
GOST 12.3.003-86

ГОСТ 12.3.003-86

Occupational safety standards system Electric welding works. Safety requirements

Система стандартов безопасности труда. Работы электросварочные. Требования безопасности

Status: Valid - Supersedes

The standard applies to electric welding (in the future - welding) in all sectors of the national economy and establishes safety requirements for manual and mechanized arc welding of metals, including flux and in protective gases, electroslag and resistance welding. The standard does not apply to electric welding works performed under water, in mines, mines, space, vacuum, explosion and laser, welding of non-metallic materials, as well as gas and thermal electric arc cutting and plasma processing of metals in installations that generate low-temperature plasma.

Стандарт распространяется на электросварочные работы (в дальнейшем - сварку) во всех отраслях народного хозяйства и устанавливает требования безопасности при ручной и механизированной дуговой сварке металлов, в том числе под флюсом и в защитных газах, электрошлаковой и контактной сварке. Стандарт не распространяется на электросварочные работы, выполняемые под водой, в шахтах, рудниках, космосе, вакууме, взрывом и лазером, сварку неметаллических материалов, а также на газовую и термическую электродуговую резку и плазменную обработку металлов на установках, генерирующих низкотемпературную плазму.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 12/19/1986

SKU: RUSS18264

Price: $217.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 13 Environmental protection, protection of people from environmental exposure. Security »

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 25 Mechanical Engineering »

Welding regulations » Welding work »

Welding regulations » Main materials »

Welding regulations » Welding materials »

Welding regulations » welding equipment »

Welding regulations » Welding staff »

Welding regulations » Admission Testing »

Welding regulations » Documentation »

Welding regulations » Heat treatment »

Welding regulations » Welding work » Manual welding »

Welding regulations » Welding work » Mechanized welding »

Welding regulations » Welding work » Automatic welding »

Welding regulations » Welding work » Surfacing »

Welding regulations » Welding work » Dusting »

Welding regulations » Main materials » Steel, cast iron »

Welding regulations » Main materials » Non-ferrous metals »

Welding regulations » Welding materials » Fluxes »

Welding regulations » Welding materials » Gases »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes » 2 Safety requirements for certain types of work » 2.3 Safety requirements of production processes »

ISO classifier » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.100 Safety of professional activity. Industrial hygiene »

National standards » 13 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, HUMAN PROTECTION AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. SECURITY » 13.100 Safety of professional activity. Industrial hygiene »

ISO classifier » 25 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING » 25.160 Welding, brazing and hard soldering »

National standards » 25 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING » 25.160 Welding, brazing and hard soldering »

ISO classifier » 25 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING » 25.160 Welding, brazing and hard soldering » 25.160.50 Hard and soft solder »

National standards » 25 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING » 25.160 Welding, brazing and hard soldering » 25.160.50 Hard and soft solder »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » T General technical and organizational and methodological standards » T5 Documentation System » T58 System of standards infield of nature conservation and improvement of use of natural resources, labor safety, scientific organization of labor »

National Standards for OKSTU » SYSTEMS OF GENERAL TECHNICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL STANDARDS » Occupational safety standards system (SSBT). Scientific organization of labor. Safety precautions. Sanitation and occupational health »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 12.3.003-75: Occupational safety standards system Electric welding works. Safety requirements

The Document References:

GOST 12.0.003-74: Dangerous and harmful production effects. Classification

GOST 12.1.002-84: Occupational safety standards system. Power frequency electric fields. Permissible levels of field strength and requirements for control at work-places

GOST 12.1.003-83: Noise. General safety requirements

GOST 12.1.004-85: Occupational safety standards system. Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.005-76: Occupational safety standards system. Working zone air. General hygiene requirements

GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air

GOST 12.1.006-84: Occupational safety standards system. Electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies. Permissible levels at work-places and requirements for control

GOST 12.1.010-76: Explosion safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.012-90: SSBT. Occupational Safety Standards System. Vibrational safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.019-79: Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. General requirements and nomenclature of kinds of protection

