
GOST 5264-80

ГОСТ 5264-80

Manual arc welding. Welding joints. Main types, design elements and dimensions

Ручная дуговая сварка. Соединения сварные. Основные типы, конструктивные элементы и размеры

Status: Effective - Supersedes. The limitation of effectiveness has been lifted: Protocol No. 5-94 of the IGU dated 05.17.94 (IUS 11-12-1994)

The standard establishes the main types, structural elements and dimensions of welded joints from steels, as well as alloys on iron-nickel and nickel bases, performed by manual arc welding. The standard does not apply to welded joints of steel pipelines according to GOST 16037-80.

Стандарт устанавливает основные типы, конструктивные элементы и размеры сварных соединений из сталей, а также сплавов на железоникелевой и никелевой основах, выполняемых ручной дуговой сваркой. Стандарт не распространяется на сварные соединения стальных трубопроводов по ГОСТ 16037-80.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 7/24/1980

SKU: RUSS17767

Price: $268.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 25 Mechanical Engineering »

Welding regulations » Welding work »

ISO classifier » 25 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING » 25.160 Welding, brazing and hard soldering » 25.160.40 Welds and welding »

National standards » 25 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING » 25.160 Welding, brazing and hard soldering » 25.160.40 Welds and welding »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » V Metals and metal products » V0 General rules and regulations on metallurgy » V05 Welding and cutting of metals. Soldering, riveting »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 5264-69: Seams of welded connections. Manual arc welding. Main types and structural elements

The Document References:

GOST 16037-80: Welded joints in steel pipelines. Main types, design elements and dimensions

The Document is Referenced By:

ATK 24.202.12-90: Mesh bumpers made of corrugated hose. Parameters, design and main dimensions

ATK 24.218.02-90: Reinforcing Rings for Vessels and Apparatus. Design, Dimensions, and Technical Requirements

ATK 24.218.03-90: The stairs. Design, dimensions and specifications

ATK 26-18-10-94: Devices for Installation of Temperature Measuring Devices for Use at Nominal Pressure from 0.6 to 16.0 MPa. Plugs. General Technical Requirements

ATK 26-18-14-98: Flanges of vessels and apparatus steel flat welded to a conditional pressure up to Ru 0.1 MPa. Design, dimensions and general technical requirements

ATK 26-18-5-93: Album typical designs. Steel turning plugs for rebar flanges. Design, dimensions and specifications

Decision 162: On the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, the application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On requirements for main pipelines for the transportation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons (TR EAEU 049/2020), and the list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards that contain rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including sampling rules necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "On requirements for pipelines for the transportation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons (TR EAEU 049/2020) and conformity assessment of technical regulation objects

DiOR 05: Methodology of diagnosing of technical condition and determining of residual life of process equipment of oil refineries and petrochemical plants

GOST 10272-77: Double entry centrifugal pumps. Specification

GOST 10403-80: Constructional steel trowels. Technical requirements

GOST 10512-78: Magnetic and electromagnetic separators. Specification

GOST 10617-83: Heating boilers with heat output heating capacity from 0.10 to 3.15 mw

GOST 11265-73: Bitts. Specifications

GOST 1142-90: Horse-driven load carriages. Specifications

GOST 11777-74: Moulding rectangular rammers. Design

GOST 11778-74: Moulding round rammers. Design

GOST 11799-74: Long vent needles. Design

GOST 12367-85: Tube mills of grinding units. General technical specifications

GOST 12393-2013: Line fittings for overhead system of railways. General common requirements

GOST 12393-2019: Rail contact network fittings linear. General specifications

GOST 12393-77: Fittings for overhead system of electric railways. General specifications

GOST 13276-79: Overhead line hardware. General specifications

GOST 13524-68: Wheels with solid types for railless transport. Specifications

GOST 13531-74: Concrete placers for precast reinforced concrete factories

GOST 13716-73: Slinging arrangements for vessels and apparatus. Specifications

GOST 13950-91: Welded and folded steel barrels

GOST 13981-77: Forms for reinforced concrete pressure pipes made by vibrohydropressed method. Specifications

GOST 13981-87: Forms for reinforced concrete pressure pipes made by vibrohydropressed method. Specifications

GOST 14098-2014: Welded joints of reinforcement and inserts for reinforced concrete structures. Types, constructions and dimensions

GOST 14098-91: Welded joints of reinforcement and inserts for reinforced concrete structures. Types, constructions and dimensions

GOST 14114-85: Vessels attaching rigs. Erection lugs. Design and dimensions

GOST 14115-85: Vessels attaching rigs. Oblong erection lugs. Design and dimensions

GOST 14116-85: Vessels attaching rigs. Election lugs. Technical requirements

GOST 14771-76: Gas-shielded arc welding. Welded joints. Main types, design elements and dimensions

GOST 14911-82: Steel pipeline parts. Pipe movable supports. Types and main dimensions

GOST 15102-75: Universal metallic closed container of nominal gross mass 5,0 tn. Specifications

GOST 15850-84: Mine parachutes for cages

GOST 15851-84: Suspension devices for mine cages

GOST 16140-77: Collapsible racks. Specifications

GOST 17032-2010: Horizontal steel tanks for petroleum products. Specifications

GOST 17032-2022: Horizontal steel tanks for petroleum products. Specifications

GOST 17366-80: Welded thick-walled steel barrels for chemical products

GOST 18103-84: Installations for manufacturing reinforced concrete three-dimensional elements of sanitary engineering cabins and lift shafts. Specifications

GOST 18104-81: Forms of steel for the manufacture of reinforced concrete centrifuged non-pressure pipes. Specification

GOST 18896-73: Steel thick-walled drums for chemical products. Specifications

GOST 19191-73: Rigging screws with automatic stopping. Specifications

GOST 19387-74: Handles for core boxes. Design and dimensions

GOST 19646-74: Moulding hollow vibration-damping shoe. Design

GOST 19804.6-83: Reinforced-concrete round hole built-up piles and tubular piles. Structure and dimensions

GOST 19804.7-83: Two-console reinforced concrete pile-pillars for agricultural buildings. Construction and dimensions

GOST 19822-88: Industrial container. Specifications

GOST 2021-90: Ship's steel manholes. Specifications

GOST 20259-80: Universal containers

GOST 20435-75: Universal metallic closed container of nominal gross mass 3,0 tn. Specifications

