Nature protection. Lands. Reclamation general requirements
Общие требования к рекультивации земель.
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time
The standard establishes general requirements for the reclamation of lands disturbed during the development of mineral deposits and peat, the construction of linear structures, exploration, prospecting and other works, as well as the requirements for land reclamation in the areas of their intended use in the national economy in accordance with GOST -85.
Стандарт устанавливает общие требования к рекультивации земель, нарушенных при разработке месторождений полезных ископаемых и торфа, строительстве линейных сооружений, проведении геологоразведочных, изыскательских и других работ, а также требования к рекультивации земель по направлениям их целевого использования в народном хозяйстве в соответствии с ГОСТ
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Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS16585
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13 Environmental protection, protection of people from environmental exposure. Security »
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I Environmental-legal and economic-legal mechanisms for environmental protection »
1 Management infield of environmental protection and environmental management »
1.5 Environmental monitoring and control »
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13.080 The quality of soil. Soil science »
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13.080 The quality of soil. Soil science »
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13.080 The quality of soil. Soil science »
13.080.01 Soil quality and soil science in general »
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13.080 The quality of soil. Soil science »
13.080.01 Soil quality and soil science in general »
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T General technical and organizational and methodological standards »
T5 Documentation System »
T58 System of standards infield of nature conservation and improvement of use of natural resources, labor safety, scientific organization of labor »
National Standards for OKSTU »
System of standards in the field of nature protection and improvement of natural resources use »
The Document References:
GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. Hygienic requirements for recreation areas at water objects
GOST Nature protection. Soils. Requirement for fertile layer conservation in performing earth-moving
GOST Nature protection. Land reclamation. Terms and definitions
GOST Nature protection. Lands. Classification of disturbed lands to be recultivated
GOST Nature protection. Lands. Classification of overburden and enclosing rocks for biological recultivation of lands
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. General rules for water pollution protection over well drilling and oil and gas extracting on land
GOST Nature protection. Soils. Requirement for fertile layer conservation in performing earth-moving
GOST Nature protection. Land reclamation. General requirements for lands to be backfilled
GOST 34366-2017: Main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Quality control of construction and installation works. Main provisions
GOST R 54003-2010: Ecological management. Evaluation of the past ecological damage accumulated in places of arrangement organizations. General principles
GOST R 54534-2011: Resources saving. Sewage sludge. Requirements for recultivation of disturbed lands
GOST R 54651-2011: Organic fertilizers on basis of sewage sludge. Specifications
GOST R 55571-2013: Organic fertilizers on basis of solid domestic waste. Specifications
GOST R 55615.1-2013: Renewable energy. Tidal power plants. Part 1. Safety requirements during the exploitation
GOST R 55615.2-2013: Renewable power engineering. Tidal power plants. Part 2. Construction of tidal power plants. Safety requirements. Essentials
GOST R 55838-2013: Environmental keeping of write off production beside their utilization. General technical requirements
GOST R 57446-2017: Best available techniques. Disturbed lands reclamation. Restoration of biological diversity
GOST R 57447-2017: Best available techniques. Reclamation of lands contaminated with oil and oil products. Basis principles
GOST R 57955-2017: Buildings and facilities for oil and gas producing industries. Design standards
GOST R 58329-2018: Rules for the operation of main condensate pipelines and product pipelines
ITS 16-2016: Mining industry. General processes and methods
Letter 3-14-2/1139: Methodology for determining the amount of damage from soil and land degradation
Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: The manual on the initial requirements for the development of design documentation for equipment of individual production (to SNiP 11-01-95)
Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: A collection of explanations of certain provisions and the contents of paragraphs of the Instructions on the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and preparation of project documents for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures of SNiP 11-01-95 (Questions and Answers)
Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: A guide to SNiP 11-01-95 on the development of a section of project documentation "Organization and working conditions of workers. Production and enterprise management"
Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: Guide to SNiP 11-01-95 on the development of the section of project documentation "Environmental Protection"
MDS 12-23.2006: Temporary recommendations on the technology and organization of construction of multifunctional high-rise buildings and building complexes in Moscow
MRR 4.2.08-97: Procedural Guidelines for Conducting Feasibility Studies for Sites Intended for Residential Development and Requiring Remediation
ODM 218.2.017-2011: Guidelines Design, construction and operation of roads with low traffic
ODM 218.2.064-2015: Methods for strengthening the slopes of the roadbed of roads by sowing grass in various climatic zones
ODN 218.5.016-2002: Ecological Safety Indicators and Standards for Roads and Highways
OST 153-39.4-027-2002: The technology of dismantling of the linear part of main oil pipelines
PB 07-269-98: Rules for the protection of buildings and natural objects from the harmful effects of underground mining in coal deposits
PB 08-83-95: Requirements for the Organization and Safe Operation of Underground Storage Facilities for Natural Gas in Salt Deposits
RD 153-39.1-561-08: Instructions for the construction, operation and repair of pipelines from metal-plastic pipes
RD Standards for technological design of seaports. Section 18. Environmental Protection
RD 31.31.50-88: Recommendations for the design and construction of coastal sailings and the formation of artificial territories by sea dredging. Minmorflot, Soyuzmorniiproekt, 1988
RD 39-0147098-015-90: Instruction on the Monitoring of the Condition of Soil at Objects of Enterprises of the Ministry of the Oil Industry
RD 39-0148052-537-87: Model of a Working Design for Construction of Oil and Gas Wells
RD 39-127-93: Ecological certificate of oil-field
RD 39-133-94: Instructions for protecting the environment during onshore oil and gas well construction
RD 39-135-94: Norms for technological design of gas-processing plants
RD 51-1-96: Instruction on protection of environment during construction of onshore wells at fields containing multicomponent hydrocarbons, including hydrosulphuric hydrocarbons.
