST 23467-79: Air compressors for blast furnaces and air separation plants. General technical requirements

GOST 23468-85: Micro calculators

GOST 23484-79: Electrohydraulic-plants for removing of cores. Technical requirements

GOST 23511-79: Industrial radio frequency interference generated by domestic electrical appliances used in residential buildings, or connected to domestic power sources

GOST 23667-85: Non-Destructive Testing Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors Methods for Measuring the Main Parameters

GOST 23677-79: Hardness meters for metals

GOST 23691-79: Joints of tubes with tube-plates and collectors of heat exchangers. Compression of tubes by sources of impulse pressure. General

GOST 23692-79: Joints of tubes with tube-plates and collectors of heat exchangers. Requirements for typical technology of making tube to tube-plate joints by means of leads electrical explosion energy

GOST 23693-79: Joints of tubes with tube-plates and collectors of heat exchangers. Requirements for typical technology of making tube to tube-plate joints by means of explosion energy of explosives

GOST 23702-85: Non-destructive check. Ultrasonic transducers. Methods basic parameters measurement

GOST 23702-90: Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic transducers. Test methods

GOST 23708-84: Sets of floor equipment for poultry breeding and keeping

GOST 23750-79: Artificial weather apparatus with xenon emitters. General technical requirements

GOST 23982-85: Fertilizing machinery

GOST 24.104-85: Unified system of standards of computer control systems. Computer control systems. General requirements

GOST 24.501-82: Road transport automatic systems. General requirements

GOST 24005-80: Stationary natural-circulation steam boilers

GOST 24028-2013: Internal combustion reciprocating engines. Visible pollutants. Limit values and test methods

GOST 24028-80: Marine, locomotive and industrial diesel engines. Exhaust smoke opacity. Standard values and testing methods

GOST 24104-2001: Laboratory scales. General technical requirements

GOST 24278-89: Stationary steam turbine plants for driving electric generators at thermal power stations

GOST 24366-80: General purpose auto- and electric fork lift trucks. Load gripping devices

GOST 24376-91: Semiconductor inverters

GOST 24469-80: Instruments for measurements of laser radiation parameters

GOST 24507-80: Non-destructive testing. Forgings from ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Ultrasonic methods of slow defection

GOST 24598-81: Ores and concentrates of non-ferrous metals. Size analysis and sedimentation methods for the determination of size distribution

GOST 24607-88: Semiconductor frequency converters

GOST 24814-81: Radial roof ventilators

GOST 24857-81: Axial roof ventilators

GOST 25051.4-83: Electrodynamic vibration testing equipment. General specifications

GOST 25166-82: Machines for the pulp and paper industry

GOST 25277-82: Filtering elements for volume hydraulic drives and lubricant systems

GOST 25463-2001: Main-line diesel locomotives for 1520 mm gauge. General technical requirements

GOST 25812-83: Steel pipe mains. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST 25864-83: Force measuring standard machines of 2 grade. General technical requirements

GOST 25938-90: Luffing-jib slewing deck-mounted cranes. General specifications

GOST 26.205-88: Telemechanics complexes and devices

GOST 26053-84: Industrial robots. Acceptance rules. Methods of test

GOST 26056-84: Industrial robots for arc welding

GOST 26057-84: Balanced manipulators

GOST 26126-84: Non-destructive testing of soldered joints ultrasonic quality control

GOST 26140-84: Medical x-ray units

GOST 26279-84: Power units for organic thermal stations. General requirements for noise suppression

GOST 26449.0-85: Stationary distillation desalting units. General requirements for chemical analysis methods at saline water desalination

GOST 26646-90: Stationary distillation desalinization units

GOST 26698.1-93: Rigs for blast-holes drilling in open-cast mining works

GOST 26698.2-93: Underground drill rigs

GOST 26699-98: Underground drilling rigs. General specifications and test methods

GOST 26843-86: Nuclear power reactors. General requirements for control and testify systems

GOST 26897-86: Single-sideband modulation radio stations of marine mobile service. Types, basic parameters, technical requirement and methods of measurement

GOST 26917-2000: Underground loading machines. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST 26957-97: Variators with wide-angle belt pulleys. General specifications

GOST 26991-86: Optical connectors. Requirements for technological process

GOST 27174-86: Open-type alkaline nickel-cadmium rechargeable cells and storage batteries of capacity up to 150 a/h

GOST 27338-93: Concrete mixing plant

GOST 27339-2016: Truck mixer. General specifications

GOST 27339-93: Mixer trucks

GOST 27409-97: Noise. Technical regulation of stationary equipment noise characteristics. General

GOST 27412-93: Jaw crushers

GOST 27443-87: Skinning machines

GOST 27444-87: Leather rolling machines

GOST 27598-94: Running rollers road vibration self-moving

GOST 27614-2016: Cement carriers. General specifications

GOST 27614-93: Cement carriers

GOST 27632-88: Accelerators of charged particles of industrial application

GOST 27636-95: Stone extraction and processing equipment

GOST 27811-95: Tar pavers

GOST 27816-88: Asphalt paver. Test methods

GOST 27818-88: Admissible noise levels at workplaces and methods for their determination

GOST 27819-88: Fresh apples. Cold storage

GOST 27824-2000: Industrial burners for liquid fuel. General technical requirements

GOST 27824-88: Industrial liquid fuel burners

GOST 27945-95: Asphalt mixing plants

GOST 27962-88: Industrial equipment

GOST 28098-89: Hammer fodder breakers

GOST 28107-89: Machines for minced meat mixing

GOST 28112-89: Machines for extraction of bottles from the boxes and packing of bottles into the boxes

GOST 28122-89: Grinding and polishing machine tools for stone working. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST 28161-89: Means of stapling documents. General technical requirements

GOST 28162-89: Means for putting protection covers on documents. General technical requirements

GOST 28167-89: Semiconductor alternating voltage converters. General specifications

GOST 28192-89: Waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys. Methods of sampling, sample preparation and test methods

GOST 28193-89: Natural-circulation stationary steam boilers with steam capacity of less than 4 ton / hour

GOST 28269-89: High-power stationary steam boilers

GOST 28278-89: Stereophonic headphones. Methods of measurements

GOST 28301-2015: Grain harvesters. Test methods

GOST 28302-89: Thermal sprayed protective coatings from zinc and aluminium metallic construction. General requirements for a typical technological process

GOST 28346-89: Fresh table grapes. Cold storage

GOST 28372-93: Fresh food potatoes. Guide to storage

GOST 28439-90: Equipment of digital, fiber optic transmission systems over power lines

GOST 28541-90: Stone-sawing machines. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST 28545-90: Milking machine installations. Construction and performance

GOST 28598-90: Armoured face conveyors. Basic parameters and dimensions

GOST 28599-90: Heading machines having cutter

GOST 28600-90: Coal shearers

GOST 28628-90: Face belt conveyers

GOST 28629-90: Plough installations. Basic parameters and dimensions. General technical requirements

GOST 28708-2001: Means of small mechanization of agricultural works. Safety requirements

GOST 28708-2013: Means of small mechanization of agricultural works. Safety requirements

GOST 28775-90: Gas pumping units driven with gas turbine. General specifications

GOST 28785-90: Preparative ultracentrifuges and rotors

GOST 28831-90: Rolled plates. Ultrasonic test methods.

GOST 28840-90: Machines for tension, compression and bending tests of materials

GOST 28841-90: Machines for fatigue testing of materials

GOST 28845-90: Machines for long time strength creep, testing and relaxation of materials. General technical requirements

GOST 28988-91: Positive-displacement hydraulic drives, pneumatic drives and lubricating systems

GOST 29025-91: Non-destructive testing. X-ray television flaw detectors with X-ray electronic optical transducers electric radiographic flaw detectors. General technical requirements

GOST 29310-92: Draft systems. Acoustic test methods

GOST 29328-92: Stationary gas turbines for turbo generators. General technical requirements

GOST 29329-92: Balance for static weightings

GOST 30035-93: Scrapers. General specifications

GOST 30067-93: Universal single bucket full turning excavators

GOST 30124-94: Weight meters and weighing batchers of continuous action

GOST 30150-96: Labeling machines

GOST 30222-95: Cone variable speed drives. General specifications

GOST 30357-96: Carbons cation exchangers. Specifications

GOST 30406-96: Churns for household use. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 30419-96: Apparatus air bleeder brake equipment. General requirement safety

GOST 30487-97: Electric train for suburban communication. General safety requirements

GOST 30530-97: Noise. Methods for calculation of limit admissible nose characteristics of stationary machines.

GOST 30533-97: General purpose adjustable d. c. drive systems. General technical requirements

GOST 30534-97: Means of measurement for linear and angular dimensions. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 30540-97: The equipment for manufacture of products from cellular autoclaved concrete. General specifications and control methods

GOST 30566-98: Filter Perlite powder. Specifications

GOST 30573-98: Foundry equipment. Installations for casting of aluminum alloys. General specifications

GOST 30575-98: Marine, locomotive and industrial diesel engines. Methods of measuring and estimating airborne noise

GOST 30645-99: Energy efficiency Non-traditional and inexhaustible energy sources. Hear pumps 'Air - Water" for household and municipal heat supply. General technical requirements and test methods.

GOST 30683-2000: Noise of machines. Measurement of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions. Method requiring environmental corrections

GOST 30690-2000: Removable acoustical screens. Methods for determination of the in situ sound attenuation

GOST 30703-2001: Non-destructive testing. Safety measures for leakage testing. General requirements

GOST 30776-2002: Oil field mobile pumping units. General specifications

GOST 30872-2002: Air cooling machines. General specifications

GOST 31169-2003: Noise of machines. Measurement of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions. Survey method in situ

GOST 31171-2003: Noise of machines. Guidelines for the selection of method for the determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions

GOST 31172-2003: Noise of machines. Measurement of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions. Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane

GOST 31183-2002: Machines for forestry. Hedge Trimmers and brush cutters on gasoline motors. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST 31187-2003: Main-line diesel locomotives. General technical requirements

GOST 31202-2003: Machines for ground trackless electrified transport. Working place of the driver. General ergonomic requirements.