GOST 2056-77: Sectional bed for military men. Specifications

GOST 20572-83: Two-screw pumps and pump units. Specification

GOST 20791-83: Centrifugal glandless electric pumps. Technical requirements

GOST 20925-75: Units of changeable press-moulds with low positioned loading chamber for moulding thermoset articles. Construction and dimensions

GOST 20926-75: Unit for changeable compression moulding thermoset articles press-moulds. Construction and dimensions

GOST 21028-75: Jigs for machining holes of moulding boxes and pattern plates. Specifications

GOST 21029-75: Aluminum barrels for chemical products

GOST 21130-75: Electrical articles. Grounding terminals and grounding signs

GOST 21133-75: Specialized box pallets for potatoes, vegetables, fruits, melons and gourds. Specification

GOST 21133-87: Specialized box pallets for potatoes, vegetables, fruits, melons and gourds

GOST 21561-2017: Automobile tanks for hydrocarbon gas transportation at pressure up to 1,8 MPa. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST 21561-76: Automobile tanks for liquefied hydrocarbon gas transportation at pressure up to 1,8 MPa. General specifications

GOST 21807-76: Concrete mixture conveying buckets to 2 cub m volume. General specifications

GOST 22130-2018: Steel piping details. Movable supports and hangers. Specifications

GOST 22130-86: Steel Pipeline Parts Movable supports and suspensions Specifications

GOST 22133-86: Paint and varnish coatings of metal-cutting, press-forging, foundry and wood-working equipment

GOST 22225-76: Containers multipurpose gross weight 0,625 and 1,25 t. Specifications

GOST 22390-77: Automobile body-boxes. Fixture parts and circuits for cluster spacing of entrenching tools. Technical requirements

GOST 22473-77: Devices for fixing and securing the patterns on master pattern plates. Design and dimensions

GOST 22661-77: Grapples for containers with a gross weight of 3.0, 5.0, and 6.0 metric tons

GOST 22685-89: Moulds for making control specimens of concrete. Specifications

GOST 22779-77: Accessories for vertical cylindrical storage tank for petroleum products. Siphon taps. Basic parameters and dimensions. Technical requirements

GOST 22797-83: Assembly units and pipeline parts. Abutment for bends for Pnom 9,81-98,1 MPa (100-1000 kgf/sm sq). Construction and dimensions

GOST 22956-83: Chain slings, mechanized, for securing cargo on vehicles. Specification

GOST 22965-78: Pins for moulding boxes. Construction and dimensions

GOST 23074-85: Fertilizer placers for liquid organic fertilizers

GOST 23092-78: Sectional pallet box for topographical maps. Specifications

GOST 23118-2012: Building steel structures. General specifications

GOST 23118-78: Structural metalwork. General specifications

GOST 23118-99: Steel construction structures General Technical Specifications

GOST 23173-96: Garden wheel barrows

GOST 23476-79: Tramway and trolleybus overhead trolley wire supporting devices. General specifications

GOST 23478-79: Form for monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures erection. Classification and general technical requirements

GOST 23484-79: Electrohydraulic-plants for removing of cores. Technical requirements

GOST 2361-74: Limiters for cases flap covers. Specifications

GOST 23982-85: Fertilizing machinery

GOST 24201-80: Connective and fastening components of glass pipelines

GOST 24259-80: Assembling equipment for temporary fastening and adjusting structural members of building. Classification and general technical requirements

GOST 24379.1-2012: Foundation bolts. Structure and dimensions

GOST 24379.1-80: Foundation bolts. Structure and dimensions

GOST 24541-80: Locks of removable die parts. Design and dimensions

GOST 24618-81: Steel cleats. Specifications

GOST 24752-81: Trolley bus bars of voltage up to 1 000 v

GOST 25781-2018: Steel molds for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products. Technical specifications

GOST 25781-83: Steel moulds for reinforced concrete members. Specifications

GOST 25878-2018: Steel molds for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products. Pallets Technical specifications

GOST 25878-85: Steel moulds for reinforced concrete members. Pallets. Construction and dimensions

GOST 26155-84: Barrels from corrosion-resistant steel

GOST 26314-84: Stationary ship's ladders. Specifications

GOST 26314-98: Stationary ship's ladders. Specifications

GOST 26346-84: Lighting buses for the ac voltage up to 660 v

GOST 26429-2018: Steel structures of suspended transport tracks. Specifications

GOST 26429-85: Steel structures of suspended transport tracks. Specifications

GOST 26756-2016: Furniture for trade enterprises. General technical conditions

GOST 26756-85: Furniture for trade enterprises. General specifications

GOST 26804-2012: Metal road safety barriers. Specifications

GOST 26840-86: Electrically-and-hand driven ventilating sets erv 72-2 and erv 72-3

GOST 27204-87: Steel moulds for reinforced concrete members. Sides. Construction and dimensions

GOST 28041-89: Crossings, section insulators, and frogs for contact systems of trams and trolleybuses

GOST 28408-89: Manual hoists and trolleys. General specifications

GOST 28759.5-90: Flanges of vessels and apparatuses

GOST 28870-90: Steel. Methods tensile tests of rolled thick-plates in the thickness direction

GOST 29166-91: Mechanical attractions. Steel structures. Principal rules of the design

GOST 30245-2003: Steel bent closed welded square and rectangular section for building constructions. Specifications

GOST 30245-2012: Steel bent closed welded square and rectangular section for building. Specifications

GOST 30245-94: Roll-formed steel welded closed square or rectangular sections designed for use in steel structures

GOST 30765-2001: Metal transport packagings. General specifications

GOST 30767-2002: Gas lift well use equipment. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 30768-2001: Control head oil field equipment. Test methods

GOST 30894-2003: Production well head equipment. General technical requirements

GOST 31.0151.01-90: Universal and special-purpose setters

GOST 31.111.42-83: Parts and subunits of modular work tools for metal-cutting machines

GOST 31.211.42-93: Elements and assembly units of detachable fixtures for assembly and welding

GOST 31173-2003: Steel doors. Specifications

GOST 31173-2016: Steel doors. Specifications

GOST 31174-2003: Gates of metall. General specifications

GOST 31174-2017: Gates of metall. General specifications

GOST 31385-2016: Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and oil-products. General specifications

GOST 31824-2012: Fibrous mist eliminators. Types and main parameters. Safety requirements. Methods of testing