GOST 12.1.030-81: Electrical safety protective grounding, neutral grounding

GOST 12.1.035-81: Arc and resistance-welding equipment. Noise exposure limits and methods of measurement

GOST 12.1.038-82: Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. Maximum permissible values of pick-up voltages and currents

GOST 12.1.044-84: Occupational safety standards system. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination

GOST 12.1.044-89: Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indices and methods of their determination

GOST 12.1.050-86: Occupational safety standards system. Methods of noise measurement at work-places

GOST 12.2.003-91: Industrial equipment. General safety requirements

GOST Devices for electric welding and plasma treatment

GOST 12.2.032-78: Operators location in a silting position. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 12.2.033-78: Operators location in a standing position General ergonomic requirements

GOST 12.2.049-80: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial equipment. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 12.2.061-81: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial equipment. General safety requirements to working places

GOST 12.2.062-81: Occupational safety standards system. Industrial equipment. Safety protectors

GOST 12.3.002-75: Occupational safety standards system. Manufacturing processes. General safety requirements

GOST 12.3.018-79: Occupational safety standards system. Ventilation system. Aerodynamical test methods

GOST 12.3.020-80: Occupational safety standards system. Transporting process of loads in all fields of national economy. General requirements safety

GOST 12.4.002-74: System of standards on safety engineering. Means for personal protection of hands from vibration. General technical specifications

GOST 12.4.026-76: Signal colors and safety signs

GOST 12.4.035-78: Protective face shields

GOST 12.4.059-89: Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Protective inventory safeguards. General specifications

GOST 12.4.080-79: Occupational safety standards system. Glass lighting filters for eye protection against harmful radiation at production. Specification

GOST 21889-76: Man-machine system. Operator's arm-chair. General ergonomic requirements

GOST 23407-78: Fencings for building sites. Specifications

GOST 24258-88: Different types of scaffolding. General specifications

GOST 24940-81: Buildings and structures. Method for measuring the luminance

GOST 24940-96: Buildings and structures. Methods of measuring luminance

GOST 26887-86: Platforms and ladders for civil engineering work. Specifications

GOST 27321-87: Demountable tubular scaffold for construction works. Specification.

GOST 3.1120-83: Unified system of technological documentation. General rules for presentation of labour safety requirements in technological documentation

GOST R 12.4.026-2001: Occupational safety standards system. Safety colors, safety signs and signal marking. Purpose and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 10354-82: Polyethylene film Specifications

GOST 10543-98: Steel surfacing wire. Specifications

GOST 12.1.013-78: Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Electrical safety. General requirements

GOST Devices for electric welding and plasma treatment

GOST 12.2.086-83: Positive displacement hydraulic drives and lubrication systems

GOST 12.3.032-84: Occupational safety standards system. Electric installation works. General safety requirements

GOST 12.3.038-85: Occupational safety standards system. Construction. Works on thermal instulation of equipment and pipe lines. Safety requirements

GOST 12.3.039-85: Occupational safety standards system. Plasma treatment of metals. Safety requirements

GOST 12549-2003: Passenger cars of 1520 mm gauge main-line railways. Painting. Specifications

GOST 13821-77: Single-operator rectifiers with falling external characteristics for arc welding. General specifications

GOST 18130-79: Semi-automatic machines for consumable electrode arc welding

GOST 22366-93: Iron-based sintered filler ribbon electrode

GOST 2402-82: Welding sets with internal combustion engines

GOST 24234-80: Polyethylene terephtalate film (polyester film). Specifications

GOST 26056-84: Industrial robots for arc welding

GOST 26271-84: Flux-cored wire welding carbon and low-alloy steels. General specifications

GOST 26501-85: Marine ship hulls. General requirements for electrochemical protection

GOST 27036-86: Bellows metal expansion joints and seals

GOST 28302-89: Thermal sprayed protective coatings from zinc and aluminium metallic construction. General requirements for a typical technological process

GOST 28555-90: Bonded fluxes for submerged arc welding of carbon and low-alloy steels. General specifications

GOST 297-80: Resistance welding machines

GOST 30331.1-95: Electrical installations of buildings. General

GOST 30430-96: Arc welding of structural cast irons. Requirements for technological process

GOST 304-82: Welding generators.

