
RD 52.04.186-89

РД 52.04.186-89

Part 1. Guidance on the control of air pollution. Pollution of the atmosphere in cities and other settlements. Main Geophysical Observatory. A.I.Voyeikova (MGO)

Часть 1. Руководство по контролю загрязнения атмосферы. Загрязнение атмосферы в городах и других населенных пунктах. Главная геофизическая обсерватория им. А.И.Воейкова (ГГО)

Status: Partially canceled. Clause does not apply, clauses 6.1 - 6.14 of Chapter 6 of Part I do not apply; clause 5.3.8 of Annex 5.3 to part I does not apply

The document regulates the organization and conduct of observations of atmospheric pollution in cities, at the regional and background levels in the USSR, methods of chemical analysis of concentrations of harmful substances in the atmosphere, methods for collecting, processing and statistical analysis of the results of observations. The manual is mandatory for all organizations that monitor the state of air pollution, analyze air samples, precipitation and snow cover to determine the content of harmful substances in them; collection, processing and analysis of information, compilation of summarized information on the air quality of cities, at the regional and background levels.

Документ регламентирует организацию и проведение наблюдений за загрязнением атмосферы в городах, на региональном и фоновом уровнях на территории СССР, методики химического анализа концентраций вредных веществ в атмосфере, методы сбора, обработки и статистического анализа результатов наблюдений. Руководство обязательно для всех организаций, осуществляющих наблюдения за состоянием загрязнения атмосферы, анализ проб воздуха, атмосферных осадков и снежного покрова для определения содержания в них вредных веществ; сбор, обработку и анализ информации, составление обобщенных сведений о качестве воздуха городов, на региональном и фоновом уровне.

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Approved: Goskomhydromet, 6/1/1989

SKU: RUSS165855

Price: imgalt

The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Regulatory documents of supervisory authorities » Normative documents of Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Russian Federation »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 007/2011 TR CU. On safety of products intended for children and adolescents » Regulations and standards (to TR CU 007/2011) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 008/2011 TR CU. About toy safety » Regulations and standards (to TR CU 008/2011) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 017/2011 TR CU. On safety of light industry products » Regulations and standards (to TR TS 017/2011) »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 019/2011 TR CU. On safety of personal protective equipment » Regulations and standards (to ТР ТС 019/2011) »

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » II Ensuring environmental safety » 1 Air Protection » 1.3 Requirements for protection of atmospheric air in carrying out activities » 1.3.1 General requirements for protection of atmospheric air »

ISO classifier » 07 MATHEMATICS. NATURAL SCIENCES » 07.060 Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology »

ISO classifier » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.040 Air quality » 13.040.20 Ambient atmosphere »


The Document is Replaced With:

RD 52.04.667-2005: Documents on the state of atmospheric pollution in cities for informing government agencies, the public and the public. General requirements for the development, construction, presentation and content

RD 52.04.792-2014: Mass concentration of oxide and nitrogen dioxide in samples of atmospheric air. Photometric measurement method using sulfanilic acid and 1-naphthylamine. Main Geophysical Observatory. A.I.Voyeikova (MGO)

RD 52.04.794-2014: Mass concentration of sulfur dioxide in air samples. Measurement technique photometric formaldehyde parasaniline method

RD 52.04.795-2014: Mass concentration of hydrogen sulfide in air samples. Measurement technique photometric method for the reaction of formation of megylene blue

RD 52.04.796-2014: Mass concentration of carbon disulfide in air samples. Photometric Measurement Technique

RD 52.04.797-2014: Mass concentration of hydrogen fluoride in samples of atmospheric air. Photometric Measurement Technique Using Xylenol Orange

RD 52.04.798-2014: Mass concentration of chlorine in air samples. Photometric measurement technique for reducing the color of the solution of methyl orange

RD 52.04.799-2014: Mass concentration of phenol in samples of atmospheric air. Photometric measurement technique using 4-aminoantipyrine

RD 52.04.822-2015: Mass concentration of sulfur dioxide in air samples. Photometric measurement method using tetrachloromercine and pararosaniline

RD 52.04.823-2015: Mass concentration of formaldehyde in the samples of atmospheric air. Procedure of measurement by photometric method with acetylacetone