GOST 31206-2012: Woodworking equipment. Woodworking-transportable machines, semi-fixed, for individual use. General safety requirements

GOST 31252-2004: Noise of machines. Guidelines for the selection of method for the determination of sound power levels

GOST 31273-2003: Noise of machines. Determination of sound power levels using sound pressure. Precision methods for anechoic and semi-anechoic rooms

GOST 31274-2004: Noise of machines. Determination of sound power levels using sound pressure. Precision methods for reverberation rooms

GOST 31275-2002: Noise of machinery. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure method. Engineering method in an essentially free sound field over a reflecting plane

GOST 31276-2002: Noise of machinery. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure method. Engineering methods for small portable noise sources in reverberant fields in rooms with hard walls and special reverberation chambers

GOST 31277-2002: Machine noise Determination sound power from noise sources according to sound pressure. Approximate method with the use of measuring surface over the sound reflecting plane.

GOST 31284-2004: Air heaters for industrial and agricultural enterprises. General specifications.

GOST 31325-2006: Noise. Measurement of noise emitted by construction equipment intended for outdoor use. Method for determining compliance with noise limits

GOST 31335-2006: Technological foundry equipment. Equipment for shot shooting, shot blasting and shot shooting-blasting treatment. Safety requirements

GOST 31343-2007: Machines and equipment for processing and decontamination of a fluid manure. Test methods

GOST 31344-2007: Machines and equipment for removing the manure. Test methods

GOST 31346-2007: Instаllation for processing of dung. Test methods

GOST 31521-2012: Food рrocessing machinery. Сutting machines for meat. Specifications

GOST 31522-2012: Food processing machinery. Dough and pastry brakes. Specifications

GOST 31523-2012: Food processing machinery. Dough mixers. Specifications

GOST 31524-2012: Food processing machinery. Moulders. Specifications

GOST 31525-2012: Food processing machinery. Band saw machines. Specifications

GOST 31526-2012: Food processing machinery. Circular saw machines. Specifications

GOST 31527-2012: Food processing machinery. Intermediate provers. Specifications

GOST 31528-2012: Machines and equipment for munufacturing of sugar. Safety requirements

GOST 31529-2012: Machinery and equipment for bread baking industry. Safety requirements

GOST 31541-2012: Hammers. Safety requirements

GOST 31542-2012: Automatic and semi-automatic metal forming machines. Safety requirements

GOST 31543-2012: Metal forging machines. Noise characteristics and methods of their determination

GOST 31545-2012: Production equipment for foundry. Noise characterictics and methods of their control

GOST 31548-2012: Self-propelled road rollers. General specifications

GOST 31551-2012: Pile driving equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 31552-2012: Plate compactor. General specifications

GOST 31553-2012: Skid-steer loaders. General specifications

GOST 31554-2012: Front end loaders with telescopic boom. General specifications

GOST 31558-2012: Mine belt conveyers. General specifications

GOST 31561-2012: Longwall powered roof chocks. Basic parameters. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST 31562-2012: Рneumatic rock drills. General technical requirements

GOST 31563-2012: Pneumatic hammer drills. Technical requirements and testing methods

GOST 31581-2012: Laser safety. General safety requirements for development and operation of laser products

GOST 31592-2012: Machine reducers. General specifications

GOST 31593-2012: Machines and equipment for wood industrial low landings. Safety requirements. Control methods

GOST 31595-2012: Log loaders. Knuckle boom equipment. General specifications

GOST 31608-2012: Elektrik powered floor-mounted industrial trucks. Operator’s seat. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 31636.3-2012: Safety in electroheat installations. Part 3. Particular requirements for induction and conduction heating devices and induction furnaces

GOST 31636.5-2012: Safety in electroheat equipment. Part 5. Particular requirements for plasma electroheat installations

GOST 31636.7-2012: Safety of electroheat equipment. Part 7. Particular requirement for electron beam furnaces

GOST 31812-2012: Civil aviation aircraft and helicopter ground support equipment. General technical requirements

GOST 31826-2012: Gas cleaning and dust catching equipment. Bag filters. Wet dust catching equipment. Safety requirement. Methods of testing

GOST 31827-2012: Liquid centrifugal separators. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST 31830-2012: Electrostatic precipitators. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST 31836-2012: Industrial centrifuges. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST 31839-2012: Pumps and pump units for pumping of liquids. General safety requirements

GOST 31840-2012: Submersible pumps and pump units. Safety requirements

GOST 31848-2012: Industrial gas-using equipment. Air heaters. General techniсal requirements

GOST 31849-2012: Industrial gas-using equipment. Air heaters with air-flue gases mixing. General technical requirements

GOST 31966-2012: Marine, lokomotive and industrial engines. General safety requirements

GOST 32111.1-2013: Noise of machines. Sound power rating of air-conditioning and air-source heat pump equipment. Part 1. Non-ducted outdoor equipment

GOST 32111.2-2013: Noise of machines. Sound power rating of air-conditioning and air-source heat pump equipment. Part 2. Non-ducted indoor equipment

GOST 32210-2013: Emission of the exhaust gas pollutants by the main-line and shunting of the special-purpose railway rolling stock. Norms and determination methods

GOST 32220-2013: Drinking bottled water. General specifications

GOST 32512-2013: Air curtains. General specifications

GOST 32548-2013: Ventilation for buildings. Air terminal devices. General specifications

GOST 32699-2014: Moulded side frame and bolster beam of two-axle three-piece bogies for freight wagons of 1520 mm gauge railways. Methods of non-destructive testing

GOST 33105-2014: Electric generating sets with internal combustion engines. General specifications

GOST 33115-2014: Electric generating plants with diesel and gas internal combustion engines. General specification

GOST 33116-2014: Generating sets driven by gasoline internal combustion engines. General specifications

GOST 33164.1-2014: Mining equipment. Longwall powered roof shocks. Section of support. General specifications

GOST 33164.3-2014: Mining and tunneling equipment. Timbering, mechanized. Hydraulic control systems. Safety requirements and methods of testing

GOST 33173.1-2014: Hoisting cranes. Cabins. Part 1. General provisions

GOST 33173.4-2014: Erecting cranes. Cabins. Part 4. Jib cranes

GOST 33173.5-2014: Hoisting cranes. Cabins. Part 5. Bridge cranes and gantries

GOST 33380-2015: Organic fertilizers. Effluent. Specifications

GOST 33734-2016: Agricultural machinery. Combines and machines for cleaning up of flax. Test methods

GOST 33735-2016: Agricultural machinery. Grain-cleaning machines. Test methods

GOST 33754-2016: Emissions of harmful substances and smoke of exhaust gases of autonomous traction and motor rolling stock. Norms and determination methods

GOST 33798.4-2016: Electric equipment of a railway rolling stock. Part 4. A.c. circuit-breakers. General specifications

GOST 33830-2016: Organic fertilizers on basis of waste of stock-raising. Specifications

GOST 33972.5-2016: Test code for machine tools. Part 5. Determination of the noise emission

GOST 34243-2017: Telemedicine systems. General safety requirements with regard to the main functional characteristics of mobile telemedicine laboratory and diagnostic systems

GOST 34244-2017: Telemedicine systems. General safety requirements, taking into account the basic functional characteristics of fixed telemedicine consultative and diagnostic centers

GOST 4.136-85: Product-quality index system. Thermophysical apparatus. Nomenclature of indices

GOST 4.168-85: System of production quality indexes. Ultracentrifuges and rotors preparative. Nomenclature of indexes

GOST 4.354-85: Product-quality index system. Underground loading machines. Index nomenclature

GOST 4.357-85: Index system production quality. Underground loading-transport machines. Index nomenclature

GOST 4.377-85: Product-quality index system. Single-bucket excavators. Index nomenclature

GOST 4.44-89: Product-quality index system. Mechanical welding equipment. Nomenclature of indices

GOST 4.459-86: Product-quality index system. Slide projectors. Nomenclature of indices

GOST 4.461-86: Product-quality index system. Motion-picture projectors. Nomenclature of indices

GOST 4.466-87: Product-quality index system. Boiler equipment. Sootblowing system. Index nomenclature

GOST 4.470-87: Product-quality index system. Flame igniters for steam and hot-water stationary boilers. Index nomenclature

GOST 5534-79: Floating cranes. Specifications

GOST 5616-89: Water-wheel electrical generators and motor-generators

GOST 5976-73: Centrifugal fans, general purpose

GOST 5976-90: Centrifugal fans for general use

GOST 6113-84: Horizontal expellers for pottery ware

GOST 6134-2007: Rotodynamic pumps. Test methods

GOST 6134-87: Rotor-dynamic pumps

GOST 6625-85: Mine local ventilating fans

GOST 6937-91: Conic crushers

GOST 7012-77: Single-operator single-phase transformers for automatic submerged arc welding. General specifications

GOST 7090-72: Single-rotor hammer crushers

GOST 7192-89: Constant-speed electrical actuating mechanisms, ssi

GOST 7524-2015: Steel grinding balls for ball mills. Specifications.

GOST 8213-75: Automatic consumable electrode arc welding machines.

GOST 8306-86: Electric hand planers. Specification

GOST 8339-84: Oil pressure installations for hydraulic turbines

GOST 8390-84: Electro hydraulic presses for blocking

GOST 9.045-75: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Accelerated methods of light-fastness determination

GOST 9.402-2004: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Metal surface preparation for painting

GOST 9.402-80: Metal surface preparation for painting

GOST 9.410-88: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Powder polymeric coatings. Typical technological processes

GOST 9.602-2005: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Underground constructions. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST 9.602-2016: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Underground constructions. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST 9.602-89: Constructions, underground. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST 9.910-88: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metals, alloys, heat-resistant coatings. Method of thermal fatigue testing of wedge shaded specimens in gas flows

GOST 9231-80: Twin-shaft blenders of paddle type

GOST 9274-81: Rolls for stone separating and ceramic mixture grinding

GOST 9630-80: Three-phase asynchronous motors. General specifications.

