GOST 28840-90
ГОСТ 28840-90
Machines for tension, compression and bending tests of materials
Машины для испытания материалов на растяжение, сжатие и изгиб. Общие технические требования
Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 4-1991 The limitation of effectiveness period has been lifted: Protocol No. 7-95 of the IGU dated 01.03.95 (IUS 11-1995)
The standard applies to machines for testing materials in tension, compression and bending under static loading conditions (rupture, compression and universal) according to the standardized methods of testing materials in the USSR. The standard does not apply to special purpose machines.
Стандарт распространяется на машины для испытания материалов на растяжение, сжатие и изгиб при статических режимах нагружения (разрывные, сжатия и универсальные) согласно стандартизованным в СССР методам испытаний материалов. Стандарт не распространяется на машины специального назначения.
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Approved: USSR State Committee for Product Quality and Standards Management,
SKU: RUSS17665
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V Testing and control »
3 Activities of testing laboratories »
3.2 Technical equipment of testing laboratories »
3.2.2 Measuring instruments and test equipment » Instruments for measuring pressure, volume, flow, level, time and mechanical quantities »
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19.060 Mechanical test »
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P Measuring devices. Automation and computing facilities »
P1 Instruments for measuring pressure, volume, flow, level, time and fur »
P18 Instruments and machines for determining and testing mechanical properties of materials and structures »
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 7762-74: Tensile testing machines for rubber and rubber fabrics
GOST 7855-84: Tensile-Testing Machines and Universal Machines for Static Testing of Metals and Structural Plastics. Types. The main parameters. General technical requirements
GOST 8905-82: Machines (presses), hydraulic, for static testing of building materials for compression. General specifications
GOST ED1 8905-87: Hydraulic machines (presses) for static compression testing of building materials. General technical conditions
The Document References:
GOST 1.2-85: State standardization system. Order of standards development
GOST 1.2-97: Interstate system for standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Procedure for development, taking over application, renovation and cancellation
GOST 1.3-85: State system of standartization. Procedure for agreement, approval and state registration of specifications
GOST 10180-78: Concrete. Methods for determining the compressive strength and tensile strength
GOST 10180-90: Concretes. Methods for strength determination using reference specimens
GOST 10354-82: Polyethylene film Specifications
GOST 11150-84: Metals. Methods of tension tests at low temperatures
GOST 11262-80: Plastics. Tensile strength test method.
GOST 11721-78: Cellular rubber. Method for determination of elastic and tensile stress-strain properties
GOST 12.1.003-83: Noise. General safety requirements
GOST 12.1.030-81: Electrical safety protective grounding, neutral grounding
GOST 12.1.038-82: Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. Maximum permissible values of pick-up voltages and currents
GOST 12.2.003-74: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial equipment. General safety requirements
GOST 12.2.003-91: Industrial equipment. General safety requirements
GOST Occupation safety standards system Electrical equipment. General safety requirements
GOST Occupation safety standards system. Safety requirements. Factory-built assemblies of regulating equipment
GOST 12.3.019-80: Occupational safety standards system. Electrical tests and measurements. General safety requirements
GOST 12997-84: SSI Products. General specifications
GOST 14019-80: Metals. Methods of bend tests
GOST 14192-77: Marking of cargoes
GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking
GOST 14254-80: Electrotechnical articles. Enclosures. Degrees of protections. Designations. Test methods
GOST 14254-96: Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
GOST 1497-84: Metals. Methods of tension test
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 15151-69: Machines, instuments and other industrial products for tropics. General specifications.
GOST 15846-2002: Production for transportation to the areas of Far North and similar regions. Packing, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 16272-79: Technical plasticized polyvinylchloride film. Specifications
GOST 16842-82: Industrial radio-interferences. Test methods for radio-interference sources
GOST 2.601-68: Unified system for design documentation. Exploitative documents
GOST 2.601-95: Operational documents
GOST 20.57.406-81: Electrical equipment, devices for electronic technology and quantum electronics
GOST 20014-83: Cellular rubbers. Methods for determination of compression resistance
GOST 20504-81: System of standardized type structures of SSI aggregated complexes. Types and basic dimensions
GOST 21128-83: Power supply systems, nets, sources, converters and receivers of electric energy. Rated voltages to 1000 V
GOST 22352-77: Manufacturer's guarantee. Establishment and calculation of the quarantined times in standards and specifications. General statements
GOST 23020-78: Rubber. Method for determination of failure work at extension
GOST 24297-87: Input inspection of products. General provisions.
GOST 25.503-97: Design calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of metals. Method of compression testing
GOST 26.010-80: Unified system of standards for instrument-making. Measuring and automation devices. Input and output frequency electric continuous signals
GOST 26.011-80: Measuring and automation devices. Input and output current and voltage continuous signals
GOST 265-77: Rubber. Methods of short static compression tests
GOST 27.502-83: Reliability engineering. Information collecting and processing system. Planning of observations
GOST 27.503-81: Reliability engineering. Methods for assessing reliability indicators
GOST 270-75: Rubber. Method of the determination elastic and tensile stress-strain properties
GOST 28570-90: Concretes. Methods of strength evaluation on cores drilled from structures
GOST 2991-85: Wooden uncollapsible cases for weights up to 500 kg. General specifications
GOST 356-80: Valves and details for piping. Pressures conditional, test and operational. Lines.
