GOST 2875-88
ГОСТ 2875-88
Prismatic measurers of plane angle
Меры плоского угла призматические
Status: Effective. The limitation of the effectiveness period has been lifted: Protocol No. 3-93 of the IGU dated 03.03.93 (IUS 5-6-1993)
The standard applies to prismatic flat angle measures that have the shape of a straight prism with a different number of side faces, some of which, or all of them, are measuring surfaces that form working angles in pairs, and sets of accessories to them.
Стандарт распространяется на призматические меры плоского угла, имеющие форму прямой призмы с различным числом боковых граней, часть из которых или все они являются измерительными поверхностями, попарно образующими рабочие углы, и наборы принадлежностей к ним.
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS17427
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
3 Activities of testing laboratories »
3.2 Technical equipment of testing laboratories »
3.2.2 Measuring instruments and test equipment » Instruments, tools and devices for linear, angular, profile and spatial measurements »
ISO classifier »
17.040 Linear and angular measurements »
17.040.30 Measuring instruments »
National standards »
17.040 Linear and angular measurements »
17.040.30 Measuring instruments »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
P Measuring devices. Automation and computing facilities »
P5 Instruments, tools and devices for linear, angular, profile and spatial measurements »
P51 End and dashed measures of length. Angle measures »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Plane-parallel end measures, angular measures, accessories »
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 2875-75: Measures angular prismatic. Technical requirements
The Document References:
GOST 13762-86: Measuring means for linear and angular measurements. Marking, packing, transporting and storage
GOST 2.601-68: Unified system for design documentation. Exploitative documents
GOST 3514-76: Colourless optical glass. Technical conditions
GOST 8.001-80: State system of ensuring the unity of measurements. Rules for conducting the state tests of measuring means
GOST 8.383-80: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State tests of means for measurements. General statements
GOST 801-78: Bearing steel. Specifications
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 13006-67: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Angle meters. Verification method
GOST 15031-69: Contact instruments КПУ-3. Methods and means of verification
GOST 8.003-2010: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Tool-making microscopes. Verification procedure
GOST 8.003-83: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Tool-making microscopes. Methods and means of verification
GOST 8.046-2010: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Optical dividing heads. Verification procedure
GOST 8.393-2010: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Optical Quadrants. Verification procedure
GOST R 51047-97: Cutters for shearers and entry-driving machines. General specifications
GOST R 58201-2018: Mining drilling for pneumatic and hydraulic anchorage installers. General specifications
GOST R ISO 230-1-2010: Machine tools tests. Part 1. Measurement techniques of geometrics parameters
MI 08-00: Theodolites. Method of verification
MI 1382-86: Guidelines. Protractor pendulum. Type ZURI-M. Method of verification
MI 1585-86: Guidelines. GSE. Device type 2URI. Method of verification
MI 1729-87: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Calibration lines. Method of verification
MI 1758-87: Guidelines. GSE. The flat angle measures are prismatic. Method of verification
MI 1825-88: Guidelines. GSE. Measuring projectors. Method of verification
MI 2006-89: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Depth gauge indicators. Verification procedure
MI 2131-90: Goniometers with nonius
MI 263-82: Guidelines. Device measuring two-coordinate DIP-1. Methods and means of verification
RD BGEI 05-89: Metrological support. Collection of sets of calibration tools for geodetic measuring instruments
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