GOST 9725-82: Centrifugal blow fans for boilers

GOST IEC 62040-3-2009: Guaranteed power supply systems. Uninterruptible power supply units. Part 3. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST ISO 4254-8-2013: Agricultural machinery. Safety. Part 8. Solid fertilizer distributors

GOST ISO 4254-9-2012: Agricultural machinery. Safety. Part 9. Seed drills

GOST R 12.2.011-2003: Occupational safety standards system. Building, road, and earth-moving machinery. General safety requirements

GOST R 12.2.133-97: Occupational safety standards system. Polygraphic equipment. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 12.2.141-99: Occupational safety standards system. Surface drilling equipment. Safety requirements

GOST R 12.2.142-99: Occupational safety standards system. Refrigerating equipment of refrigerating capacity over 3,0 kW. Safety requirements

GOST R 12.2.144-2005: Occupational safety standards system. Fire-fighting technics. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST R 12.3.048-2002: Occupational safety standards system. Building. Hydraulic excavation. Safety requirements

GOST R Nature protection. Atmosphere. Norms and methods of measuring of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons content in exhaust gases from motor vehicles with spark ignition engines used gas fuel

GOST R 22.9.25-2014: Safety in emergency. Hydraulic emergency and rescue tools. Test methods

GOST R 50.05.06-2018: Conformity assessment system for the use of nuclear energy. Conformity assessment in the form of examination. Unified procedures. Magnetic particles examination

GOST R 50014.3-92: Safety in electrical heating equipment. Part 3. Particular requirements for induction and conduction heating devices and induction furnaces

GOST R 50014.5-92: Safety in electrical heating. Part 5. Particular requirements for plasma electroheat installations

GOST R 50014.7-92: Safety in electrical heating. Part 7. Particular requirements for electron beam furnaces

GOST R 50084-92: Truck mixer. General specifications

GOST R 50570-93: Electric powered floor-mounted industrial trucks. Operator's seat. General ergonomic requirements

GOST R 50573-93: Metal forging machines. Noise characteristics and methods of their determination

GOST R 50599-93: Welded steel vessels and apparatus under high pressure. Non-destructive control while the manufacturing and operating

GOST R 50612-93: Machines and equipment for manufacturing of sugar. Safety requirements

GOST R 50620-93: Machinery and equipment for bread baking industry. Safety requirements

GOST R 50670-94: Industrial gas-using equipment. Air heaters. General technical requirements

GOST R 50703-2002: Heading machines having cutter heads mounted on booms. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 50703-94: Heading machines having cutter heads mounted on booms. Test methods

GOST R 50723-94: Laser safety. General requirements for development and operation the laser products

GOST R 50761-95: Marine, locomotive and industrial diesels. General safety requirements

GOST R 50783-95: Power generating sets and mobile electric power stations with internal combustion engines. General technical requirements

GOST R 50786-2012: Metal-cutting household machine-tools. Safety requirements

GOST R 50786-95: Metal-cutting machine tools household. Safety requirements

GOST R 50787-95: Woodworking equipment. Woodworking transportable machines semi-fixed, for individual use. General requirements of safety

GOST R 50829-95: Safety of radio stations. Radio equipment containing transceivers and their elements. General requirements and test methods

GOST R 50831-95: Boiler plant. Heat-mechanical equipment. General technical requirements

GOST R 50863-96: Small tractors, powered blocks and motor cultivators. General requirements for safety

GOST R 50890-96: Low-power television transmitters. Basic parameters. Technical requirements. Measuring methods

GOST R 50891-96: Machine reducers. General specifications

GOST R 50906-96: Pile driving equipment. General safety requirements

GOST R 50911-96: Agricultural machinery. Maintenance-production equipment. General safety requirements

GOST R 50950-96: Front end loaders with telescopic boom. General specifications

GOST R 50953-2008: Emission of the exhaust gas pollutants by the main-line and shunting diesel locomotives. Norms and determination methods

GOST R 50953-96: Emission of the exhaust gas pollutants by the main line and shunting diesel locomotives. Norms and determination methods

GOST R 51076-97: Speech hearing aids trainers. General specification

GOST R 51101-2012: Metalworking and woodworking machines. Testing methods of compliance with safety requirements

GOST R 51101-97: Metalworking and woodworking machines small-size. Testing methods safety requirements

GOST R 51103-97: Cinematography. Professional motion-picture equipment and apparatus. Safety requirement and control methods

GOST R 51126-98: Liquid vacuum and gravitation filters. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 51127-98: Liquid filters periodic action, working under pressure. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 51133-98: Forwarding services on railway transport. General requirements

GOST R 51137-98: Asynchronous controlled variable electric drives for energetic objects. General specifications

GOST R 51213-98: Sphagnum peat moss. Specifications

GOST R 51246-99: Pneumatic hammer drills. Technical requirements and testing methods

GOST R 51249-99: Internal combustion reciprocating engines. Emissions of harmful substances with the exhaust gases. Limit values and test methods

GOST R 51250-99: Internal combustion reciprocating engines. Visible pollutants. Limit values and test methods

GOST R 51264-99: Electronics aids disabled persons. General specifications

GOST R 51360-99: Refrigerating compressors. Safety requirements and methods of testing

GOST R 51364-99: Air cooling apparatus. General specifications

GOST R 51400-99: Noise of machines. Determination of sound power levels using sound pressure. Engineering methods for small, movable sources in reverberant fields for hard - walls test rooms and for special reverberation test rooms

GOST R 51401-99: Noise of machines. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure. Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane

GOST R 51402-99: Noise of machine. Determination of power levels of noise sources using sound pressure. Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane

GOST R 51543-2000: Hydraulically operated portable emergency and rescue tools. Hydraulic power unit with electric drive. Basic parameters and dimensions. Safety requirements. Methods of testing and control

GOST R 51545-2000: Hydraulically operated portable emergency and rescue tools. Hydraulic power unit with motor drive. Basic parameters and dimensions. Safety requirements. Methods of testing and control

GOST R 51562-2000: Gas cleaning and dust catching equipment. Bag filters. Wet dust catching equipment. Safety requirement. Methods of testing

GOST R 51563-2000: Liquid centrifugal separators. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51564-2000: Drying and evaporating apparatus and plants. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51625-2000: Industrial gas-using equipment. Air heaters with air-flue gases mixing. General technical requirements

GOST R 51661.4-2000: Neutralized peat. Specifications

GOST R 51661.5-2000: Peat fertilizers for agriculture. Specifications

GOST R 51681-2000: Pneumatic hammer drills. Drill steels. General technical requirements

GOST R 51706-2001: Ozonisation equipment. Safety requirements

GOST R 51707-2001: Electrostatic precipitators. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST R 51738-2001: Biotechnical industries equipment. Vegetable materials hydrolysis apparatus. Fermenters. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51741-2001: Broadcasting transmitters, fixed Very High Frequency (VHF). Main parameters, technical requirements and methods of measurement

GOST R 51742-2001: Broadcasting transmitters, fixed AM modulated, ranges of low frequency, mean frequency and high frequency. Main parameters, technical requirements and methods of measurement

GOST R 51754-2001: Machines and equipment for wood industrial low landings. Safety requirements. Control methods

GOST R 51757-2001: 3-phase induction motors of voltage over 1000 V for auxiliaries of thermal power stations. General specifications

GOST R 51863-2002: Machines and tractors for forestry. Safety requirements

GOST R 51903-2002: Fixed high frequency transmitters for radio communication. Basic parameters, technical requirements and methods of measurements

GOST R 51922-2002: Plate compactor. General specifications

GOST R 51931-2002: Industrial centrifuges. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51945-2002: Aspirators. General specifications

GOST R 51984-2002: Mine belt conveyers. General specifications

GOST R 52026-2003: Forestry machinery. Petrol power chain-saws, bush-cutters and grass-trimmers. Methods of measuring the technical data of internal-combustion engines

GOST R 52033-2003: Motor vehicles with petrol engines. Emission of the exhaust gas pollutants. Norms and methods of the control for estimation of technical condition

GOST R 52148-2003: Skid-steer loaders. General specifications

GOST R 52152-2003: Long wall powered roof chocks. Basic parameters. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 52156-2003: Self-propelled road rollers. General specifications

GOST R 52160-2003: Motor vehicles, equipped with compression ignition engines. Visible pollutants. Norms and methods of the control for estimation of technical condition

GOST R 52218-2004: Shaft sinking winches. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 52220-2004: Monorail transport system electrical rolling stock. General safety requirements

GOST R 52232-2004: Light rail cars. General specifications

GOST R 52264-2004: Pressure diving chambers. General specifications

GOST R 52291-2004: Log loaders. Knuckle boom equipment. General specifications

GOST R 52307-2005: Thermoelectrical food refrigerators for the railway stock. General specifications

GOST R 52442-2005: Pneumatic stopper drills. General technical requirements

GOST R 52443-2005: Pneumatic rock drills. General technical requirements

GOST R 52542-2006: Refractories. Methods for determination of thermal resistance with cooling by compressed air

GOST R 52543-2006: Hydraulic drives. Safety requirements

GOST R 52648-2006: Machines and equipment for timber floating. Safety requirements. Control methods of safety requirements

GOST R 52743-2007: Pumps and pump units for pumping of liquids. General safety requirements

GOST R 52744-2007: Submersible pumps and pump units. Safety requirements

GOST R 52776-2007: Rotating electrical machines. Rating and performance

GOST R 52869-2007: Pneumatic drives. Safety requirements

GOST R 52894.1-2007: Noise of machines. Sound power rating of air-conditioning and air-source heat pump equipment. Part 1. Non-ducted outdoor equipment

GOST R 52894.2-2007: Noise of machines. Sound power rating of air-conditioning and air-source heat pump equipment. Part 2. Non-ducted indoor equipment

GOST R 52906-2008: Equipment of the aviation fuelling system. General technical requirements

GOST R 52915-2008: Automatic and semi-automatic metalforming machines. Safety requirements

GOST R 52931-2008: Instruments for process monitoring and control. General specifications

GOST R 52998-2008: Copper concentrate. Specifications

GOST R 53028-2008: Technological foundry equipment. Noise characteristics and methods of control

GOST R 53032-2008: Noise of machines. Measurement of noise emitted by information technology and telecommunications equipment

GOST R 53037-2013: Mobile elevating work platforms. Design, calculations, safety requirements, tests

GOST R 53057-2008: Agricultural machinery. Methods of economic evaluation

GOST R 53116-2008: Organic fertilizers on basis of waste of crop production and plant processing enterprises. Specifications

GOST R 53117-2008: Organic fertilizers on basis of waste of stock-raising. Specifications

GOST R 53140-2008: Food processing machinery. Intermediate provers. Specifications

GOST R 53174-2008: Electric generating plants with diesel and gas internal combustion engines. General specifications

GOST R 53175-2008: Electric generating plants with gasoline internal combustion engines. General specifications

GOST R 53187-2008: Acoustics. Noise monitoring of cities

GOST R 53237-2008: Fiber glass. General requirements for safety in the course of Production and Application

GOST R 53277-2009: Fire equipment. Equipment for maintenance of fire hoses. General technical requirements. Methods of testing

GOST R 53328-2009: Fire fighting technics. Fire extinguishing trucks. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53380-2009: Soils and Grounds. Hothouse grounds. Specifications

GOST R 53381-2009: Soils and Grounds. Feeding Grounds. Specifications

GOST R 53432-2009: Printed circuit boards. General technical requirements for manufacture