RD 52.04.824-2015: Mass concentration of formaldehyde in the samples of atmospheric air. Procedure of measurement by photometric method with phenylhydrazine

RD 52.04.831-2015: Mass concentration of carbon-containing aerosol in the samples of atmospheric air. Measurement procedure by photometric method

RD 52.04.838-2015: Mass concentration of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric air. Measurement procedure by gas chromatography using headspace analysis

RD 52.04.840-2015: Application of the results of atmospheric air quality monitoring obtained by continuous measurement methods

RD 52.04.894-2020: Mass concentration of hydrogen fluoride and solid soluble fluorides from one sample of atmospheric air. Photometric Measurement Procedure Using Xylene Orange

The Document References:

3086-84: Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of populated areas (as amended)

GOST 10157-79: Gaseous and liquid argon. Specifications

GOST 10163-76: Reagents. Soluble starch. Specifications

GOST 10164-75: Reagents. Ethylene glycol. Specifications

GOST 10216-75: Reagents. Bismuth (III) oxide. Specifications

GOST 10259-78: Reagents. Acetylacetone. Specifications

GOST 1027-67: Reagents. Lead (II) acetate trihydrate. Specifications

GOST 10455-80: Reagents. 1,4 - Dioxan. Specifications

GOST 1048-79: Strips of aluminium bronze for springs. Specifications

GOST 10652-73: Reagents. Dihydrate ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt. Specifications

GOST 10929-76: Reagents. Hydrogen peroxide. Specifications

GOST 10931-74: Reagents. Sodium molybdate 2-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 10994-74: Precision alloys. Grades.

GOST 11125-84: Super pure nitric acid. Specifications

GOST 112-78: Meteorological glass thermometers

GOST 11773-76: Reagents. Sodium phosphate dibasic. Specifications

GOST 12.1.009-76: Occupational safety standards system. Electrical safety. Terms and definitions

GOST Occupation safety standards system Electrical equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.025-76: Medical equipment. Electrical safety

GOST 12026-76: Filter paper for laboratory application

GOST 1220-76: Sorted waste of industry of woollen and half-woollen textile materials. Specification

GOST 1277-75: Reagents. Silver nitrate. Specifications

GOST 13032-77: Polymethylsiloxane fluids. Specifications

GOST 13045-81: Rota meters

GOST 13076-86: Synthetic oil BНИИ НП 50-1-4ф. Specifications

GOST 13647-78: Reagents. Pyridinum. Specifications

GOST 13718-68: Torque (torsional) balances. Methods and means of verification

GOST 14262-78: Super pure sulphuric acid. Specifications

GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence

GOST 1625-89: Formalin for industrial use. Specifications

GOST 16286-84: Potentiometric transducers SSI. Industrial auxiliary electrodes. Specifications

GOST 1692-85: Chlorinated lime

GOST Nature protection. Atmosphere. Classification of effluents according to composition

GOST Nature protection. Atmosphere. Terms and definitions for air pollution control

GOST Nature protection. Atmosphere. Air quality control regulations for populated areas

GOST Nature protection. Atmosphere. General requirements for determination of pollutants

GOST Nature protection. Atmosphere. Indophenol method for determination of ammonia

GOST Nature protection. Atmosphere. Gravimetric method for determination of suspended dust particles

GOST Nature protection. Atmosphere. Devices for air sampling in settlements. General technical requirements

GOST Nature protection. Atmosphere. Automatic gas analyzers for air pollution monitoring. General technical requirements

GOST 17299-78: Technical ethyl alcohol. Specifications

GOST 1770-74: Laboratory volumetric glassware. Cylinders, beakers, measuring flasks, test tubes. General specifications

GOST 18300-87: Technical rectified ethyl alcohol. Specifications

GOST 18954-73: Gas sampling and storage glass apparatus and tubes (pipettes). Specifications

GOST 19213-73: Technical synthetic carbon bisulphide. Specifications

GOST 195-77: Reagents. Sodium sulphite. Specifications

GOST 19855-74: Glass mercury contact thermometers

GOST 19908-90: Transparent quartz glass crucibles, basins, cups, flasks, funnels, test-tubes and caps. General specifications