GOST 31826-2012: Gas cleaning and dust catching equipment. Bag filters. Wet dust catching equipment. Safety requirement. Methods of testing

GOST 31830-2012: Electrostatic precipitators. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST 31831-2012: Centrifugal dust collectors. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST 31832-2012: Well sucker rod pump drives. General technical requirements

GOST 31834-2012: Adsorptive gas cleaners. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 31837-2012: Abcorptive gas purifiers. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 31841-2012: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Well service equipment. General technical requirements

GOST 31844-2012: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Drilling and production equipment. Hoisting equipment. General technical equipments

GOST 32020-2012: Elastomeric bearings for bridge building. Specifications

GOST 32504-2013: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Downhole equipment. Sand screens liquid centrifugal separators. General technical requirements

GOST 32623-2014: Automatic tensioning devices of overhead contact line of railway. General specifications

GOST 32947-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Supports of stationary electric lighting. Technical requirements

GOST 32949-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Supports of stationary electric lighting. Control methods

GOST 32955-2014: Public roads. Trays for road drainage. Technical specifications

GOST 33164.1-2014: Mining equipment. Longwall powered roof shocks. Section of support. General specifications

GOST 33810-2016: Metal barrels for food liquids. Specifications

GOST 33976-2016: Welded joints in steel structures of railway rolling stock. Requirements for design, implementation and quality control

GOST 34011-2016: Gas distribution systems. Block gas delivery stations. Cabinet gas delivery stations. General technical requirements

GOST 34329-2017: Formworks. General specifications

GOST 34433-2018: Trunk pipelines for oil and oil products transportation. Transformer complete substations with voltage from 35 to 220 kV. General specifications

GOST 34519-2019: Industrial chimney and ventilation pipes. Rules for the organization and production of work, monitoring of performance and requirements for the results of work

GOST 34587-2019: Hoisting cranes. Metal constructions. Manufacturing requirements

GOST 34881-2022: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and petroleum products. Stationary booms for containment of oil and oil products spills. General technical conditions

GOST 35053-2023: Main pipeline transportation of oil and oil products. Provision of protection against lightning and static electricity. Basic provisions

GOST 3849-78: Accessories for vertical cylindrical strorace tank for pertoleum products. Cast iron joints for swing tube

GOST 5037-97: Metal cans for milk and dairy products

GOST 5464-75: Pontoons of pressure floating mud pipelines and pipelines. General specifications

GOST 5465-75: Ball joints for floating and soil pressure pipelines

GOST 6247-79: Steel welded barrels with rolling hoops on the shell

GOST 6619-75: Single and double horned lamellar hooks. Specifications

GOST 7075-80: Manual Traveling Underrunning Cranes Specifications

GOST 7496-84: Beet harvesters

GOST 766-74: Anchors. General specifications

GOST 7890-93: Travelling single girder suspended cranes. Specifications

GOST 8497-78: Matrosov's anchor. Specifications

GOST 8717-2016: Concrete and reinforced concrete steps. Specification

GOST 9062-89: Chaplets for iron and steel castings.

GOST 9078-84: Flat pallets

GOST 9570-2016: Box and pestpallets. General specifications

GOST 9570-84: Box and post pallets

GOST R 18.12.03-2018: Technology of the aviation fueling. Filtering equipment in Aviation Fuel Supply. General technical requirements

GOST R 50059-92: Travelling single-girder suspended cranes. Specifications

GOST R 50608-93: Refrigerating equipment. Steel apparatus. Welded joints. Technical requirements and checking methods

GOST R 50821-95: Fibrous mist eliminators. Their types and main parameters. Safety requirements. Methods of testing

GOST R 51110-97: Equipment for bank protection. General technical requirements

GOST R 51177-2017: Overhead line hardware. General technical requirements

GOST R 51177-98: Overhead line hardware. General specifications

GOST R 51223-98: Equipment for bank protection. Sluices for transfer of values. General specifications

GOST R 51224-98: Equipment for bank protection. Doors and manholes. General specifications

GOST R 51365-2009: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Drilling and production equipment. Wellhead and Christmas tree equipment. General specifications

GOST R 51365-99: Control head oil field equipment. General specifications

GOST R 51382-2011: Heating boilers. Part 4. Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Special requirements for boilers with forced draught oil burners with output up to 70 kW and maximum operating pressure of 0,3 MPa. Terminology, special requirements, test methods and marking

GOST R 51559-2022: Power oil transformers of 110 and 220 kV voltage classes and autotransformers of 27,5 kV voltage class for AC traction railway power supply systems. General specifications

GOST R 51562-2000: Gas cleaning and dust catching equipment. Bag filters. Wet dust catching equipment. Safety requirement. Methods of testing

GOST R 51707-2001: Electrostatic precipitators. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST R 51708-2001: Centrifugal dust collectors. Safety requirement and methods of testing

GOST R 51763-2001: Well sucker rod pump drives. General technical requirements

GOST R 51878-2002: Adsorptive gas cleaners. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 52085-2003: Formworks. General specifications

GOST R 52153-2003: Radiation-protective boxes. General specifications

GOST R 52170-2003: Mechanized attractions safety. Principal rules of the design of steel constructions

GOST R 52212-2004: Shooting-galleries. Armoured protection and technical resistance to burglary. General technical requirements

GOST R 52267-2004: Metal barrels for food liquids. Specifications

GOST R 52445-2005: Absorptive gas purifiers. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 52502-2005: Venetian blinds-rollets. General specifications

GOST R 52502-2012: Venetian metals blinds-rollets. Specifications

GOST R 52649-2006: Rigging for timber floating of types 'KF' and 'KR'. General specifications

GOST R 52664-2006: Welded pipe sheet piles. General specifications

GOST R 52664-2010: Welded pipe sheet piles. Specifications

GOST R 52768-2007: Centrifuges for industries working with radioactive media. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 53192-2008: Welded steel structures of freight cars. Technical requirements

GOST R 53192-2014: Welded joints in steel structures of railway rolling stock. Requirements for design, production and quality control

GOST R 53254-2009: The firefighting equipment. Stationary external fire ladders. Buildings roof railings. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53629-2009: Sheet piles of steel cold-formed sections. Specifications

GOST R 53680-2009: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Well service equipment. General technical requirements

GOST R 53683-2009: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Drilling and production equipment. Hoisting equipment. General technical rudiments

