Nature protection. Soils. Methods for sampling and preparation of soils for chemical, bacteriological, helminthological analysis
Охрана природы. Почвы. Методы отбора и подготовки проб для химического, бактериологического, гельминтологического анализа
Status: Not effective - Superseded. Information about the registration of 202-st from 04/17/2018 (the official website of Rosstandart); IUS 6-2018
The standard establishes methods for sampling and sample preparation of natural and disturbed soil for chemical, bacteriological and helminthological analysis. The standard is intended to control general and local soil contamination in areas affected by industrial, agricultural, household and transport sources of pollution, when assessing the quality of the soil, as well as controlling the condition of the fertile layer intended for land plots of low-productive lands. The standard does not apply to the control of pollution resulting from fugitive emissions, the breakthrough of sewage treatment plants and in other emergency situations.
Стандарт устанавливает методы отбора и подготовки проб почвы естественного и нарушенного сложения для химического, бактериологического и гельминтологического анализа. Стандарт предназначен для контроля общего и локального загрязнения почв в районах воздействия промышленных, сельскохозяйственных, хозяйственно-бытовых и транспортных источников загрязнения, при оценке качественного состояния почв, а также при контроле состояния плодородного слоя, предназначенного для землевания малопродуктивных угодий. Стандарт не распространяется на контроль загрязнения, происшедшего в результате неорганизованных выбросов, прорыва очистных сооружений и в других аварийных ситуа��иях
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Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards,
SKU: RUSS16844
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
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Other state standards used in construction »
13 Environmental protection, protection of people from environmental exposure. Security »
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I Environmental-legal and economic-legal mechanisms for environmental protection »
1 Management infield of environmental protection and environmental management »
1.5 Environmental monitoring and control »
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
3 Activities of testing laboratories »
3.1 Basic requirements for testing laboratories and their activities »
ISO classifier »
13.080 The quality of soil. Soil science »
National standards »
13.080 The quality of soil. Soil science »
ISO classifier »
13.080 The quality of soil. Soil science »
13.080.01 Soil quality and soil science in general »
National standards »
13.080 The quality of soil. Soil science »
13.080.01 Soil quality and soil science in general »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
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T General technical and organizational and methodological standards »
T5 Documentation System »
T58 System of standards infield of nature conservation and improvement of use of natural resources, labor safety, scientific organization of labor »
National Standards for OKSTU »
System of standards in the field of nature protection and improvement of natural resources use »
The Document is Replaced With:
GOST Nature protection. Soils. Methods for sampling and preparation of soil for chemical, bacteriological, helmintological analysis
The Document References:
GOST 1625-89: Formalin for industrial use. Specifications
GOST Nature protection. Soils. Nomenclature of sanitary conditions indices
GOST Nature protection. Soils. Nomenclature of suitability characteristics of disturbed rich soil layer to be backfilled
GOST Nature protection. Soils. General requirements for sampling
GOST 18300-87: Technical rectified ethyl alcohol. Specifications
GOST 19126-2007: Medical metallic instruments. General specifications
GOST 19596-87: Spades
GOST 23707-95: Small tools for tillage
GOST 24104-2001: Laboratory scales. General technical requirements
GOST 24104-88: General purpose and reference laboratory balances
GOST 25336-82: Laboratory glassware and equipment. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 3118-77: Reagents. Hydrochloric acid. Specifications
GOST 4233-77: Reagents. Sodium chloride. Specifications
GOST 4328-77: Reagents. Sodium hydroxide. Specifications
GOST 5180-84: Soils. Laboratory methods for determination
GOST 6613-86: Square meshed woven wire gauzes
GOST 8273-75: Packing paper
GOST 892-89: Tracing paper. Specifications