GOST 3813-72: Textile materials. Textile fabrics and piece-articles. Methods for determination of brearing under tension
GOST 4648-71: Plastics. Method of static bending test
GOST 4651-82: Plastics. Compression test method
GOST 6611.2-73: Textile threads. Methods for determination of breaking load and elongation at rupture
GOST 8.001-80: State system of ensuring the unity of measurements. Rules for conducting the state tests of measuring means
GOST 8.383-80: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State tests of means for measurements. General statements
GOST 9.032-74: Unified, system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations
GOST 9651-84: Metals. Methods of tension tests at elevated temperatures
GOST R 51320-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Man-made radio disturbance. Test methods for technical equipment which are man-made radio disturbance sources
GOST R 51321.1-2000: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies. Part 1. Requirements for type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies. General technical requirements and methods of tests
PR 50.2.009-94: The testing and approval procedure for the measurement instrumentation
RD 50-690-89: Methodological instructions. Industrial product dependability. Methods for estimating dependability based on experimental data.
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 10006-80: Metal pipes
GOST 10180-2012: Concretes. Methods for strength determination using reference specimens
GOST 10180-90: Concretes. Methods for strength determination using reference specimens
GOST 10633-2018: Wood chipboards and fibreboards. General rules for the preparation and conduct of physical and mechanical tests
GOST 10635-88: Particle boards. Methods for determination of ultimate strength and modulus of elasticity in bending
GOST 10636-2018: Wood-shaving and wood-fiber plates. Strength definition method at stretching perpendicularly plate layer
GOST 10637-2010: Wood particle boards. Method for determination of resistivity to nail and wood screw withdrawal
GOST 10637-2019: Chipboards and wood-fiber boards. Method for determining the specific resistance to pulling nails and screws
GOST 10832-2009: Perlite expanded sand and crushed stone. Specifications
GOST 10922-90: Welded reinforcing products and inserts, welded joints of reinforcement and inserts for reinforced concrete structures. General specifications
GOST 11138-2019: Synthetic butadiene-methylstyrene rubbers SKMS-30ARKM-15 and styrene-butadiene rubbers SKS-30ARKM-15. Technical conditions
GOST 12.4.141-99: Occupational safety standards system. Hand protection means, industrial clothing and materials for their manufacture. Methods for determination of cut resistance
GOST 12182.5-80: Cables, wires and cords. Methods of checking for elongation resistance
GOST 12801-98: Materials on the basis of organic binders for road and airfield construction. Test methods
GOST 14019-2003: Metallic materials. Bend test method
GOST 14340.3-69: Enameled round wires. Methods of the flexibility test
GOST 14924-2019: Synthetic cis-butadiene rubbers. Technical conditions
GOST 1497-84: Metals. Methods of tension test
GOST 15613.4-78: Glued massive wood. Methods for determining the ultimate strength of serrate glued joints in static bending
GOST 15613.5-79: Glued massive wood. Method for determination of ultimate tensile strength of finger glued joints
GOST 15627-2019: Synthetic butadiene-methyl styrene rubbers SKMS-30ARK and styrene butadiene SKS-30ARK. Technical specifications
GOST 15628-2019: Synthetic butadiene-methylstyrene rubbers SKMS-30ARKM-27 and styrene-butadiene rubbers SKS-30ARKM-27. Technical conditions
GOST 15634.1-70: Magnet wire. Method of the elongation test
GOST 15873-2017: Plastics cellular elastic. Tensile test method
GOST 16483.10-73: Wood. Methods for determination of ultimate strength in compression parallel the grain
GOST 16483.11-72: Wood. Method for determination of conventional ultimate strength in compression perpendicular to grain
GOST 16483.12-72: Wood. Method for determination of ultimate strength in shearing perpendicular to grain
GOST 16483.13-72: Wood. Method for determination of ultimate strength in cutting perpendicular to grain
GOST 16483.17-81: Wood. Method for determination of static hardness
GOST 16483.22-81: Wood. Method of cleavage strength determination
GOST 16483.23-73: Wood. Method for determination of ultimate strength in tension along the grain
GOST 16483.24-73: Wood. Determination method of modulus of elasticity in compression along fibres
GOST 16483.25-73: Wood. Determination method of modulus of elasticity in compression across fibres
GOST 16483.26-73: Wood. Determination method of modulus of elasticity in tension along fibres
GOST 16483.2-70: Wood. Method for determination of conventional ultimate strength in local compression perpendicular to grain
GOST 16483.27-73: Wood. Determination method of modulus of elasticity in tension along fibres
GOST 16483.28-73: Wood. Method for determination of ultimate tensile strength across the grain
GOST 16483.29-73: Wood. Method for determination of factors of cross-sectional deformation
GOST 16483.30-73: Wood. Method for determination of modulus of shear
GOST 16483.33-77: Wood. Method for determination of resistivity to nail and woodscrew withdrawal
GOST 16483.3-84: Wood. Method of static bending strength determination
