
SNiP 2.01.51-90

СНиП 2.01.51-90

Civil defense technical Engineering measures

Инженерно-технические мероприятия гражданской обороны.

Status: Reference materials, MP, TPR

Standards must be met when designing and conducting civil defense engineering activities throughout the country.

Нормы должны выполняться при проектировании и проведении инженерно-технических мероприятий гражданской обороны на всей территории страны

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosstroy of the USSR (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction), 9/24/1984

SKU: RUSS18293

Price: $150.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Documents System of normative documents in construction » 1. Organizational and methodological regulatory documents » k.10 Standardization, rationing, certification »

ISO classifier » 95 MILITARY EQUIPMENT » 95.020 Military equipment. Military issues. Armament »

As a Replacement Of:

SNiP II-10-74: Civil Defense Engineering

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 22.6.01-97: Safety in emergencies. Protection of water supply systems. General requirements

GOST R 22.2.01-2015: Safety in emergency situations. Procedure for justification and recording of measures for civil defence, measures for prevention of natural and technological emergencies in developing of site planning projects

GOST R 22.2.13-2023: Safety in emergency situations. The procedure for developing a list of civil defense measures, measures to prevent emergencies of natural and man-made character. When designing capital construction facilities

GOST R 22.6.01-95: Safety in emergencies. Protection of water supply systems. General requirements

GOST R 55198-2012: Civil defence. Constructive calculations of bearing elements defensive constructions of civil defence. General requirements

GOST R 55200-2012: Civil defence. Degree of radiation attenuation by protective constructions of civil defence structures. General requirements for calculation

GOST R 55201-2012: Safety in emergencies. Procedure for the development of a list of measures for civil defence, measures for prevention of natural and man-caused emergencies in capital construction design

MDS 11-16.2002: Guidelines for drafting an engineering plan for civil defense

MDS 11-3.99: Recommended Practice for Conformity Assessment of Feasibility Studies (Projects) for Construction of Nonindustrial Facilities

MDS 11-4.99: Methodical recommendations for the examining of feasibility studies (of the projects) for construction of production enterprises, buildings and structures

MDS 11-7.2000: Guidelines to the Scope, Development, Review, and Approval of Urban Planning Documentation

Methodical recommendations 2-4-87-37-14: Methodological recommendations on the organization of the primary life support of the population in emergency situations and the operation of temporary accommodation facilities for the affected population

MGSN 4.19-2005: Temporary norms and standards for design of multifunctional high-rise buildings and buildings complexes in Moscow. Part 2. (Part 1 is sold separately as MGSN 4.19-05)

MRR Method for determining the cost of developing projects for planning the territories of a natural complex in the city of Moscow

MRR 3.2.72-14: Method for determining the cost of developing the subsection "List of civil defense measures, measures for the prevention of natural and man-made emergencies," carried out with the involvement of Moscow budget funds

MRR 6.3-16: List of civil defense measures, measures to prevent natural and man-made emergencies

NPB 114-2002: Fire protection of nuclear power plants. Design standards

ODM 218.2.017-2011: Guidelines Design, construction and operation of roads with low traffic

Order 1112: On Amending Order No. 687 of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020

Order 1653: On amending the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687

OTT Emergency centers of nuclear power plants. General technical requirements for newly designed nuclear power plants

PNAE G-05-035-94: Considerations external actions of natural and anthropogenic nature on nuclear and radiation hazardous objects

RD 153-39.4-113-01: Standards for technological design of main pipelines

Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope

Resolution 107: Provisional Regulations on the composition of measures to prevent emergencies in the special section "Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergencies" of urban planning documentation of Moscow

RMD 11-08-2009 SPb: Guidelines for preparation of capital construction projects in St. Petersburg City

RMD 11-08-2009 St. Petersburg: Guide to the design preparation of capital construction in St. Petersburg

RMD 11-22-2013 Sankt-Peterburg: Guide to project preparation of capital construction in St. Petersburg

RMD 31-04-2008 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for construction of residential and public high-rise buildings

SP 11-107-98: Procedure of Development and Composition of the “Engineering and Technical Measures of Civil Defense. Measures for Prevention of Emergencies” Section of Construction Projects

SP 11-112-2001: The procedure for development and composition of the section "Engineering civil defence measures. Measures for the prevention of emergencies" for urban planning documentation for the areas of urban and rural settlements and other municipality subjects

SP 11-113-2002: The reporting on the engineering civil defence measures and activities to prevent emergencies in the preparation of an application of intent to invest in the construction and justification of investment in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures

SP 32-106-2004: Subways. Auxiliary facilities and devices

SP 36.13330.2012: Trunk pipelines

SP 88.13330.2014: The protective shelters of civil defense

SP 90.13330.2012: Thermal power stations

STO Basic rules for ensuring the operation of nuclear power plants

TSN 11-303-2001: Procedure for Preparation for Construction in the Moscow Region During the Pre-Design and Design Phases

TSN 30-303-2000 MO: Planning and development of urban and rural settlements. Moscow region

TSN 30-305-2002: Urban planning. Reconstruction and development of non-central areas of St. Petersburg

TSN 31-315-99: Relail trade enterprises

TSN 31-330-2005: Treatment and prevention institutions in St. Petersburg

TSN 31-332-2006: Residential and public high-rise buildings

VNP 001-01: Industry-Specific Design Standards. Buildings for Territorial Main Administrations, National Banks, and Clearing Centers of the Russian Federation Central Bank

VNP-001-95: Departmental design standards. Buildings of institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

VSN 118-90: Departmental building codes. Designing engineering and civil defense activities at coal enterprises. Part I. Design, construction and operation of civil defense defenses

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