GOST R 53463-2009: Hammers. Safety requirements

GOST R 53471-2009: Synchronous three-phase generators of power above 100 kW. General specifications

GOST R 53473-2009: Food processing machinery. Moulders Specifications

GOST R 53474-2009: Food processing machinery. Band saw machines. Specifications

GOST R 53475-2009: Food processing machinery. Circular saw machines. Specifications

GOST R 53476-2009: Food processing machinery. Cutting machines for meat. Specifications

GOST R 53477-2009: Food processing machinery. Dough and pastry brakes. Specifications

GOST R 53478-2009: Food processing machinery. Dough mixers. Specifications

GOST R 53481-2009: Lubrication systems. Safety requirements

GOST R 53529-2009: Trunking radio stations and repeaters of TETRA standard. Basic parameters. Technical requirements

GOST R 53543-2009: Aircraft and helicopter ground support equipment. General technical requirements

GOST R 53675-2009: National standard of the Russian Federation. Pumps for the trunk oil pipelines. General Requirements

GOST R 53681-2009: Flare parts for general refinery and petrochemical service. General technical requirements

GOST R 53682-2009: Fired heaters for refineries. General technical requirements

GOST R 53702-2009: Alarms guarding surface vibration detectors for blocking of structures and safes. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 53895-2010: Food processing machinery. Mincing machines. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 53896-2010: Food processing machinery. Pasta processing dryers and coolers. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 53942-2010: Food processing machinery. Clipping machines. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 53978-2010: Special railway rolling stock. General technical requirements

GOST R 54000-2010: Organic fertilizers. Sapropels. General specifications

GOST R 54129-2010: Emission of the exhaust gas pollutants by the main-line and shunting for the special-purpose rolling stock. Norms and determination methods

GOST R 54310-2011: Blister copper. Specifications

GOST R 54317-2011: Launching and technical complexes of space-rocket complexes. Safety requirements

GOST R 54320-2011: Food processing machinery. Rotary rack ovens. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54321-2011: Food processing machinery. Centrifugal machines for processing edible oils and fats. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54387-2011: Food processing machinery. Dеrinding, skinning and membrane removal machines. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54388-2011: Food processing machinery. Pie and tart machines. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54404-2011: Gas pumping units driven with gas turbine. General specifications

GOST R 54423-2011: Food processing machinery. Food processors and blenders. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54424-2011: Food processing machinery. Vegetable peelers. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54425-2011: Food processing machinery. Beam mixers. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54431-2011: Metal-working machines. General safety requirements

GOST R 54435-2011: Wind power plant constructions. Base safety requirements

GOST R 54651-2011: Organic fertilizers on basis of sewage sludge. Specifications

GOST R 54775-2011: Powered support pumping stations. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 54778-2011: Machines for harvesting fruit and berries. Test methods

GOST R 54779-2011: Corn harvesting combines. Test methods

GOST R 54780-2011: Machines for goods processing fruit. Test methods

GOST R 54781-2011: Potato harvesting machines. Test methods

GOST R 54782-2011: Forage harvesting machine. Test methods

GOST R 54787-2011: Nanodimensional processing of precision details. Production requirements

GOST R 54812-2011: Auxiliary and emergency marine diesel-generator sets. Types and basic parameters. General technical requirements

GOST R 54893-2012: Passenger cars on locomotive traction and motor-cars. Lacquer and antidischarge coating reguirements.

GOST R 54906-2012: Complex security systems. Environmental security and ecological safety guaranteed design. General technical requirements

GOST R 54942-2012: Gas fuel motor vehicles with spark ignition engines. Emission of the exhaust gas pollutants. Norms and methods of the control for estimation of technical condition

GOST R 54967-2012: Food processing machinery and equipment. Сutters. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54968-2012: Food processing machinery. Mixing machines. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54969-2012: Food processing machinery and equipment. Equipment for pasta pressing. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54970-2012: Food processing machinery. Centrifugal devices for drying vegetables and fruits. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54971-2012: Food processing machinery. Spreaders, stripping and cutting machines, stick return conveyors, stick magazines. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 54972-2012: Food processing machinery and equipment. Filling machines and auxiliary machines. Safety and hygiene requirements

GOST R 55004-2012: Renewable power engineering. Geothermal power plants. Base safety requirements

GOST R 55005-2012: Renewable power engineering. Geothermal power plants. Safety requirements under operation

GOST R 55006-2012: Stationary diesel and gas fuelled power plants with internal combustion engines. General specifications

GOST R 55150-2012: Combined passive infrared ultrasonic intrusion detectors for use in buildings. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55152-2012: Mining equipment. Mobile armoured face conveyors. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55153-2012: The mountain-mine equipment. Underground loading-transport machines. The safety requisitions and test methods

GOST R 55156-2012: Mining equipment. Mine belt stage loader. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55159-2012: The mountain-mine equipment. Underground loading machines. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55160-2012: Mining equipment. Mine face conveyers jacks. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55161-2012: Mining equipment. Borers mining hand pneumatic. Safety requirements and methods of testing

GOST R 55162-2012: Mining equipment. Pneumatic hammers. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 55164-2012: Mining equipment. Movable mine compressor stations. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 55165-2012: Mining equipment. Rotary bucket quarry excavators. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55166-2012: Mining equipment. Rotary bucket quarry excavators. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55168-2012: Stationary gas turbine plants' air intake ducts. General technical requirements

GOST R 55173-2012: Boiler plant. General technical requirements

GOST R 55196-2012: Gas turbines of low capacity for turbogenerators. General technical requirements

GOST R 55197-2012: Remote control for railway energy supply system. General specifications

GOST R 55259-2012: Plants for artificial drying of hay. Test methods

GOST R 55260.2.1-2012: Hydro power plants. Part 2-1. Hydrotreaters. Procurement specification

GOST R 55260.3.1-2013: Hydro power plants. Part 3-1. Hydraulic turbines. Procurement specification

GOST R 55262-2012: Dry machines and installing the agricultural purpose. Methods of testing

GOST R 55439-2013: Inland water transport. Operation of cargo transfer complexes and passenger terminals of river ports. Safety requirements

GOST R 55441-2013: Inland water transport. Operation of cargo transfer complexes and passenger terminals of river ports. General safety requirements

GOST R 55472-2013: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas distribution networks. Part 0. General

GOST R 55560-2013: Inland water transport. Operation of cargo transfer complexes and passenger terminals of river ports. Safety requirements. General

GOST R 55570-2013: Organic fertilizers. Biocompost. Specifications

GOST R 55571-2013: Organic fertilizers on basis of solid domestic waste. Specifications

GOST R 55621-2013: Guide for procurement of power station equipment. Part 5-4. Turbines-hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines

GOST R 55730-2013: Mining equipment. Loading-transport machines. General technical requirements

GOST R 55734-2013: Mining equipment. Quarry spreaders. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55736-2013: Mining equipment. Machines for drilling blast holes in open mountain developments. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55809-2013: Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic flaw detectors. Methods of measuring the main parameters

GOST R 55814-2013: Norms and rules of railway rolling stock fitting out with radio communication facilities and interference suppression devices

GOST R 55851-2013: Gas burners, gas/oil burner and pulverized solid fuel/gas burners of steam and hot-water boilers. Acceptance test. Basis requirements

GOST R 55852-2013: Draft machine. General operating specification

GOST R 55882.4-2013: Electric equipment of a railway rolling stock. Part 4. A.c. circuit-breakers. General specifications

GOST R 55998-2014: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Offshore production installation. Evacuation ways and temporary safe refuges. General requirements

GOST R 56000-2014: Petroleum and natural gas industry. Offshore production units. Operations in arctic conditions. General requirements

GOST R 56004-2014: Organic fertilizers. Vermicomposting. Specifications

GOST R 56019-2014: Gas distribution systems. Gas pressure regulating stations. Functional requirements

GOST R 56153-2014: Analogue radio stations. Basic parameters. Technical requirements

GOST R 56172-2014: Radio stations and repeaters of DMR standard. Basic parameters. Technical requirements

GOST R 56249-2014: Technical gas sulphur. Specifications

GOST R 56512-2015: Non-destructive testing. Method of magnetic particle testing. Standard technological processes

GOST R 56552-2015: Floating cranes. Specifications

GOST R 58215-2018: Oil and gas industry. Arctic operations. Work environment

GOST R 58792-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Mobile compression foam generation systems. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 8.669-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Vibrometers with piezoelectric, induction and eddy current vibrations transducers. Methods of verification

GOST R 8.866-2014: The state system of measurement assurance. Standard ac voltage and current thermal converters. Methods and instruments of verification

GOST R ISO 4254-1-2011: Agricultural machinery. Safety requirements. Part 1. General requirements

Indication O-1515u: Recommendations for planning labor protection measures in railway transport

ITP 31-87: Instructions for the technological design of enterprises for the production of perfumery products

Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: The manual on the initial requirements for the development of design documentation for equipment of individual production (to SNiP 11-01-95)

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: A collection of explanations of certain provisions and the contents of paragraphs of the Instructions on the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and preparation of project documents for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures of SNiP 11-01-95 (Questions and Answers)

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: A guide to SNiP 11-01-95 on the development of a section of project documentation "Organization and working conditions of workers. Production and enterprise management"

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: Guide to SNiP 11-01-95 on the development of the section of project documentation "Environmental Protection"

Manual for SNiP 3.05.01-85: Manual for the production and acceptance of work when installing ventilation and air conditioning systems

MDS 12-16.2003: Recommended Practice for the Development of Local Regulations (Proprietary Standards) for Use in an Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems in a Construction Organization

MDS 12-22.2005: Recommendations for the application in the construction industry of the requirements of regulatory legal and other regulatory acts containing state regulatory labor protection requirements

MDS 12-23.2006: Temporary recommendations on the technology and organization of construction of multifunctional high-rise buildings and building complexes in Moscow

MDS 12-27.2006: Methodological manual for conducting labor protection training for executives and specialists of construction organizations

MDS 13-6.2000: Method for the Determination of Unfitness of Residential Occupancies and Dwelling Units for Occupation

Methodical instructions 4425-87: Sanitary and hygienic control of ventilation systems of industrial premises. Methodical instructions

Methodical recommendations 2957-84: Methodical recommendations for the measurement and hygienic assessment of vibration in residential areas

MI 1515-86: Guidelines. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Rail flaw detector GSP.MD-22FD-11E. Method of verification

MI 1873-88: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Vibrometers with piezoelectric and induction converters. Method of verification

