GOST 8.395-80
ГОСТ 8.395-80
Standard measurement conditions for calibration
Государственная система обеспечения единства измерений. Нормальные условия измерений при поверке. Общие требования
Status: Effective
The standard applies to measurements during calibration and establishes general requirements for the selection of normal measurement conditions, as well as the nominal values of the influencing quantities and the limits of their normal areas. The standard is used in the development of regulatory technical documentation for calibration methods.
Стандарт распространяется на измерения при поверке и устанавливает общие требования к выбору нормальных условий измерений, а также номинальные значения влияющих величин и пределы их нормальных областей. Стандарт применяют при разработке нормативно-технической документации на методики поверки.
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Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS17004
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Construction (Max) »
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17 Metrology and measurements. Physical phenomena »
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I Organizational and technical bases of metrological support »
1 Organization and management of metrological support »
1.1 Basic provisions of metrological support »
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17.020 Metrology and measurements in general »
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17.020 Metrology and measurements in general »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
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T General technical and organizational and methodological standards »
T8 State measurement system »
T80 Rules, norms, regulations infield of ensuring uniformity of measurements »
National Standards for OKSTU »
State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements (GSI) »
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GOST R 55867-2013: Air transport. Metrological support on air transport. General principles
GOST R 56097-2014: Space systems. Non-destructive testing. Magnetic ponderomotive testing method of Ni, NiCr platings
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GOST R 8.666-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Moisture meters neutron. The method of verification
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MI 140-89: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Vacuum gauges. Verification procedure
MI 1725-87: Methodical instructions. GSI. Spring measuring heads with a division price of 0.05 and 0.02 mm. Verification Method
MI 1769-87: Guidelines. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Q Meters. Method of verification
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MI 1826-88: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Accelerometers shock. Method of verification
MI 1888-88: Guidelines. GSE. Normal measurement conditions in flexible manufacturing systems. General provisions
MI 1929-2007: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. \rVibration verification devices. Procedure of verification
MI 1930-88: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Webermeters Method of verification
MI 1950-88: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for means of measuring the thickness of extremely thin coatings in the range of 2
MI 1985-89: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Measures of inductance and mutual inductance. Method of verification
MI 2009-89: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Power factor meters (phase meters). Method of verification
MI 2091-90: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Measurement of physical quantities. General requirements
MI 2096-2009: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Combustion calorimeters with a bomb (liquid). Method of verification
MI 2117-90: Recommendation. GSE. Organization of metrological support in the implementation of ISO 9000 standards
MI 2240-98: National Measurement Standards. Analysis of Measurement, Inspection, and Testing Practicies at Businesses, Organizations, and Associations. Work Execution Technique and Procedures
MI 2284-94: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Documentation verification laboratories
MI 2415-97: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The quality of oil. Normalized metrological characteristics of analyzers and norms of measurement error indicators
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MI 2538-99: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Heat meters for water systems water supply COP ***. General metrological requirements
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MI 2627-2000: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Means of measuring the volume of gas. Counters, flow meters. Method of verification. General provisions
MI 2628-2000: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Electromagnetic, ultrasonic, vortex and jet flowmeters for water heating systems. Method of verification. General provisions
MI 2786-2003: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Installation mass measuring ASMA. Test methods
MI 2948-2005: Wet gas generators reference dynamic type "Spring". Method of verification
MI 3138-2008: Portable flucometers. Method of verification
MP 204/3-06-2016: Vibrometers personal SV 103. Verification technique
MP 2414-0074-2019: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Analyzers thermogravimetric CKIC 5E-МАС series. Verification method
MR 1.2.0048-11: The procedure and methods for determining the organotropic and toxicokinetic parameters of artificial nanomaterials in tests on laboratory animals
MUK 4.1.2927-11: Measurement of concentrations of etametsulfuron-methyl in the air of the working area and wash-offs from the skin of operators using high performance liquid chromatography
MUK 4.1.2932-11: Measurement of concentrations of bifenthrin in the air of the working area, ambient air of populated areas and washes from operators' skin by capillary gas-liquid chromatography
NB ZhT TsP 122-2003: Intermediate rail fastenings of a railway track. Safety standards
Order 2907: On approval of the procedure for establishing and changing the interval between verifications of measuring instruments, the procedure for establishing, canceling calibration procedures and amending them, requirements for methods for verifying measuring instruments
OST 1 02511-2006: Industry-based uniformity measurement system. Procedure of measurements. Arrangement and conducting of certification.