GOST R 53961-2010: Fire-fighting equipment. Underground fire hydrants. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 54392-2011: Electrical installations of livestock building. Methods of potential equalization

GOST R 54439-2011: Gas fired central heating boilers. Type B boilers of nominal heat input not exceeding 300 kW, but not exceeding 1000 kW

GOST R 54440-2011: Heating boilers. Part 1. Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Terminology, general requirements, test and marking

GOST R 54803-2011: High-pressure welded steel vessels. General technical requirements

GOST R 54892-2012: Installation of air separation plants and other cryogenic equipment. General provisions

GOST R 54960-2012: Gas distribution systems. Block gas delivery stations. Cabinet gas delivery stations. General technical requirements

GOST R 55525-2017: Storage systems. Adjustable pallet racking. General specifications

GOST R 55622-2013: Complex security systems. Hydraulic gun carriage trunks with Remote control. General technical requirements

GOST R 56204-2014: Steam and hot-water stationary boilers. Steel structures. General operating specification

GOST R 56400-2015: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Design and operation of offshore terminals of liquefied natural gas. General requirements

GOST R 56622-2015: Removable insulating towers for operation on the railway contact network. Specifications

GOST R 57381-2017: Storage systems. Hand loaded steel static shelving. General specifications

GOST R 57991-2017: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Steel piles of pipes used for foundation construction of above-ground pipelines supports. General specifications

GOST R 58088-2018: Mining equipment. Mine parachutes for cages. Specifications

GOST R 58089-2018: Mining equipment. Suspension gears for mine cages. General specifications

GOST R 58115-2018: Converter transformers for voltages from 6 to 110 kV for railway traction substations. General specifications

GOST R 58174-2018: Basket trolleys. Specifications

GOST R 58249-2018: Machines for planting, harvesting, post-harvest processing of potatoes. Technical requirements

GOST R 58423-2019: Gas pressure regulators for inlet pressure not higher than 10 MPa

GOST R 58619-2019: The main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Tank equipment. Pontoons. General specifications

GOST R 58620-2019: The main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Tank equipment. Acceptance devices for tanks. General specifications

GOST R 58654-2019: Automobile roads for general use. Spiral corrugated metal pipes. Specifications

GOST R 58721-2019: Welded joints from steel grades 10ГН2МФА, 15Х2НМФА of equipment parts and pipelines of nuclear power plants. Requirements for welding, surfacing and heat treatment

GOST R 58863-2020: Production tables. Metal workbenches. General specifications

GOST R 58864-2020: Tool cabinets made of metal. General specifications

GOST R 58934-2020: Plants for the manufacture of reinforced concrete volume blocks of sanitary cabins and elevator shafts. Specifications

GOST R 58935-2020: Forms for the manufacture of reinforced concrete vibrohydropressed pressure pipes. Specifications

GOST R 59620-2022: Public roads. Spherical (spherical segmental) combined bearing parts for bridge structures. General specifications

GOST R 70379-2022: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and petroleum products. Oil and petroleum products vapor recovery unit of combined (adsorption-absorption) type. Technical specifications

GOST R 70461-2022: Construction works and typical technological processes. Steel structures made of pipes and closed profiles. Rules and control of installation work

GOST R 70617-2022: Details of the grounding of marine electrical equipment and cables. Specifications

ITN 93: Instructions for technical supervision, methods of audit and rejection of tube furnaces, tanks, vessels and apparatuses of oil refining and petrochemical industries

L8-138.000 - L8-200.000: Supports and suspensions of fixed pipelines with the parameters of the medium RR <= 2.2 MPa (22 kgf / cm2) and ter. <= 425 degrees Celsius of TPP, nuclear power plant and dust and gas pipelines of TPP from unified parts. Part 2. Supports movable and fixed

Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems

Manual for SNiP II-23-81*: Manual on the design of steel structures of overhead power lines (VL) power transmission towers and outdoor switchgears (outdoor switchgear) of substations with voltages above 1 kV

Manual for SNiP II-23-81*: Strength Design Guide for Steel Structures

Manual for SNiP II-23-81*: Steel Structural Engineering Tutorial

Manual to SNiP II-23-81: Manual to SNiP II-23-81 on design of strengthening of steel structures

MDK 4-04.2002: Model Guidelines for Operation of Hot Water Storage Tanks in Public Piped Heat Supply Systems

MDS 12-22.2005: Recommendations for the application in the construction industry of the requirements of regulatory legal and other regulatory acts containing state regulatory labor protection requirements

MDS 12-41.2008: Assembly equipment for temporary fixing of prefabricated elements of erected and dismantled buildings

MDS 12-60.2011: Production design for installation of steel structures of buildings

MDS 12-61.2012: The project for the production of works on the device of a rail track of a tower crane with a concrete beam BRP-62.8.3

MDS 53-2.2004: Diagnostics of welded steel structures

MRDS 02-08: Manual on scientific and technical support and monitoring of buildings and structures under construction, including long-span, high-altitude and unique

NPB 245-2001: Fixed fire ladders to be installed outside buildings. Buildings roof railings. General technical requirements. Test methods

NTP 10-12976-2000*: Norms of technological design of enterprises of the alcohol industry

NTP 10-12977-2000: Standards of technological design of enterprises of the alcoholic beverage industry

NTP-APK Standards of technological design of enterprises of the yeast industry

ODM 218.2.058-2019: Recommendations on the use of composite materials in the construction of bridge structures and pedestrian bridges

ODM 218.2.076-2019: Recommendations on the use of composite structures for areas with extreme temperature conditions (below minus 40 degrees Celsius and above plus 40 degrees Celsius)

ODM 218.2.087-2017: Recommendations for the design and construction of culverts of spiral-wavy metal corrugated pipes

ODM 218.2.090-2017: Guidelines for the use of tubular welded grooves in the construction of roads

OST 102-55-81: Parts of trunk pipelines, steel welded on Ru to 10.0 MPa (100 kgf

OST 108.030.106-82: Welded pipe joint seams of heating surfaces with collectors of stationary steam boilers. Main dimensions, design and technical requirements.

OST 108.030.30-79: Stationary structural steel boilers. General specifications.

OST 108.030.41-82: Welded joint seams of fittings with collectors and drums of stationary steam boilers. Main types and design elements, technical requirements.

OST 108.030.45-82: Tubular air heaters for stationary boilers. General Specifications.

