
MI 2438-97

МИ 2438-97

State system for ensuring uniform measurement. Measuring systems. Metrological assurance. Basic provisions.

Государственная система обеспечения единства измерений. Системы измерительные. Метрологическое обеспечение. Основные положения

Status: Not effective

The recommendation establishes the basic provisions for the metrological assurance (MO) of measuring systems (IS) at the stages of their life cycle: development (design), production (manufacturing, installation and commissioning at the facility of operation), operation. The recommendation applies to IP: - widely used, developed for mass production in the form of finished products manufactured in Russia (or imported into Russia in batches), for the installation of which at the place of operation, the indications set out in their operational documentation are sufficient; - target application, developed for single (single or repeated in small batches) production in Russia in the form of a finished product (or imported into Russia in single copies or in small batches), for installation of which at the place of operation is sufficient guidance provided in its operational documentation; - Targeted applications designed in Russia (or abroad) for certain objects (groups of homogeneous objects) and arising as a finished product directly at the operation site by assembling it from components of serial or individual domestic (or imported) manufacturing and corresponding installation and commissioning carried out in accordance with the project documentation.

Рекомендация устанавливает основные положения по метрологическому обеспечению (МО) измерительных систем (ИС) на этапах их жизненного цикла: разработки (проектирования), производства (изготовления, монтажа и наладки на объекте эксплуатации), эксплуатации. Рекомендация распространяется на ИС: - широкого применения, разрабатываемые для серийного производства в виде законченных изделий, выпускаемых в России (или импортируемых в Россию партиями), для установки которых на месте эксплуатации достаточно указаний, изложенных в их эксплуатационной документации; - целевого применения, разрабатываемые для единичного (разового или повторяющегося мелкими партиями) изготовления в России в виде законченного изделия (или импортируемые в Россию единичными экземплярами или мелкими партиями), для установки которого на месте эксплуатации достаточно указаний, изложенных в его эксплуатационной документации; - целевого применения, проектируемые в России (или за границей) под определенные объекты (группы однородных объектов) и возникающие как законченное изделие непосредственно на объекте эксплуатации путем его комплектации из компонентов серийного или единичного отечественного (или импортного) изготовления и соответствующего монтажа и наладки, осуществляемых в соответствии с проектной документацией.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: VNIIMS, 12/25/1997

SKU: RUSS16648

Price: $88.33


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Regulatory documents of supervisory authorities » Normative documents of Committee of Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification »

PromExpert » SECTION II. METROLOGICAL » I Organizational and technical bases of metrological support » 1 Organization and management of metrological support » 1.1 Basic provisions of metrological support »

ISO classifier » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.020 Metrology and measurements in general »

The Document is Replaced With:

GOST R 8.596-2002: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurement. Metrological assurance for measuring system. Main principles.

The Document References:

GOST 26.203-81: Measure-computering complexes. Classification. General requirements

GOST 27300-87: Information measuring systems. General requirements, complete set and rules of operation documentation composition

GOST 34.201-89: Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Types, sets and indication of documents for automated systems making

GOST 34.601-90: Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems. Stages of development

GOST 34.602-89: Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Technical directions for automated system making

MI 2146-98: National Measurement Standards. Procedure for Development and Requirements for Content of Programs for Testing Means of Measurement for Approval of their Type

MI 2168-91: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Measuring information systems. The method of calculating the metrological characteristics of the measuring channels according to the metrological characteristics of the linear analogs of the components

MI 222-80: Calculation procedure for metrological characteristics of measuring channels of information and measurement systems based on metrological characteristics of their components

MI 2232-2000: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ensuring the effect of measurements by the control of technological processes. Estimation of the measuring error when the limited point of information

MI 2267-2000: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ensuring the effect of measurements by the control of technological processes. Metrological examination of technical documents

MI 2277-93: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. System of certification of measuring instruments. The main provisions and order of work

MI 2278-93: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Certification of measuring instruments. Certification bodies. Accreditation procedure

MI 2279-93: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Certification of measuring instruments. The procedure for maintaining the system registry

MI 2304-94: Metrological Monitoring and Supervision by Metrological Services of Juridical Persons

MI 2439-97: National system for measurements unification. The measuring system metrological characteristics. Notation. The principles of regulation, definition and control.

MI 2440-97: The State Measurements System. Methods of experimental determination and control characteristics of the error of measurement channels for measuring systems and measurement systems.

MI 2441-97: Tests for the approval of the measuring systems types. General requirements. Guidelines

PR 50.2.002-94: Procedure for Government Metrological Inspection of the Manufacturing, Condition, and Application of Measuring Devices Certified Using Measurement Procedures, Standards, and Compliance with Metrological Standards and Codes

PR 50.2.005-94: National Measurement Standards. Procedures for Licensing Activity for the Manufacture, Repair, Sales, and Leasing of Measuring Devices

PR 50.2.006-94: Procedure for calibration of measurement equipment

PR 50.2.009-94: The testing and approval procedure for the measurement instrumentation

PR 50.2.010-94: National Measurement Standards. Requirements for Government Centers for Testing Means of Measurement and Procedure for Their Accreditation

PR 50.2.012-94: GSOEI. The procedure for certification of measuring instruments

PR 50.2.014-96: Metrological Regulations. National System for Standardization of Measurements. Accreditation of Metrological Services of Juridical Persons for Verification of Measuring Devices

PR 50.2.016-94: National Measurement Standards. Requirements for Calibration Procedures

PR RSK 001-95: The procedure for registering state scientific metrology centers and bodies of the State Metrological Service as accrediting bodies in the Russian calibration system.

RD 50-660-88: Instructions. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Documents on methods of calibration of measuring instruments

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST R 52122-2003: Technical diagnostics. Mainline locomotives. On-board diagnostic systems. General requirements

GOST R 8.596-2002: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurement. Metrological assurance for measuring system. Main principles.

MI 2240-98: National Measurement Standards. Analysis of Measurement, Inspection, and Testing Practicies at Businesses, Organizations, and Associations. Work Execution Technique and Procedures

MI 2439-97: National system for measurements unification. The measuring system metrological characteristics. Notation. The principles of regulation, definition and control.

MI 2440-97: The State Measurements System. Methods of experimental determination and control characteristics of the error of measurement channels for measuring systems and measurement systems.

MI 2441-97: Tests for the approval of the measuring systems types. General requirements. Guidelines

MI 2560-99: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Measuring channels of programmable controllers. General requirements for metrological characteristics

MI 2676-2001: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Methods of metrological certification of algorithms and programs for processing data from measurement results when determining the volume and mass of oil and petroleum products. General

R 52.14.648-2003: Recommendations. Metrological examination of regulatory and technical documentation

RD 153-34.0-11.117-2001: Information and measurement systems. Metrological support. General provisions.

RD 153-34.0-11.203-2001: Procedural Guidelines. Measurement Systems. Analysis of Metrological Confirmation in Electric Energy. Organization and Procedure

RD 153-34.1-35.127-2002: General technical requirements for program and technical complex for technological process automated control system of thermal power plant

VRD 39-1.10-006-2000*: Rules for the technical operation of gas pipelines

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