GOST 9147-80: Laboratory porcelain ware and apparatus. Specifications
The Document is Referenced By:
FR 1.31.2005.01755: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Method for measuring the mass concentration of methyl chloride, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, methylene chloride, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, 1,2-dichloroethane, benzene, trichlorethylene, 1.1.2-trichloroethane, toluene, ortho-xylene, the total content of meta- and para-xylene in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by gas chromatographic method
FR 1.31.2005.01756: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Measurement procedure for total mercury content in solid and liquid production and consumption wastes, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by atomic absorption method
FR 1.31.2005.01758: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Measurement procedure for total mercury in solid and liquid production and consumption wastes, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by the photometric method with dithizone
FR 1.31.2005.01759: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. The methodology for measuring the chloride content in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by the mercury method
FR 1.31.2005.01760: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Methodology for measuring the mass fraction of ash in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by gravimetric method
FR 1.31.2005.01761: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Measurement procedure for ammonium nitrogen in solid and liquid production and consumption wastes, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by the photometric method
FR 1.31.2005.01763: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Methodology for measuring the content of dry and calcined residue in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by gravimetric method
FR 1.31.2005.01764: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. The measurement procedure for the value of the hydrogen index (pH) of solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by the potentiometric method
FR 1.31.2005.01765: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Measurement procedure for calcium, magnesium, total hardness in solid and liquid production and consumption wastes, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by the complexometric method
FR 1.31.2009.05394: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Methodology for measuring the mass fraction of moisture in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, soils, sediments, sludges, activated sludge, bottom sediments by gravimetric method
FR 1.31.2013.15838: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods of measuring the mass fractions of aromatic hydrocarbons in soils, bottom sediments, sewage sludge and production and consumption waste by gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection
FR 1.31.2015.20956: Method for measuring the mass fraction of ammonium ions (ammonium nitrogen) in soils by spectrophotometric method using the MET-Nitrogen ammonium-RS test system
FR 1.31.2015.20957: Method for measuring the mass fraction of nitrate ions (nitrate nitrogen) in soils by spectrophotometric method using the MET-Nitrate nitrate-RS test system
FR 1.31.2015.20958: Method for measuring the mass fraction of mobile phosphorus compounds (in terms of P2O5) in soils by spectrophotometric method using the MET-Phosphorus mobile (P2O5) -RS test system
FR 1.31.2017.27246: Methodology for measuring the mass fraction of cyanides (including those in the form of complex compounds) in samples of soils, soils, bottom sediments, sludge, sewage sludge, liquid and solid waste production and consumption by the photometric method with pyridine and barbituric acid
FR 1.31.2017.27474: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Method for measuring the mass fraction of water-soluble forms of fluorides in soil samples by potentiometry
FR 1.39.2006.02505: Biological control methods. The methodology for determining the toxicity of highly mineralized surface and wastewater, soil and waste from the survival of brackish crustaceans Artemia salina L
FR 1.39.2007.03221: Biological control methods. Method of determining the toxicity of water and water extracts from the soil, sewage sludge, waste from mortality and changes in fertility of ceriodaphnias
FR 1.39.2007.03222: Biological control methods. Methodology for determining the toxicity of water and water extracts from soils, sewage sludge, waste by mortality and changes in the fertility of daphnia