OST 108.033.01-86: mechanical stokers. Technical conditions.

OST 108.101.102-76: Water-steam heaters. Forward water chambers (with flat bottom, two-way). Design and dimensions.

OST 108.101.103-76: Water-steam heaters. Forward water chambers (with flat bottom, four-way). Design and dimensions.

OST 108.101.104-76: Water-steam heaters. Forward water chambers (with elliptic bottom, two-way). Design and dimensions.

OST 108.101.105-76: Water-steam heaters. Forward water chambers (with elliptic bottom, four -way). Design and dimensions.

OST 108.101.106-76: Water-steam heaters. Aft water chambers (with flat bottom, two-way). Design and dimensions.

OST 108.101.107-76: Water-steam heaters. Aft water chambers (with flat bottom, four-way). Design and dimensions.

OST 108.101.108-76: Water-steam heaters. Aft water chambers (with elliptic bottom, two-way). Design and dimensions.

OST 108.101.109-76: Water-steam heaters. Aft water chambers (with elliptic bottom, four -way). Design and dimensions.

OST 108.101.110-76: Water-steam heaters. Covers. Design and dimensions.

OST 108.101.111-76: Water-steam heaters. Covers. Design and dimensions.

OST 108.313.102-76: Water-steam heaters. Casings. Branch pipes with flanges. Design and dimensions.

OST 108.837.01-82: Reference points for control of residual deformation of steam lines of thermal power plant. Technical requirements.

OST 108.838.01-75: Continuous blowdown separator of nominal diameter 800. Design and technical requirements.

OST 153-34.0-1000-99A: Assembly units and suspension parts of nuclear power plant station pipelines Py <= 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2). Threaded with clutch. Design and dimensions

OST 153-34.0-1000-99А: Assembling units and station pipeline hang details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure is no more than 4,0 MPa. Threaded drafts with coupling. Design and dimensions.

OST 153-34.0-969-99A: Assembly units and parts of the supports of the station pipelines of nuclear power plants Py <= 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2). General technical requirements

OST 153-34.0-969-99А: Assembling units and support station pipeline details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure is no more than 4,0 MPa. General technical requirements.

OST 153-34.0-970-99A: Assembly units and support parts for station pipelines of nuclear power plants Py <= 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm2). Sleeve for passage through the ceiling. Design and dimensions

OST 153-34.0-970-99А: Assembling units and support station pipeline details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure is no more than 2,5 MPa. The plug for passage through the ceiling. Design and dimensions.

OST 153-34.0-971-99A: Assembly units and support parts of the station piping of nuclear power plants Py <= 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2). Sleeve for passage through the roof. Design and dimensions

OST 153-34.0-972-99A: Assembly units and support parts for station pipelines of nuclear power plants Py <= 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm2). Support welded sliding, directing and motionless. Design and dimensions

OST 153-34.0-972-99А: Assembling units and support station pipeline details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure is no more than 1,6 MPa. The support is welded and sliding, guide rail and fixed. Design and dimensions.

OST 153-34.0-973-99A: Assembly units and parts of the supports of the station pipelines of nuclear power plants Py <= 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm2). Welded sliding bearing, guide and fixed. Design and dimensions

OST 153-34.0-973-99А: Assembling units and support station pipeline details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure is no more than 2,5 MPa. Sliding support is welded guide rail and the fixed. Design and dimensions.

OST 153-34.0-974-99A: Assembly units and support parts for station pipelines of nuclear power plants Py <= 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2). Support clamp sliding, guide and fixed. Design and dimensions

OST 153-34.0-976-99A: Assembly units and parts of the supports of the station pipelines of nuclear power plants Py <= 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm2). Shells welded sliding supports, guides and fixed. Design and dimensions

OST 153-34.0-976-99А: Assembling units and support station pipeline details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure no more than 2,5 MPa. The holder of the welded and sliding, guide rail and fixed supports. Design and dimensions.

OST 153-34.0-978-99A: Assembly units and parts of the supports of the station pipelines of nuclear power plants Py <= 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2). Housings for clamp clamping, guides and fixed. Design and dimensions

OST 153-34.0-978-99А: Assembling units and support station pipeline details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure is no more than 4,0 MPa. The holders of the saddles, sliding, guide rails and fixed supports. Design and dimensions.

OST 153-34.0-979-99A: Assembly units and support parts for station pipelines of nuclear power plants Py <= 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2). Half holders and gaskets. Design and dimensions

OST 153-34.0-979-99А: Assembling units and support station pipeline details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure is no more than 4,0 MPa. Semi-saddles and laying. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.030.45-74: Air heaters tubular steam stationary boilers. General technical conditions

OST 24.050.34-84: Wagon steel structures design and production. Specifications.

OST 24.125.105-01: CHP and NTPP pipeline suspensions. Tightening screw. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.111-01: CHP and NTPP pipeline suspensions. Suspension spring units. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.112-01: CHP and NTPP pipeline suspensions. Support spring units. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.116-01: CHP and NTPP pipeline suspensions. Clamp units with cross-bar. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.119-01: CHP and NTPP pipeline suspensions. Casings on support beam with lugs. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.120-01: CHP and NTPP pipeline suspensions. Semi-clamps for clamp supports. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.121-01: CHP and NTPP pipeline suspensions. Support beams with lugs. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.123-01: CHP and NTPP pipeline suspensions. Casings on support beam for springs. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.124-01: CHP and NTPP pipeline suspensions. Support beams for springs. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.125-01: CHP and NTPP pipeline suspensions. Welded suspensions on support beam with lugs. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.126-01: CHP and NTPP pipeline suspensions. Spring welded suspensions on support beam. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.151-01: Fixed support for thermal and nuclear power plants piping. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.152-01: Bodies of fixed pipe supports of thermal and nuclear power plants. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.153-01: Fixed and sliding welded supports for thermal and nuclear power plants piping. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.155-01: Bodies of sliding pipe supports of thermal and nuclear power plants. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.156-01: Welded sliding guide supports for piping thermal and nuclear power plants. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.157-01: Guiding plates for CHP plants and nuclear thermal power plant pipeline supports. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.158-01: Welded sliding guide supports for piping thermal and nuclear power plants. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.125.159-01: Roller bearings for thermal and nuclear power plants pipelines. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.191.08-81: Hook crane suspensions. Design and dimensions.