GOST 30756-2001: Fluxes for electroslag technologies. General specifications

GOST 31365-2008: Paint coatings electrolocomotives and diesellocomotives of 1520 mm gauge mainline railways. Specifications

GOST 32935-2014: Steel bellows expansion joints for heat networks. General specifications

GOST 33976-2016: Welded joints in steel structures of railway rolling stock. Requirements for design, implementation and quality control

GOST 34059-2017: Internal buildings and structures utilities. Arrangement of heating, heating and cooling water supply systems. General technical requirements

GOST 34587-2019: Hoisting cranes. Metal constructions. Manufacturing requirements

GOST 34665-2020: Electro-welded railway rails. Specifications

GOST 7012-77: Single-operator single-phase transformers for automatic submerged arc welding. General specifications

GOST 7122-81: Weld seams and all-weld metal. Methods of sample selection for determination of chemical composition

GOST 7237-82: Welding converters

GOST 7409-2009: Freight cars. Requirements to paint coatings

GOST 8213-75: Automatic consumable electrode arc welding machines.

GOST 9.056-75: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Steel ship hulls. Electrochemical protection at long-term anchorage. General requirements

GOST 9078-84: Flat pallets

GOST 9087-81: Welding melted fluxes

GOST 9570-2016: Box and pestpallets. General specifications

GOST 9570-84: Box and post pallets

GOST 95-77: Single-operator single-phase transformers for manual arc welding. General specifications

GOST 9639-71: Sheets from unplasticized polyvinylchloride (sheet vinyplast). Specifications

GOST R 12.3.048-2002: Occupational safety standards system. Building. Hydraulic excavation. Safety requirements

GOST R 50571.1-93: Electrical installations of buildings. General

GOST R 51110-97: Equipment for bank protection. General technical requirements

GOST R 51571-2000: Metal bellows expansion joints and seals. General technical requirements

GOST R 52348-2005: Shooting-galleries. Armoured protection and technical resistance to burglary. Acceptance rules and methods of testing

GOST R 53192-2008: Welded steel structures of freight cars. Technical requirements

GOST R 53192-2014: Welded joints in steel structures of railway rolling stock. Requirements for design, production and quality control

GOST R 53303-2009: Building constructions. Fire doors and gates. Test methods for smoke-and-gas leakage

GOST R 54086-2010: Pressure regulators. General specifications

GOST R 55560-2013: Inland water transport. Operation of cargo transfer complexes and passenger terminals of river ports. Safety requirements. General

GOST R 56204-2014: Steam and hot-water stationary boilers. Steel structures. General operating specification

GOST R 56501-2015: Services of housing maintenance, public utilities and administration of apartment buildings. Services content in-house heating systems, heating and hot water supply of apartment houses. General requirements

GOST R 56533-2015: Services of housing maintenance, public utilities and administration of apartment buildings. Services of in-house cold water supply systems maintenance of apartment buildings. General requirements

GOST R 56534-2015: Services of housing maintenance, public utilities and administration of apartment buildings. Services of in-house sewerage maintenance of apartment buildings. General requirements

GOST R 56536-2015: Services of housing maintenance, public utilities and administration of apartment buildings. Services content in-house power supply systems of apartment buildings. General requirements

GOST R 56586-2015: Waterproof polyethylene geomembranes in rolls. Specifications

GOST R 57180-2016: Welding joints. Methods for determination of mechanical properties, macrostructure and microstructure

GOST R 57618.2-2017: Small craft Infrastructure. Yacht harbours. General requirements

GOST R 58096-2018: Gas distribution systems. Requirements to gas distribution networks. Part 6. Gas pipelines, sanified flexible sleeve