GOST 199-78: Reagents. Sodium acetate 3-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 2.106-68: Unified system for design documentation. Textual documents

GOST 20288-74: Reagents. Carbon tetrachloride. Specifications

GOST 20289-74: Reagents. Dimethyl formamide. Specifications

GOST 20292-74: Laboratory volumetric glassware. Burettes, pipettes

GOST 20448-90: Liquefied hydrocarbon fuel gases for domestic use. Specifications

GOST 20478-75: Reagents. Ammonium persulphate. Specifications

GOST 20490-75: Reagents. Potassium permanganate. Specifications

GOST 2053-77: Reagents. Sodium sulphide 9-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 21241-89: Medical pincers

GOST 21400-75: Chemical and laboratory glass. Technical specifications. Test methods

GOST 22056-76: Electrically insulating tubes of fluoroplastic 4Д and 4ДМ. Specifications

GOST 22180-76: Reagents. Oxalic acid. Specifications

GOST 22261-94: Measuring instruments for electrical

GOST 23706-93: Direct action analog electrical

GOST 23932-90: Laboratory glassware and equipment. General specifications

GOST 2405-88: Pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, pressure-vacuum gauges, pressure meters, draft gauges and draft-pressure gauges

GOST 24104-2001: Laboratory scales. General technical requirements

GOST 24147-80: Super pure ammonia aqueous solution. Specifications

GOST 24222-80: Film and tape from polytetrafluorethylene. Specifications

GOST 24363-80: Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 245-76: Reagents. Sodium dehydrogenate phosphate dehydrate. Specifications

GOST 25336-82: Laboratory glassware and equipment. Basic parameters and dimensions

GOST 2603-79: Reagents. Acetone. Specifications

GOST 3022-80: Technical hydrogen. Specification

GOST 3117-78: Reagents. Ammonium acetate. Specifications

GOST 3118-77: Reagents. Hydrochloric acid. Specifications

GOST 3652-69: Reagents. Citric acid monohydrate and anhydrous. Specifications

GOST 3760-79: Reagents. Ammonia water. Specifications.

GOST 3765-78: Reagents. Ammonium molibdate. Specifications

GOST 3769-78: Reagents. Ammonium sulphate. Specifications

GOST 3772-74: Reagents. Ammonium phosphate dibasic. Specifications

GOST 3773-72: Reagents. Ammonium chloride. Specifications

GOST 3776-78: Reagents. Chromium (VI) oxide. Specifications

GOST 4108-72: Reagents. Barium chloride, 2-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 4139-75: Reagents. Potassium thiocyanate. Specifications

GOST 4143-78: Reagents. Potassium hydrogen carbonate. Specifications

GOST 4145-74: Reagents. Potassium sulphate. Specifications

GOST 4146-74: Reagents. Potassium persulphate. Specifications

GOST 4147-74: Reagents. Ferric chloride hexahydrate. Specifications

GOST 4159-79: Reagents. Iodine. Specifications

GOST 4160-74: Reagents. Potassium bromide. Specifications

GOST 4165-78: Reageuts. Copper II sulphate pentahydrate. Specifications

GOST 4166-76: Reagents. Sodium sulphate. Specifications

GOST 4197-74: Reagents. Sodium nitrite. Specifications

GOST 4198-75: Reagents. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Specifications

GOST 4199-76: Reagents. 10-aqueous sodium tetraborate. Specifications

GOST 4201-79: Reagents. Sodium bicarbonate. Specifications

GOST 4204-77: Reagents. Sulphuric acid. Specifications

GOST 4206-75: Reagents. Potassium ferricyanide. Specifications

GOST 4207-75: Reagents. Potassium ferrocyanide. Specifications

GOST 4212-76: Reagents. Methods for preparation of solutions for colorimetric and nephelometric analysis

