
ST TsKBA 025-2006

СТ ЦКБА 025-2006

Pipe fittings. Welding and quality control of welded joints. Technical requirements

Арматура трубопроводная. Сварка и контроль качества сварных соединений. Технические требования

Status: Effective

The standard applies to the welding of components and structures of pipe fittings made of steel and iron-nickel alloys: - hazardous production facilities under the supervision of Rostechnadzor; - orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; - used in technological processes of nuclear facilities (OIA) and

Стандарт распространяется на сварку узлов и конструкций трубопроводной арматуры из стали и железоникелевых сплавов: - опасных производственных объектов, поднадзорных Ростехнадзору; - заказов Министерства обороны РФ; - применяемой в технологических процессах объектов использования атомной энергии (ОИАЭ) и/или расположенных и эксплуатируемых на их территории, не отнесенных к первому, второму или третьему классу безопасности общими положениями обеспечения безопасности соответсвующих ОИАЭ; - общепромышленного применения, работающей в различных промышленных средах.

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Approved: SJSC NPF TsKBA, 4/25/2006

SKU: RUSS169703

Price: $3,464.63


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Organization Standards » Standards NPF TsKBA »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 10. Production » 10.3 Welding »

As a Replacement Of:

OST 26-07-755-86: Pipeline fittings. Welding and quality control of welded joints. Technical requirements.

RD RTM 26-07-246-80: Design, manufacturing and control regulations for steel pipeline fittings welded joints.

The Document References:

GOST 5264-80: Manual arc welding. Welding joints. Main types, design elements and dimensions

GOST 10052-75: Metal covered electrodes, for manual arc welding of high-alloyed steels with special properties. Types

GOST 10157-2016: Gaseous and liquid argon. Specifications

GOST 10157-79: Gaseous and liquid argon. Specifications

GOST 1050-88: Carbon structural quality steel gauged bars with special surface finish. General specifications

GOST 1057-2014: Solvent-extracted oils. Method for the determination of phenol and creso

GOST 10994-74: Precision alloys. Grades.

GOST 11036-75: Electrotechnical quality unalloyed steel. Specifications

GOST 11533-75: Automatic and semiautomatic submerged arc welding. Acute and blunt weld joints. Main types, design elements and dimensions

GOST 11534-75: Hand arc welding. Acute and blunt weld joints. Main types, design elements and dimensions

GOST 14637-89: Thick sheet rolled stock of normal quality carbon steel

GOST 14771-76: Gas-shielded arc welding. Welded joints. Main types, design elements and dimensions

GOST 14782-86: Nondestructive testing. Welded joints. Ultrasonic methods

GOST 1577-93: Plate and broadband roll stock of construction fine steel.

GOST 16037-80: Welded joints in steel pipelines. Main types, design elements and dimensions

GOST 18442-80: Non-destructive testing. Capillary methods. General requirements

GOST 19281-2014: High strength rolled steel. General specification

GOST 19281-89: Rolled steel with increased strength. General specifications

GOST 2.312-72: Symbolic designations and representations of welds and welded joints

GOST 2.314-68: Unified system for design documentation. Instructions for marking and stamping articles

GOST 20072-74: Heat-resistant steel

GOST 21357-87: Castings made of cold- and wear- resistant steel

GOST 2246-70: Welding steel wire. Specifications

GOST 23055-78: Non-destructive testing. Fusion welding of metals. Welds classification by radiography testing results

GOST 24297-2013: Verification of purchased product. Organization and methods of control

GOST 24297-87: Input inspection of products. General provisions.

GOST 24982-81: Sheets of corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and high-temperature alloys

GOST 25054-81: Forgings made of corrosion-resistant steels and alloys

GOST 2789-73: Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics

GOST 380-2005: Common quality carbon steel. Grades

GOST 380-94: Normal quality carbon steel

GOST 4543-2016: Metal products from structural alloy steel. Specification

GOST 4543-71: Structural alloyed steel

GOST 535-88: Common quality carbon bar and shaped sections. General specifications

GOST 550-75: Seamless steel tubes for petroleum processing and petrochemical industry. Specifications

GOST 5520-79: Carbon, low-alloy and alloy sheet steel for boilers and pressure vessels. Specifications

GOST 5632-2014: Stainless steels and corrosion resisting, heat-resisting and creep resisting alloys. Grades

GOST 5632-72: High-alloy steels and corrosion-proof, heat-resisting and heat treated alloys. Grades

GOST 5949-75: Gauged corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and high-temperature steel shape

GOST 6032-2003: Corrosion-resistant steels and alloys. Test methods of intercrystalline corrosion resistance

GOST 6032-2017: Steel and corrosion resistant alloys. Test methods for resistance to intergranular corrosion

GOST 6996-66: Welded joints. Methods of mechanical properties determination

GOST 7350-77: Plate, corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant, and high-temperature steel

GOST 7512-82: Nondestructive testing. Welded joints. Radiography method

GOST 8050-85: Carbon dioxide,

GOST 8479-70: Structural carbon and alloy steel forgings

GOST 8713-79: Flux welding. Welded joints. Maih types design elements and dimensions

GOST 8731-74: Seamless hot-deformed steel pipes. Specifications

GOST 8733-74: Cold-formed and heat-formed seamless steel pipes. Technical requirements

GOST 9087-81: Welding melted fluxes

GOST 9466-75: Covered metal electrodes for manual arc welding of steels and deposition. Classification and general specifications

GOST 9467-75: Metal covered electrodes for manual arc welding of structural and heat-resistant steels. Types

GOST 977-88: Steel castings. General specifications

OST 108.030.113-87: Carbon and alloy steel forgings for thermal and nuclear power stations equipment and pipelines. Technical specifications.