MI 2029-89: Calibration and marking prisms with one prismatic recess and grip. Methods of control

MI 2728-2002: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The list of regulatory documents on security requirements. The order of their application in the normative documents of the ICE

Model series 20.0027: Reinforced Concrete Supports for Joint Suspension of 10 kV Overhead Line Protected Wires and Self-Carrying Insulated Wires of Double-Chain 0.4 kV Overhead Line. Working drawings

MR 2986-84: Guidelines for the fight against noise and vibration in the steel industry

MR 4098-86: Improving the working conditions of miners in the mining of ore by the open method

MSN 40-01-2011: Internal heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems

MT-RTS-VIK-M-01-2017: Methods of visual and measuring control of trunnions and traverses of metal pouring ladles, hooks and extensions of hook suspensions of cranes transporting molten metal

MU 0397-00.001: Method of nondestructive testing of parts of the mud pump U8-6MA2

MU 0397-00.002: Non-Destructive Testing Methodology for VE-50 and VP-50 Swivels

MU 0397-00.003: Method of non-destructive testing of turbodrill parts

MU 0397-00.004: Methods of conducting non-destructive testing of parts of the boiler installation PPUA-1600/100

MU 0397-00.005: Methods of conducting non-destructive testing of parts of KTGU type keys

MU 0397-00.006: Non-Destructive Testing Technique for the A-50U Tack Block

MU 0397-00.007: Methods of non-destructive ultrasonic testing of elevators ETA, EHL, KM

MU 0397-00.008: Method of non-destructive testing of parts for the heating device of the ADPM-12 unit/150-У1

MU 0397-00.009: Method of non-destructive testing of parts of centrifugal pumps such as CNS 38-44 ... 220, CNS 60-198, CNS 105-98, CNS 180-476 ... 686, CNS 300-120 ... 600, CNS 500-19002

MU 0898-00.001: Methods of conducting non-destructive testing of hooks of lifting and transport equipment (automobile, tractor, trailer cranes and crane beams)

MU 0898-00.003: Method of non-destructive ultrasonic testing of the details of the installation of the manifold unit

MU 1002-00.004: Methods of conducting non-destructive ultrasonic testing of steam double-drum boilers of the type DE and Е-1-9

MU 1198-00.001: Method for non-destructive testing of ultrasonic testing of LBT drill pipes

MU 1198-00.002: Methods of non-destructive ultrasonic testing of the weld zone of drill pipes of the TBPV type

MU 1198-00.003: Method of non-destructive ultrasonic testing of the crown block UKB-6-200

MU 1198-00.006: Method of conducting non-destructive testing of the pulley block

MU 1198-00.008: Method for non-destructive testing of brake bands of drawworks and winches of units for underground and workover of wells

MU 1198-00.009: UTBC-5-170 hook block non-destructive testing methodology

MU 1198-00.010: Method for the non-destructive testing of shaft shaft winch LV-15

MU 1198-00.011: PBC-4 key non-destructive testing procedure

MU 1198-00.012: Methods of conducting non-destructive testing of HC-250 swivels

MU 1798-00.003: Methods of conducting non-destructive ultrasonic inspection of parts of the column head

MU 1844-78: Procedural Guidelines for Measurement and Hygienic Assessment of Noises at Workplaces

MU Hygienic evaluation of tractors and agricultural machines

MU 2.2.8/ Organization of ventilation at radiation facilities

MU 3702-00.002: Method of non-destructive ultrasonic testing of parts of the valve ZMS1-65х210

MU 3927-85: Guidelines for the sanitary supervision of the design, release of manual machines and the working conditions of workers in vibration-hazard professions

MU 4296/755-00.025: Methods of conducting non-destructive testing of drill pipe UBT

MU 4425-87: Sanitary and hygienic control of ventilation systems of production areas

MU 4428-87: Guidelines for improving the state preventive sanitary inspection of the design of workshops and welding stations, the development of technological processes and equipment for welding production

MU 6096-00.001: Method for the non-destructive testing of the shaft of the LV-44 winch

MUK 4.3.2230-07: Method for determining the level of acoustic load on the crew members of aircraft taking into account the noise under air headsets

NB ZhT TsE 114-2003: Block-modular traction substations of direct and alternating current. Safety standards Safety standards

NB ZhT TsE 115-2003: One-unit traction substations of electrified railways. Safety standards

NB ZhT TsE 119-2003: Static converters (semiconductor, unmanaged rectifiers) for railway power supply devices. Safety standards

NB ZhT TsT 01-98: Diesel train Safety Standards Change №1

NB ZhT TsT 02-98: Diesel locomotives. Safety regulations

NB ZhT TsT 03-98: Electric trains. Safety Standards. Amendments №1-4

NB ZhT TsT 04-98: Electric locomotives. Safety standards

NPB 101-2005*: Fire safety standards of the Republic of Belarus. The main fire trucks. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 104-03: Designing of fire alarm systems in buildings and structures

NPB 163-97*: Fire fighting equipment. The main fire trucks. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 186-99: Fire equipment. Compressor unit for filling of iow-volume balloons with compress air breathing apparatus for fireman. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 192-2000: Fire engineering. Communnication and lighting truck. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 194-2000: Fire engineering. Smoke ejector truck. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 307-2002: Fire fighting vehicles. Designation

NPB 311-2002: Fire equipment. Command vehicle. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 312-2003: Fire engineering. Rescue vehicle. General technical requirements. Test methods

NTP 10-12977-2000: Standards of technological design of enterprises of the alcoholic beverage industry

NTP-APK Engineering Design Standards for Cattle Farms

NTP-APK Engineering Design Standards for Sheep Breeding Facilities

NTP-APK Engineering Design Standards for Goat Breeding Facilities

NTP-APK Engineering Design Standards for Camel Breeding Facilities

NTP-APK Engineering Design Standards for Poultry Raising Facilities

NTP-APK Engineering Design Standards for Veterinary Facilities for Livestock Raising, Fur-Farming, Poultry-Raising Facilities and Farms

NTP-APK Engineering Design Standards for Veterinary Facilities for Cities and Other Populated Areas

NTP-APK Engineering Design Standards for Animal Artificial Insemination Stations

NTP-APK Standards of technological design of complexes for the cultivation of champignons

NTP-APK Norms of technological design of oyster mushroom growing complexes

NTP-APK Engineering Design Standards for Grain Seed Companies and Small-Capacity Grain Processing Facilities

NTP-APK Engineering Design Standards for Facilities for Storage and Processing of Potatoes and Fruit and Vegetable Products

NTP-APK Technological design norms for warehouses of liquid matters for chemicalization

NTP-APK Technological design standards for pesticide stores

NTP-APK Standards for technological design of astrakhan preprocessing centers

NTP-APK Engineering Design Standards for Livestock Raising Farms and Complexes

NTP-APK Norms of technological design of agricultural enterprises for the production of animal feed

NTP-APK Standards for technological design of bases and warehouses for general-purpose enterprises for resource provision

NTP-APK Standards of technological design of enterprises of the yeast industry

NTPD-90: Norms of technological design of diesel power plants

ODM 218.2.075-2016: Guidelines for the use of structural composite grids and gratings instead of steel when used to strengthen the arches of tunnels and retaining walls by the method of gunning

ONTP 01-86/Minavtotrans RSFSR: All-Union norms for technological design of automobile transport enterprises

ONTP 01-91: All-Union norms for technological design of automobile transport enterprises

ONTP 02-85: National Engineering Design Standards for Lumbering Facilities

ONTP 02-86: National Engineering Design Standards for Machine-Building, Instrument-Building, and Metalworking Facilities. Woodworking Shops

ONTP 03-86: National Engineering Design Standards for Machine-Building, Instrument-Building, and Metalworking Facilities. Paint Shops

ONTP 04-85: All-Union norms for technological design of timber transshipment enterprises

ONTP 04-86: All-Union norms for the technological design of enterprises of mechanical engineering, instrument engineering and metalworking. Shops of cold sheet metal stamping

ONTP 04-94: Sectoral norms of technological design of enterprises in the automotive industry. Shops of cold sheet metal stamping

ONTP 05-95: Sectoral norms of technological design of enterprises in the automotive industry. Metal plating workshops

ONTP 06-95: Sectoral norms of technological design of enterprises in the automotive industry. Workshops for the manufacture of special technological and non-standardized equipment, means of mechanization, automation, and office equipment

ONTP 07-85: All-Union norms for the technological design of precast concrete enterprises

ONTP 07-86: All-Union norms for the technological design of enterprises of mechanical engineering, instrument engineering and metalworking. Foundries and warehouses of charge and molding materials

ONTP 08-87: All-Union norms for the technological design of engineering, instrument-making and metal-working enterprises. Workshops for the repair of pipelines, sanitary appliances and heat and power equipment

ONTP 08-96: Sectoral norms of technological design of enterprises in the automotive industry. Workshops for the repair of sanitary and heat power equipment

ONTP 09-85: All-Union norms of technological design of enterprises for the production of products from cellular and dense autoclaved concrete

ONTP 09-88: All-Union standards for the technological design of enterprises of mechanical engineering, instrument engineering and metalworking. Assembly and welding shops

ONTP 09-93: Standards for the technological design of engineering, instrument-making and metal-working enterprises. Mechanical repair shops

ONTP 09-96: Sectoral norms of technological design of enterprises in the automotive industry. Assembly and welding shops

ONTP 10-85: All-Union norms of technological design of production for the manufacture of products from metal powders based on iron and copper

ONTP 11-93: Standards for the technological design of engineering, instrument-making and metal-working enterprises. Workshops for the production of tools and tooling (completion ONTP-11-93)

ONTP 11-94: Sectoral norms of technological design of enterprises in the automotive industry. Repair shops of electrical equipment

ONTP 14-93: Standards for the technological design of engineering, instrument-making and metal-working enterprises (refinement of ONTP-14-93). Mechanical processing assembly shops

ONTP 14-96 (II): Sectoral norms of technological design of enterprises in the automotive industry. Assembly shops

ONTP 16-86: All-Union standards for technological design of thermal areas, workshops, production facilities of enterprises of mechanical engineering, instrument engineering and metalworking

ONTP 1-85/Minstrojdormash: All-Union norms of technological design of engineering enterprises, instrument making metallo-processing. Metalwork shops (Stocking and welding production)

ONTP 1-86: All-union regulations of technological engineering of liquefied petroleum gas extraction plants

ONTP 18-85: All-Union Norms of Technological Design of Nonmetallic Building Materials Enterprises

ONTP 2-87: All-Union standards for technological design of plastics processing facilities. II part

ONTP 444-86: National Engineering Design Standards for Facilities for the Production of Mineral Wool Products and Building Components

ONTP 6-85: All-Union norms of technological design of warehouse complexes and mechanical repair shops of mines, mines and concentration plants of the mining industry

OST 1-42172-83: Control of protective environment during welding of parts from titanium alloys

OST 2 N83-44-80: Occupational safety standards system. Arc and electroslag welding. Safety requirements

OST 2 N83-45-80: Occupational safety standards system. Contact welding. Safety requirements

OST 2 N83-46-80: Occupational safety standards system. Oxygen cutting. Safety requirements

OST 2 Н83-44-80: Occupational safety standards system. Electric arc welding and slag welding. Safety requirements.