RP 1.279-2-89: Design Guide. Reclamation of land disturbed during the construction of communication facilities
SNiP 2.06.15-85: Inundation & under-flooding. Area protection engineering
SNiP 22-02-2003: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and facilities against hazardous geological processes. Basic provisions
SNiP 3.02.01-87: Earthen structures, foundation and basis
SP 104.13330.2016: Ground protection from flooding and underflooding
SP 116.13330.2012: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic principles.
SP 243.1326000.2015: Design and construction of low-volume roads
SP 313.1325800.2017: Roads in eternal permafrost regions. Rules of design and construction
SP 318.1325800.2017: Forest roads. Service regulation
SP 32-104-98: Design of earthwork for railways with 1520 mm track
SP 34-106-98: Underground storage of gas, oil and refined products. To replace VSN 51-5-85
SP 37.13330.2012: Industrial transport
SP 378.1325800.2017: Offshore pipelines. Design and construction rules
SP 393.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Organization of construction production
SP 398.1325800.2018: Quays. Urban Planning Rules
SP 401.1325800.2018: Buildings and complexes are high-rise. Urban Planning Rules
SP 407.1325800.2018: Excavation. Rules for the performance of work by hydromechanization
SP 411.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Tests before the delivery of constructed facilities
SP 42.13330.2011: Urban development. Urban and rural planning and development
SP 81.13330.2017: The reclamation systems and construction
SP 99.13330.2016: On-farm roads in the collective and state farms and other agricultural enterprises and organizations
ST RK 1411-2005: Intracompany motor roads of agricultural enterprises and organizations. Designing requirements
ST RK 1413-2005: Motor roads and railways. Requirements for road bed designing
STN 51-4-92: Construction of Underwater Crossings of Pipelines by Trenchless Method
TR 206-09: Technical recommendations on the design and production of works on the installation of walling pits in the cramped conditions of the existing urban development in Moscow
TSN 30-310-2003: Garbage disposal and arrangement of landfills for the disposal of municipal solid waste from rural settlements. Samara Region
TSN 30-311-2004: Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
VNTP 02-92: Norms of technological design of bakery industry enterprises. Part I. Bakeries
VNTP 02-92: Norms of technological design of bakery industry enterprises. Part II Bakeries
VNTP 21-92: Standards for technological design of enterprises of the confectionery industry
VNTP 36-92: Standards of technological design of enterprises of the food concentrate industry
VNTP 37-86: Standards for technological design of non-ferrous metallurgy mines with underground mining
VNTP 51-1-88: Industry norms of technological design of Installations for Production and Storage of Liquefied Natural Gas, Isothermal Storages and Gas Filling Stations
VRD 39-1.13-057-2002: Work Management Procedure for Environmental Protection During Well Construction
VRD 39-1.8-055-2002: Standard design specification for compressor stations (CS), booster compressor stations (BCS) and compressor stations of underground gas storage facilities (CS UGSF)
VSN 005-88: Construction of field steel pipelines Technology and arrangement
VSN 179-85: Guidelines for the Remediation of Lands Used for the Construction of Pipelines
VSN 51-1-97: Work Execution Requirements for Overhaul of Trunk Pipelines
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