GOST R 58180-2018: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas distribution networks. Part 5. The gas pipelines with the load-bearing framework coated with a sleeve with polymerizing coating

GOST R 58361-2019: The main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Welding equipment. General specifications

GOST R 58619-2019: The main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Tank equipment. Pontoons. General specifications

GOST R 58623-2019: The main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Vertical cylindrical steel tanks. Technical Operation Rules

GOST R 58736-2019: Parking of small vessels. General requirements

GOST R 70465-2022: Typical technological and organizational processes. Welding of steel building structures. Requirements for the organization and execution of work in construction site conditions. Quality control

GOST R 8.733-2011: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. System for measuring of quantity and parameters of free oil gas. General metrological and technical requirements

I 1.09-10: Instructions for connecting insulated conductors of wires and cables

IOT RZhD-4100612-CDRP-021-2013: Occupational safety instructions for the bulldozer operator

IOT RZhD-4100612-TsDRP-024-2013: Instructions for labor protection for an electric gas welder (when traveling)

Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: Guide to SNiP 11-01-95 on the development of the section of project documentation "Environmental Protection"

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: The manual on the initial requirements for the development of design documentation for equipment of individual production (to SNiP 11-01-95)

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: A collection of explanations of certain provisions and the contents of paragraphs of the Instructions on the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and preparation of project documents for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures of SNiP 11-01-95 (Questions and Answers)

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: A guide to SNiP 11-01-95 on the development of a section of project documentation "Organization and working conditions of workers. Production and enterprise management"

Manual for SNiP 3.05.01-85: Manual for the production and acceptance of work when installing ventilation and air conditioning systems

MDS 12-11.2002: Procedures Manual for SNIP 12-03-2001 "Occupational Safety and Health in Construction. Part 1: General Requirements" for Occupational Safety and Health Training and Testing of Supervisors and Specialists in Construction

MDS 12-16.2003: Recommended Practice for the Development of Local Regulations (Proprietary Standards) for Use in an Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems in a Construction Organization

MDS 12-22.2005: Recommendations for the application in the construction industry of the requirements of regulatory legal and other regulatory acts containing state regulatory labor protection requirements

MDS 12-39.2008: Recommendations for the preparation of a project for the installation of a panel high-rise building

MDS 12-59.2011: Production design for dismantling of panel buildings

MDS 12-60.2011: Production design for installation of steel structures of buildings

MU 0397-00.001: Method of nondestructive testing of parts of the mud pump U8-6MA2

MU 0397-00.002: Non-Destructive Testing Methodology for VE-50 and VP-50 Swivels

MU 0397-00.003: Method of non-destructive testing of turbodrill parts

MU 0397-00.004: Methods of conducting non-destructive testing of parts of the boiler installation PPUA-1600/100

MU 0397-00.005: Methods of conducting non-destructive testing of parts of KTGU type keys

MU 0397-00.006: Non-Destructive Testing Technique for the A-50U Tack Block

MU 0397-00.007: Methods of non-destructive ultrasonic testing of elevators ETA, EHL, KM

MU 0397-00.008: Method of non-destructive testing of parts for the heating device of the ADPM-12 unit/150-У1

MU 0397-00.009: Method of non-destructive testing of parts of centrifugal pumps such as CNS 38-44 ... 220, CNS 60-198, CNS 105-98, CNS 180-476 ... 686, CNS 300-120 ... 600, CNS 500-19002

MU 0898-00.001: Methods of conducting non-destructive testing of hooks of lifting and transport equipment (automobile, tractor, trailer cranes and crane beams)

MU 1002-00.004: Methods of conducting non-destructive ultrasonic testing of steam double-drum boilers of the type DE and Е-1-9

MU 1198-00.002: Methods of non-destructive ultrasonic testing of the weld zone of drill pipes of the TBPV type

MU 1198-00.003: Method of non-destructive ultrasonic testing of the crown block UKB-6-200

MU 1198-00.006: Method of conducting non-destructive testing of the pulley block

MU 1198-00.007: Method of nondestructive testing of hook blocks and lifting hooks