FR 1.39.2007.03223: Biological control methods. Methods for determining the toxicity of water, water extracts from the soil, sewage sludge and waste by changing the level of chlorophyll fluorescence and the number of algae cells
FR 1.39.2015.19242: The method of determining the toxicity of samples of natural, drinking, drinking and household waste, treated waste, waste, thawed water, process water by the express method using the instrument series
FR 1.39.2015.19243: Methods for determining the toxicity of soil samples, bottom sediments and sewage sludge by the express method using the instrument series
FR 1.39.2015.19244: The method for determining the toxicity of production and consumption wastes using the express method using the device of the “Biotester” series
GOST 26204-91: Soils. Determination of mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium by Chiricov method modified by CINAO
GOST 26205-91: Soils. Determination of mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium by Machigin method modified by CINAO
GOST 26206-91: Soils. Determination of mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium by Oniani method modified by CINAO
GOST 26207-91: Soils. Determination of mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium by Kirsanov method modified by CINAO
GOST 26208-91: Soils. Determination of mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium by Egner-Riem-Domingo method (AL-method)
GOST 26209-91: Soils. Determination of mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium by Egner-Riem method (DL-method)
GOST 26210-91: Soils. Determination of exchangeable potassium by Maslova method
GOST 26211-91: Soils. Determination of mobile compounds phosphorus by Arrhenius method modified by VIUA
GOST 26212-91: Soils. Determination of hydrolytic acidity by Kappen method modified by CINAO
GOST 26213-91: Soils. Methods for determination of organic matter
GOST 28268-89: Soils. Methods of determination of moisture, maximum hygroscopic moisture and moisture of steady plant fading
GOST 31959-2012: Water. Methods of determination of toxicity by survival of marine crustaceans
GOST 33850-2016: Soils. Determination of the chemical composition by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
GOST 34363-2017: Machine technology for plant growing production. Methods of ecological estimation
GOST R 53054-2008: Machine technology tests for plant growing production. Methods of ecological estimation
GOST R 53217-2008: Soil quality. Determination of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls content. Gaschromatographic method with electron capture detection
GOST R 53380-2009: Soils and Grounds. Hothouse grounds. Specifications
GOST R 53381-2009: Soils and Grounds. Feeding Grounds. Specifications
GOST R 53765-2009: Poultry dung. Raw material for manufacture of organic fertilizers. Specifications
GOST R 53886-2010: Water. Methods of determination of toxicity by survival of marine crustaceans
GOST R 54003-2010: Ecological management. Evaluation of the past ecological damage accumulated in places of arrangement organizations. General principles
GOST R 54038-2010: Soils. Methods of Cs-137 determination
GOST R 54039-2010: Soil quality. Quick method for the determination of oil products by NIR spectroscopy
GOST R 54496-2011: Water. The determination of toxicity with use of green freshwater unicellular algae
GOST R 54519-2011: Organic fertilizers. Methods of sampling
GOST R 56226-2014: Resources saving. Sewage sludge. Methods of sampling and sample preparation
GOST R 56236-2014: Water. Determination of toxicity by survival of freshwater crustaceans. Daphnia magna Straus
GOST R 57166-2016: Water. Determination of toxicity by survival rate of freshwater infusoria Paramecium caudatum Ehrenberg
GOST R 57446-2017: Best available techniques. Disturbed lands reclamation. Restoration of biological diversity
GOST R 57447-2017: Best available techniques. Reclamation of lands contaminated with oil and oil products. Basis principles
GOST R 8.713-2010: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological assurance of chemical weapons destruction. General requirements for measurement of toxic compounds and their destruction products content in soils
Guideline 01.019-07: Determination of the integral toxicity of soils by Ecolum biotest
ITS 22.1-2016: General principles of industrial environmental control and its metrological support
Methodical Recommendations FC/4022: Methods of microbiological control of soil. Methodical Recommendations.
