
GOST 1759.3-83

ГОСТ 1759.3-83

Nuts. Surface defects and methods of control

Гайки. Дефекты поверхности и методы контроля

Status: Not effective - Canceled in the Russian Federation. Registration information 698-st dated 10.12.2009 (official site of FSUE "Standartinform")

The standard applies to hexagonal nuts with nominal thread diameters from 1 to 48 mm and establishes the permissible limit values of surface defects and methods for their control. It is allowed to extend the requirements of the standard to nuts of other shapes.

Стандарт распространяется на шестигранные гайки с номинальными диаметрами резьбы от 1 до 48 мм и устанавливает допустимые предельные значения дефектов поверхности и методы их контроля. Допускается распространять требования cтандарта на гайки другой формы.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 6/23/1983

SKU: RUSS17125

Price: $64.00

English keywords: fasteners; nuts; parts; the nuts;


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 21 Mechanical systems and general purpose devices »

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 010/2011 TR CU. On safety of machinery and equipment » Regulations and standards (to ТР ТС ТС 010/2011) »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.12 Testing and control of products of metallurgical industry » 4.12.6 Metal products »

ISO classifier » 21 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE DEVICES » 21.060 Fasteners » 21.060.20 Nuts »

National standards » 21 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE DEVICES » 21.060 Fasteners » 21.060.20 Nuts »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » G Machines, equipment and tools » G3 Fasteners for general engineering applications » G30 Classification, nomenclature and general rules »

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GOST 5973-2009: Dump cars for 1520 mm railway gauge. General specifications

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OST 26.260.758-2003: Metal structures. General technical requirements.

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ST TsKBA 012-2005: Pipe fittings. Studs, bolts, nuts and washers for pipe fittings. Technical requirements

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