GOST 12.2.020-76
ГОСТ 12.2.020-76
Explosion proof electrical apparatus. Terms and definitions. Classification. Marking
Электрооборудование взрывозащищенное. Термины и определения. Классификация. Маркировка..
Status: Effective - Restored on the territory of the Russian Federation. Information on the registration of 27-st dated January 21, 2003 (IUS 4-2003)
The standard applies to explosion-proof, including mine-explosion-proof, electrical equipment, as well as electrical automation and communication equipment intended for indoor and outdoor installation in places where air mixtures of combustible gases, vapors or dust that may explode with a source of ignition may occur and also intended for underground workings of mines, including hazardous on gas or dust. The standard does not apply to cables and wires. The standard establishes the terms and definitions used in science, technology and production of the basic concepts of explosion-proof electrical equipment, as well as the classification of explosion-proof electrical equipment according to the levels and types of explosion protection and its marking.
Стандарт распространяется на взрывозащищенное, в том числе рудничное взрывозащищенное, электрооборудование, а также на электрические средства автоматизации и связи, предназначенное для внутренней и наружной установки в местах, где могут возникать смеси с воздухом горючих газов, паров или пыли, способные взрываться при наличии источника поджигания, а также предназначенные для подземных выработок шахт, в том числе опасных по газу или пыли. Стандарт не распространяется на кабели и провода. Стандарт устанавливает применяемые в науке, технике и производстве термины и определения основных понятий взрывозащищенного электрооборудования, а также классификацию взрывозащищенного электрооборудования по уровням и видам взрывозащиты и его маркировку.
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Approved: State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS17319
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Standards »
Other state standards used in construction »
01 General. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation »
Construction (Max) »
Standards »
Other state standards used in construction »
29 Electrical Engineering »
PromExpert »
III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes »
2 Safety requirements for certain types of work »
2.10 Operation of electrical installations, electrical equipment and power tools »
ISO classifier »
29.260 Electrical equipment for working in special conditions »
29.260.20 Electrical equipment for an explosive atmosphere »
National standards »
29.260 Electrical equipment for working in special conditions »
29.260.20 Electrical equipment for an explosive atmosphere »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
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T General technical and organizational and methodological standards »
T5 Documentation System »
T58 System of standards infield of nature conservation and improvement of use of natural resources, labor safety, scientific organization of labor »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Occupational safety standards system (SSBT). Scientific organization of labor. Safety precautions. Sanitation and occupational health »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Rules for acceptance, use, operation and repair. Safety engineering »
The Document References:
GOST 12.1.011-78: Explosive mixtures. Classification and test methods
GOST 22782.5-78: Explosion proof electrical apparatus with the type of protection «intrinsically-safe electrical circuit». Technical requirements and test methods
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 12.1.011-78: Explosive mixtures. Classification and test methods
GOST 12.1.013-78: Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Electrical safety. General requirements
GOST 12.2.016-81: Occupational safety standards system. Gas compressing equipment. General safety requirements
GOST 12.2.059-81: Occupational safety standards system. Mine apparatus for electric blasting. Safety requirements
GOST 12.2.063-81: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial pipeline valves. General safety requirements
GOST 12.2.112-86: Occupational safety standards system. Mine electric locomotive transport. General requirements for rolling stock
GOST 12.2.135-95: Equipment for processing of meat and poultry farming products
GOST 12.2.233-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Refrigerating equipment of refrigerating capacity over 3,0 kW. Safety requirements
GOST 12.4.070-79: Occupational safety standards system. Signals of pre-explosive concentrations, thermochemical. General specifications