OST 45.143-99: Sectoral uniformity measurement system. Guidelines for calibration of telecommunication measurement instruments. The order of development. Requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content
PR 32 TsSh 001-2001: Rules for metrology. Methodical instructions. Metrological support of control patterns for linear parameters of sorting slide retarders
PR 32.130-98: Rules for Metrology. Model regulation on the road metrological laboratory car
PR 32.131-98: Rules for Metrology. Typical training program for calibrators measuring instruments of geometric quantities in railway transport
PR 50.2.016-94: National Measurement Standards. Requirements for Calibration Procedures
PR 50.2.019-2006: The state system of measurements. Methods of measurement using the turbine, rotary and vortex meters
R 50.2.064-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Spectrophotometrs for medical laboratories. Methods for verification
R 50.2.066-2009: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Immunoassay analyzers. Method of verification
R 50.2.097-2015: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Assessment of the state of activity measurement, calibration and testing laboratories to meet accreditation criteria in the area of traceability
R 52.17.687-2006: Sea level. The method of measurement of the hydrostatic pressure transducer "Tide-2"
R RSK 003-07: Procedure for the confirmation of conformity of metrological services of legal bodies accredited in the Russian calibration system to the requirements of GOST R ISO/IEC 17025-2006 'General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laborat
RD 03-25-2003: Typical program of inspection of the state of construction work at nuclear facilities
RD 03-299-99: Requirements for acoustic emission equipment used to control hazardous production facilities
RD 03-300-99: Requirements for acoustic emission transducers used to control hazardous production facilities
RD 11-08-2008: Standard inspection program during state construction supervision of nuclear facilities
RD 153-34.0-11.117-2001: Information and measurement systems. Metrological support. General provisions.
RD 153-34.0-11.402-98: Procedural Guidelines. Metrological Certification of Nonstandardized Means of Measurement. Organization and Execution Procedure
RD 153-34.1-35.127-2002: General technical requirements for program and technical complex for technological process automated control system of thermal power plant
RD 153-34.1-37.312-99: Technical Requirements for Automatic Instruments for On-line Chemical Control for Quality Indicators of the Heat-Transfer Agent of the Water-Steam TPS Path
RD 32.42-2001: Organization and procedure for accreditation of units of the Metrology Service of the Federal Railway Transport
RD 34.11.113-95: Procedural Guidelines. Metrological Monitoring and Inspection by Main and Base Metrological Services at Electric Power Facilities
RD 34.11.412-96: Methodical instructions. Calibration of measuring instruments at electric power enterprises. Organization and procedure
RD 45.109-99: Telecommunication Measurement Instruments. Guidelines for calibration of communication line analyzers such as DLA-9D
RD 50-291-81: Guidelines. Analyzers of the composition and properties of petroleum products. Standard metrological characteristics
RD 50-363-82: D.C. measuring high-voltage dividers. Methods and means of verification
RD 50-443-83: Guidelines. Application of GOST 8.395-80 "GSI. Normal measurement conditions during calibration. General requirements"
RD 50-458-84: Neutron radiation dosimeters. Methods and means of verification
RD 50-557-85: Guidelines. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Thermocouples radiation deposited type PTH. Method of verification
RD 50-660-88: Instructions. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Documents on methods of calibration of measuring instruments
RD 50-700-91: Guidelines. Industrial particle accelerators. General requirements for the measurement of parameters
RD RSK 02-2014: The order of the organization of the Russian calibration system
RMG 120-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The requirements to performance of calibration works
RMG 128-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the creation of laboratories performing tests and measurements
RMG 129-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements to the specialists in the sphere of ensuring of measurements uniformity, working in the field of legal metrology (experts-metrologists)
RMG 51-2002: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Documentats for verification methods of measuring instruments. Basic statements
RMG 52-2002: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. General methological recommendations for the implementation of GOST 8.315-97 principles in the development and use of reference materials
ST RK GOST R 51301-2005: Food products and food staples. Inversion voltampermetric methods of determination of toxic components (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc) -
ST SSFZhT TM 151-2003: The wheels are seamless. Determination of the endurance limit of the disk. Typical Test Procedure
ST SSFZhT TM 152-2003: Finishing carriage axles. Definition of the endurance limit of the necks of the axes. Typical test method
ST SSFZhT TM 153-2003: Finished car axles. Determination of cyclic fracture toughness. Standard test procedure
ST SSFZhT TsL-TsT 146-2003: Cast wheel centers for rolling stock of 1520 mm gauge railways. Typical methods of control of the macrostructure
ST SSFZhT TsL-TsT 147-2003: Cast wheel centers for rolling stock of 1520 mm gauge railways. Typical method of controlling the microstructure
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