GOST 16483.5-73: Wood. Methods for determination of ultimate shearing strength parallel to grain
GOST 16483.9-73: Wood. Methods for determination of modulus of elasticity in static bending
GOST 17608-2017: The concrete paving slabs. Specifications
GOST 18228-94: Sintered metal materials excluding hard metals. Determination of transverse rupture strength
GOST 19147-82: Skiing sticks. Specifications
GOST 19177-81: Rubber porous sealing gaskets
GOST 19671-91: Tungsten wire for light sources
GOST 2067-93: Bone glue. Specifications
GOST 209-75: Rubber and glue. Methods of determination of metal bond strength at tearing
GOST 21153.2-84: Rocks. Methods for determination of axial compression strength
GOST 21289-2018: Coal briquettes. Methods for determining mechanical strength
GOST 21554.3-82: Sawn timber and blanks. Method for control of strength at bending, tension and compression
GOST 21554.4-78: Sawn timber and semi-manufactures. Method for determining the ultimate strength in compression parallel to grain
GOST 2162-97: Adhesive rubberized tape. Specifications
GOST 2172-80: Aviation steel ropes
GOST 22233-2001: Aluminium alloy extruded sections for translucent envelopes. General specifications
GOST 22233-2018: Aluminium alloy extruded sections for translucent envelopes. Specifications
GOST 22706-77: Metals. Method for tension tests at the temperature - 100 up to - 269 °C
GOST 22783-77: Concretes. Method of accelerated determination of compressive strength
GOST 23.213-83: Product wear resistance assurance. Evaluation of scoring preventive properties of engineering materials
GOST 23117-91: Semiautomatic grips for tensioning of the steel in prestressed concrete structures. Specifications
GOST 23234-2009: Wood particle boards. Method for determination of resistivity to separation of surface layer in direction normal to a plane
GOST 23492-2019: Synthetic butadiene-methylstyrene rubbers SKMS-30ARKPN and styrene-butadiene rubbers SKS-30ARKPN. Technical conditions
GOST 23492-83: Synthetic rubbers, butadiene-styrene CKC-30APKПН and butadiene-methyl styrene СKMС-30APKПН. Specifications
GOST 23775-79: Carbon products. Methods of determination for compressive, bend, tensile, strengths (diametric compression)
GOST 23789-2018: Gypsum binders. Test methods
GOST 24409-80: Ceramic electrotechnical materials. Methods of testing
GOST 24452-80: Concretes. Methods of prismatic compressive strengths, modulus of elasticity and Poisson ratio determination
GOST 24616-2017: Plastics cellular and elastic and foam rubber. Hardness test method
GOST 24992-2014: Masonry structures. Method of estimating bonding strength in masonry
GOST 25.503-97: Design calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of metals. Method of compression testing
GOST 25.505-85: Design, calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of metals. Method of testing on the low cycle fatigue at heat mechanical loading
GOST 25.506-85: Design, calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of metals. Determination of fracture toughness characteristics under the static loading
GOST 25047-87: Complete exfusion, infusion and transfusion devices of the single application
GOST 25452-2017: High-pressure rubber hoses with metal windings without end fittings. Technical conditions
GOST 25452-90: Unarmored high-pressure rubber hoses with metal winding
GOST 25905-2018: Aluminium foil for condensers. Specifications
GOST 25996-97: Round link high-tensile chains for mining equipment. Specifications
GOST 262-93: Rubber, vulcanized. Determination of tear strength (throuser, angle and crescent test pieces)
GOST 265-77: Rubber. Methods of short static compression tests
GOST 26605-2017: Cellular flexible polymeric materials. Determination of stress-strain characteristics in compression and compression stress
GOST 26798.1-96: Oil-well cement. Test methods
GOST 26816-2016: Cement-bonded wood boards. Specifications
GOST 26816-86: Cement-bonded wood boards. Specifications
GOST 26988-86: Fibre board. Method for determination of ultimate tensile strength perpendicular to board face
GOST 27208-87: Cast iron casting. Methods of mechanical testing
GOST 27266-87: Molybdenum wire for light sources
GOST 28469-90: Wooden laminated sleepers and cants for tram lines. Specifications
GOST 28830-90: Soldered and brazed joints. Test methods for tension and long-term strength
GOST 28966.1-91: Polymer adhesives. Method of determining cleavage strength
GOST 28966.2-91: Polymer adhesives. Method of determining peel strength
GOST 29088-91: Polymeric materials cellular flexible. Determination of tensile strength and elongation at break
GOST 29104.14-91: Industrial fabrics. Method for determination of heat resistance
GOST 29104.8-91: Industrial fabrics. Method for determination of strength and strength under ball forcing
GOST 29151-91: RVC-coated tarpaulins for automobile transport. General specifications
GOST 30003-93: Metals. Cylindrical bending test of sheets and strips less than 2,5 mm thick
GOST 30188-97: Calibrated lifting chains of high strength. Specifications
GOST 30441-97: Short link chain for lifting purposes, non - calibrated grade T(8). Specifications
GOST 30491-2012: Organomineral mixtures and soils stabilized by organic binders for road and airfield construction. Specifications
GOST 30491-97: Organic mineral mixtures and soils stabilized by organic dinders for road and airfield construction Specifications