OST 26-07-755-86: Pipeline fittings. Welding and quality control of welded joints. Technical requirements.

PB 03-273-99: Rules for qualification test of welders and welding production specialists

PB 03-440-02: Attestation rules for nondestructive inspection personnel

PB 03-576-03: Regulations of design and safe operation of pressure vessels

PB 03-585-03: Process Pipelines Design and Safe Operation Rules

PB 10-573-03: Series 17. Supervision documents in power industry. Issue 46. Construction and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines rules.

PB 10-574-03: Safety Operation and Design Codes for Steam and Hot Water Boilers

PNAE G-7-030-91: Uniform control methods for basic materials (semi-finished materials), welded joints and welding on of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants. Ultrasonic testing. Part II. Weld examination

POT R M-005-97: Intersectoral labor protection rules for heat treatment of metals

POT R M-016-2001: Inter-Industry Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (Safety Regulations) for Operation of Electrical Installations

POT R M-020-2001: Industry-Wide Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Electric Welding and Gas Welding Operations

POT R O-14000-001-98: Rules on labor protection at enterprises and organizations of mechanical engineering

PPB 01-03: On Approval Of Fire Safety Standards In The Russian Federation

RD 03-444-02: The provision of procedure for training and qualification test of workers of organizations engaging in activities of industrial safety of hazardous industrial sites under supervision of Gosgortekhnadzor, Russia

RD 03-495-02: Procedures for the qualification test of welders and welding work specialists

RD 03-606-03: Instructions for visual and measuring control

RD 03-613-03: Procedures of use of welding materials during fabrication, installation, repair and modernization of technical systems for hazardous production facilities

RD 03-614-03: Order of welding equipment application at engineering devices production, installation, repair and reconstruction for unsafe industrial objects.

RD 03-615-03: Order of welding technologies application at engineering devices production, installation, repair and reconstruction for unsafe industrial objects.

RD RTM 26-07-246-80: Design, manufacturing and control regulations for steel pipeline fittings welded joints.

ST TsKBA 005.1-2003: Pipe fittings. Metals used in the valve industry. Part 1. Basic requirements for the choice of materials

ST TsKBA 013-2007: Pipe fittings. Welding of fittings to the pipeline. Technical requirements

ST TsKBA 014-2004: Pipe fittings. Steel castings. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 016-2005: Pipe fittings. Heat treatment of parts, billets and welded assemblies from high-alloy steels, corrosion-resistant and high-temperature alloys

TU 26-02-19-75: Steel castings for equipment of oil refineries, petrochemical plants

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 12.2.063-2015: Pipeline valves. General safety requirements

GOST 13547-2015: Pipeline valves. Butterfly wicket valves. General specifications

GOST 33258-2015: Pipeline valves. Surfacing and quality control of surfaced surfaces. Technical requirements

GOST 33259-2015: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for pressure to PN 250. Design, dimensions and general technical requirements

GOST 33260-2015: Pipeline valves. Мetals used in pipeline valves production. Basic requirements for choice of materials

GOST 33423-2015: Pipeline valves. Swing and lift check valves. General specifications

GOST 33852-2016: Pipeline valves. Knife gate valves for trunk pipelines. General specifications

GOST 33857-2016: Pipe fittings. Welding and quality control of welded joints. Technical requirements

GOST 34029-2016: Pipeline accessories. Check fittings for main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines. General specifications

GOST R 54432-2011: Flanges for valves, fittings, and pipelines for pressure from PN 1 to PN 200. Design, dimensions and general technical requirements

GOST R 55018-2012: Pipeline valves for objects of energetics. General specifications

GOST R 55509-2013: Pipeline valves. Metals used in pipeline valves production. Basic requirements for choice of materials

GOST R 55511-2013: Pipeline valves. Electric actuators. General specifications

GOST R 56001-2014: Pipeline valves for objects of gas industry. General specifications

ST TsKBA 005.1-2003: Pipe fittings. Metals used in the valve industry. Part 1. Basic requirements for the choice of materials

ST TsKBA 008-2014: Pipe fittings. Calculation and evaluation of reliability and safety at the design stage

ST TsKBA 013-2007: Pipe fittings. Welding of fittings to the pipeline. Technical requirements

ST TsKBA 014-2004: Pipe fittings. Steel castings. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 022-2005: General industrial pipeline valves supplied to nuclear power plants. General technical requirements

ST TsKBA 052-2008: Pipe fittings. Requirements for materials of fittings used for hydrogen sulfide environments

ST TsKBA 053-2008: Pipe fittings. Surfacing and quality control of weld surfaces. Technical requirements

ST TsKBA 054-2008: Pipe fittings. Construction materials for parts of pipeline valves operating in corrosive environments. Technical requirements

ST TsKBA 083-2010: Pipe fittings. Multi-layer bellows of alloy VT1-0. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 083-2016: Pipeline fittings. Multi-layered bellows made of alloy ВТ1-0. General technical specifications

ST TsKBA 087-2010: Pipe fittings. Electric drives. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 088-2010: Pipe fittings. The quality control program of valves used for hydrogen sulfide environments

ST TsKBA 089-2010: Pipe fittings. Welding defects castings. Technical requirements

ST TsKBA 090-2013: Pipe fittings. Pneumatic actuators and hydraulic actuators. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 098-2011: Pipe fittings. Repair of surfacing. Technical requirements

ST TsKBA 099-2011: Pipe fittings. Repairs. Organization of repair and general repair manual

TU 3742-011-34390194-2003: Check valves DN 100-1400 PN 8, 0 MPa; PN 12, 5 MPa; PN 16, 0 MPa. Technical conditions

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