SNiP 3.04.01-87
СНиП 3.04.01-87
Insulation and finishing coatings
Изоляционные и отделочные покрытия
Status: Not effective - Not applicable. Recognized not to be applied by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 128
The rules and regulations apply to the production and acceptance of work on the installation of insulation, finishing, protective coatings and floors of buildings and structures, with the exception of work due to special conditions of operation of buildings and structures
Нормы и правила распространяются на производство и приемку работ по устройству изоляционных, отделочных, защитных покрытий и полов зданий и сооружений, за исключением работ, обусловленных особыми условиями эксплуатации зданий и сооружений
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Approved: Gosstroy of the USSR (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction),
SKU: RUSS18455
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
3. Normative documents on urban planning, buildings and constructions »
k.31 Residential, public and industrial buildings and structures »
PromExpert »
III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes »
2 Safety requirements for certain types of work »
2.1 Operation of industrial buildings and structures »
ISO classifier »
83.140 Rubber and plastic products »
83.140.20 Laminated sheets »
ISO classifier »
91.060 Construction elements »
91.060.20 Roofs »
ISO classifier »
91.060 Construction elements »
91.060.30 Ceilings. The floors. Stairs »
ISO classifier »
91.100 Building Materials »
91.100.40 Fiber-reinforced cement products »
ISO classifier »
91.120 Protection of buildings, inside and out »
91.120.01 Protection of buildings inside and outside as a whole »
ISO classifier »
91.120 Protection of buildings, inside and out »
91.120.30 Steam and water resistance »
ISO classifier »
91.180 Finishing »
The Document is Replaced With:
SP 71.13330.2017: Insulation and finish coatings
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 22753-77: Preparation of surfaces of building structures for painting and wallpapering. Typical technological processes
GOST 22844-77: Typical technological processes. Painting the surfaces of building structures inside buildings with aqueous solutions
GOST 23305-78: Typical technological processes. Pasting of surfaces of building structures with paper wallpaper
SNiP III-20-74: Roofing, waterproofing and vapor barrier
SNiP III-V.14-72: Floors. Rules of production and acceptance of work
The Document References:
GOST 22753-77: Preparation of surfaces of building structures for painting and wallpapering. Typical technological processes
GOST 22844-77: Typical technological processes. Painting the surfaces of building structures inside buildings with aqueous solutions
GOST 23305-78: Typical technological processes. Pasting of surfaces of building structures with paper wallpaper
SNiP 3.02.01-87: Earthen structures, foundation and basis
SNiP 3.03.01-87: Bearing and enclosing structures
SNiP 3.04.03-85: Protection of construction structures and facilities from corrosion
SNiP 3.06.03-85: Automobile roads
SNiP III-20-74: Roofing, waterproofing and vapor barrier
SNiP III-V.14-72: Floors. Rules of production and acceptance of work
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 10923-93: Ruberoid. Specifications
GOST 18048-80: Reinforced concrete sanitary cabins. Specifications
GOST 18108-80: Polyvinylchloride linoleum with heat and sound-insulating backing. Specifications
GOST 23478-79: Form for monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures erection. Classification and general technical requirements
GOST 27023-86: Welded carpets of PVC linoleum on heat- and sound-insulating backing. Specifications
GOST 34823-2022: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and petroleum products. Organization and performance of construction and installation works on the territory of permafrost soils spreading
GOST 7415-86: Bituminous asbestos paper. Specifications
GOST R 51829-2022: Gypsum fiberboard sheets and products based on them. Technical specifications
GOST R 52059-2003: Services. Services on the repairing and construction of the habitation and other buildings. General specifications
GOST R 52491-2005: Coating materials, used in building. General specifications
GOST R 70346-2022: "Green" standards. Multifamily residential "green" buildings. Evaluation methodology and criteria for design, construction and operation
Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems
Manual for SNiP 3.04.01-87: Recommendations on the arrangement of floors (in development of SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings")
MDS 11-20.2009: Methodics of precision noncontact executive survey of hinged facade systems with air gaps in the construction of tall buildings
MDS 11-3.99: Recommended Practice for Conformity Assessment of Feasibility Studies (Projects) for Construction of Nonindustrial Facilities
MDS 12-23.2006: Temporary recommendations on the technology and organization of construction of multifunctional high-rise buildings and building complexes in Moscow
MDS 12-24.2006: Installation of ordinary, decorative and waterproofing plaster coatings of building facades
MDS 12-30.2006: Guidelines for the norms, rules and techniques for the implementation of finishing works
MDS 12-33.2007: Roofing
MDS 12-34.2007: Waterproofing works