MU 1198-00.008: Method for non-destructive testing of brake bands of drawworks and winches of units for underground and workover of wells

MU 1198-00.009: UTBC-5-170 hook block non-destructive testing methodology

MU 1198-00.010: Method for the non-destructive testing of shaft shaft winch LV-15

MU 1198-00.011: PBC-4 key non-destructive testing procedure

MU 1198-00.012: Methods of conducting non-destructive testing of HC-250 swivels

MU 1798-00.001: Methods of conducting non-destructive testing of the universal machine key UMK-1C

MU 1798-00.003: Methods of conducting non-destructive ultrasonic inspection of parts of the column head

MU 3702-00.002: Method of non-destructive ultrasonic testing of parts of the valve ZMS1-65х210

MU 4296/755-00.006: R-560 non-destructive ultrasonic testing of the rotor shaft

MU 4296/755-00.011: Method of conducting non-destructive ultrasonic testing of gearbox KPC-700

MU 4296/755-00.014: Method for non-destructive ultrasound testing of wellhead armature AUSHGN-UHL

MU 4296/755-00.017: Method of non-destructive ultrasonic testing of the compressor K5M

MU 4296/755-00.021: Methods for conducting non-destructive ultrasonic testing of a tube block furnace PTB-10

MU 4296/755-00.023: Method of nondestructive testing of the worm box of the APR-2VB submachine gun

MU 4428-87: Guidelines for improving the state preventive sanitary inspection of the design of workshops and welding stations, the development of technological processes and equipment for welding production

MU 6096-00.001: Method for the non-destructive testing of the shaft of the LV-44 winch

MU 6096-00.002: R-700 rotor shaft non-destructive testing procedure

MU 6096-00.003: R-950 rotor shaft non-destructive testing method

ODM 218.3.106-2018: The use of flexible concrete surface coatings to protect and strengthen roads

ODM 218.6.031-2018: Guidelines for improving the reliability of protective and fortifications in emergency situations and natural hazards

ONTP 01-91: All-Union norms for technological design of automobile transport enterprises

ONTP 02-86: National Engineering Design Standards for Machine-Building, Instrument-Building, and Metalworking Facilities. Woodworking Shops

ONTP 04-85: All-Union norms for technological design of timber transshipment enterprises

ONTP 06-86: All-Union norms for the technological design of enterprises of mechanical engineering, instrument engineering and metalworking. Workshops for the manufacture of special technological and non-standardized equipment, means of mechanization and automation an

ONTP 06-95: Sectoral norms of technological design of enterprises in the automotive industry. Workshops for the manufacture of special technological and non-standardized equipment, means of mechanization, automation, and office equipment

ONTP 07-85: All-Union norms for the technological design of precast concrete enterprises

ONTP 08-87: All-Union norms for the technological design of engineering, instrument-making and metal-working enterprises. Workshops for the repair of pipelines, sanitary appliances and heat and power equipment

ONTP 09-88: All-Union standards for the technological design of enterprises of mechanical engineering, instrument engineering and metalworking. Assembly and welding shops

ONTP 09-93: Standards for the technological design of engineering, instrument-making and metal-working enterprises. Mechanical repair shops

ONTP 09-96: Sectoral norms of technological design of enterprises in the automotive industry. Assembly and welding shops

ONTP 14-93: Standards for the technological design of engineering, instrument-making and metal-working enterprises (refinement of ONTP-14-93). Mechanical processing assembly shops

ONTP 444-86: National Engineering Design Standards for Facilities for the Production of Mineral Wool Products and Building Components

OST 108.030.40-79: Pipe elements of hear surfaces, connecting pipes with boiler, land-type steam boiler headers. General specifications.

OST 108.838.10-80: Remote cyclones for low- and middle pressure boilers. General specifications.

OST 2 N83-44-80: Occupational safety standards system. Arc and electroslag welding. Safety requirements

OST 2 N83-45-80: Occupational safety standards system. Contact welding. Safety requirements

OST 2 N83-46-80: Occupational safety standards system. Oxygen cutting. Safety requirements

OST 2 Н83-44-80: Occupational safety standards system. Electric arc welding and slag welding. Safety requirements.