GOST 4217-77: Reagents. Potassium nitrate. Specifications

GOST 4220-75: Reagents. Potassium bichromate. Specifications

GOST 4221-76: Reagents. Potassium carbonate. Specifications

GOST 4232-74: Reagents. Potassium iodide. Specifications

GOST 4233-77: Reagents. Sodium chloride. Specifications

GOST 4234-77: Reagents. Potassium chloride. Specifications

GOST 4236-77: Reagents. Lead nitrate. Specifications

GOST 4238-77: Reagents. Aluminium ammonium sulphate. Specifications

GOST 427-75: Measuring metal rules. Basic parameters and dimensions. Specifications

GOST 4328-77: Reagents. Sodium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 435-77: Reagents. 5-aqueous manganese sulphate (II). Specifications

GOST 443-76: Benzene-solvent for rubber industry. Technical requirements

GOST 4456-75: Reagents. Cadmium sulphate. Specifications

GOST 4461-77: Reagents. Nitric acid. Specifications

GOST 4463-76: Reagents. Sodium fluoride. Specifications

GOST 4465-74: Reagents. Nickel (II) sulphate, 7-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 4517-87: Reagents. Methods for preparation of accessory reagents and solutions used for analysis

GOST 4520-78: Reagents. Mercury (II) nitrate monohydrate. Specifications

GOST 4528-78: Reagents. Cobalt nitrate 6-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 4919.1-77: Reagents and matters of special purity. Methods for preparation of indicators solutions

GOST 5040-78: Light-weight heat-insulating refractory and high-refractory products. Specifications

GOST 5040-96: Lightweight heatinsulating refractory and high-refractory products. Specifications

GOST 5208-81: Technical normal butyl alcohol. Specifications

GOST 5230-74: Reagents. Yellow mercuric oxide. Specifications

GOST 5272-68: Corrosion of Metals. Terms

GOST 5456-79: Reagents. Hydroxilamine hydrochloride. Specifications

GOST 5457-75: Dissolved acetylene and gaseous acetylene for technical purposes. Specifications

GOST 5496-78: Rubber technical tubes. Specifications

GOST 5538-78: Reagents. Potassium citrate tribasic 1-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 5672-68: Bread and bakery products. Methods for determination of sugar content

GOST 5728-76: Three-cresyl phosphate for industrial use. Specifications

GOST 5789-78: Reagents. Toluene. Specifications

GOST 5817-77: Reagents. Tartaric acid. Specifications

GOST 5819-78: Reagents. Aniline. Specifications

GOST 5821-78: Reagents. Sulphanilic acid. Specifications

GOST 5823-78: Reagents. Zinc acetate 2-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 5826-78: Reagents. M-phenylendiamin. Specifications

GOST 5833-75: Reagents. Saccharose. Specifications

GOST 5841-74: Reagents. Hydrazine sulfate

GOST 5845-79: Reagents. Potassium-sodium tartrate 4-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 5848-73: Reagents. Formic acid. Specifications

GOST 5852-79: Reagents. Cooper (II) acetate monohydrate. Specifications

GOST 5855-78: Reagents. N,N-dimethylanyline. Specifications

GOST 5955-75: Reagents. Benzene. Specifications

GOST 5962-67: Rectified ethyl alcohol. Specifications

GOST 5963-67: Drinking 95% ethanol

GOST 6006-78: Reagents. 1-Butanol. Specifications

GOST 61-75: Reagents. Acetic acid. Specifications

GOST 6259-75: Reagents. Glycerin. Specifications

GOST 6262-79: Reagents. Cadmium nitrate, 4-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 6267-74: Grease ЦИАТИМ-201. Specifications

GOST 6344-73: Reagents. Thiourea. Specifications

GOST 6359-75: Meteorological barographs of aneroid type. Specifications

GOST 6416-75: Meteorological thermographs with bimetallic sensing elements. Specifications

GOST 6552-80: Reagents. Orthophosphoric acid. Specifications

GOST 6703-77: Undressed hide of racoon type of the dog and raccoon. Specifications

GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications

GOST 6995-77: Reagents. Methanol-poison. Specifications

GOST 7328-82: General-purpose and reference mass gages

GOST 7590-78: Indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments for measuring frequency. General technical specifications

GOST 8.002-86: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State supervision and department control of measuring instruments. Basic regulations

GOST 8.207-76: Direct measurements with multiple observations. Observation data processing methods