M-MVI 80-2008: Methods for measuring the mass fraction of elements in soil samples, soils and bottom sediments by atomic emission and atomic absorption spectrometry
MU 08-47/203: The soil. Method for measuring mass concentrations of zinc, cadmium, lead, copper, manganese, nickel, cobalt, iron, arsenic, selenium and mercury by inversion voltammetry
MU Hygienic evaluation of soil in residential areas
MUK 4.1.013-18: Method for measuring the mass fraction of 4-aminobenzoic acid in soil samples by the photometric method
MUK 4.1.015-11: Methods of measuring the mass fraction of tetramethyltetrazene in soil samples by the photometric method
MUK 4.1.016-11: Methods of measuring the mass fraction of nitrosodimethylamine in soil samples by the photometric method
MUK 4.1.018-18: Method for measuring the mass fraction of gamma-polyoxymethylene in soil samples by the photometric method
MUK 4.1.019-11: Measurement method of the mass fraction of 1, 1-dimethylhydrazine in soil samples by photometric method
MUK 4.1.023-18: Methods of measuring the mass fraction of 2- (2,4-dinitrophenoxy) ethanol in soil samples by high performance liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.025-95: Methods of control. Chemical factors. Measurement of concentrations of (meth) acrylic compounds in environmental objects. Methodical instructions
MUK 4.1.027-18: Method for measuring the mass fraction of triethyl-O-acetyl citrate in soil samples by gas chromatography
MUK 4.1.031-18: Method for measuring the mass fraction of the main lead-nickel salt of phthalic acid in soil samples by high-performance ion-exchange chromatography
MUK 4.1.1061-01: Chromato-mass-spectrometric determination of volatile organic substances in the soil and wastes of production and consumption
MUK 4.1.1062-01: Chromato-mass-spectrometric determination of semi-volatile organic substances in the soil and wastes of production and consumption
MUK 4.1.1471-03: Atomic absorption method for determination of mercury mass concentration in soils and solid mineral materials
MUK 4.1.1956-05: Determining the concentration of oil in the soil using infrared spectrophotometry
MUK 4.1.2146-06: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic determination of 1, 1-dimethylhydrazine concentrations in soil
MUK 4.2.2661-10: Methods of sanitary and parasitological investigations
MUK 4.2.796-99: Sanitary Parasitological Research Methods
ODM 218.2.099-2019: Guidelines on the features of environmental engineering surveys in the design of public roads
OST 10 294-2002: Agricultural land of the steppe zone of the Russian Federation. Indicators of soil fertility
OST 10 295-2002: Agricultural land of the forest-steppe zone of the Russian Federation. Indicators of soil fertility
OST 10 296-2002: Agricultural land of the forest-tundra-north-taiga, middle-taiga and south-taiga-forest zones of the Russian Federation. Indicators of soil fertility
OST 10 297-2002: Agricultural land of dry-steppe and semi-desert zones of the Russian Federation. Indicators of soil fertility
PND F 12.1:2:2.2:2.3.2-03: Sampling of soils, soils, sediments of biological treatment plants, industrial wastewater sludge, bottom sediments of artificially created reservoirs, storage ponds and hydraulic structures. Guidelines
PND F 12.1:2:2.2:2.3:3.2-03: Guidelines. Sampling of soil, soil, sediment, silt, sewage sludge, industrial wastewater sludge, production and consumption waste
PND F 16.1.54-2008: Method for measuring the mass fraction of water-soluble mobile forms of fluorine (fluoride ions) in water extraction samples of the soil by direct potentiometry.
PND F 16.1.8-98: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass concentrations of nitrite, nitrate, chloride, fluoride, sulfate and phosphate ions in soil samples (water-soluble form) by ion chromatography
PND F 16.1:2.2.22-98: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of petroleum products in mineral, organogenic, organic-mineral soils and bottom sediments using IR spectrometry
PND F 16.1:2.2:2.3.36-02: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the total content of copper, cadmium, zinc, lead, nickel and manganese in soils, sediments and sewage sludge by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
PND F 16.1:2.2:2.3:3.36-2002: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods of measuring the total content of cadmium, cobalt, manganese, copper, nickel, lead, chromium and zinc in soils, bottom sediments, sewage sludge and waste by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
PND F 16.1:2.2:2.3:3.60-09: Measurement method for measuring the mass fractions of phenol and phenol derivatives in soils, sewage sludge and production and consumption wastes using chromatography-mass spectrometry.