GOST 30629-2011: Materials and products facing of rocks. Test methods
GOST 30629-99: Cladding materials and products made of natural stone. Test methods
GOST 30731-2016: Cylinders, tubes and hoses for hydraulic brake and vehicle clutch. General technical requirements, acceptance rules and control methods
GOST 30740-2000: Sealing materials used in joints of aerodrome coats. General specifications
GOST 310.4-81: Cements. Methods of tests of bending and compression strengths
GOST 31376-2008: Dry building mixtures based on gypsum binder. Test methods
GOST 31568-2012: Dental gypsum products. General specifications
GOST 31572-2012: Denture base polymers. Technical requirements. Test methods
GOST 31574-2012: Dental resin restorative materials. Technical requirements. Test methods
GOST 31578-2012: Dental water-based cements. Technical requirements. Test methods
GOST 31619-2012: Implantable mammary prostheses. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST 31620-2012: Surgical sutures. General technical requirements. Test method
GOST 31626-2012: Plaster of Paris for medical use. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST 31938-2012: Fiber-reinforced polymer bar for concrete reinforcement. General specifications
GOST 32311-2012: Ceramic paving brick. Specifications
GOST 32486-2013: Polymer composite frame for reinforcement of concrete structures. Methods for determination of durability characteristics
GOST 32486-2015: Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Bar for Concrete Reinforcement. Methods for determination of structural and thermo-mechanical characteristics
GOST 32487-2013: Polymer composite frame for reinforcement of concrete structures. Methods for determination of characteristics of resistance to the corrosive media
GOST 32487-2015: Fibre-reinforced polymer bar for concrete constructions. Methods for determination of characteristics of resistance to the corrosive media
GOST 32491-2013: Geosynthetics. Tensile test with wide strip
GOST 32492-2013: Polymer composite frame for reinforcement concrete structures. Method for determination of physical and mechanical properties
GOST 32492-2015: Fibre-reinforced polymer bar for concrete reinforcement. Determination of physical-mechanical properties
GOST 32586-2013: Vibroinsulators rubber and rubber-reinforced for automotive technic. Specifications
GOST 32658-2014: Polymer composites. Determination of mechanical properties in the plane of shear reinforcement by a tensile test at an angle of ± 45 degree
GOST 32659-2014: Polymer composites. Test methods. Determination of apparent interlaminar shear strength by short-beam method
GOST 32680-2014: Head current collection elements of pantographs of electric vehicle. General specification
GOST 32683-2014: Edges material based paper impregnated with carbamide-formaldehyde resin. Specifications
GOST 32707-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Mineral powder. Method for determination of swelling samples from a mixture of powder with bitumen
GOST 32764-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Mineral powder. Method for determination of medium density and porosity
GOST 32804-2014: Geosynthetic materials for foundations, piers and excavation. General specifications
GOST 33067-2014: Geosynthetic materials for tunnels and underground structures. General technical requirements
GOST 33081-2014: Wooden glued bearing structures. Strength classes of structures elements and methods for its determination
GOST 33082-2014: Timber structures. Methods of determining the bearing capacity of the joints
GOST 33120-2014: Glued timber structures. Methods for determining strength of glue joints
GOST 33121-2014: Glued timber structures. Methods for determining the resistance of glue joints to the temperature and humidity effects
GOST 33124-2014: Laminated veneer lumber. Specifications
GOST 33344-2015: Constructive pultruded profiles from polymer composites. General specifications
GOST 33685-2015: Polymer composites. Test method for determination of the interlaminar fracture toughness under shear GIIC
GOST 33762-2016: Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Requirements for injection-sealing compounds and seals of cracks, cavities and clefts
GOST 33843-2016: Polymer composites. Method for determining the shear modulus in the plane by the torsion method
GOST 33844-2016: Polymer composites. The method for determining the compressive strength after damage to multi-layer carbon composites
GOST 34075-2017: Brake block holder and key for railway rolling stock. General specifications
GOST 34261-2017: Fiberglass. Roving Production of test samples and determination of tensile strength of impregnated rovings
GOST 34349-2017: Glued timber structures. Methods for determining of glue joints long-term strength
GOST 34370-2017: Plastics. Determination of tensile properties. Part 1. General principles
GOST 411-77: Rubber and glue. Methods for determination of metal bond strength at separation
GOST 4648-2014: Plastics. Method of static bending test
GOST 4651-2014: Plastics. Compression test method
GOST 473.6-81: Chemically resistant and heat resistant ceramic wares. The method for determination of compression strength
GOST 473.8-81: Chemically resistant and heat resistant ceramic ware. The method for determination of static bending strength
GOST 5802-86: Mortars. Test methods.