GOST 8.513-84: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure

GOST 83-79: Reagents. Sodium carbonate. Specifications

GOST 8677-76: Reagents. Calcium oxide. Specifications

GOST 8703-74: Activated carbon for recuperation. Specifications

GOST 8711-78: Ammeters and voltmeters. General technical specifications

GOST 8751-72: Reagents. Benzyl alcohol. Specifications

GOST 8864-71: Reagents. N,N-sodium diethyldithiocarbamate 3-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 9147-80: Laboratory porcelain ware and apparatus. Specifications

GOST 9293-74: Gaseous and liquid nitrogen. Specifications

GOST 9336-75: Reagents. Ammonium metavanadate. Specifications

GOST 949-73: Small and medium volume steel cylinders for gases for pp ≤ 19.6 MPa (200 kgf/cm2) Specifications

GOST 9753-88: Hydraulic gap presses. Parameters and dimensions. Norms of accuracy

GOST 9793-74: Meat products. Methods for determination of moisture content

Order 85: On the enactment of the guidance document RD 52.04.908-2021 "Mass concentration of chromium (VI) compounds in atmospheric air samples. Measurement method by photometric method with diphenylcarbazide"

The Document is Referenced By:

Decision 180: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of light industry products" (TR CU 017/2011) , and a list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including sampling rules necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of light industry products" (TR CU 017/2011) and the implementation of conformity assessment of objects of technical regulation

Decision 30: On approval of the list of products in respect of which the customs declaration is accompanied by a document about the conformity assessment requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On safety of agricultural and forestry tractors and trailers to them" (TR TS 031/2012) (as amended on March 21, 2017)

Decision 30: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, resulting in voluntary compliance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On Personal Protective Equipment Safety" (TR CU 019/2011), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, containing rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including

FR 1.31.2008.01728: Quantitative chemical analysis methods. Atmospheric air, air of residential and public buildings. Methodology for measuring the mass concentration of heavy metals and toxic elements (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Bi, Tl, Ag, Fe, Se, Co, Ni, As, Sb, Hg, Mn) in atmospheric air, air of residential and public buildings inversion voltammetry method

GOST 31535-2012: Electrical thermal equipment. General test methods

GOST R 50760-95: Gas and aerosol analysers for air pollution monitoring. General specifications

GOST R 51206-98: Automobile vehicles. Content of harmful substances in air of cabin and saloon. Rates and methods of determination

GOST R 51945-2002: Aspirators. General specifications

GOST R 52733-2007: Ambient air. Determination of sulphur dioxide. Ultraviolet fluorescence method

GOST R 53009-2008: Environmental control and monitoring systems. General guidelines on creation, adoption and ensuring functioning of the chemical weapons destruction

GOST R 56166-2019: Air quality. A method for determining environmental standards using forest ecosystems as an example

GOST R 56929-2016: Emissions of the polluting substances in the atmosphere. Research of fractional composition of dust by optical method at rationing quality of atmospheric air

ITS 22.1-2016: General principles of industrial environmental control and its metrological support

ITS 37-2017: Coal mining and preparation

ITS 9-2015: Thermal waste disposal (incineration)

M 02-505-92-2002: The method of measuring the mass concentration of metals in the air of the working area and in industrial emissions by the atomic absorption method

M 22: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of organic substances (33 compounds) in industrial emissions into the atmosphere, in the air of the working area and in atmospheric air by gas chromatography

Methodical guidelines 29FC/5512: Sanitary and epidemiological assessment of rubbers, rubber-fabric materials and products from them for cultural and household and economic purposes

Methodical recommendations 01.020-07: Determination of the toxicity of the air environment using the biotest "Ecolum"

M-MVI 539-03: Method for measuring mass concentrations of metals: aluminum, iron, cadmium, cobalt, manganese, copper, nickel, lead, titanium, chromium, zinc in drinking, natural and waste water by atomic absorption method with ETA

MR 1.2.0134-18: The procedure for the selection of samples (samples) of toys and products intended for children and adolescents, the organization of their testing (research) and evaluation, data reporting in order to ensure state supervision in the field of ensuring the quality and safety of non-food products