PND F 16.1:2.2:2.3:3.61-09: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fractions of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in soils, bottom sediments, sewage sludge and production and consumption wastes using chromatography-mass spectrometry
PND F 16.1:2.2:2.3:3.62-09: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fractions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils, sediments, sewage sludge and waste production and consumption by high performance liquid chromatography
PND F 16.1:2.2:3.13-98: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction (gross content) of selenium in solid bulk materials by the fluorimetric method with 2,3-diaminonaphthalene
PND F 16.1:2.2:3.14-98: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction (gross content) of arsenic in solid bulk materials by the photometric method using molybdenum blue after extraction separation in the form of an iodide complex
PND F 16.1:2.2:3.15-98: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction (total content) of selenium in solid bulk materials by extraction-photometric method with orthophenylenediamine
PND F 16.1:2.2:3.16-98: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction (gross content) of arsenic in solid bulk materials by photometric and titrimetric methods, with its release by sodium hypophosphite
PND F 16.1:2.2:3.17-98: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction (gross content) of arsenic and antimony in solid bulk materials by the atomic absorption method with preliminary generation of hydrides
PND F 16.1:2.2:3.19-98: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction (gross content) of beryllium in solid bulk materials by the photometric method with chromazurol S and pyridium bromide
PND F 16.1:2.3:2.2:3.57-08: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of aluminum in soils, sewage sludge, sludge, production and consumption waste, active sludge from sewage treatment plants, bottom sediments by the photometric method with aluminon
PND F 16.1:2.3:3.44-05: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of volatile phenols in soil samples, sewage sludge and waste by the photometric method after steam stripping
PND F 16.1:2.3:3.45-05: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of formaldehyde in soil samples, sewage sludge and waste by the photometric method with chromotropic acid
PND F 16.1:2:2.2.37-02: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the total sulfur content in soils, sediments, soils by the turbidimetric method
PND F 16.1:2:2.2.56-08: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the total content of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in terms of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in soil, soil, bottom sediment samples using chromatography-mass spectrometry
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:2.3.78-2013: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods of measuring the mass fraction of mobile forms of metals: copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, manganese, nickel, cobalt, chromium in soil samples, soils, bottom sediments, sewage sediments by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:2.3:3.64-10: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods of measuring the mass fraction of petroleum products in samples of soil, soil, sediment, silt, sewage sludge, production and consumption waste by the gravimetric method
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:2.3:3.70-10: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods of measuring the mass fraction of cyanides (including those in the form of complex compounds) in samples of soil, soil, sediment, silt, sewage sludge, liquid and solid waste production and consumption by photometric method with pyridine and barbituric acid
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.37-2002: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods of measuring the gross sulfur content in soils, soils, bottom sediments and waste by the turbidimetric method
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.51-08: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of nitrite nitrogen in soils, soils, sediments, silts, production waste and consumption by the photometric method with Griess reagent
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.52-08: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of acid-soluble forms of phosphate ions in soils, soils, bottom sediments, production and consumption wastes by the photometric method with ammonium molybdate
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.53-08: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of water-soluble forms of sulfate ions in soils, silts, sediments, production and consumption waste by the gravimetric method
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.56-08: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil and waste. Methods of measuring the mass fraction of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in soils, soils, silts, sediments, sludges, fly ash using chromatography-mass spectrometry
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.59-09: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fractions of benzene and toluene in the soil, soils, bottom sediments, production waste and consumption by gas chromatography