MDS 12-47.2008: Roofing of metal tiles. Design of works
MDS 12-5.2000: Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia Employee's Manual for Quality Control of Construction and Installation Work
MDS 12-54.2010: Guidelines for use in roofs and waterproofing of polymer materials
MDS 31-11.2007: Floor construction
MDS 31-12.2007: The floors of residential, public and industrial buildings using materials from the company "Henkel Bautechnik." Materials for design and working drawings of nodes
MDS 55-1.2005: Walls with insulation from expanded polystyrene and mineral wool boards with a finishing layer of thin-layer plaster. Materials for design and working drawings of nodes
MDS 81-39.2005: Individual elemental estimate of the consumption rate of materials and labor costs for the finishing of the premises with KNAUF complete systems. Standard flow charts for finishing works using KNAUF complete systems. Volume 1. Individual elemental estimat
MRDS 02-08: Manual on scientific and technical support and monitoring of buildings and structures under construction, including long-span, high-altitude and unique
MRR 3.2.18-97: Procedure for Determining the Cost of Multi-Color Painting Solutions for Facades of Buildings and Structures in the City of Moscow
ODM 218.2.026-2012: Design and calculation guidelines for pile-anchor structures of highways
ODM 218.2.054-2015: Recommendations for the use of textile-sand piles in the construction of roads on weak grounds
ODM 218.3.045-2015: Recommendations on the construction of seamless sprayed bridge waterproofing from composite materials on reinforced concrete and steel orthotropic slabs of span structures of bridge structures, as well as on other building structures made of steel and rei
ONTP 08-96: Sectoral norms of technological design of enterprises in the automotive industry. Workshops for the repair of sanitary and heat power equipment
ONTP 11-94: Sectoral norms of technological design of enterprises in the automotive industry. Repair shops of electrical equipment
Order 1112: On Amending Order No. 687 of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020
Order 1653: On amending the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687
OSN-APK Standards for the design of administrative, household buildings and premises for livestock, animal and poultry farms and other agricultural facilities
RD 03-25-2003: Typical program of inspection of the state of construction work at nuclear facilities
RD 11-08-2008: Standard inspection program during state construction supervision of nuclear facilities
RD 153-34.0-21.601-98: Model Guidelines for Operation of Process Buildings and Structures of Electric Power Facilities. Part II, Sections 1, 2
RD 153-39.4-056-00: Main crude pipeline. Operations rules.
RD 31.35.13-90: Instructions for repair of hydraulic structures in maritime transport. Minmorflot, Soyuzmorniiproekt, 1990
RD 34.21.363-95: Procedural Guidelines for Inspection of Production Buildings and Structures at Thermal Power Plants Under Rehabilitation
RD 34.21.408-95: Guidelines for Acceptance of Smokestacks Under Construction
RD 34.21.521-91: Typical instructions for the technical operation of industrial buildings and structures of energy enterprises. Part 1. Organization of operation of buildings and structures
RD 34.21.622-96: Procedural Guidelines for Inspection of Roof Structures of Main Buildings of Thermal Power Stations
RD EO Guidelines for the construction and commissioning of the foundations of turbine units of nuclear power plants
Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
Resolution 280: On approval of SNiP 3.02.01-87 "Earth constructions, bases and foundations", SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Bearing and enclosing structures", SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings".
RMD 31-04-2008 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for construction of residential and public high-rise buildings
RMD 52-02-2007 Sankt-Peterburg: Design and construction of enclosing structures of residential and public buildings using cellular concrete in St. Petersburg. Part II
SNiP 3.02.01-87: Earthen structures, foundation and basis
SNiP 32-03-96: Aerodromes
SNiP III-V.14-72: Floors. Rules of production and acceptance of work
SO 002-02495342-2005: Roofs of buildings and structures. Design and construction. Standard of organization
SP 121.13330.2011: AERODROMES
SP 121.13330.2012: Aerodromes
SP 12-95: Instructions for the design of objects of internal affairs bodies (police) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
SP 22.13330.2011: Buildings and structures foundations
SP 24.13330.2011: Pile foundations
SP 29.13330.2011: Floors
SP 45.13330.2012: Earth structures, bases and foundations
SP 45.13330.2017: Earthworks, grounds and footings
SP 471.1325800.2019: Building Information Modeling. Quality control of construction works
SP 50-101-2004: Design and construction of soil bases and foundations for buildings and structures
SP 50-102-2003: Design and construction of soil bases and foundations for buildings and structures
SP 55-101-2000: Fencing structures made with gypsum-cardboard sheets
SP 55-102-2001: Structures made with gypsum fiber sheets
SP 71.13330.2017: Insulation and finish coatings
TR 106-00: Technical recommendations on the use of water-swelling materials for the installation of impervious curtains and screens, and waterproofing underground structures