MR Formation of programs for monitoring the quality of atmospheric air and quantitative assessment of population exposure for the tasks of social and hygienic monitoring

MR Surveillance area for radiological facility. Organization and performance of environmental radiation control

MU 2656-82: Guidelines for the sanitary protection of atmospheric air in the areas where refining and petrochemical enterprises are located

MUK 4.1.025-95: Methods of control. Chemical factors. Measurement of concentrations of (meth) acrylic compounds in environmental objects. Methodical instructions

MUK 4.1.1273-03: Measurement of the mass concentration of benzo (a) pyrene in atmospheric air and in the air of the working area by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection

MUK 4.1.1478-03: Determination of phenol in atmospheric air and air in residential and public buildings using high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3487-17: Measurement of the concentration of coal dust in the atmospheric air and in the air of the working area by the gravimetric method

MUK 4.1.666-97: Guidelines for measuring the concentration of asbestos fibers in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.1.733-99: Chromato-mass spectrometric determination of phenol in the air

MUK 4.1.994-00: Sanitary-chemical assessment of polymeric materials intended for use in video display terminals, personal electronic computers and elements of systems based on them

MUK 4.1/4.3.1485-03: Hygienic evaluation of clothes for children and adults

MUK 4.1/4.3.2038-05: Sanitary-epidemiologic evaluation of toys

MUK 4.2.1768-03: Microbiological method for measuring the concentration of Aspergillus terreus 44-62 cells producing lovastatin in ambient air in populated areas

MUK 4.2.1770-03: Microbiological method of measuring the concentration of cells of the microorganism Bacillus subtilis 72-producer of alkaline protease in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.1771-03: A method of microbiological measurement of the concentration of cells of the microorganism Bacillus subtilis 103 (H-15) -producer of neutral protease in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.1772-03: Microbiological method of measuring the concentration of cells of the microorganism Bacillus licheniformis 1001-producer of bacitracin in the ambient air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.1773-03: Microbiological method for measuring the concentration of Candida tropicalis Y-456 cells producing xylitol in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.1775-03: Microbiological method for measuring the concentration of cells of the microorganism Trichoderma viride 44-11-62/3-producer of a complex of cellulolytic enzymes in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.2235-07: Microbiological measurement of the concentration of mold fungus cells Penicillium canescens PlPh33 - producer of pectin lyase and phytase in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.2715-10: Microbiological method for measuring the concentration of yeast fungus cells Yarrowia lipolytica VKPM Y-3323 - producer of lipase in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.2720-10: The method of microbiological measurement of the concentration of cells of B. licheniformis VKPM B-9608 - a protease producer in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.2721-10: Method of microbiological measurement of the concentration of B. amyloliquefaciens VKPM B-10294 cells - producer of alpha-amylase in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.2725-10: Microbiological method of measuring the concentration of yeast fungus cells Yarrowia lipolitica VKPM Y-3323 - a producer of lipase in the air of the working area

MUK 4.2.2726-10: Method of microbiological measurement of the concentration of the producer strain of butanol, Closridium acetotoTylisum 3108 in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.2902-11: Method of microbiological measurement of the concentration of cells of the microorganism Bacillus subtilis 26D - the main active ingredient of the drug Fitosporin-M in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.3033-12: Microbiological method for measuring the concentration of mold of the fungus Penicillium verruculosum PV2007 VKM F-3972D - producer of carbohydrase complex in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MUK 4.2.3034-12: Microbiological methods for measuring the concentration of cells of the mycelium fungus Trichoderma longibrachiatum TW-420 BKM F-3880D - producer of cellulases, beta-glucanase and xylanase in the atmospheric air of populated areas

MVI M-34-04: Methods for measuring the mass concentration of metals in the air of the working area and air emissions of industrial enterprises by the atomic absorption method with electrothermal atomization

NTP 10-12976-2000*: Norms of technological design of enterprises of the alcohol industry

ODM 218.2.099-2019: Guidelines on the features of environmental engineering surveys in the design of public roads

ODM 218.3.045-2015: Recommendations on the construction of seamless sprayed bridge waterproofing from composite materials on reinforced concrete and steel orthotropic slabs of span structures of bridge structures, as well as on other building structures made of steel and rei