GOST 12.4.124-83: Occupational safety standards system. Means of static electricity protection. General technical requirements
GOST 12.4.155-85: Earth leakage circuit breakers
GOST 13045-81: Rota meters
GOST 13196-93: Means of level measuring and sampling of oil and oil products
GOST 13384-81: Measuring transformers for thermocouple and resistance thermometers SSI. General technical conditions
GOST 15035-80: Underground scraper winches
GOST 15542-79: Flame-proof mine power transformers. General specifications
GOST 16837-79: Flameproof mine power transformers. General specifications
GOST 18200-90: Above 200 kW rotating electric machines. Synchronous engines. General specifications
GOST 18618-83: Pressure transducers measuring vibrating rod frequency. General technical requirements. Methods of tests
GOST 20680-2002: Mechanical mixing devices (agitated vessels). General specifications
GOST 20680-86: Vertical apparatuses with mechanical mixers
GOST 20791-83: Centrifugal glandless electric pumps. Technical requirements
GOST 20791-88: Centrifugal glandless electric pumps
GOST 21339-82: Tachometers
GOST 22520-85: Pressure, pressure difference and vacuum transmitters with electrical analog output signals gsp
GOST 22782.0-81: Explosion-proof electrical equipment
GOST 22782.1-77: Explosion-protective electrical equipment
GOST 22782.2-77: Explosion-proof electric equipment
GOST 22782.3-77: Explosion-proof electrical equipment with special means
GOST 22782.4-78: Explosion-proof electrical apparatus. Pressurized enclosure. Technical requirements and methods of testing
GOST 22782.5-78: Explosion proof electrical apparatus with the type of protection «intrinsically-safe electrical circuit». Technical requirements and test methods
GOST 22782.6-81: Explosion proof electrical apparatus. Flameproof enclosure. Technical requirements and Test methods.
GOST 22782.7-81: Explosion-proof electric equipment with "e" type protection
GOST 22929-78: Leakage current protection mining apparatuses for mains designed for voltages up to 1 200 v
GOST 23111-78: Asynchronous three-phase short-circuited explosion-proof motors series V and VR with power from 0,25 to 110 kW. Specification
GOST 24719-81: Electric mining equipment,
GOST 24754-2013: Mining electrical equipment of normal production. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST 24754-81: General purpose mining electric equipment
GOST 24786-81: Explosion protected light devices for mines. General specifications
GOST 24855-81: Analog converters for measurement of current, voltage, power, frequency, resistance
GOST 24979-81: Constant speed electrical actuators for remote control. Types and basic parameters. Technical requirements
GOST 25176-82: Technical diagnostics. Diagnosis means of motor vehicles, tractors, agricultural, construction and road machinery. Classification. General technical requirements
GOST 25865-83: Vibration. Vibration measuring instruments with piezoelectric vibration measuring transducers. Main parameters and technical requirements
GOST 26655-85: Technical diagnostics. Diagnostics of motor vehicles, tractors, construction and road machines. Pick-ups. General technical requirements
GOST 26692-85: Vented alkaline nickel-cadmium rechargeable cells and storage batteries of capacity over 150 a h. General specification
GOST 26699-98: Underground drilling rigs. General specifications and test methods
GOST 26917-2000: Underground loading machines. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST 27540-87: Gas and inflammable vapors thermo-chemical alarms
GOST 28724-90: Speed gas meters
GOST 28955-91: Devices for pouring petroleum products in tankers. General requirements and test technical methods
GOST 31591-2012: Gearmotors of general purposes. General specifications
GOST 31812-2012: Civil aviation aircraft and helicopter ground support equipment. General technical requirements
GOST 31817.1.1-2012: Alarm systems. Part 1. General requirements. Section 1. General
GOST 34396-2018: Oil and oil products custody transfer metering systems. General specifications
GOST 34569-2019: The main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Devices for discharge of bulk oil and petroleum products. General specifications
GOST 4.154-85: Product-quality index system. Electrical rotating frames, number above 56 to 355 including. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.173-85: System of product-quality indices. Factory-assembled switch-gears for voltage above 1000 V. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.316-85: System of product-quality indices. Power, small, measuring transformer. Complete transformer substations. High-voltage bushings. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 5542-2014: Natural fuel gases for commercial and domestic use. Specifications
