
GOST 7625-86

ГОСТ 7625-86

Label paper

Бумага этикеточная

Status: Effective - Supersedes. The limitation of effectiveness has been lifted: Protocol No. 2-92 of the IGU dated 05.10.92 (IUS 2-1993)

The standard applies to paper intended for printing labels, and establishes the requirements for label paper manufactured for the needs of the national economy and for export.

Стандарт распространяется на бумагу, предназначенную для печатания этикеток, и устанавливает требования к этикеточной бумаге, изготовляемой для нужд народного хозяйства и для поставки на экспорт.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 12/20/1986

SKU: RUSS17480

Price: $201.00

English keywords: cardboard; paper;


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) » 005/2011 TR CU. O packaging safety » Norms and standards (to TR TS 005/2011) »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.7 Testing and control of pulp and paper products » 4.7.1 Pulp, wood pulp, paper and cardboard »

ISO classifier » 85 PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY » 85.060 Paper and cardboard »

National standards » 85 PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY » 85.060 Paper and cardboard »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » To Timber. Wood products. Cellulose. Paper, cardboard » K6 Paper and paper products (except stationery) » K61 Printing paper and wallpaper »

National Standards for OKSTU » PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY PRODUCTS » Paper for manual and machine packaging of products and various products »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 7625-55: Label paper. Wallpaper

The Document References:

GOST 12057-81: Paper and board. Methods for determination of linear deformation

GOST 12795-78: Paper and board. Method for determining smoothness

GOST 12795-89: Paper and board. Method of determination of smoothness. Bekk method

GOST 13199-67: Paper. Methods for determining the weight of 1 m2, thickness and bulk density

GOST 13199-88: Fibre intermediate products paper and board. Method for determination of grammage

GOST 1342-78: Printing paper. Sizes

GOST 13523-78: Fibre semi-finished products, paper and board. Method for conditioning of samples

GOST 13525.16-69: Paper. Method for determination of degree of wet curl of paper

GOST 13525.1-79: Fibre semimanufactures, paper and board. Tensile strength and elongation tests

GOST 13525.19-71: Paper and board. Methods of moisture determination

GOST 13525.4-68: Paper and board. Method for the determination of flaw

GOST 13525.5-68: Paper and board. Methods for determination of defect content within the reel

GOST 1641-75: Paper. Packing marking, transportation and storage

GOST 21102-80: Paper and board. Methods for determination of dimensions and non-rectangularity of the sheet

GOST 21444-75: Coated paper

GOST 24356-80: Paper. Method for determination of printability characteristics

GOST 27015-86: Paper and board. Methods for determining thickness, density and specific volume

GOST 7376-89: Corrugated paperboard

GOST 7500-85: Paper and cardboard. Methods of determination of fibrous composition

GOST 7629-77: Paper and cardboard. Method of determination of ash content

GOST 7690-76: Pulp paper and board. Method of determination of brightness

GOST 7933-89: Cardboard for the retail containers

GOST 8047-78: Paper and cardboard. Acceptance rules. Sampling for tests

GOST 8049-62: Paper. Line method of sizing degree determination

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 10581-91: Ready-made sewing. Marking, packing, transportation and storage

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GOST 1939-90: Packed green baikhovi tea

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GOST 19690-89: State flags of the USSR, of union and autonomous republics. General specifications

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GOST 30084-93: Textile materials. Primary marking

GOST 30470-97: The flag of the Commonwealth Independent States. Specifications

GOST 33118-2014: Combined materials on basis of aluminium foil. Specifications

GOST 33374-2015: Waxed wax labels for machine wrapping of confectionery, bakery products and chewing gum

GOST 33716-2015: Blanks of boxes and packs. Boxes and packs. Technical specifications

GOST 33772-2016: Bags of paper. General specifications

GOST 33781-2016: Consumer packaging made of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General specifications

GOST 34032-2016: Board and combined cans. General specifications

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GOST 3897-2015: Knitted garments. Making, packing, transportation and storage

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GOST 3935-2000: Cigarettes. General specifications

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GOST 7823-2000: Pipe tobacco. General specifications

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GOST 858-2000: Fine-cut smoking tobacco. General specifications

GOST 858-81: Tobacco

GOST R 50230-92: Eastern sweeties of soft sweetmeat type. Specifications

GOST R 51130-98: The State flag of the Russian Federation. General specifications

GOST R 52145-2003: Combined materials on basis of aluminium foil. Specifications

GOST R 52683-2006: Medicine remedies for veterinary use. Packing, marking, transportation and storage

GOST R 54731-2011: Pressed bakery yeast. Specifications

ITP 50-88: Instructions for the technological design of enterprises of the salt industry / stone processing and the production of vacuum-evaporated salt /

KMS 799:2005: Tea. General technical conditions

NTP-APK Standards of technological design of enterprises of the yeast industry

RST RSFSR 736-86: Crutches and Canes. Technical Specifications

ST RK 242-92: Blanks for boxes and packs. Boxes and packs. Specification

ST RK 995-97: Waxed labels in coils for mechanical wrapping of confectionery, bakery products and chewing gum

STB 126-2011: Cooked sausages. General technical conditions

STB 196-2012: Half-smoked sausage products. General technical conditions. General technical conditions

STB 1996-2009: Products of smoked sausage and dry-cured salami. General technical conditions

STB 287-2004: Felt boots. General specifications

STB 295-2008: Smoked and dried sausage products. General technical conditions

STB 742-2009: Fat products. General technical conditions

STB 902-2001: Tea drinks from vegetable raw materials packaged. General technical conditions

STB 921-2004: Corset products. General specifications

STB 971-2013: Liver sausages. General technical conditions

VNTP 36-92: Standards of technological design of enterprises of the food concentrate industry

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