Order 85: On the enactment of the guidance document RD 52.04.908-2021 "Mass concentration of chromium (VI) compounds in atmospheric air samples. Measurement method by photometric method with diphenylcarbazide"

PND F 13.1:2:3.59-07: Methods for measuring mass concentrations of saturated hydrocarbons (C12-C19) using a universal disposable sampler in the atmospheric air of the sanitary protection zone, working area air and industrial emissions from the production, storage and transport

PND F 13.1:2:3.62-2007: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods of measuring the mass concentration of acrolein in industrial emissions into the atmosphere, in the atmospheric air of populated areas, sanitary protection zone, air of the working area by photometric method

PND F 13.1:2:3.71-11: Methods of measuring mass concentrations of polluting components (metals) in the air of the working area, atmospheric air, industrial emissions into the atmosphere by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (E-232-2010)

PND F 13.1:2:3.74-2012: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods of measuring the mass concentration of hydrocarbons (total) in the atmospheric air, working area air, industrial emissions by the method of IR spectrophotometry using concentration meters of the KN series (MR SEP-09-11)

PND F 13.1:3.68-09: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods of measuring mass concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes in atmospheric air and emissions of industrial enterprises by gas chromatography

PND F Methods for measuring the mass concentration of elements (zinc, copper, nickel, manganese, lead, cadmium, chromium, iron, aluminum, titanium, cobalt) in the atmospheric air of populated areas, air at sanitary inductively coupled plasma emission spectromet

PND F 13.3.18-98: Quantitative chemical analysis of atmospheric air and air emissions. Methods for measuring mass concentrations of acetone, ethyl acetate, toluene, butyl acetate, m-, p-xylene and o-xylene in ambient air samples using gas chromatography

PNST 278-2018: Russian system of quality. Comparative testing of water-dispersive paints with antibacterial effect

R 52.04.714-2008: Methodology for calculating the indicator of compliance with standard volumes of work on monitoring urban air pollution

R 52.04.835-2015: Method for calculating the cost of services for providing information on background concentrations of pollutants according to monitoring of air pollution

R 52.19.338-93: Recommendations A typical project for the organization of labor at the workplaces of laboratory workers for monitoring atmospheric air pollution

RD 153-34.0-02.109-99: Recommendations for conducting an environmental audit in the power industry

RD 153-39.4-058-00: Standard plan for the organization and technology of work on the elimination of accidental spills of petroleum products in case of accidents and damage to crossings of oil pipelines through major water barriers

RD 39-133-94: Instructions for protecting the environment during onshore oil and gas well construction

RD 52.04.167-2018: Mass concentration of calcium, magnesium and zinc in precipitation and aerosols. Measurement procedure by atomic absorption method with flame atomization

RD 52.04.333-93: Guidelines. Chromatographic method for determining the content of chlorides, nitrates, sulfates, lithium, sodium, ammonium and potassium in atmospheric precipitation. Main Geophysical Observatory. A.I.Voyeikova (MGO)

RD 52.04.667-2005: Documents on the state of atmospheric pollution in cities for informing government agencies, the public and the public. General requirements for the development, construction, presentation and content

RD 52.04.791-2014: Mass concentration of ammonia in air samples. Measurement technique photometric method with sodium salicylate

RD 52.04.792-2014: Mass concentration of oxide and nitrogen dioxide in samples of atmospheric air. Photometric measurement method using sulfanilic acid and 1-naphthylamine. Main Geophysical Observatory. A.I.Voyeikova (MGO)

RD 52.04.793-2014: Mass concentration of hydrogen chloride in samples of atmospheric air. Photometric Measurement Technique

RD 52.04.794-2014: Mass concentration of sulfur dioxide in air samples. Measurement technique photometric formaldehyde parasaniline method

RD 52.04.795-2014: Mass concentration of hydrogen sulfide in air samples. Measurement technique photometric method for the reaction of formation of megylene blue

RD 52.04.796-2014: Mass concentration of carbon disulfide in air samples. Photometric Measurement Technique