OST 2 Н83-45-80: Labour safety standard system. Contact welding. Safety requirements.

OST 2 Н83-46-80: Labour safety standard system. Oxygen cutting. Safety requirements.

OST 22-1260-78: Machine cutting torches for piled-plate cutting by means of reduced pressure oxygen. Specifications.

OST 24.050.34-84: Wagon steel structures design and production. Specifications.

OST 24.201.03-90: Steel high-pressure vessels and devices. General technical requirements.

OST 24.207.01-90: Pipeline fittings. Casting from cast iron and colour alloys. General specifications.

OST 26-01-136-81: Assembling units of steel pipelines on pressure over 9,81 to 98,1 MPa (over 100 to 1000 kgf/cm2) of complete technological lines. General specifications.

OST 26-01-1434-87: Welding of steel technological pipelines on nominal pressure over 10 to 100 MPa (over 100 to 1000 kgf/cm2). Technical requirements.

OST 26-01-49-82: Assembling units and pipeline details for working pressure of 32 MPa (320 kgf/cm2). General specifications.

OST 26-07-2028-81: Surfacing the sealing surfaces of pipe with Э-20Х13type electrodes. Technical requirements.

OST 32.72-97: Reinforced concrete slabs without ballast bridge bed for metal superstructures of railway bridges. General specifications

OST 35-14-82: Occupational safety standards system. Construction of highways. Concrete coatings. Safety requirements at works performance.

OST 36-100.3.13-85: Labour safety standard system. Processing equipment installation. General safety requirements.

OST 36-145-88: Steel technological pipelines for pressure Ру up to 10 MPa. Fluxing automatic arc welding. Typical technological process.

OST 36-58-81: Steel building structures. Welding. Basic requirements.

OST 36-60-81: Welding at installation of steel building constructions. Main provisions.

OST 36-79-83: Steel process pipes of carbon and low alloy steels Pi up to 10 MPa (100 kgs/cm2). Semi-automatic welding with consumable electrode in carbon dioxide. Typical process.

OST 36-93-83: Occupational safety standards system. Hand signal for process control of cargo shifting using cranes.

OST 5 9137-83: Welding of casting defects in steel and cast iron. Technical requirements

OST 95 10439-2002: Equipment for radioactive environments. General technical requirements. Acceptance. Maintenance and repair.

PB: Safety regulations and industrial sanitation for loading and unloading operations on railway transport

PB: Safety regulations and industrial sanitation for the repair and maintenance of railway tracks and structures

PB 03-428-02: Safety Requirements for Construction of Underground Structures

PB 06-227-98: Safety regulations for auxiliary workshops of mining enterprises

PB 09-220-98: Installation and Safe Operation Requirements for Ammonia-Based Refrigeration Equipment

PI 1.4.75-2000: Arc welding in shielding gases of structural, stainless and heat-resistant steels and alloys

PNAE G-10-031-92: Basic provisions for localizing safety system elements welding on nuclear stations

PNST 790-2022: Engineering networks of buildings and structures internal. Axial bellows compensators for pipelines of heating, heating and water supply systems. General specifications

POT R M-007-98: Industry-Wide Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Freight Loading/Offloading and Placement Operations

POT R M-015-2000: Intersectoral labor protection regulations for the operation of freon refrigeration units

POT R M-020-2001: Industry-Wide Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Electric Welding and Gas Welding Operations

POT R O 13153-ZhDRM-946-03: Industry rules on labor protection during factory repair of locomotives and freight cars

POT R O 29-001-93: Labor protection regulations for printing companies

POT R O 97300-12-97: Labor protection regulations in the beer and non-alcoholic food industry

POT R O-001-2002: Rules on labor protection for printing organizations

POT R O-00-97: Occupational Safety and Health Requirements in the Pulp and Paper and Rosin Industry