TR 113-01: Guide to Good Practice for Installation of Roofing Made of Built-up Roll Materials Using the Infrared Method
TR 114-01: Technical recommendations on the technology of flooring laminate flooring
TR 117-01: Guide to Good Practice for Installation of "Sinteko" Type Thermal Insulation for Buildings
TR 118-01: Technical recommendations. Materials and production technologies for cleaning the facades of buildings and engineering structures
TR 120-01: Technical recommendations on the waterproofing of the underground part of buildings and structures using materials "Akvatron-6u", "Akvatron-8b", "Akvatron-12"
TR 121-01: Technical recommendations for mastic waterproofing of the internal surfaces of the underground part of buildings and structures
TR 122-01: Technical recommendations on plastering technology inside buildings
TR 123-01: Technical recommendations for finishing exterior walls made of foam concrete blocks (cellular concrete)
TR 137-03: Technical recommendations on the use of dry specialized finishing mixtures for exterior and interior work in the construction of new buildings and structures, reconstruction and repair
TR 140-03: Technical recommendations on the technology of painting the interiors and facades of residential and public buildings under construction
TR 144-04: Technical recommendations on the use of waterproofing materials "Akvatron"
TR 146-03: Technical recommendations on the technology of floor installation in the reconstruction and overhaul of residential buildings
TR 148-03: Technical recommendations on the technology of industrial interior decoration in the reconstruction and overhaul of residential and public buildings
TR 149/1-05: Technical recommendations on the technology of the use of a complex of finishing materials in the reconstruction and overhaul of the internal surfaces of buildings
TR 149/2-05: Technical recommendations on the technology of using a complex of finishing materials for major repairs, rehabilitation and reconstruction of building facades
TR 149-03: Technical recommendations on the technology of using the complex of specialized finishing materials for the renovation of external and internal surfaces during reconstruction and major repairs of buildings
TR 154-04: Technical recommendations for improving the quality of finishing work
TR 161-05: Technical recommendations on the design, installation and operation of hinged facade systems
TR 163-04: Technical recommendations on the installation of pitched roofs using new materials (metal sheets and soft tile)
TR 174-05: Technical Recommendations for Determining the Durability of Finishing and Lining Materials
TR 182-08: Technical recommendations on scientific and technical support and monitoring of the construction of long-span, high-altitude and other unique buildings and structures
TR 183-07: Technical recommendations for roofing with the use of roll roofing material Shungomast
TR 185-07: Technical recommendations on the use of waterproofing dry mixes penetrating action "Kristol" (KrysTool)
TR 187-07: Technical recommendations on roofing and waterproofing with the use of new waterproofing materials Filizol-Breeze and Filizol-NG
TR 188-07: Technical recommendations on the use of ready-made glue for glass wall and dry powder adhesives for paper and vinyl wallpapers of the Optimist brand
TR 189-07: Technical recommendations on the use of water-dispersion adhesives for linoleum and films: adhesive for PVC linoleum on the fabric, jute and felt base "Spetskontakt"; glue for baseless linoleum "Unicum"
TR 198-08: Technical recommendations for flat roofing of residential, public and industrial buildings using rolled bitumen, bitumen-polymer and polymer materials
TR 217-2011: Technical recommendations on the technology of waterproofing works using the materials of the "Antihydron" complex during the construction of underground parts of buildings and structures
TR 74-98: Guide to Good Practice for Installation of Laminated Parquet on Durable Plastic Base
TR 79-98: Technical recommendations for the preparation of surfaces for external enclosing structures of residential and public buildings for finishing during renovation and repair
TR 84-98: Technical recommendations for the application of finishing systems of paints and varnishes on exterior wall panels that are molded "face down"
TR 85-98: Technical recommendations on input quality control of materials used for facade finishing
TR 89-99: Technical recommendations for the manufacture and use of building paints and varnishes from the Inteko system for factory and construction conditions
TR 92-99: Technical recommendations on the use of the mineral expanding additive to cements IR-1
TR 94.06-99: Standard Procedure for Operational Quality Control of Construction, Installation, and Military Construction Work During Construction of Buildings and Structures. 06: Finishing Work
TR 94.07-99: Standard Procedure for Operational Quality Control of Construction, Installation, and Military Construction Work During Construction of Buildings and Structures. 07: Roofing Installation
TR 94.08-99: Standard Procedure for Operational Quality Control of Construction, Installation, and Military Construction Work During Construction of Buildings and Structures. 08: Waterproofing of Sub-Grade Portions of Buildings