GOST 5813-2015: Fan v-belts and pulleys for engines of cars, tractors and combines. Requirements and test methods
GOST 618-2014: Aluminum foil for technical purposes. Specifications.
GOST 618-73: Aluminum foil for technical purposes. Specifications
GOST 7268-82: Steel. Method for determination of ability to mechanical aging by impact bend testing
GOST 8269.0-97: Mauntainous rock road-metal and gravel, industrial waste products for construction works. Methods of physical and mechanical tests
GOST 8269-87: Crushed aggregate of natural rock, crushed-gravel aggregate and gravel for construction work. Testing methods
GOST 8462-85: Wall materials. Methods for determination of ultimate compressive and bending strength
GOST 862.3-2020: Parquet products. Multilayer parquet. Technical conditions
GOST 862.3-86: Floor parquet products. Parquet boards. Technical requirements
GOST 9128-2013: Asphaltic concrete and polymer asphaltic concrete mixtures, asphaltic concrete and polymer asphaltic concrete for roads and aerodromes. Specifications
GOST 9186-76: Cardboard for footwear and details made of the same. Rules of acceptance and test methods
GOST 9272-2017: Hollow glass blocks. Specifications
GOST 938.28-77: Leather. Method of determination of hydrothermic stability
GOST 9389-75: Carbon steel spring wire
GOST 9479-84: Natural stone blocks for facing products. Technical requirements
GOST 959-2002: Lead-acid storage starter batteries for motor-tractors. General specifications
GOST 959-91: 12 v starter lead storage batteries for vehicles, tractors and motorcycles
GOST 9622-2016: Laminated wood. Methods for determining the tensile strength and modulus of tensile elasticity
GOST 9622-87: Laminated glued wood. Methods for determination of ultimate strength and modulus of elasticity in tension
GOST 9623-87: Laminated glued wood. Method for determination of ultimate strength and modulus of elasticity in compression
GOST 9624-2009: Laminated glued wood. Method for determination of shear strength
GOST 9624-93: Laminated glued wood method for determination of shear strength
GOST 9625-2013: Laminated glued wood. Methods for determination of ultimate and modulus of elasticity in static bending
GOST 9625-87: Laminated glued wood. Method for determination of strength and elasticity module in static bending
GOST 9758-2012: Porous inorganic aggregates for construction work. Test methods
GOST 9758-86: Non-organic porous aggregates for construction work
GOST R 50.05.12-2018: Conformity assessment system in the field of atomic energy use. Conformity assessment in the form of control. Monitoring radiation embrittlement of the reactor vessel
GOST R 50578-93: Polymer composites. Plate distortion shear test
GOST R 50834-95: Rocks. Method of the contact strength determination
GOST R 51202-98: Dental resin restorative materials. Technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 51744-2001: Dental water-based cements. Technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 51887-2002: Dental gypsum products. General specifications
GOST R 51889-2002: Denture base polymers. Technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 51979-2002: Aircraft lead batteries. General specifications
GOST R 52129-2003: Mineral powders for asphaltic concrete and organomineral mixtures. Specifications
GOST R 52162-2003: Plaster of pairs for medical use. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 52542-2006: Refractories. Methods for determination of thermal resistance with cooling by compressed air
GOST R 52889-2007: Non-destructive testing. Ultrasound measurement of screw tightening forces. General requirements
GOST R 53000-2008: Implantable mammary prostheses. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 53005-2008: Surgical suture materials. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 53165-2008: Lead-acid storage starter batteries for motor-tractors. General specifications
GOST R 53498-2009: Plaster type dressing. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 53498-2019: Medical products of a plaster type. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 53568-2009: Non-destructive testing. Evaluation of third order elasticity modulus by ultrasound. General requirements
GOST R 54333-2011: Particle and fibre boards. Method for determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the panel
GOST R 54923-2012: Polymer composite wall ties for multilayer envelope buildings. Specifications
GOST R 54936-2012: Implants for surgery. End expanders. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 55030-2012: Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for tensile strength
GOST R 55031-2012: Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for determination of stability to ultra-violet radiation
GOST R 55032-2012: Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for determination of repeated freeze-thaw stability
GOST R 55034-2012: Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for reinforcement of asphalt layers of road pavement. Test method for determination of heat resistance
GOST R 55035-2012: Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Test method for determining of resistance to aggressive media
GOST R 55043-2012: Non-destructive testing. Evaluation of elastic-acoustic coefficients. General requirements
GOST R 55046-2012: Technical diagnostics. Evaluation of residual resource of long used steel pipelines on the basis of samples mechanical tests results. General requirements
GOST R 55072-2012: Fiberglass reinforced thermosetting plastic vessels. Specifications
GOST R 55151-2012: Mining equipment. Cable laying machines. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 55152-2012: Mining equipment. Mobile armoured face conveyors. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 55402-2013: Reinforced bitumen sheets for waterproofing of bridge decks. Method of determination of bond strength
GOST R 55403-2013: Reinforced bitumen sheets for waterproofing of bridge decks. Method for determination of shear strength
GOST R 55408-2013: Reinforced bitumen sheets for waterproofing of bridge decks. Method of determination of tensile properties
GOST R 55647-2018: Copper and copper alloy trolley wires for electric railways. Specifications
