SNiP 33-01-2003
СНиП 33-01-2003
Hydraulic engineering constructions. Basic principles of designing
Гидротехнические сооружения. Основные положения
Status: Not effective. The updated version of the joint venture 58.13330.2012 Hydraulic structures is in force. Key Points
The rules and regulations apply to newly built and reconstructed river and sea hydraulic structures of all types and classes.
Нормы и правила распространяются на вновь строящиеся и реконструируемые речные и морские гидротехнические сооружения всех видов и классов
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: Gosstroy of Russia,
SKU: RUSS18468
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Power industry »
21. Buildings. Facilities »
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
3. Normative documents on urban planning, buildings and constructions »
к.33 Hydrotechnical and meliorative constructions »
Technical Supervision »
Section I. Technological, construction, energy supervision and environmental protection regarding limitation of negative anthropogenic impact »
IV. Regulatory legal acts and regulations »
4. Security of capital construction objects »
4.1. Federal State Construction Supervision »
PromExpert »
II Industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility »
4 Safety requirements for hydraulic structures »
4.1 General requirements for ensuring safety of hydraulic structures »
ISO classifier »
93.160 Construction of hydraulic facilities »
As a Replacement Of:
SNiP 2.06.01-86: Hydraulic facilities. basic provisions of design activities
The Document References:
GOST 19185-73: Hydraulic engineering. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions
GOST 26775-97: Clearances of navigable bridge spans in the inland waterways. Norms and technical requirements
SNiP 2.06.01-86: Hydraulic facilities. basic provisions of design activities
SNiP 2.06.07-87: Retaining walls, ship locks, fish ways, and fish-protection devices
SNiP 2.06.15-85: Inundation & under-flooding. Area protection engineering
SP 33-101-2003: Determination of design hydrological performance
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST R 54369-2011: Unified system of standards of computer control systems. Engineering, manufacturing and bringing into operation of the control systems of electrical equipment for supply of workflow of movement of ships through newly reproduced, reconstructed and subjecte
GOST R 55260.4.1-2013: Hydro power plants. Part 4-1. Hydroelectric power plants. The technological part hydroelectric power plants and pumped storage plants. General specifications
GOST R 56400-2015: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Design and operation of offshore terminals of liquefied natural gas. General requirements
GOST R 70245-2022: Inland water transport. Infrastructure facilities. Operation of embankments, semi-gravity and gravity retaining walls. Control of the technical condition of various semi-gravity structures. Basic requirements
GOST R 70519-2022: Tailings ponds of hydrometallurgical plants of uranium mining enterprises. Design standards
GOST R 70524-2022: Land reclamation systems and structures. Rules of acceptance into operation
GOST R 70566-2022: Land reclamation systems and structures. Rules of inspection and monitoring of technical condition
GOST R 70567-2022: Land reclamation systems and structures. Pumping stations on polder systems. Design standards
GOST R 70574-2022: Materials geosynthetic bentonite rolls with geotextile base for waterproofing. Testing methods for water permeability and resistance to brine
GOST R 70612-2022: Land reclamation systems and hydraulic structures. Methodology of justification of conservation and liquidation expediency
Letter 48836-DV/08: On current codes of practice that prohibit the use of used pipes
Order 1112: On Amending Order No. 687 of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020
Order 1653: On amending the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687
Order 2079: List of documents in the field of standardization, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 № 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures
RD 09-255-99: Recommended Practice for Operating Condition Assessment and Safety of Industrial Waste Storage Facilities and of Chemical Industry Wastes
SNiP 22-02-2003: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and facilities against hazardous geological processes. Basic provisions
SNiP 52-01-2003: Concrete and ferroconcrete structures. Principal rules
SO 34.21.145-2003: Guidelines for skipping ice through hydraulic structures under construction
SO 34.21.204-2005: Recommendations on the forecast of channel transformation in the downstream of waterworks
SO 34.21.307-2005: Safety of hydraulic structures. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions
SO 34.21.308-2005: Hydraulic engineering. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions
SO 34.21.343-2005: Rules for assessing the physicomechanical characteristics of concrete in hydraulic structures in use
SO 34.27.509-2005: Standard maintenance instruction for ash and slag dumps
SP 102.13330.2012: Hydraulic tunnels
SP 116.13330.2011: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic principles
SP 116.13330.2012: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic principles.
SP 14.13330.2011: Construction in seismic regions.
SP 18.13330.2011: Master plans for industrial enterprises
SP 33-101-2003: Determination of design hydrological performance
SP 50-102-2003: Design and construction of soil bases and foundations for buildings and structures
SP 52-104-2006: Steel fibre reineorced concrete structures
SP 58.13330.2012: Hydraulic Structures. Basic statements
TR 204-09: Technical recommendations for conducting a risk analysis of terrorist acts and zoning of high-rise and unique objects
TSN 30-305-2002: Urban planning. Reconstruction and development of non-central areas of St. Petersburg
TSN 30-311-2004: Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
VSP 33-03-07 MO RF: Instructions for the design of the slope and through the protective structures and special underwater stands
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