POT R O-112-001-95: Rules for labor protection during the operation of oil depots and gas stations

POT R O-112-002-98: Rules for labor protection during the operation of trunk oil pipelines

POT R O-13153-TsSh-877-02: Industry rules for labor protection during maintenance and repair of signaling, centralization and blocking devices on federal railway transport

POT R O-14000-001-98: Rules on labor protection at enterprises and organizations of mechanical engineering

POT R O-14000-003-98: Rules for labor protection in the manufacture of boiler work and metal structures

POT R O-200-01-95: Rules on labor protection in automobile transport

POT R O-29-002-94: Occupational Safety Rules for Publishers

POT R O-29-003-95: Occupational Safety Rules for Bookstores

POT R O-32-CV-400-96: Labor protection rules for the maintenance and repair of freight cars and refrigerated rolling stock

POT R O-32-TsT-668-99: Rules for labor protection during maintenance and current repair of traction rolling stock and cranes on the railway

POT R O-97300-05-95: Rules for labor protection in food concentrate and vegetable drying industries of the food industry

POT R O-97300-06-95: Rules for labor protection in the sugar industry of the food industry

POT R O-97300-07-95: Rules for labor protection in the production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages

POT R O-97300-11-97: Rules for labor protection in the repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery

POT RO-13153-TsL-923-02: Industry rules for labor protection in the passenger sector of the federal railway transport

POT RO-32-TsP-652-99: Rules for labor protection during the maintenance and repair of railway tracks and structures

POT RZhD 4100612-TsSh-074-2015: Rules for labor protection during maintenance and repair of signaling, centralization and blocking devices at Russian Railways

PPBO-157-90: Fire Safety Regulations in the Timber Industry

PPB-S-1983: Fire Safety Regulations for Buildings and Structures of Educational Institutions, Companies, and Organizations Administered by Minvuz USSR

R 415-81: Recommendations for welding of gas and oil field pipe mix from polyethylene

R 466-82: Guidelines for conducting induction training on labor protection in organizations and enterprises of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry

R 50-601-21-92: Recommendations. Establishment of product safety requirements in standards and technical conditions

RD 059/01-2019: Instructions for welding and surfacing during the repair of freight cars (with Amendment No. 1)

RD 102-011-89: Occupational Safety and Health. Management and Procedural Documents

RD 102-012-82: Technological Systems for Protective Protection against Internal Corrosion of Steel Oilfield Tanks of the West Siberian Oil and Gas Region

RD 153-34.0-03.231-00: Model Instruction Occupational Safety and Protection for Electrical Welders

RD 153-39.1-561-08: Instructions for the construction, operation and repair of pipelines from metal-plastic pipes

RD 153-39.4-044-99: Rules of total overhaul of main oil product pipelines laid in the cities, settlements and entering the territory of tank farms and pumping stations

RD 153-39.4-078-01: Operation Requirements for Tanks on Trunk Petroleum Product Pipelines and at Petroleum Depots

RD 22-207-88: Lifting machines. General requirements and production standards

RD 24.090.97-98: Materials handling equipment. Requirements for construction, repair and reconstruction of steel structures of cranes.

RD 24.207.01-90: Piping fittings. Water-flap average life time dependence on specific pressure on the sealing surface

RD 24.942.02-90: Electroslag welding of chemical and petroequipment from low-alloyed and heat-resistant steels

RD 26-02-77-88: Columnar devices. Installation of plates. Technology, equipment, accessories

RD 26-17-78-87: Pulsed-arc welding of chemical oil equipment from stainless steels with a consumable electrode in argon

RD 31.52.18-87: Fire safety regulations during fire works on ships of the Ministry of the Navy of the USSR

RD 31.52.21-88: Recommendations on selection of welding materials in enterprises of Ministry of Marine.

RD 31.81.10-91: Safety rules on merchant shipping vessels.

RD 31.83.04-89: Labour safety rules in companies of the Ministry of Navy of the USSR.