GOST R 55727-2013: Mining equipment. Mine loading cars. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 55819-2013: Brake block holder and key for railway rolling stock. General specifications
GOST R 55926-2013: Edges material based paper impregnated with carbamide-formaldehyde resin. Specifications
GOST R 56185-2014: Technical diagnostics. Evaluation of stresses in sides of pressure vessels by ultrasound. General requirements
GOST R 56232-2014: Determination of B«stress-strainB» diagram in the course of ball instrumental indentation. General requirements
GOST R 56277-2014: Polymer composite pipes and fittings for intrafield pipelines. Specifications
GOST R 56306-2014: Silver. Method of inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission analysis
GOST R 56335-2015: Automobile roads of general use. Public roads and highways. Geosynthetic for road construction. Static puncture test
GOST R 56586-2015: Waterproof polyethylene geomembranes in rolls. Specifications
GOST R 56613-2015: Production of non-combustible and rotting modified wood. Specifications
GOST R 56650-2015: Polymer composites. Methods for determination of tensile properties of pultruded glass-reinforced plastic rods
GOST R 56651-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination of shear properties of sandwich core materials
GOST R 56653-2015: Polymer composites. Determination of shear strength of pultruded glass-reinforced plastic rods by the short-beam method
GOST R 56655-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination of in-plane shear strength of pultruded glass–reinforced plastic rods
GOST R 56656-2015: Metal composites. Method for determination of tensile properties of fibre reinforced metal matrix composites
GOST R 56657-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination of flexural properties of glass-fibre reinforced pultruded plastic rods
GOST R 56664-2015: Non-destructive testing. Evaluation of stress state material engineering products by acoustoelastic methods. General requirements
GOST R 56665-2015: Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic method for determining the residual stresses in the railway wheel rims. General requirements
GOST R 56680-2015: Polymer composites. Determination facing’s mechanical flexural properties of sandwich construction by long beam flexure method
GOST R 56681-2015: Polymer composites. Determination of mechanical characteristics by compression of unidirectional reinforcement materials by four-point bending of sandwich beam
GOST R 56708-2015: Polymer hexagonal geogrid. Specifications
GOST R 56740-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination of translaminar fracture toughness characteristic of polymer composite laminates and pultruded polymer composites
GOST R 56772-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination static energy absorption properties of honeycomb sandwich core materials
GOST R 56785-2015: Polymer composites. Test method for tensile of flat specimens
GOST R 56786-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination of shear strength in the plane of the reinforcement
GOST R 56788-2015: Polymer composites. Test method open-hole compressive strength of polymer matrix composite laminates
GOST R 56790-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination of bearing strength and bypass strength of laminates connected to one another by two bolts
GOST R 56791-2015: Polymer composites. Determination of mechanical characteristics of shear of the inner layer of sandwich constructions by beam flexure
GOST R 56792-2015: Polymer composites. Test method on stratifying with winding on drum
GOST R 56793-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination of fatigue delamination of unidirectional reinforced composites
GOST R 56797-2015: Polymer composites. Axial compressive test method for mechanical characteristics of hoop wound polymer matrix composite cylindrical specimens
GOST R 56799-2015: Polymer composites. Method of definition of mechanical characteristics at shear on samples with V-notched cut
GOST R 56800-2015: Polymer composites. Determination of tensile properties of unreinforced and reinforced materials
GOST R 56805-2015: Polymer composites. Methods for determination of flexural properties
GOST R 56808-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination interlaminar fracture toughness of unidirectional-reinforced composites
GOST R 56810-2015: Polymer composites. Test method for flexural flat samples
GOST R 56812-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination of mechanical characteristics in combined loading compression
GOST R 56815-2015: Polymer composites. Method for determination specific work of exfoliation in tearing off conditions GIC
GOST R 57009-2016: Polymer composites. Test method for fracture strength in cleavage of adhesives in bonded joints
GOST R 57041-2016: Polymer composites. Method of determination of the characteristics of flexural curved beams
GOST R 57045-2016: Polymer composites. Test method for determination of tensile properties perpendicular to reinforcement plane
GOST R 57049-2016: Polymer composites. Test method for shear fatigue of sandwich core materials
GOST R 57066-2016: Polymer composites. Test method for lap shear adhesion for bonded joints
GOST R 57142-2016: Polymer composites. Method for determination of shrinkage stresses in the oriented organic glasses
GOST R 57143-2016: Polymer composites. Standard test method for tension-tension fatigue
GOST R 57151-2016: Polymer composites. Method of constructing the curve of equilibrium deformation of samples of organic glasses
GOST R 57152-2016: Polymer composites. Method for determination of highly elastic and relaxation characteristics of organic glasses
GOST R 57206-2016: Polymer composites. Test method of determination of the mode II fracture toughness for the calibrated end-loaded split (C-ELS)
GOST R 57207-2016: Polymer composites. Test method for shear properties of V-notched test samples
GOST R 57223-2016: Technical diagnostics. Evaluation of steel pipelines condition under the parameters of the deformation relief in operation. General requirements
GOST R 57603-2017: Reinforcing filler. Method for determination of tensile strength and modulus of elasticity
GOST R 57605-2017: Ceramic composites. Test method of compression at elevated temperature