GOST 6625-85: Mine local ventilating fans
GOST 9018-89: Fuel dispensing pumps. General specifications
GOST R 12.2.142-99: Occupational safety standards system. Refrigerating equipment of refrigerating capacity over 3,0 kW. Safety requirements
GOST R 18.3.01-2016: Technology of the aviation fueling. Typical schemes
GOST R 50194-92: Devices for automation of tank farms. Means for level measurement and sampling of oil products. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 50458-92: Devices for oil and oil products loading into rail cars. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 50775-95: Alarm systems. Part 1. General requirements. Section 1. General
GOST R 50968-96: Gearmotors of general purpose. General standard specifications
GOST R 50997-96: Mine's gyrocompass. General specification
GOST R 51066-97: Profile survey systems of vertical shaft guides. General requirements and testing methods
GOST R 51360-99: Refrigerating compressors. Safety requirements and methods of testing
GOST R 51364-99: Air cooling apparatus. General specifications
GOST R 52551-2006: Guard and security systems. Terms and definitions
GOST R 52860-2007: Physical protection systems. General technical requirements
GOST R 52906-2008: Equipment of the aviation fuelling system. General technical requirements
GOST R 53401-2009: Gas fuel locomotives. Requirements of explosion safety
GOST R 53543-2009: Aircraft and helicopter ground support equipment. General technical requirements
GOST R 53762-2009: Natural combustible gases. Determination of hydrocarbon dew point temperature
GOST R 53763-2009: Natural combustible gases. Determination of water dew point temperature
GOST R 54466-2011: Rotating electrical machines. Asynchronous explosion-proof motors of power from 0,25 to 400 kW inclusive. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 55018-2012: Pipeline valves for objects of energetics. General specifications
GOST R 55164-2012: Mining equipment. Movable mine compressor stations. Safety requirements and test methods
GOST R 55233-2012: Intelligent gas sensor modules. General technical requirements and methods of testing
GOST R 55605-2013: Design and installation of electrical installations of coal mines and underground workings
GOST R 55610-2013: Oil measuring systems. General specifications
GOST R 56021-2014: Liquefied natural gas. Fuel for internal-combustion engine and generating unit. Specifications
GOST R 56719-2015: Liquefied natural gas. Sampling
GOST R 57736-2017: Mining equpment. Mine auxiliary fans. General specifications
GOST R 58493-2019: Mining equipment. Drilling machines. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 58623-2019: The main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Vertical cylindrical steel tanks. Technical Operation Rules
GOST R 70348-2022: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and petroleum products. Marine stanchions. General specifications
GOST R 70379-2022: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and petroleum products. Oil and petroleum products vapor recovery unit of combined (adsorption-absorption) type. Technical specifications
GOST R 8.1004-2021: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements (GSI). Systems for measuring the quantity and parameters of oil and oil-gas-water mixtures and measuring installations. Metrological and technical requirements
IM 14-11-2005: Automation. Converters for communication of devices and regulators of various systems, power supplies, root extraction blocks, safety barriers and spark protection barriers. Directory
IM 14-1-2004: Automation tools. Instruments for measuring and regulating the level. Directory
IM 14-12-2004: Automation. Instruments for measuring and regulating pressure and vacuum. Nomenclature directory
IM 14-18-2005: Automation. Instruments for measuring and controlling the composition and properties of substances. Directory
IM 14-4-2004: Automation. Instruments for measuring and controlling flow and quantity. Directory
IM 14-7-2004: Automation. Instruments for measuring and regulating temperature. Part 2. Thermometers, alarms, indicators, frames, temperature relays, devices are different. Nomenclature directory
IN 4-7-92: Index of regulatory and technical documents (as of 01.03.92)
M61722: Design Manual for Power Equipment Operating at Voltage Under 1000 V in Explosion-Hazardous Areas Within Industrial Occupancies
Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems
MP 2550-0138-2010: Hydrological automated complexes AGK-1. Verification Method
NPB 76-98: Fire detectors. General technical requirements. Test methods
OST 26.260.452-92: Occupational safety standards system. Rotor drum vacuum baking ovens in explosion-proof design. General safety requirements.