OST 24.200.02-91: Assembling units of steel pipelines on nominal pressure<=10 MPa (100 kgf/cm2) of complete technological lines. General specifications.

OST 24.201.03-90: Steel high-pressure vessels and devices. General technical requirements.

OST 24.895.03: Wedge jacks, mechanical and hydraulic. Parameters, basic dimensions, technical requirements

OST 24.940.01-90: Welded steel structures. General technical requirements.

OST 24.940.02: Seams of welded connections. Weight per meter of weld of metal seam

OST 24.940.09-74: Welded joint seams. Main types and design elements.

OST 26.260.18-2004: Process modules for oil and gas industry. General technical specifications

OST 26.260.462-99: Devices for installation of instruments measuring the temperature for PN from 0.6 to 16 MPa. Types, design, dimensions and general technical requirements

OST 26.260.472-2000: devices for installation of pressure gauges and pressure selection. General technical requirements.

OST 26.260.758-2003: Metal structures. General technical requirements.

OST 26-02-601-72: Support lattices under ring packing. Main dimensions and technical requirements.

OST 26-02-602-72: Supporting beams for ring fillings. Design, main dimensions and technical requirements.

OST 26-02-757-79: Ladders. Design, dimensions and specifications.

OST 26-04-1036-74: Assembling units and fastening details of warm pipelines with a diameter from 100 to 1020 mm. Design and dimensions.

OST 26-04-1216-75: Cryogenic pipelines. Parts of disk supports. Design and dimensions.

OST 26-04-2388-79: Welding by melting of the steels. Welded connections. Types, constructive elements and dimensions.

OST 26-04-2563-79: Labour safety standard system. Cryogenic product equipment. Protection against static electricity. General safety requirements.

OST 26-18-5-88: Technological units of gas and oil industry. General technical requirements.

OST 26-2091-93: Horizontal support vessels and equipment. Design.

OST 26-3-87: Welding in chemical mechanical engineering. Main provisions.

OST 32.100-87: Ultrasonic inspection of welds of welded joints of bridges, locomotives and cars

OST 32.48-95: Air reservoirs for traction rolling stock. Overall and mounting dimensions and technical requirements

OST 34.42.319-77: Parts and components for dust-gas-air ducts of thermal power plants. Trapdoor 500x600 for flat surfaces. Construction and dimensions.

OST 34-10-504-95: Details and components of TPS pipelines. Flanged connections for disk orifice plates of TPS pipelines for Pnom 2.5 MPa (25 kg/cm2). Construction and dimensions.

OST 34-10-610-93: Fixed support for vertical boxes. Types and basic dimensions.

OST 34-10-612-93: Spring-controlled roller unit. Types and main dimensions.

OST 34-10-621-93: Welded branches bearing. Types and basic dimensions.

OST 34-10-622-93: Tubular support for knuckle bends. Types and basic dimensions.

OST 34-10-623-93: Sliding fixed support. Types and basic dimensions.

OST 34-10-723-93: Assembling units and station pipeline hang details, Working pressure<2,2 MPa of CHP plant, nuclear thermal power plant and dust-and-gas windpipes of CHP plant. General technical requirements.

OST 34-10-743-93: Spring unit. Design and dimensions.

OST 34-13-910-86: Cargo rope slings for construction. Technical conditions

OST 34-72-645-83: Steel structures of pylons with voltage of 0.38-35 kV. General Specifications.

OST 36-13-90: Shields and consoles of automation systems for technological processes. General technical conditions

OST 36-146-88: Bearings for steel industrial pipelines for P 10 MPa. Specifications.

OST 36-58-81: Steel building structures. Welding. Basic requirements.

OST 36-60-81: Welding at installation of steel building constructions. Main provisions.

OST 36-62-81: Hoisting equipment. General technical requirements.

OST 37.002.0444-77: Assembly units and fastening parts of overhead conveyors to the supporting metal structures. Construction and dimensions

OST 95 10440-2002: Equipment for radioactive environments. Welded joints. Types and dimensions and structural elements.

OTT The supporting structures of the elements of nuclear plants with water-cooled power reactors. General technical requirements

OTU 3-01: Vessels and apparatuses. General specifications for the repair of buildings

PB 03-381-00: Regulations of installation of vertical cylindrical steel reservoirs (steel scroll tanks) for petroleum and petroleum products

PGVU 021-92: Unified dust and air duct elements. Welded assemblies of blocks and elements of ducts of dust and gas air ducts of thermal power plants. Design and dimensions

PGVU 242-92: Round lens compensators for gas and air ducts (DN 200 - 6000 mm). Round single-lens compensator for gas and air ducts

PGVU 243-92: Round lens compensators for gas and air ducts (DN 200 - 6000 mm). Round double compensator for gas and air ducts

PGVU 244-92: Round lens compensators for gas and air ducts (DN 200 - 6000 mm). Three-way round compensator for gas and air ducts

PGVU 245-92: Round lens compensators for gas and air ducts (DN 200 - 6000 mm). Four-sided round compensator for gas and air ducts

PGVU 246-92: Compensator, rectangular single lens for gas and air ducts

PGVU 247-92: Compensator, rectangular two-lens for gas and air ducts

PGVU 248-92: Three-slip rectangular compensator for gas and air ducts

PGVU 249-92: Four-sided rectangular compensator for gas and air ducts

PKO-2010.6: Reference materials for the design work of the electrical part of the project

PNAE G-10-031-92: Basic provisions for localizing safety system elements welding on nuclear stations

PNST 309-2018: Roads are public. Bridges and pipes road. Technical requirements

RD 059/01-2019: Instructions for welding and surfacing during the repair of freight cars (with Amendment No. 1)

RD 10-138-97: Thorough Inspection of Rail Crane Tracks of Hoisting Machinery. Part 1: General Provisions. Procedural Guidelines

RD 102-002-88: Machines, tools and equipment for pipeline construction. Designing and manufacturing.

RD 10-33-93: Slings for loading and general purposes. Requirements for arrangement and safe operation.