GOST R 57606-2017: Ceramic composites. Compression test method at normal temperature
GOST R 57613-2017: Graphite electrodes and nipples. Specifications
GOST R 57638-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of the fracture resistance of adhesive joints under cleavage conditions by means of double cantilever beam and tapered double cantilever beam
GOST R 57685-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of tension mechanical characteristics of continuous filament carbon and graphite fiber tows
GOST R 57686-2017: Ceramic composites. Determination of misalignment of grips of a testing machine
GOST R 57706-2017: Ceramic composites. Method of tension tests at elevated temperature
GOST R 57711-2017: Ceramic composites. Determination of characteristics fatigue loading with constant amplitude at high temperature
GOST R 57727-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of the nominal bearing strength under tension or compression loading
GOST R 57728-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of shear strength of adhesive bond by the block-shear method
GOST R 57732-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of strength of adhesive bonded joints using a bending-shear method
GOST R 57735-2017: Ceramic composites. Test method for open-hole tension testing of specimens at normal temperature
GOST R 57744-2017: Ceramic composites. Determination of the interlaminar shear strength at ambient temperature by the compression of double-notched test pieces and by the Iosipescu test
GOST R 57745-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of plane shear strength of laminates by short-beam method
GOST R 57746-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of cleavage strength of adhesive bonded joints
GOST R 57749-2017: Ceramic composites. Test method of flexural strength at normal temperature
GOST R 57750-2017: Polymer composites. Test method for creep properties of adhesives in shear
GOST R 57751-2017: Polymer composites. Test method of determination of adhesives in cleavage peel by tension loading
GOST R 57752-2017: Ceramic composites. Determination of characteristics fatigue loading with constant amplitude at normal temperature
GOST R 57756-2017: Polymer composites. Test method of lengthwise compression of vertical structural elements
GOST R 57778-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of in-plane shear properties by the rail shear method
GOST R 57832-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of peel resistance of high-strength adhesive bonds by Floating-roller method
GOST R 57834-2017: Polymer composites. Standard test method for shear strength of single-lap-joint adhesively bonded
GOST R 57840-2017: Ceramic composites. Determination of interlaminar shear strength at elevated temperatures
GOST R 57843-2017: Wood polymer composites. Test methods for determination of flexural mechanical properties
GOST R 57860-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of shear strength by punch tool method
GOST R 57864-2017: Polymer composites. Test method for determination of through-thickness flatwise tensile strength and elastic modulus
GOST R 57866-2017: Polymer composites. Determination of flexural properties
GOST R 57867-2017: Polymer composites. Test methods for determination of pull-through resistance
GOST R 57927-2017: Ceramic composites. Determination of oxidation resistanceof non-oxidemonolithic ceramics
GOST R 57953-2017: Ceramics composites. Test Method for bond strength of ceramic materials
GOST R 57968-2017: Polymer composites. Test method of samples for shearing
GOST R 57994-2017: Polymer composites. Test methods for fracture toughness definition and energy release speeds
GOST R 58022-2017: Polymer composite crossarms. Method for determination of flexural mechanical properties
GOST R 58063-2018: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Geomoduls. General specifications
GOST R 58177-2018: United power system and isolated power systems. Thermal power plants. Thermal-mechanical equipment of thermal power plants. Control of condition of metal. Norms and requirements
GOST R 58211-2018: Adhesives for floor coverings. General specifications
GOST R 58276-2018: Dry mixes for building on a gypsum binder. Test methods
GOST R 58277-2018: Dry mixes for building on cement binder. Test methods
GOST R 58324-2018: Suspended ceilings. General technical conditions
GOST R 58360-2019: Dish-shaped anchors for fastening a heat-insulating layer in facade heat-insulating composite systems with external plaster layers. Test methods
GOST R 58527-2019: Wall materials. Methods for determining compressive and bending strengths
GOST R 58558-2019: Wooden structures. Glued rods Test methods for determining standard values of mechanical characteristics
GOST R 58599-2019: Technical diagnostics. Diagnostics of steel structures. Magnetic coercimetric method. General requirements
GOST R 58767-2019: Building solutions. Test Methods
GOST R 58896-2020: Concrete is chemically resistant. Test methods
GOST R 59784-2022: Cross-laminated wood boards. Methods for determination of strength and elastic characteristics
GOST R 70202-2022: Joints of elements of wooden structures on glue rods. Methods for determining the standard values of resistance and pliability based on test results
GOST R 70258-2022: Sub-ballast mats for vibration isolation of track superstructure structures. Test methods
GOST R 70261-2022: Sub-tie gaskets for vibration isolation of track superstructure structures. Test methods
GOST R 70369-2022: Calculations and strength tests. Determination of bending stresses in the linear part of trunk pipelines by acoustoelasticity method. General requirements
GOST R 70434-2022: Polymeric profiled flexible protective and drainage materials. General technical conditions
GOST R 70474-2023: Motor vehicles. Cargo transportation safety. Fastening belts. Technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 70520-2022: Reinforcement for reinforced concrete structures. Methods for determining the mechanical properties at high temperatures
GOST R 70731.1-2023: Steel pipes for manufacturing of equipment and pipelines for nuclear power plants. General specifications. Part 1. Seamless steel pipes of non-alloy and alloy steels.