OST 64-02-003-2002: Products of the medical industry. Technological regulations of production. Content, procedure of development, coordination and approval
PB 06-28-93: Safety Requirements for the Construction/Rehabilitation and Operation of Underground Facilities Used for the Purposes Unrelated to the Extraction of Mineral Resources
PNST 801-2022: Mining and processing equipment. Multifunctional safety systems for coal preparation plants. General technical requirements.
POT R O-00-97: Occupational Safety and Health Requirements in the Pulp and Paper and Rosin Industry
POT R O-112-001-95: Rules for labor protection during the operation of oil depots and gas stations
POT R O-112-002-98: Rules for labor protection during the operation of trunk oil pipelines
POT R O-14000-001-98: Rules on labor protection at enterprises and organizations of mechanical engineering
PPBO-157-90: Fire Safety Regulations in the Timber Industry
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PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.2 Electricity supply and electrical networks (Seventh edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.7 Grounding and Electrical Safety Precautions (Seven Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.9 Insulation of electrical installations (Seventh edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.6 Electric Welding Machines (Seven Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.10. Electrolysis Plants and Plating Plants (Seventh Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.8. Acceptance Test Standards (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.1. Switchgears up to 1 kV AC and up to 1.5 kV DC (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.1. General part (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.2. Electricity supply and electrical networks (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.3. Selection of conductors by heating, economic current density and by corona conditions (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.4. Selection of electrical devices and conductors for short circuit conditions (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.5. Electricity metering (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.6. Electrical Measurements (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.7. Grounding and Electrical Safety Precautions (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.1. Electrical Wiring (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.2. Busducts up to 35 kV (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.3. Cable lines with voltage up to 220 kV (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.4. Overhead power lines with voltage up to 1 kV (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.5. Overhead power lines with voltage above 1 kV (Beginning) (with Amendments and additions) (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 3.1. Protection of electrical networks with voltage up to 1 kV (Sixth edition)
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PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 3.4. Secondary Circuits (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.2. Switchgears and substations with voltages above 1 kV (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.3. Converter substations and installations (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.4. Battery Units (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.1. Electrical machine rooms (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.2. Generators and Synchronous Compensators (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.3. Electric motors and their switching devices (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.4. Crane Electrical Equipment (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.5. Elevator Electrical Equipment (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 5.6. Condensing Units (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.1. General part (Seventh edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.1. Electrical equipment of residential, public, administrative and domestic buildings (Seventh edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.2. Interior lighting (seventh edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.3. Outdoor lighting (Seventh edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.4. Advertising Lighting (Seventh Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.5. Lighting fixtures, installation devices (Seventh edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.2. Electrical installations of entertainment enterprises, clubs and sports facilities (Seventh edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.3. Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.4. Electrical Installations in Fire Hazardous Zones (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.5. Electrothermal Plants (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.6. Electric welding machines (sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.7. Peat electrical installations (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.5. Overhead power lines with voltages above 1 kV (End) (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Applications
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.6. Lighting devices and wiring devices (Seventh edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.1. General part (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.2. Interior lighting (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.3. Outdoor Lighting (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.4. Advertising Lighting (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 6.5. Lighting fixtures, installation devices (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.1. Electrical Equipment for Residential and Public Buildings (Sixth Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 7.2. Electrical equipment for entertainment enterprises, clubs and sports facilities (Sixth edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.4. Overhead power lines with voltage up to 1 kV (Seventh edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 2.5. Overhead power lines with voltage above 1 kV (Seventh edition) (with Amendment)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.1. Switchgears up to 1 kV AC and up to 1.5 kV DC (Seventh Edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 4.2. Switchgears and substations with voltages above 1 kV (Seventh edition)
PUE: Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). Chapter 1.8. Acceptance test standards (Seventh edition)
RD 03-26-93: Provision on the procedure of issuance of special permits (licenses) for the activities connected with high hazard of industrial production enterprises (facilities) and work, as well as provision of safety at the time of using underground resources
RD 03-67-94: Instructions on the procedure for issuing permits for the production and use of mining equipment, explosion-proof and in mine normal performance of electrical products by the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia
RD 05-335-99: Requirements for the manufacture of mine electrical equipment with a voltage of 1140 V
RD 153-34.1-30.106-00: Rules for technical operation of gas-handling facilities for gas-turbine and combined-cycle units at thermal power plants
RD 153-34.1-35.127-2002: General technical requirements for program and technical complex for technological process automated control system of thermal power plant
RD 153-34.1-39.504-00: General technical requirements for fittings of CHP plant ( TPP OTT - 2000).