RD 153-112-017-97: Instructions for the diagnosis and assessment of residual life of vertical steel tanks

RD 153-34.0-04.185-2003: Machines and equipment for construction, technical re-equipment and repair of energy facilities. Requirements for design, materials, manufacturing, acceptance and testing

RD 153-34.0-21.601-98: Model Guidelines for Operation of Process Buildings and Structures of Electric Power Facilities. Part II, Sections 1, 2

RD 153-34.1-24.505-98: Recommended Practice for Selection of Injectors for Supplying Water Spray in Fuel Pulverizing Systems in Order to Quickly Reduce the Temperature of the Dust-Gas-Air Mixture in Emergencies

RD 153-39.4-078-01: Operation Requirements for Tanks on Trunk Petroleum Product Pipelines and at Petroleum Depots

RD 16.407-2000: Explosionproof electrical apparatus. Repair

RD 22-207-88: Lifting machines. General requirements and production standards

RD 22-28-38-2007: Recommendations on design, production and safe operation of supporting typing back of tower cranes to building structures.

RD 22-326-97: Self-propelled jib cranes and loader cranes. Overhaul. General technical conditions

RD 24.020.11-93: Welded joints of stationary steam, gas and hydraulic turbines. Testing rules and quality evaluation standards.

RD 24.031.17-88: Methodological instructions. Type selection and methods of calculation of I-beams and channels welded joints of s of stationary steam boilers steelworks.

RD 24.090.97-98: Materials handling equipment. Requirements for construction, repair and reconstruction of steel structures of cranes.

RD 24.942.02-90: Electroslag welding of chemical and petroequipment from low-alloyed and heat-resistant steels

RD 26.260.010-2002: The leading document on standardization. The list of standard documentation on standardization on the cells and devices working under pressure.

RD 26.260.010-97: List of Regulatory Documents on Standardization for Pressure Vessels and Apparatus

RD 26.260.225-2001: Bodies of cylindrical vessels and devices. Technology, quality assurance

RD 26-02-77-88: Columnar devices. Installation of plates. Technology, equipment, accessories

RD 26-8-87: Welding of cold-resistant low-alloyed steels used in structures operated at low temperatures

RD 31.00.83-84: The procedure for applying (borrowing) design documentation in the MMF system

RD 31.1.02-04: Rules of technical operation of lifting and transport equipment of sea trading ports

RD 31.35.13-90: Instructions for repair of hydraulic structures in maritime transport. Minmorflot, Soyuzmorniiproekt, 1990

RD 31.44.01-97: Rules of technical operation of lifting and transport equipment of sea trading ports

RD 31.44.05-80: Crane metalwork. Repairs. Technical specifications

RD 31.44.06-89: Low loader semi-trailers. Repair Specifications

RD 32 TsV-056-97: Freight cars of 1520 mm gauge railways. Quick Release Guide

RD 34 02.028-2007: Technical rules. Mechanical equipment and special steel structures for hydraulic structures. Manufacturing, installation and acceptance.

RD 34.10.130-96: Instructions for visual and measuring control.

RD 34.15.132-96: Welding and Quality Control of Welded Joints in Metal Structures of Buildings During Construction of Industrial Facilities

RD 34.21.526-95: Model Guidelines for Operation of Metal Tanks for Storage for Liquid Fuel and Hot Water

RD 34.26.603: Guide to Use of Scaffolding and Cradles for Steam Boiler Repair

RD 36-62-00: Hoisting equipment. General technical requirements.

RD 39-0147014-535-87: Instructions for welding at installation and repair of pipelines and critical metal structures in organizations and enterprises of the Ministry of oil and gas industry.

RD 413160-02-01297858-03: Corrosion protection rules for stock-tank oil vessels and for dynamic and technological oil settling vessels

RD 5.0679-91: Certification of welders and gas cutters. rules

RD 50:48:0075.02.05: Platform buffers. Recommendations for design, construction and operation

RD 50:48:0075.03.05: Recommendations for the design and safe operation of elevated crane tracks

RD EO Methods of assessing the technical condition and resource characteristics of systems and means of fire protection of nuclear power units

RD EO Methods of assessing the technical condition and resource characteristics of systems and fire protection ?a nuclear power plants

RD EO Nomenclature of groups of the same type of pile connections and overlays of equipment and pipelines of the NPP systems with the VVER-440, VVER-1000 and RBMK-1000 RP. Requirements

RD NIIKranostroeniya 03-05: Guidelines. Jib cranes for general use and cranes; Overhaul. General specifications

RD OP.42-001-85: Main provisions for welding and control of the NPP tanks (reservoirs)

RD RTM 26-01-96-83: Flat round covers and bottoms with radial stiffeners of vessels and apparatuses. Strength Calculation Method

RD RTM 26-07-246-80: Design, manufacturing and control regulations for steel pipeline fittings welded joints.

RDI 26-15-80: Instructions for making inner vessels of isothermal tanks for liquefied carbon dioxide

Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope

RSN 342-86: Technology for reinforcing building structures in reconstructed enterprises

RST RSFSR 328-89: Metal stationery cabinets. General technical requirements

RST RSFSR 45-86: Sledge for children. Technical conditions

RST RSFSR 655-81: Ice screws fishing. General technical conditions

RST RSFSR 698-83: Ovens made of sheet steel. Technical conditions

RST RSFSR 746-88: One-sided carriages. General technical conditions

RTM 108.940.08-85: Welded structures of power equipment. General requirements for structural and process design

RTM 24-85: Information index of state, republican and industry standards, technical specifications for materials and products used in the design of furnaces and dryers

RTM 26-79-72*: Application of standards of a unified system of design documentation (ESKD)

RTM 393-94: Technical Guides for welding and quality control of the joints of reinforcement and embedded items of concrete elements

RU 34-1203-71: Guidelines for the design of dust and air ducts of boiler units

SN 393-78: Instructions for welding of reinforcement joints and embedded parts of reinforced concrete structures

SNiP 3.03.01-87: Bearing and enclosing structures

SNiP 3.06.04-91: Bridges and pipes

SNiP 3.07.02-87: Hydraulic engineering marine and river transport facilities

SNiP II-V.3-62: Steel structures. Design Standards

SP 16.13330.2011: Steel structures

SP 268.1325800.2016: Transport structures in seismic zones. Specifications for earthquake-resistant design

SP 287.1325800.2016: Marine berthing facilities. Rules of design and construction

SP 294.1325800.2017: The construction of steel. Design rules

SP 346.1325800.2017: Systems of gas air treatments of boiler installations 150 Mw. Rules of design

SP 365.1325800.2017: Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for storage of oil products. Rules of work's production and acceptance under installation

SP 46.13330.2012: Bridges and pipes

SP 470.1325800.2019: Steel structures. Work Rules

SP 53-101-98: Manufacturing and quality control of steel structures for construction