GOST R 70731.2-2023: Steel pipes for manufacture of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants. General technical conditions. Part 2. Seamless steel pipes from austenitic class steel of 08Х18Н10Т and 08Х18Н10Т-Ш grades
GOST R ISO 1082-94: Mining. Shackle type connector units for chain conveyors
GOST R ISO 22674-2013: Dentistry. Metallic materials for fixed and removable restorations and appliances
GOST R ISO 5612-94: Mining. Scraper bars for chain conveyors
MI 2487-98: Recommended Practice. National Measurement Standards. Method for Accelerated Determination of Activity of Cement From its Shrinkage
ODM 218.2.003-2007: Recommendations for the use of polymer-bitumen binders based on SBS-type block copolymers in the construction and reconstruction of roads
ODM 218.2.058-2019: Recommendations on the use of composite materials in the construction of bridge structures and pedestrian bridges
ODM 218.2.076-2019: Recommendations on the use of composite structures for areas with extreme temperature conditions (below minus 40 degrees Celsius and above plus 40 degrees Celsius)
ODM 218.3.021-2011: Guidelines for the selection of compositions of asphalt mixes, taking into account the effect of adhesive additives on the aging of organic binders in bitumen-mineral mixtures
ODM 218.3.093-2017: Methodical recommendations on the use of a polyurethane binder for strengthening slopes, recesses, bulk structures, cones of bridges and overpasses
ODM 218.3.108-2019: Guidelines for the application of various methods of compaction of asphalt mixtures in the laboratory
ODM 218.5.006-2010: Recommendations on testing methods for geosynthetic materials, depending on their field of application in the road sector
PNST 184-2016: Automobile roads of general use. Road hot asphalt mixtures and asphalt concrete. Specifications
PNST 394-2020: Steel pipes for the manufacture of equipment and pipelines of nuclear plants. General specifications. Part 1. Seamless steel pipes from unalloyed and alloyed steels
PNST 453-2020: Steel pipes for the manufacture of equipment and pipelines for nuclear power plants. General technical conditions. Part 2. Seamless steel pipes of austenitic steel grades 08Х18Н10Т and 08Х18Н10Т-Ш
PNST 456-2020: Steel pipes for the manufacture of equipment and pipelines for nuclear power plants. General technical conditions. Part 5. Longitudinal welded cold-worked steel pipes of austenitic class steel
RD 15-12-2007: Methodical instructions on the procedure for testing steel ropes at cable test stations
Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
SP 297.1325800.2017: Fiber reinforced concrete structures and precast products with non-steel fibers. Design rules
SP 360.1325800.2017: Steel fiber reinforced concrete structures. Design rules
ST RK 2527-2014: Cables with plastic insulation and protective coating for field connection. Specifications.
ST RK 2643-2015: Local communication cables of high frequency. Specifications.
ST RK 2644-2015: The cables combined for systems of video surveillance. Technical conditions
ST SSFZhT TsT 042-99: Certification system standard for the federal rail transport. Brake discs of engine carrying equipment applied for railways. Standard testing procedure.
ST SSFZhT TsT 052-99: Shoes and brake pads for locomotives running on main railways. Standard testing method.
STB 1520-2008: Materials for the horizontal marking of roads. Technical conditions
TR 94.11-05: Technological regulation of the operational quality control of construction, installation and special works during the construction of buildings and structures. 11. Painting and wallpaper production
TR 94.11-99: Standard Procedure for Operational Quality Control of Construction, Installation, and Military Construction Work During Construction of Buildings and Structures. 11: Painting and Wallpapering
TU 5361-002-39430024-07: Hardwood boards
TU 6-14-95-2014: Clay Leukonate
TU 95 1613-01: Polyethylene heat shrink tubes. Technical conditions
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