TR 94.11-05: Technological regulation of the operational quality control of construction, installation and special works during the construction of buildings and structures. 11. Painting and wallpaper production
TR 94.11-99: Standard Procedure for Operational Quality Control of Construction, Installation, and Military Construction Work During Construction of Buildings and Structures. 11: Painting and Wallpapering
TR 95.05-99: Standard Procedure for Construction and Installation Practices for Erection of Buildings and Structures. 05: Installation of Roll and Tile Roofing
TR 95.09-99: Standard Procedure for Construction and Installation Practices for Erection of Buildings and Structures. 09: Flooring
TR 95.10-99: Standard Procedure for Construction and Installation Practices for Erection of Buildings and Structures. 10: Tile Facing of Walls
TR 95.11-99: Standard Procedure for Construction and Installation Practices for Erection of Buildings and Structures. 11: Exterior Painting
TR 95.15-01: Standard Procedure for Construction and Installation Practices for Erection of Buildings and Structures. 15: Standard Procedure for Waterproofing Underground Structures
TR 95.16-01: Standard Procedure for Construction and Installation Practices for Erection of Buildings and Structures. 16: Standard Procedure for Installation of Suspended Ceilings and Partitions
TR 98-99: Guide to Good Practice for Installation of Wall and Floor Coverings Made of Large-Size Ceramic Tile
TR 99-99: Technical recommendations on the use of waterproofing mortars and concrete with the material "Akvatron-6" for underground construction
TSN 12-302-95 SO: Thermal insulation and sealing of joints of external walls and gaps between window and door blocks and a wall in residential and public buildings with polyurethane foam
TSN 12-303-95 SO: Thermal insulation of the floor of the first floor and floors over unheated rooms and driveways in residential and public buildings with polyurethane foam
TSN 12-304-95 SO: Thermal insulation of floors with polyurethane foam when combined roofing
TSN 12-305-95 SO: Thermal insulation of external walls of residential and public buildings with polyurethane foam
TSN 12-306-95 SO: Thermal insulation of floors in residential and public buildings with unheated attic polyurethane foam
TSN 12-307-95 SO: Thermal insulation of pipelines with polyurethane foam
TSN 12-309-97 SO: Lightweight partitions
TSN 20-303-2006: Protection of building structures, buildings and structures from aggressive chemical and biological environmental influences. St. Petersburg
TSN 31-322-2001: Rolled and mastic roofs of residential and public buildings. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area
TSN 66-301-99: Requirements for Paints and Coatings Used in Construction Practices in the Moscow Region
TU 5831-001-54735376-2004: Specifications. Three-layer reinforced concrete panels with flexible fiberglass connections for exterior walls of Styrod system buildings
VSN 013-88/Minneftegazstroj: Construction of main and field pipelines in permafrost
VSN 07-81/Minoborony: Technical rules of quality control and acceptance of installation work at the facilities of the Ministry of Defense
VSN 12-94: Guidelines for Roofing of Standardized Dwellings Using Polymeric Mastic and Roll Waterproofing Materials
VSN 130-92: Execution and Acceptance Requirements for Sealing Joints and Openings in Precast Tunnel Lining Installed Using Tunnel Boring Methods
VSN 18-95: Guidelines for Using Polymer, Bitumen Polymer, and Roll Waterproofing Materials for Installation of New Roofing and Repair of Existing Roofing of Residential, Public, and Factory and Industrial Occupancies
VSN 21-95: Guidelines for Technology for Use of Leveling Compounds (Levelers)
VSN 237-88: Process Guidelines for Interior Finishing of Buildings Using "Solntse" Color Compound
VSN 23-95: Instructions for the installation of floors of three-layer parquet boards of type PD-3 (PDP) in rooms of more than 40 m2
VSN 241-89: Guidelines for Applying Fluid-Applied Waterproofing Using Emulsion EGIK and Portable Application Equipment
VSN 27-95: Process Guidelines for Installation and Finishing of Prefabricated Gypsum Board Partitions on a Metal Frame
VSN 28-95: Guidelines for Mechanized Installation and Finishing of Suspended Ceilings
VSN 34-91/MT-st: Execution and Acceptance Requirements for New Construction, Rehabilitation, and Expansion of Existing Marine and River Hydraulic Transport Structures. Part I: Part II: Part III
VSN 36-95: Guidelines for Mechanized Methods for Interior Finishing. Wall Finishing
VSN 49-96: Instruction on application technology of rolled polyvinyl-chloride finish materials.
VSN 50-96: Guidelines for Finishing Walls Using Ceramic and Polymer Tile on Cements and Adhesives
VSN 57-88(r): Ordinance on Technical Inspection of Residential Buildings
VSN 59-97: Guidelines for Installation of Shaped Roofing Products on Roofs
VSN 64-97: Process Guidelines for Installation of Waterproofing and Reinforcement for Walls, Foundations, and Foundation Beds Using Polymeric Hydrophobic Compounds
VSN 65-97: Guidelines for Use of Water-Dispersed Cements and Adhesives in Finishing Work
VSN 66-97: Instructions for arranging self-leveling screeds using dry cement-sand mixtures
VSN 9-94: Flooring Guidelines for Residential and Public Buildings
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