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.65-10: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods of measuring the mass fraction of silicon dioxide in samples of soil, soil, sediment, silt, production and consumption waste by the gravimetric method
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.66-10: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods of measuring the mass fraction of anionic surfactants in samples of soils, soils, bottom sediments, silts, production and consumption wastes by extraction-photometric method
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.67-10: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods of measuring the mass fraction of nitrate nitrogen in samples of soil, soil, sediment, silt, production and consumption waste by the photometric method with salicylic acid
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.68-10: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods of measuring the mass fraction of manganese in soil samples, soil, sediment, silt, production and consumption waste by photometric method with ammonium persulfate
PND F 16.1:2:2.2:3.77-2013: Method for measuring the mass fraction of vanadium in soils, soils, bottom sediments, production and consumption wastes by the photometric method with phosphoric acid and sodium tungstate
PND F 16.1:2:2.3.82-2013: Method for determination of total nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method in sewage sludge, organic fertilizers, greenhouse soils and soils
PND F 16.1:3.72-2012: Methods of measuring the mass fraction of nitrate ions in soil samples, waste from water treatment, wastewater treatment and water use by the potentiometric method
PND F 16.2.2:2.3:3.27-02: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring moisture content in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by the gravimetric method
PND F 16.2.2:2.3:3.31-02: Methods for measuring alkalinity in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by potentiometric titration
PND F 16.3.24-2000: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring the mass fractions of metals (iron, cadmium, aluminum, magnesium, manganese, copper, nickel, calcium, chromium, zinc) in samples of industrial waste (slags, sludge from metallurgical production) atomic absorption method
PND F T 14.1:2:3:4.10-04: Toxicological control methods. Measurement method of the optical density of the culture of chlorella alga (Chlorella Vulgaris Beijer) to determine the toxicity of drinking, fresh natural and wastewater, water extracts from soils, soils, sewage sludge, pro
PND F T 14.1:2:3:4.10-2004: Toxicological methods of analysis. Methods for determining the toxicity of drinking, natural and waste waters, water extracts from the soil, sewage sludge and production and consumption waste by changing the optical density of the chlorella algae culture
PND F T 14.1:2:3:4.11-04: Toxicological control methods. Methods for determining the integral toxicity of surface, including sea, groundwater, drinking water, wastewater, water extracts of soil, waste, sewage sludge by changing the intensity of bacterial bioluminescence using the
PND F T 14.1:2:3:4.12-06: Toxicological control methods. The method of measuring the amount of Daphnia Magna Straus to determine the toxicity of drinking, fresh natural and wastewater, water extracts from soils, soil, sewage sludge, production waste and consumption by direct calcu
PND F T 14.1:2:3:4.1-96: Toxicological control methods. The methodology for determining the toxicity of water, soil and bottom sediments by the enzymatic activity of bacteria (colorimetric reaction)
PND F T 14.1:2:4.12-06: Toxicological methods of analysis. Methods for determining the toxicity of drinking, fresh natural and wastewater, water extracts from the soil, sewage sludge and waste of daphnia mortality (Darnia magma STraus)
R 7b/191-2016: Methods of measuring the mass concentration (mass fraction) of total mercury in soils, soils, sediments, silt, sewage sludge, sludge, solid and liquid wastes by the atomic absorption method
R 7b/194-2016: Method for measuring the mass concentration (mass fraction) of ammonium ions in soils, soils, bottom sediments, sludge, sewage sludge, sludge, solid and liquid wastes using the photometric method
R 7b/195-2016: Methods for measuring the mass concentration (mass fraction) of vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, 1,2-dichloroethane, methylene chloride, 1.1.2-trichloroethane, trichlorethylene, methyl chloride, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, benzene, toluene, ortho-xylene, the total content of meta- and vapor - xylols in soils, soils, bottom sediments, silt, sewage sludge, sludge, solid and liquid waste by gas chromatography
RD 153-39.4-115-01: Unit Standards for Generation of Production and Consumption Wastes During Construction and Operation of Production Facilities of Open Joint Stock Company "AK Transneft
RD Standards for technological design of seaports. Section 18. Environmental Protection
RD 39-00147105-006-97: Instructions on the restoration of lands damaged or polluted during emergency or capital repairs to main petroleum pipelines.