OST 2 Н83-45-80: Labour safety standard system. Contact welding. Safety requirements.

OST 2 Н83-46-80: Labour safety standard system. Oxygen cutting. Safety requirements.

OST 24.090.39-83: Shell stacker cranes. General specifications.

OST 24.940.01-90: Welded steel structures. General technical requirements.

OST 26.260.01-2001: Steel enamel vessels and devices. General technical specifications.

OST 26-01-136-81: Assembling units of steel pipelines on pressure over 9,81 to 98,1 MPa (over 100 to 1000 kgf/cm2) of complete technological lines. General specifications.

OST 26-01-1434-87: Welding of steel technological pipelines on nominal pressure over 10 to 100 MPa (over 100 to 1000 kgf/cm2). Technical requirements.

OST 26-01-147-89: Drying devices with rotating drums. General technical requirements.Printing telegraph and terminals for document electric communication. Methods of printed character parameter measurement.

OST 26-01-49-82: Assembling units and pipeline details for working pressure of 32 MPa (320 kgf/cm2). General specifications.

OST 26-02-376-78: Technological units of gas and oil industry. General technical requirements.

OST 26-04-2153-77: Labour safety standard system. Cryogenic equipment. General safety requirements and constructions.

OST 26-06-2028-96: Labour safety standard system. General purpose industrial grade pumps. Safety requirements.

OST 26-07-2051-82: Pipeline fittings. Climatic tests methods.

OST 26-18-5-88: Technological units of gas and oil industry. General technical requirements.

OST 290.004-02: Rules of air division product production design.

OST 32.45-95: Noise. Pneumatic equipment of marshalling yards. Permissible noise levels

OST 32.97-87: Occupational safety standards system. Infrasound in the cabs of the operator of traction rolling stock of railways. Permissible levels and measurement methods

OST 32-24-93: Standardization of railway public services. Requirements for passenger services rendered in deluxe trains.

OST 35-23-83: Occupational safety standards system. Construction of highways. Asphalt and concrete and black coatings and foundations. Safety requirements.

OST 36-100.2.03-84: Occupational safety standards system. Labour saving tools. Installation tools and devices. General safety and ergonomics requirements.

OST 36-100.3.06-85: Occupational safety standards system. Special works on the erection of high-level reinforced concrete structures. Safety requirements.

OST 36-100.3.13-85: Labour safety standard system. Processing equipment installation. General safety requirements.

OST 36-122-85: Steel building structures. Field connections on dowels. General requirements.

OST 36-145-88: Steel technological pipelines for pressure Ру up to 10 MPa. Fluxing automatic arc welding. Typical technological process.

OST 36-50-86: Steel industrial pipelines. Heat treatment of welded joints. Template technological process

OST 36-79-83: Steel process pipes of carbon and low alloy steels Pi up to 10 MPa (100 kgs/cm2). Semi-automatic welding with consumable electrode in carbon dioxide. Typical process.

OST 45.119-99: Occupational safety standards system. Points of regeneration fiber optic transmission lines. General safety requirements

OST 45.123-99: Terrestrial stations in the fixed-satellite service. Technical requirements for plant components

OST 45.193-2002: Fixed and broadcasting satellite services. Earth stations operating in the frequency bands: 27,5-31,0 GHz for transmission 17,7-21,2 GHz and 10.7-12.75 GHz for reception. Technical requirements. Test methods

OST 45.199-99: Occupational safety standards system. Regenerative points of fiber-optic transmission lines. General safety requirements

OST 45.47-88: Local exchange coin boxes. Repair and testing procedures.

OST 45.56-96: Types, basic parameters, technical requirements

OST 45.77-97: Terrestrial stations transmitting feeder lines of satellite systems for direct television broadcasting. Main settings. Measurement methods

OST 45.97-97: Equipment echo and ehocompensation for communication lines. Types, basic parameters, technical requirements

OST 45.98-98: VSAT type ground stations for sattelite communication networks

OST 48-41-91: Engineering products of non-ferrous metallurgy. General Specifications.

OST 68-12.0.01-02: Sectoral system of standards for labor safety. Main provisions

OST 95 10439-2002: Equipment for radioactive environments. General technical requirements. Acceptance. Maintenance and repair.

OTT 08042462: Instruments and automation equipment for nuclear power plants. General technical requirements

P SSFZhT 45/ISO 9001-2003: The certification system on the federal railway transport of the Russian Federation. Quality Management System. Requirements

PB: Safety regulations and industrial sanitation for loading and unloading operations on railway transport

PB: Safety regulations and industrial sanitation for the repair and maintenance of railway tracks and structures

PB 03-428-02: Safety Requirements for Construction of Underground Structures

PB 06-09-92: Uniform safety rules for crushing, sorting, mineral processing and sintering of ores and concentrates

PB 06-227-98: Safety regulations for auxiliary workshops of mining enterprises

PB 08-83-95: Requirements for the Organization and Safe Operation of Underground Storage Facilities for Natural Gas in Salt Deposits

PB 09-297-99: Rules of setup and safe operation of compressor units with piston compressors operating on dangerously explosive and noxious gases

PB 09-540-03: General codes on explosion protection for explosive and fire hazardous chemical, petrochemical plants and oil refineries

PB 09-592-03: Rules for arrangement and safe operation of refrigerating systems

PB 11-401-01: Safety regulations for gas-handling facilities of metallurgic and coke-chemical industries and enterprises

PND F Waste of mineral origin. Recommendations for selection and preparation of samples. General provisions

POT R M 001-97: Rules for labor protection in logging, woodworking industries and during forestry work. Part I

POT R M-001-97: Rules for labor protection in logging, woodworking and forestry operations

POT R M-002-97: Intersectoral rules on labor protection in foundry

POT R M-003-97: Intersectoral rules on labor protection when performing forging and pressing

POT R M-005-97: Intersectoral labor protection rules for heat treatment of metals

POT R M-006-97: Intersectoral labor protection rules for cold metal processing

POT R M-007-98: Industry-Wide Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Freight Loading/Offloading and Placement Operations

POT R M-008-99: Intersectoral rules on labor protection during the operation of industrial vehicles (floor rail-free wheeled vehicles)

POT R M-009-99: Intersectoral labor protection regulations for the production and use of mercury

POT R M-010-2000: Intersectoral labor protection rules in the production of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials and products

POT R M-011-2000: Intersectoral rules on labor protection in public catering

POT R M-013-2000: Industry-Wide Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Chemical Cleaning and Washing

POT R M-014-2000: Intersectoral Occupational Safety Rules

POT R M-015-2000: Intersectoral labor protection regulations for the operation of freon refrigeration units

POT R M-018-2001: Intersectoral labor protection rules when applying metal coatings

POT R M-019-2001: Intersectoral rules for labor protection in the production of acetylene, oxygen, the process of spraying and gas-plasma processing of metals

POT R M-020-2001: Industry-Wide Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Electric Welding and Gas Welding Operations

POT R M-022-2002: Intersectoral rules on labor protection during soldering and tinning of products

POT R M-023-2002: Industry-Wide Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Gas Flame Working of Materials

POT R M-025-2002: Intersectoral rules on labor protection during the operation of water supply and sewer facilities

POT R M-026-2003: Intersectoral rules on labor protection during the operation of gas facilities of organizations

POT R M-027-2003: Intersectoral rules on labor protection in road transport

POT R M-028-2003: Intersectoral labor protection regulations for plastics processing

POT R O 00030171: Labor protection rules during the operation of navigable hydraulic structures

POT R O 13153-ZhDRM-946-03: Industry rules on labor protection during factory repair of locomotives and freight cars

POT R O 97300-12-97: Labor protection regulations in the beer and non-alcoholic food industry

POT R O-00-97: Occupational Safety and Health Requirements in the Pulp and Paper and Rosin Industry

POT R O-112-001-95: Rules for labor protection during the operation of oil depots and gas stations

POT R O-112-002-98: Rules for labor protection during the operation of trunk oil pipelines

POT R O-13153-TsSh-877-02: Industry rules for labor protection during maintenance and repair of signaling, centralization and blocking devices on federal railway transport

POT R O-13153-TsT-926-02: Industry safety rules for railroad solid fuel bases

POT R O-14000-001-98: Rules on labor protection at enterprises and organizations of mechanical engineering

POT R O-14000-003-98: Rules for labor protection in the manufacture of boiler work and metal structures

POT R O-200-01-95: Rules on labor protection in automobile transport

POT R O-32-CV-400-96: Labor protection rules for the maintenance and repair of freight cars and refrigerated rolling stock

POT R O-32-TsT-668-99: Rules for labor protection during maintenance and current repair of traction rolling stock and cranes on the railway

POT R O-45-001-94: Rules on labor protection in institutions and enterprises of the postal service and Rospechat

POT R O-45-005-95: Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Work on Cable Communications Lines and Closed-Circuit Radio Broadcasting (Installation of Closed-Circuit Radio Networks)

POT R O-45-008-97: Rules for labor protection at central and base stations of radiotelephone communication

POT R O-95120-001-94: Rules of labor protection at retailers

POT R O-97300-016-98: Rules on labor protection. Beekeeping

POT R O-97300-03-95: Occupational Health and Safety Rules

POT R O-97300-04-95: Rules for labor protection during storage and processing of fruits and vegetables

POT R O-97300-05-95: Rules for labor protection in food concentrate and vegetable drying industries of the food industry

POT R O-97300-06-95: Rules for labor protection in the sugar industry of the food industry

POT R O-97300-07-95: Rules for labor protection in the production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages

POT R O-97300-08-96: Rules on labor protection in animal husbandry. Pig breeding

POT R O-97300-09-96: Rules on labor protection in animal husbandry. Sheep and goat breeding

POT R O-97300-10-96: Rules on labor protection in animal husbandry. Horse breeding