RD 52.04.797-2014: Mass concentration of hydrogen fluoride in samples of atmospheric air. Photometric Measurement Technique Using Xylenol Orange

RD 52.04.798-2014: Mass concentration of chlorine in air samples. Photometric measurement technique for reducing the color of the solution of methyl orange

RD 52.04.799-2014: Mass concentration of phenol in samples of atmospheric air. Photometric measurement technique using 4-aminoantipyrine

RD 52.04.822-2015: Mass concentration of sulfur dioxide in air samples. Photometric measurement method using tetrachloromercine and pararosaniline

RD 52.04.823-2015: Mass concentration of formaldehyde in the samples of atmospheric air. Procedure of measurement by photometric method with acetylacetone

RD 52.04.824-2015: Mass concentration of formaldehyde in the samples of atmospheric air. Procedure of measurement by photometric method with phenylhydrazine

RD 52.04.830-2015: Mass concentration of suspended particles PM10 and PM2.5 in atmospheric air. Measurement procedure by gravimetric method

RD 52.04.836-2015: Mass concentration of volatile chlorocarbons in atmospheric air. Measurement procedure by high-performance capillary gas chromatography using headspace analysis

RD 52.04.837-2015: Mass concentration of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric air. Measurement procedure by high-performance capillary gas chromatography using headspace analysis

RD 52.04.838-2015: Mass concentration of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric air. Measurement procedure by gas chromatography using headspace analysis

RD 52.04.840-2015: Application of the results of atmospheric air quality monitoring obtained by continuous measurement methods

RD 52.04.878-2019: Sampling when observing the chemical composition of precipitation

RD 52.04.882-2019: Mass concentration of lead, cadmium, manganese, nickel, copper, chromium, zinc and iron in precipitation and aerosol

RD 52.11.679-2006: Guidelines. Comprehensive assessment of possible harmful levels of environmental impact when working on active impacts on hydrometeorological and geophysical processes. Central Aerological Observatory (CAO)

RD 52.18.718-2008: Organization and procedure for the observation of soil pollution by toxicants of industrial origin

RD 52.18.769-2012: The procedure for determining the initial background content of pollutants in environmental components in areas where hazardous production facilities are located

RD 52.18.770-2012: The order of observation of the content of pollutants in the components of the natural environment in areas where hazardous production facilities are located. NGO "Typhoon"

RD 52.19.751-2010: Evaluation of hydrometeorological observations and work

RD 52.44.2-94: Comprehensive survey of environmental pollution of industrial areas with intensive anthropogenic load

RD 52.44.588-2016: Mass concentration of organochlorine pesticides and the sum of polychlorbiphenyl isomers in air and precipitation samples. Method of measurement by gas-liquid chromatography

RD 52.44.589-2016: Mass concentration of priority components of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric air samples. Measurement technique by high performance liquid chromatography

RD 52.44.590-2016: Mass concentration of priority components of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in samples of precipitation and surface water. Measurement technique by high performance liquid chromatography

RD 52.44.591-2015: Mass concentration of mercury in atmospheric air. Measurement procedure by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry'

RD 52.44.594-2016: Mass concentration of heavy metals in precipitation and surface waters. Measurement technique by atomic absorption spectrometry with flameless atomization

RD 52.44.816-2015: Mass concentration of methane and carbon dioxide in the surface layer of atmospheric air. Gas Chromatography Measurement Technique

RD 52.44.916-2021: Organization and conduct of routine observations of the background state of environmental pollution and transboundary transport of pollutants

RDT 06-2011: General requirements for the competence of laboratories (centers) performing measurements for the purpose of monitoring the environment and its pollution

Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities

SanPiN Working with asbestos and asbestos-based materials

SP 151.13330.2012: Engineering site investigations for nuclear power plants construction

SP 5206-90: Sanitary rules for catalyst production of the refining and petrochemical industries

STO DOKTOR BETON 68686983-001-2011: Dry building mixtures trade mark "ДОКТОР БЕТОН®" for waterproofing and repair concrete construction. Classification. Nomenclature of indicators. Technical requirements

TSN 11-301-2004: Regulation on the procedure for the rehabilitation of unauthorized landfills in the city of Moscow

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