RD 32-CSR-110/34-03: Guidance document. Labor protection during the operation of buildings and structures and the repair and construction work at railway facilities

RD 34.03.201-97: Safety Code for the Operation of the Thermo mechanical Equipment of Electric Power Stations and Heat Networks.

RD 34.03.204: Safety rules when working with tools and accessories

RD 34.03.215: Safety instructions for excavation work using the hydromechanization method at the facilities of the USSR Ministry of Energy

RD 34.10.126-94: Instructions for operational control of assembly processes, welding and heat treatment.

RD 34.15.132-96: Welding and Quality Control of Welded Joints in Metal Structures of Buildings During Construction of Industrial Facilities

RD 36-62-00: Hoisting equipment. General technical requirements.

RD 39-00147105-015-98: Rules of total overhaul of main oil pipelines

RD RTM 26-07-233-79: Surfacing pipe fitting details sealing surfaces with 06Х20Н10М3Д3С4 type material.

RD RTM 26-07-241-79: Surfacing of sealing surfaces of pipeline fittings with monel metal

RDI 26-15-80: Instructions for making inner vessels of isothermal tanks for liquefied carbon dioxide

RSN 40-81: Instructions for use of organosilicate compositions for corrosion protection of metal and other building structures, process equipment and decoration finishes of the building materials and facades of buildings

RTM Design and Installation of Foundations Using Pile Driven by Pushing

Rules 00-97: Rules for Occupational Safety and Health in the Pulp and Paper and Forestry Industries (final)

SNiP 12-03-2001: Labor safety in construction industry

SNiP 12-03-99: Occupational safety in construction part one. General safety requirements

SP 365.1325800.2017: Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for storage of oil products. Rules of work's production and acceptance under installation

SP 42-101-96: Design and construction of polyethylene gas pipeline up to 300 mm in diameter

SP 84.13330.2016: Tramways

ST RK 1450-2005: Non-destructive testing. Weld joints of railway bridges, locomotives and cars. Ultrasonic methods

ST SSFZhT TsP 016-99: Special rolling stock. Typical test methods for strength of supporting metal structures of frames, bodies, working bodies and their fastening elements

ST SSFZhT TsP 017-99: Special rolling stock. Typical methods of dynamic (running) tests

ST SSFZhT TsT 16-98: Traction rolling stock. Typical methods of dynamic strength tests of electric trains and diesel trains

ST SSFZhT TsT-RB 090-2000: Cranes, type shooting on the course. Typical strength test

ST SSFZhT TsT-TsRB 092-2000: Jib cranes on the rail track. Typical methods of dynamic (running) test drive

ST TsKBA 050-2008: Pipe fittings. Castings from cast iron. Technical requirements

ST TsKBA 051-2008: Pipe fittings. Castings from non-ferrous alloys. Technical requirements

TR 162-04: Technical recommendations on the use of reinforced concrete pipes with an inner plastic sheath

TR 88-98: Technical recommendations on the installation technology of polymer concrete pipes for microtunnel laying of sewers with an internal diameter of 300-1200 mm

TR 95.13-01: Standard Procedure for Construction and Installation Practices for Erection of Buildings and Structures. 13: Standard Procedure for Installation of Building Services Systems

TU 14-4-1431-87: AP-AN4 Activated Welding Wire. Technical conditions

TU 1811-064-04696843-99: Material "Armofol". Technical Specifications

TU 2255-059-04696843-99: Heat Reflecting Vapor-Tight Film "TEPAR". Technical Specifications

VSN 003-88: Design and Installation Guidelines to Plastic Piping

VSN 005-88: Construction of field steel pipelines Technology and arrangement

VSN 007-88: Construction of Trunk and Field Pipelines. Design and Ballasting

VSN 10-83/USSR Minselstroy: Recommendations for the construction of modular elevators

VSN 169-84: Safety Guidelines for Pipe Welders

VSN 203-84: Safety Requirements for the Construction of Hi-Rise Reinforced Concrete Structures

VSN 604-III-87: Occupational Safety in Construction of Cable Line Facilities

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