POT R O-97300-11-97: Rules for labor protection in the repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery

POT R O-97300-13-97: Occupational Safety and Health Requirements in Poultry Farming

POT R O-97300-14-97: Rules on labor protection in animal husbandry. Fur farming

POT RO-13153-TsL-923-02: Industry rules for labor protection in the passenger sector of the federal railway transport

POT RO-13153-TsM-933-03: Industry rules for labor protection in the economy of freight and commercial work on the federal railway transport

POT RO-14000-002-98: Ordinance on Safety Assurance for Process Equipment

POT RO-32-TsV-406-96: Rules for labor protection during the current repair and preparation for filling tanks for oil products and bunker-type cars for oil bitumen

POT RZhD 4100612-CT-613-2015: Temporary rules on labor protection during the operation of prototypes of the TEM19 gas locomotive and the GT1h gas turbine locomotive

POT RZhD 4100612-CTR-062-2015: Temporary rules on labor protection during maintenance and current repair of prototypes of the TEM19 gas locomotive and the GT1h gas turbine locomotive

POT RZhD 4100612-TsSh-074-2015: Rules for labor protection during maintenance and repair of signaling, centralization and blocking devices at Russian Railways

POT RZhD-4100612-TsP-TsDRP-022-2013: Rules for labor protection, environmental, industrial and fire safety during maintenance and repair of infrastructure facilities of the railway complex of JSC Russian Railways

POT RZhD-4100612-TsT-025-2012: Rules for labor protection during operation of locomotives of Russian Railways

PR 32 TsSh 001-2001: Rules for metrology. Methodical instructions. Metrological support of control patterns for linear parameters of sorting slide retarders

R 466-82: Guidelines for conducting induction training on labor protection in organizations and enterprises of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry

R 470-82: Safety Guide and Special Issues of Industrial Sanitation in Construction of Main Pipelines in Western Siberia

R 50-601-21-92: Recommendations. Establishment of product safety requirements in standards and technical conditions

R 52.19.555-95: Recommendations A standard project of labor organization at the workplaces of laboratory workers for monitoring surface water pollution by hydrochemical indicators

R 525-84: Guidelines for labor protection when working on insulating combining machines

RD 05-325-99: Safety standards for main mining and transport equipment for coal mines

RD 05-620-03: Procedural Guidelines for Conformity Assessment of Industrial Safety of Mechanized Treatment Facilities

RD 08-272-99: Safety requirements for drilling equipment for the oil and gas industry.

RD 10-197-98: Guidelines for Operating Condition Assessment of Bolted and Riveted Joints of Hoisting Cranes

RD 102-011-89: Occupational Safety and Health. Management and Procedural Documents

RD 12.23.102-85: Mountain cars. Method for establishing values of noise and vibration characteristics

RD 13-03-2006: Guidelines on the procedure for conducting eddy current testing of technical devices and structures used and operated at hazardous production facilities

RD 13-04-2006: Guidelines on the procedure for conducting thermal control of technical devices and structures used and operated at hazardous production facilities

RD 13-05-2006: Methodical recommendations on the procedure for conducting magnetic particle inspection of technical devices and structures used and operated at hazardous production facilities

RD 13-06-2006: Guidelines for the procedure for capillary control of technical devices and structures used and operated at hazardous production facilities

RD 15-13-2008: Guidelines for the examination of industrial safety of compressor installations used in coal mines and mines

RD 15-14-2008: Guidelines for the examination of the industrial safety of single-bucket excavators

RD 153-12.2-003-99: Ensuring noise and vibration safety at coal enterprises

RD 153-34.0-04.185-2003: Machines and equipment for construction, technical re-equipment and repair of energy facilities. Requirements for design, materials, manufacturing, acceptance and testing

RD 153-34.1-17.461-00: Methodological guidelines for penetrant testing of welded joints, weld pads and parent metal during manufacturing, installation, operation and repairing of power equipment.

RD 153-34.1-35.127-2002: General technical requirements for program and technical complex for technological process automated control system of thermal power plant

RD 153-34.2-03.205-2001: Safety Requirements for Maintenance of Hydraulic Structures and Hydromechanical Equipment of Power Utility Organizations

RD 153-39.1-36-99: Recommendations for the unification of oil pumps for oil refineries

RD 153-39.4-113-01: Standards for technological design of main pipelines

RD 153-39TN-008-96: Guide to Operation, Maintenance, and Repair of Equipment and Facilities of Petroleum Pumping Stations

RD 153-39TN-009-96: Ordinance on the System for Maintenance and Repair of Electrical Installations of Trunk Petroleum Pipelines Part I

RD 22-207-88: Lifting machines. General requirements and production standards

RD 26-07-263-86: The leading document. Methodical instructions. Pipeline fittings standard test methods for durability and material density of details and welded seams.

RD 27.05.01-2017: Guidance document for the repair and maintenance of wheelsets with axleboxes for freight cars of 1520 (1524) mm track gauge main railways

RD 31.3.05-97: Norms of technological design of seaports. Ministry of Transport, DMT Soyuzmorniiproekt, 1997

RD 31.30.10-83: Manual on technological design of coastal enterprises and radio communication facilities of the Ministry of the Navy

RD Standards for technological design of seaports. Section 18. Environmental Protection

RD 31.31.41-86: Support Facilities for Loading/Offloading Operations. Design Standards

RD 31.35.10-86: Port facilities and aquatic areas operation rules

RD 31.81.81-90: Recommendations for noise reduction on ships of the navy

RD 31.83.04-89: Labour safety rules in companies of the Ministry of Navy of the USSR.

RD 31.83.07-86: Occupational Safety and Health Management System - Recommended Practice for Reducing Noise Levels at Ship Repair Facilities Administered by the Ministry of the Merchant Marine

RD 32-CSR-110/34-03: Guidance document. Labor protection during the operation of buildings and structures and the repair and construction work at railway facilities

RD 34.03.105: Procedural Guidelines for Organization of Safety and Industrial Sanitation Work at Electric Power Generating Stations and in Power Grids

RD 34.03.212: Interim Safety Guidelines for Installation of Conductors and Lightning Cables During Construction of 1150 kV Overhead Lines

RD 34.03.223: Occupational Safety and Health Guidelines for Assembly of Large Metal Structures at Facilities Administered by Minenergo USSR

RD 34.03.501: Procedural Guidelines for Classification of Process Rooms of Electric Power Facilities According to Permissible Noise Levels

RD 34.03.502-91: Data Sheet for Sanitary Working Conditions in a Shop

RD 34.20.161: Standards for Design of Process Section of Hydroelectric Generating Stations and Hydroelectric Pumped Storage Power Plants

RD 34.20.162: Recommended Practice for the Design Organization Operation of Hydroelectric Generating Stations and Hydroelectric Pumped Storage Power Plants

RD 34.20.518-95: Standard Guidelines on External Corrosion Protection of Piped Heat Distribution Systems

RD 36-62-00: Hoisting equipment. General technical requirements.

RD 3688-00220302-003-04: The leading document. Pipe heating furnaces. Requirements to design, production and operation.

RD 39-22-359-80: Drilling rotors. Measurement Technique for Determining and Controlling Noise and Vibration Characteristics

RD 45.030-99: General technical requirements for radio relay equipment of digital trunk radio relay lines of ARIA of Russia

RD 45.031-99: General technical requirements for radio relay equipment of intrazone relay BCC links of Russia with digital signal transmission rate of 155 Mbit / s (STM- 1).

RD 45.063-99: Power installations and equipment, included in their composition, for the Interconnected communication network of Russia. Technical requirements

RD 45.093-97: General technical requirements for a terrestrial station for satellite communications lines operating with a satellite in geostationary orbit in the frequency bands 6/4 GHz and 14/11-12 GHz

RD 45.118-99: Radio-relay equipment of the plesiochronous digital hierarchy with a bandwidth of 4x2,048; 8x2.048; 16x2.048; 8,448; 2x8,448; 34,368 Mbit/from digital intra-zone radio-relay lines of ARIA of Russia. General technical requirements

RD 45.120-2000: Engineering standards. Urban and rural telephone networks. НТП 112-2000.

RD 45.158-2000: Automatic digital long-distance telephone stations for use on an interconnected communication network of the Russian Federation. General technical requirements

RD 45.192-2001: Rules for technical maintenance for satellite lines

RD 45.226-2001: Equipment of trunking mobile radio communication systems of TETRA standard. General technical requirements

RD 45.297-2002: Radio stations in the land mobile service. General technical requirements

RD 45.298-2002: Equipment for analog trunked mobile radio systems. General technical requirements

RD 45.370-2003: Broadcasting transmitters, Very High Frequency (VHF). General technical requirements

RD 51-00158623-06-95: The use of emergency sources of electricity at the KS MG, GPP and other gas industry facilities

RD 51-0158623-07-95: The use of a new generation of power plants with a piston and gas turbine drive

RD ROSEK 02-008-96: Passenger, hospital and freight elevators. Nondestructive control. Main provisions

RD ROSEK-001-96: Hoisting machines. Metal structures. Ultrasonic control. Key Points

RD ROSEK-003-97: Hoisting machines. Magnetic particle control. Key Points

RD ROSEK-004-97: Hoisting machines. Capillary control. Key Points

RD ROSEK-006-97: Hoisting machines. Metal structures. Ultrasonic thickness gauging. Key Points

RD ROSEK-007-97: Hoisting machines. Eddy current control. Key Points

RD ROSEK-01-002-96: Hoisting machines. Metal structures. Radiation control. Key Points

RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of cattle farms and complexes

RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of farms and cattle complexes

RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of farms and cattle farms (farms)

RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of pig farms of peasant (farmer) farms

RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of pig farms and complexes

RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of goat farms and complexes

RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of sheep facilities

RD-APK Engineering Design Standards for Horse Raising Facilities

RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of poultry enterprises

RD-APK Engineering Design Standards for Fur Farms and Rabbit Farms

RD-APK Methodical recommendations on the technological design of veterinary facilities for livestock, animal, poultry and peasant (farmer) farms

RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of veterinary facilities for urban settlements and other municipalities

RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of veterinary and sanitary utilization plants

RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of veterinary and sanitary utilization plants

RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of beekeeping objects

RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of enterprises for the production of animal feed

Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope

RM 25 951-90: APCS. Tasks for the general designer to design in adjacent parts of the automation project. Part 3. Premises for automated process control systems and automation systems. Cable facilities. Openings and embedded devices

RMD 31-04-2008 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for construction of residential and public high-rise buildings

