SO 34.23.501-2005
СО 34.23.501-2005
Guidelines for the operation of fuel oil facilities of thermal power plants
Методические указания по эксплуатации мазутных хозяйств тепловых электростанций
Status: Effective
Guidelines for the operation of fuel oil facilities of thermal power plants establish industrial safety requirements and fire and explosion safety conditions during the operation of main, standby, kindling and emergency MX. The Methodical Guidelines contain the basic requirements and the technological sequence for performing the basic operations when receiving, transferring, storing and preparing for the burning of fuel oil according to GOST 10585-99 [34] in boiler installations of thermal power plants, industrial and heating boilers. The guidelines are given on the compilation of local instructions for the operation of the MX.
Методические указания по эксплуатации мазутных хозяйств тепловых электростанций устанавливают требования к обеспечению промышленной безопасности и взрывопожаробезопасных условий при эксплуатации основных, резервных, растопочных и аварийных МХ. В Методических указаниях приведены основные требования и технологическая последовательность выполнения основных операций при приеме, перекачке, хранении и подготовке к сжиганию топочных мазутов по ГОСТ 10585-99 [34] в котельных установках ТЭС, промышленных и отопительных котельных. В Методических указаниях приведены по составлению местных инструкций по эксплуатации МХ.
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Approved: Firm ORGRES,
SKU: RUSS168930
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Power industry »
23. Fuel and transport economy »
ISO classifier »
27.100 Power stations in general »
As a Replacement Of:
RD 34-23.514-92: Standard instruction manual for fuel oil facilities of thermal power plants
The Document References:
GOST 10585-99: Oil fuel. Mazut. Specifications
GOST 12.0.004-90: Organization of training for labor safety. General rules
GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air
GOST 12.1.010-76: Explosion safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.018-93: Fire and explosion safety of static electricity. General requirements.
GOST 12.1.019-79: Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. General requirements and nomenclature of kinds of protection
GOST 12.1.030-81: Electrical safety protective grounding, neutral grounding
GOST 12.2.020-76: Explosion proof electrical apparatus. Terms and definitions. Classification. Marking
GOST 12.2.021-76: The Explosion proof Electrical Apparatus. The Order of Checking of Technical Documentation, on the Part of its Compliance with the National Standards, the Test and Certification Procedures
GOST 12.3.018-79: Occupational safety standards system. Ventilation system. Aerodynamical test methods
GOST 1510-84: Petroleum and petroleum products. Marking, packing, transportation and storage
GOST Ecology-Certificate-Industrial-Enterprise
GOST 20799-88: Industrial oils Specifications
GOST 2517-85: Crude oil and petroleum products. Methods of sampling
GOST 481-80: Compressed asbestos fibre sheets and gaskets from it. Specifications
GOST 8.002-86: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State supervision and department control of measuring instruments. Basic regulations
GOST 8.346-2000: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Steel horizontal cylindrical tanks. Calibration methods
GOST 9544-93: Pipeline cut-off valves
GOST 9972-74: Petroleum turbine oils with additives
ITN 93: Instructions for technical supervision, methods of audit and rejection of tube furnaces, tanks, vessels and apparatuses of oil refining and petrochemical industries
MI 1823-87: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Capacity steel vertical cylindrical tanks. The method of measurement using geometric and volumetric methods
PB 03-584-03: Rules of design, manufacturing and acceptance of welded steel vessels and apparatuses
PB 03-605-03: Rules of design of vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and petroleum products
PB 09-170-97: General rules on explosion safety for explosive- and fire-hazardous chemical, petrochemical plants and oil refineries
PB 09-310-99: Industrial safety regulations for refinery plants
PB 09-540-03: General codes on explosion protection for explosive and fire hazardous chemical, petrochemical plants and oil refineries
PB 09-560-03: Rules for industrial safety of oil storage bases and oil product storages
PB 09-563-03: Industrial Safety Regulations for Refinery Plants
PB 10-115-96: Regulations of design and safe operation of pressure vessels
PB 10-573-03: Series 17. Supervision documents in power industry. Issue 46. Construction and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines rules.
PB 10-574-03: Safety Operation and Design Codes for Steam and Hot Water Boilers
PPB 01-93*: Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation
PPB 139-87: Fire Safety Regulations for Energy Industry Facilities
RD 03-293-99: Statute laying down a procedure for technical inquiry into the causes of failures at hazardous production facilities
RD 03-294-99: Regulations on the registration of objects in the state register of hazardous production facilities and maintaining the state register
RD 03-420-01: Guidelines for Inspection of Reinforced Concrete Tanks for Petroleum and Petroleum Products
RD 04-265-99: Regulations of training and official evaluation of employees of enterprises operating hazardous production facilities under control of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
RD 08-95-95: Provision on the system for technical diagnostics of welded vertical cylindrical oil and petroleum products tanks
RD 153-34.0-03.301-00: Fire safety rules for energy enterprises.
RD 153-34.0-21.529-98: Method for Inspection of Reinforced Concrete Tanks for Liquid Fuel Storage
RD 34.03.201-97: Safety Code for the Operation of the Thermo mechanical Equipment of Electric Power Stations and Heat Networks.
RD 34.03.351-93: Rules for Explosion Safety When Using Fuel Oil As Fuel in Boiler Plant
RD 34.12.102-94: Requirements for Organization of Work with Personnel at Energy Facilities and Institutions
RD 34.20.501-95: Technical operation rules for power plants and networks of the Russian federation
RD 34.20.514-92: Model Guidelines for Operation Gas Supply Systems of Thermal Power Stations
RD 34.20.801-93: Guidelines for Investigation and Recordkeeping of Process Violations in the Operation of Electric Power Generating Stations, Networks, and Power Systems
RD 34.21.122-87: Manual for installation of the lightning protection of buildings and structures
RD 34.35.101-88: Methodical recommendations on volume of technological measurements, signal systems and automatic control at thermal power stations
RD 34.49.101-87: Design Guidelines for Fire Protection for Energy Facilities
RD 50-156-79: Guidelines. Determination of the capacity and graduation of reinforced concrete cylindrical tanks with a precast wall with a capacity of up to 30,000 cubic meters by the geometrical method
Resolution 1371: Rules for registration of facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities
SNiP 2.04.09-84: Automatic fire protection systems
SNiP 2.11.03-93: Storage of petroleum and petroleum products. Fire safety norms.
SNiP 3.05.05-84: Processing equipment and process pipelines
SNiP 3.05.06-85: Electrical devices
SO 153-34.20.501-03: Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation
VNTP 81: Engineering Design Standards for Thermal Power Plants (VSN 29-81)
VPPB 01-02-95: Rules on Fire Safety for Energy Enterprises
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