RD 153-39.1-36-99: Recommendations for the unification of oil pumps for oil refineries
RD 153-39.4-056-00: Main crude pipeline. Operations rules.
RD 153-39.4-078-01: Operation Requirements for Tanks on Trunk Petroleum Product Pipelines and at Petroleum Depots
RD 16.407-2000: Explosionproof electrical apparatus. Repair
RD 25.03.001-2002: Guard and security systems of objects. Terms and definitions
RD BT 39-0147171-003-88: Requirements for installation of stationary sensors of gas alarms in industrial premises and outdoors areas of oil and gas industry facilities
RM 4-223-89: Industrial Automation Systems. Execution Requirements for Electrical Installations for Automation Systems for Explosion Hazardous Areas
RM 4-239-91: Automation systems. Dictionary-reference terms. Allowance to SNiP 3.05.07-85
RTM 16.689.169-75: Explosion-proof and mine electrical equipment repair
Rules 00-97: Rules for Occupational Safety and Health in the Pulp and Paper and Forestry Industries (final)
SDOS-07-2012: Methodological recommendations on the procedure for tightness control of technical devices and structures used and operated at hazardous production facilities
SNiP 2.04.03-85: Sewage. External systems and structures
SO 34.03.355-2005: Methodological instructions for ensuring fire and explosion safety during operating power gas turbine electric power units.
SO 34.23.501-2005: Guidelines for the operation of fuel oil facilities of thermal power plants
SO 34.35.146-2003: Guidelines for the creation of automated process control systems for water treatment plants (TLU) power plants
SP 12-133-2000: Safety in construction. Statutes on the procedure for certification of work stations by working conditions in construction and housing and utilities.
TU 26-01-949-85: The devices gummed with the mechanical mixing device of volume 1; 2; 3.2; 6.3; 10 and 16 m3
TU 3631-002-76457067-2012: Dynamic Pumps and Pump Units MST-TsN type and spare parts for them
TU 3681-134-00220302-2007: Air coolers block-modular complete AVG-KB. Technical specifications
VNTP 1-31-80/MChM SSSR: Instructions and norms for technological design and technical and economic indicators of the energy sector of ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Metallurgical plants. Volume 7. Electricity
VNTP 51-1-88: Industry norms of technological design of Installations for Production and Storage of Liquefied Natural Gas, Isothermal Storages and Gas Filling Stations
VRD 39-1.10-049-2001: Правила распространяются на эксплуатацию, реконструкцию и ремонт магистральных, межпромысловых и промысловых конденсатопродуктопроводов и отражают специфику транспорта стабильеого, нестабильного, деэтанизированного конденсата, широкой фракции легких углев
VSN 214-82: Collected volume of instructions on rust-proofing
VUP SNE-87: Departmental guidelines for the design of rail unloading racks of flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied hydrocarbon gases
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