RMG 128-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the creation of laboratories performing tests and measurements

RTP 37-87: Technological design guidelines for the repair and maintenance of agricultural equipment

Rules 00-97: Rules for Occupational Safety and Health in the Pulp and Paper and Forestry Industries (final)

SanPiN 5047-89: Sanitary rules on occupational health for shoe enterprises

SanPiN 5146-89: Temporary sanitary and hygienic norms and rules for the device, equipment, content and operating mode on personal electronic computers and video display terminals in computer rooms and display classes of all types of secondary schools

SanPiN 5791-91: Sanitary rules and regulations on the design and operation of greenhouses and greenhouses

SDOS-07-2012: Methodological recommendations on the procedure for tightness control of technical devices and structures used and operated at hazardous production facilities

SDOS-11-2015: Guidelines on the procedure for conducting ultrasonic testing of metal structures of technical devices, buildings and structures

SN 2.2.4/ Infrasound on work sites, in residential and public premises, and in housing estate territory

SN 497-77: Temporary instruction on design, installation and operation of inflatable pneumatic structures

SNiP 12-03-2001: Labor safety in construction industry

SNiP 12-03-99: Occupational safety in construction part one. General safety requirements

SNiP 3.09.01-85: Precast reinforced concrete structure and work-piece production

SNiP 32-04-97: Railway and highway tunnels

SNiP 41-01-2003: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

SNiP II-12-77: Noise protection

SNiP II-40-80: Metro

SO 34.35.146-2003: Guidelines for the creation of automated process control systems for water treatment plants (TLU) power plants

SP 107.13330.2012: Greenhouses and hotbeds

SP 11-102-97: Engineering environmental site investigations for construction

SP 12-104-2002: Building equipment. Operation of construction machinery in the winter

SP 12-133-2000: Safety in construction. Statutes on the procedure for certification of work stations by working conditions in construction and housing and utilities.

SP Occupational hygiene enterprise designing building reconstruction and maintenance. Hygienic requirements to the designing of new and reconstructible industrial enterprises

SP Hygienic regulations for organization of technological processes, production equipment and working instrument

SP 30.13330.2016: Domestic water supply and drainage systems in buildings

SP 325.1325800.2017: Buildings and construction. Rules for the production of demolition and recycling

SP 350.1326000.2018: Norms for technological design of sea ports

SP 37.13330.2012: Industrial transport

SP 4043-85: Sanitary regulations for coal industry enterprises

SP 4053-85: Sanitary Rules on the installation and operation of equipment for plasma treatment of materials

SP 41-101-95: Designing heat supply stations (to the SNiP 2.04.07-86)

SP 4783-88: Sanitary regulations for the production of synthetic polymeric materials and enterprises for their processing

SP 4950-89: Sanitary regulations for the production of carbon-based materials (coal, graphitized, fibrous, composite)

SP 5312-91: Sanitary rules for the enterprises of copper-nickel industry

SP 60.13330.2012: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC). Updated living edition of SNiP 41-01-2003

SP 60.13330.2016: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

SP 90.13330.2012: Thermal power stations

ST RK 1447-2005: Pre-stressed reinforced concrete sleepers for railway with gage 1520 mm. General specification

ST RK 1450-2005: Non-destructive testing. Weld joints of railway bridges, locomotives and cars. Ultrasonic methods

ST RK 1520-2006: Locomotives with gage 1520 mm. Requirements for application of ecological control

ST RK 1731-2007: Meat and meat products. Organoleptic method for determining quality indicators

ST RK 1976-2010: Fire engineering. Tower ladders. General specification

ST RK 1980-2010: Fire engineering. Basic fire fighting trucks. General specification

ST RK 1981-2010: Fire engineering. Fire aerial ladders. General specification

ST RK GOST R 50670-2008: Industrial gas-using equipment. Air heaters. General technical requirements

ST SSFZhT TsT 049-99: Transmission hydraulic for diesel locomotives and diesel trains. Typical test method

STB 1172-99: Non-destructive testing. Control with penetrating (capillary) substances. General provisions

STB 1208-2000: Construction and finishing machines. General safety requirements. Test methods

STB 1357-2002: Industrial sewing machines. General specifications

STB 1390-2003: Woodworking equipment. Compact moveable, transportable woodworking machines for individual use. General safety requirements

STB 1568-2005: Occupational safety standards system. Printing equipment. Safety requirements and test methods

STB 1575-2005: Mechanized timberings for benches. Basic parameters. General specifications. Test methods

STO Atom stations. Equipment, instruments, means of monitoring and control systems. General technical requirements

TI R M-074-2002: Interindustry typical regulations on labor protection during operation of electrical installations, electrical measurements and tests TI RM-(062-074)-2002

TR 162-04: Technical recommendations on the use of reinforced concrete pipes with an inner plastic sheath

TR 88-98: Technical recommendations on the installation technology of polymer concrete pipes for microtunnel laying of sewers with an internal diameter of 300-1200 mm

TU 1381-003-47966425-2006: Steel electric-welded steel pipes with an outer diameter of 610 - 1420 mm for gas pipelines for operating pressures up to 9.8 MPa

TU 14-3R-110-2009: Thick-walled hot-deformed pipes made of corrosion-resistant steel. Technical conditions

TU 14-3R-1128-2007: Seamless cold-resistant steel pipes for gas pipelines of gas-lift systems for oil production and gas field equipment. Technical conditions

TU 14-3R-115-2010: Centrifugally cast pipes for the chemical and petrochemical industries. Technical conditions

TU 2244-056-04696843-98: Thermal Insulation "PENOFOL". Technical Specifications

TU 24-09-613-84: Electric overhead traveling cranes with a lifting capacity of 5 tons of lightweight construction with electric hoist

TU 26-01-949-85: The devices gummed with the mechanical mixing device of volume 1; 2; 3.2; 6.3; 10 and 16 m3

TU 26-06-976-77: Electropump units, centrifugal, cantilever type "K"

TU 34-10-10173-80: Mobile boiler room PKBM - 10

TU 3631-002-76457067-2012: Dynamic Pumps and Pump Units MST-TsN type and spare parts for them

TU 3681-134-00220302-2007: Air coolers block-modular complete AVG-KB. Technical specifications

TU 5369-004-54965805-05: Wooden glued blanks and details for interior decoration

TU U 29.4-30482268.002-2001: Check valves, flame arresters and shut-off valves, as well as their combinations for gas-flame treatment of metals types KO, OB, OT

VMU-20-90: Temporary guidelines for the development of technical specifications for the creation of automated process control systems

VNTP 01-86: Industrial-Specific Engineering Design Standards for Distribution Warehouses and Storage Facilities

VNTP 01-87: Guidelines for Process Design of Pasta Industry Facilities

VNTP 03-91: Departmental standards of technological design of sugar beet factories. Volume 2, Part 1. Appendices

VNTP 04-94: Engineering Design Standards for Wine Bottling Plants

VNTP 06-91: Departmental norms for the technological design of cement plants

VNTP 08-90: Standards for the technological design of the depot for the repair of freight cars

VNTP 10-91: Engineering Design Standards for Breweries

VNTP 10M-93: Engineering Design Standards for Microbreweries

VNTP 112-92: Volume 1: Municipal and Rural Telephone Networks

VNTP 11-93: Engineering Design Standards for Facilities for the Production of Barley Brewer's Malt

VNTP 12-92 KD: Interim Engineering Design Standards for Facilities for Production of Canned Foods for Child Nutrition

VNTP 12-94K: Engineering Design Standards Facilities of the Canned Fruits and Vegetables Industry

VNTP 1-92: Temporary rules for the technological design of coal and shale mines

VNTP 19-86: Engineering Design Standards for Farm Federations, Farm Сooperatives, and Non-Family Farm Corporations for Production of Mixed Feed

VNTP 20-86: Industry-Specific Engineering Design Standards for Ceramics Industry Facilities. Ceramic Plumbing Fixtures Manufacturing

VNTP 26-94: Standards for technological design of sparkling wine factories (production of Soviet champagne using a continuous tank method)

VNTP 2-86: Engineering design standards for crude oil transmission pipelines

VNTP 34-93: Engineering Design Standards for Alcohol Industry Facilities

VNTP 35-93: Engineering Design Standards for Alcoholic Beverage Plants/Distilleries

VNTP 3-85: Norms of process design of facilities for gathering transport and treatment of oil gas and water of oil fields

VNTP 3-90: Engineering Design Standards for Branched Petroleum Product Pipelines

VNTP 41-85: Standards for the technological design of hydroelectric and pumped storage power plants

VNTP 51-1-88: Industry norms of technological design of Installations for Production and Storage of Liquefied Natural Gas, Isothermal Storages and Gas Filling Stations

VNTP 5-85: Bookbinding and finishing production

VNTP 81: Engineering Design Standards for Thermal Power Plants (VSN 29-81)

VNTP 81-85: Norms of technological design for petroleum-refining and organic synthesis products manufacture enterprises

VNTP/MPS 85: Departmental norms of technological design. Devices of automation and telemechanics in railway transport.

VRD 39-1.10-005-2000: Ordinance on Operation of Gas Distribution Stations of Trunk Gas Pipelines

VRD 39-1.10-006-2000*: Rules for the technical operation of gas pipelines

VRD 39-1.10-029-2001: Standard programs and methods for conducting preliminary, acceptance and operational tests of electrical units and power plants with a piston and gas turbine drive

VRD 39-1.10-069-2002: Provisions on technical operation of gas distribution stations of gas mains

VRD 39-1.10-071-2003: Rules of technical operation of power plants for the own needs of OAO Gazprom objects

VRD 39-1.13-008-2000: Requirements for ecological safety during the operation of power plants on offshore oil and gas platforms of the Arctic shelf

VRD 39-1.13-057-2002: Work Management Procedure for Environmental Protection During Well Construction

VRD 39-2.5-082-2003: Rules for the technical operation of gas filling stations for compressor stations

VSN 13-94: Instructions for the design of fire and explosion hazardous production of alcohol, alcoholic beverage and brandy enterprises of the food industry

VSN 169-84: Safety Guidelines for Pipe Welders

VSN 203-84: Safety Requirements for the Construction of Hi-Rise Reinforced Concrete Structures

VSN 454-84: Guidelines for Use of Isol [Rubber-Bitumen Roll Waterproofing Material] for Corrosion Protection for Steel Piping of Piped Heat Distribution Systems

VSN 601-92: Allowable levels of noise at the telecommunication enterprises

VSTP 6.01-92: Sanitary requirements for the design of dairy enterprises

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