RD 52.18.156-99: Procedural Guidelines. Environmental Protection. Soil. Methods for Combined Soil Sampling and Assessment of Contamination of Agricultural Crops by Residual Quantities of Pesticides
RD 52.18.191-89: Guidelines. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of acid-soluble forms of metals (copper, lead, zinc, nickel, cadmium) in soil samples by atomic absorption analysis
RD 52.18.286-91: Guidelines. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of water-soluble forms of metals (copper, zinc, lead, nickel, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, manganese) in soil samples by atomic absorption analysis. NGO "Typhoon"
RD 52.18.289-90: Guidelines. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of mobile forms of metals (copper, lead, zinc, nickel, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, manganese) in soil samples by atomic absorption analysis. NGO "Typhoon"
RD 52.18.571-2011: Method for measuring the mass fraction of arsenic in soil and sediment samples using atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. NGO "Typhoon"
RD 52.18.583-2011: Method for measuring the mass fraction of antimony in samples of soils and bottom sediments by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. NGO "Typhoon"
RD 52.18.685-2006: Guidelines. Determination of the mass fraction of metals in soil samples and bottom sediments. The method of measurement using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. NGO "Typhoon"
RD 52.18.697-2007: Observations of residual quantities of pesticides in environmental objects. Organization and procedure. NGO "Typhoon"
RD 52.18.718-2008: Organization and procedure for the observation of soil pollution by toxicants of industrial origin
RD 52.18.770-2012: The order of observation of the content of pollutants in the components of the natural environment in areas where hazardous production facilities are located. NGO "Typhoon"
RD 52.18.827-2016: Mass fraction of mercury in samples of soil, ground, bottom sediments and biomaterial. Measurement procedure by cold vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy
RD 52.18.843-2017: Mass fraction of mercury in organic compounds in samples of soils, bottom sediments and biological material. Measurement procedure by atomic absorption spectroscopy of "cold steam"
RDT 06-2011: General requirements for the competence of laboratories (centers) performing measurements for the purpose of monitoring the environment and its pollution
Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
SanPiN 42-128-4433-87: Sanitary standards of permissible concentrations of chemicals in soil
SanPiN 4266-87: Guidelines for assessing the degree of danger of soil contamination by chemicals
SP 1.2.1170-02: Hygienic requirements to safety of agrochemicals
SP 11-102-97: Engineering environmental site investigations for construction
SP 47.13330.2012: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles
TSN 11-301-2004: Regulation on the procedure for the rehabilitation of unauthorized landfills in the city of Moscow
Turkmenistan Guidelines for the development and application of standards: Guidelines for the development and application of standards for unavoidable losses and waste of materials in construction
VRD 39-1.10-006-2000*: Rules for the technical operation of gas pipelines
VRD 39-1.13-056-2002: Purification technology for different mediums and surfaces contaminated with hydrocarbons
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Language: English |
System of Standards for Occupational Safety and Health (SSBT). Personal protective equipment for respiratory organs. Self-rescuers insulating on chemically bound or with compressed oxygen. Technical requirements. Test methods. Marking. Sampling rules
Language: English |
RussianGost.com is an industry-leading company with stringent quality control standards and our dedication to precision, reliability and accuracy are some of the reasons why some of the world’s largest companies trust us to provide their national regulatory framework and for translations of critical, challenging, and sensitive information.
Our niche specialty is the localization of national regulatory databases involving: technical norms, standards, and regulations; government laws, codes, and resolutions; as well as RF agency codes, requirements, and Instructions.
We maintain a database of over 220,000 normative documents in English and other languages for the following 12 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
Placing Your Order
Please select your chosen document, proceed to the ‘checkout page’ and select the form of payment of your choice. We accept all major credit cards and bank wire transfers. We also accept PayPal and Google Checkout for your convenience. Please contact us for any additional arrangements (Contract agreements, PO, etc.).
Once an order is placed it will be verified and processed within a few hours up to a rare maximum of 24 hours.
For items in stock, the document/web link is e-mailed to you so that you can download and save it for your records.
For items out of stock (third party supply) you will be notified as to which items will require additional time to fulfil. We normally supply such items in less than three days.
Once an order is placed you will receive a receipt/invoice that can be filed for reporting and accounting purposes. This receipt can be easily saved and printed for your records.
Your Order Best Quality and Authenticity Guarantee
Your order is provided in electronic format (usually an Adobe Acrobat or MS Word).
We always guarantee the best quality for all of our products. If for any reason whatsoever you are not satisfied, we can conduct a completely FREE revision and edit of products you have purchased. Additionally we provide FREE regulatory updates if, for instance, the document has a newer version at the date of purchase.
We guarantee authenticity. Each document in English is verified against the original and official version. We only use official regulatory sources to make sure you have the most recent version of the document, all from reliable official sources.