SP 53-102-2004: General rules for steel structure design

SP 70.13330.2012: Bearing and enclosing structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 3.03.01-87

SP 83.13330.2016: Industrial furnaces and brick chimneys

ST RK 1278-2004: Road restrictions systems. Metal safety barriers. Specification

ST RK 1358-2005: Pressure vessels. Requirements for welding steels

ST RK 1454-2005: Air reservoir for traction railway stock. Basic requirements for structure

ST TsKBA 025-2006: Pipe fittings. Welding and quality control of welded joints. Technical requirements

ST TsKBA 090-2013: Pipe fittings. Pneumatic actuators and hydraulic actuators. General technical conditions

STB 1026-2008: Section metal railing for bridges and overpasses. Technical conditions

STO 64235108-005-2016: Support rings OK. General requirements

STO 64235108-008-2016: Easily removable KL covers. General requirements

STO 95 12005-2017: Objects of use of atomic energy. Concrete work in the construction of the protective shell of the reactor installation of nuclear power plants. Basic requirements and quality control organization

STO-SA-03-002-2009: Rules for the design, manufacture and installation of vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and oil products

TR 182-08: Technical recommendations on scientific and technical support and monitoring of the construction of long-span, high-altitude and other unique buildings and structures

TU 102-199-78: Therapeutic and prophylactic unit for hot dry baths

TU 102-237-85: Mobile buildings (inventory) of the block of the "Watch" system. Group specifications

TU 102-314-81: Boxing unified for production and auxiliary buildings of land objects of the oil and gas industry

TU 102-377-84: A set of elements for mobile (inventory) collapsible buildings of the structural construction system SKZ-M. Group specifications

TU 102-390-85: Vibrational low-frequency platforms with spatial oscillations of the HSV type

TU 102-416-86: Garage reinforced concrete prefabricated for individual use

TU 102-425-86: A set of structures for the building of crane (crane) with structures frame production span of 12 and 18M

TU 102-461-88: Garage reinforced concrete prefabricated box single and double row collective use

TU 102-533-89: A set of structures on a building without a crane with arched span of 12, 15 and 18 m

TU 102-587-91: Production-auxiliary box

TU 102-84.3-87: Garage reinforced concrete prefabricated box with two floors for collective use

TU 22-3193-75: Cell air filters of type FN, FNR, FNP, FNP. Technical conditions

TU 24-09-613-84: Electric overhead traveling cranes with a lifting capacity of 5 tons of lightweight construction with electric hoist

TU 26-01-355-80: Electrolyzers. Type of SPP with component equipment

TU 34-38-20092-94: High pressure surface heaters for steam turbine regeneration systems. Technical conditions for major repairs

TU 34-38-20120-94: Pipelines of station thermal stations. General technical conditions for major repairs

TU 34-38-20184-94: Stationary steam boilers. Intra drum separating devices. Technical conditions for major repairs

TU 34-38-20189-94: Gas-oil burners for steam stationary boilers. Technical conditions for major repairs

TU 34-38-20190-94: Burner, types pulverized steam stationary boilers. Technical conditions for major repairs

TU 34-38-20191-94: Headset stationary boilers. General technical conditions for major repairs

TU 34-38-20195-94: Fuel oil heaters of PM and PMR types. Technical conditions for major repairs

TU 34-38-20196-94: Steam heaters, water-water heat exchangers. Technical conditions for major repairs

TU 34-38-20201-94: Stationary steam boilers. Piping within the boiler. General technical conditions for major repairs

TU 34-38-20222-94: Steam superheaters of stationary steam boilers. Technical conditions for major repairs

TU 35-1757-87: Buildings spanning railway bridges with riding on top on the ballast of box section Lp = 33.6 m; 45.0 m. Specifications

TU 36.1395905-016-96: Three-layer frame panels with steel facings and mineral wool insulation

TU Windows and bindings of light emitting lamps. Technical conditions

TU 36-1395905-015-95: A set of structures of buildings of arched type. Technical conditions

TU 3615-044-00220302-02: Cylindrical horizontal reservoirs for liquid hydrocarbonic propane and butane gases

TU 36-2009-77: Steel structures of steel vertical cylindrical tanks with a capacity from 100 to 20,000 m3 for the storage of oil and oil products. Technical conditions

TU 36-2287-80: Bent closed welded square and rectangular profiles

TU 3631-002-76457067-2012: Dynamic Pumps and Pump Units MST-TsN type and spare parts for them

TU 3680-001-04698606-04: Pipe Support

TU 5210-001-25432924-2008: Fences, road, metal, barrier type

TU 5216-002-03910056-2008: Barrier metal fencing. Technical conditions

TU 5216-021-00110604-03: Road guardrail for cars, side, first type, metal, single-sided

TU 5216-067-36910961-2002: Retention fences, for vehicles, side, first type, single-sided and double-sided

VMU 50:48:0075-02-02: Platform buffers. General requirements for design, construction and operation

VNTP 04-94: Engineering Design Standards for Wine Bottling Plants

VNTP 10M-93: Engineering Design Standards for Microbreweries

VNTP 11-93: Engineering Design Standards for Facilities for the Production of Barley Brewer's Malt

VNTP 26-94: Standards for technological design of sparkling wine factories (production of Soviet champagne using a continuous tank method)

VNTP 34-93: Engineering Design Standards for Alcohol Industry Facilities

VNTP 35-93: Engineering Design Standards for Alcoholic Beverage Plants/Distilleries

VSN 07-81/Minoborony: Technical rules of quality control and acceptance of installation work at the facilities of the Ministry of Defense

VSN 202-90: Guidelines for Erection of 22-Story Large-Panel Residential Buildings Assembled From Modular Preassembled Elements (KOPE-85), Erected by DSK-2

VSN 370-93: Instructions for the installation of electrical wiring in pipes

VSN 39-87: Ordinance for Planned Preventive Maintenance and Operation of Production Equipment at Construction Industry Companies Administered by the USSR Gosagprom. Part 1

VSN 41.88: Design of ice-resistant stationary platforms

VSN 416-81: General Specified Quantity Allowances for Building Materials. Compendium 30: Welding Operations

VSN 433-82: Guidelines for Semi-Automatic Flux-Core Wire Welding of Assembly Connections of Steel Structures for Factory and Industrial Buildings and Structures

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