
GOST 12821-80

ГОСТ 12821-80

Steel butt-welded flanges for Pnom from 0,1 to 20,0 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/cm2). Design and dimensions

Фланцы стальные приварные НА Ру от 0,1 до 20,0 МПа (от 16 до 200 кгс/см2) Конструкция и размеры

Status: Not effective - Canceled in the Russian Federation. Registration information 99-st dated 03/01/2016 (official website of Rosstandart); (IUS 6-2016)

The standard applies to steel welded flanges of pipelines and connecting parts, as well as to connecting flanges of fittings, connecting parts of machines, instruments, nozzles of apparatuses and tanks for the nominal pressure Ru from 0.1 to 20.0 MPa (from 1 to 200kgs

Стандарт распространяется на стальные приварные фланцы трубопроводов и соединительных частей, а также на присоединительные фланцы арматуры, соединительных частей машин, приборов, патрубков аппаратов и резервуаров на условное давление Ру от 0.1 до 20.0 МПа (от 1 до 200кгс/см¤) и температуру среды от 20 до 873 К (от -253 до 600°).

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 5/20/1980

SKU: RUSS18469

Price: $219.00

English keywords: connections; couplings; flanges;


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 23 Hydraulic and pneumatic systems and components for general use. »

Welding regulations » Main materials »

Welding regulations » Metal structures »

Welding regulations » Main materials » Steel, cast iron »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 13. Standards for basic components and parts of injection molding machines » 13.1 Flanges »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 6. Standards of connecting sizes of piping valves (TPA) » 6.1 Flange connection »

ISO classifier » 23 HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMPONENTS » 23.040 Pipelines and their components » 23.040.60 Flanges, couplings and connections »

National standards » 23 HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMPONENTS » 23.040 Pipelines and their components » 23.040.60 Flanges, couplings and connections »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » G Machines, equipment and tools » G1 General parts and units of machines » G18 Fittings and pipeline connections »

The Document is Replaced With:

GOST 33259-2015: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for pressure to PN 250. Design, dimensions and general technical requirements

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 1260-54: Flanges steel butt welded

GOST 12829-67: Flanges without protrusion steel butt welded. Design, dimensions and technical requirements

GOST 12830-67: Flanges with a connecting lug, flat, steel, butt welded. Design, dimensions and technical requirements

GOST 12831-67: Flanges with lug or recess, steel, butt welded. Design, dimensions and technical requirements

GOST 12832-67: Flanges with spike or groove cast steel butt welded. Design, dimensions and technical requirements

GOST 12833-67: Flanges for the lined oval sectional lining, steel butt welded. Design, dimensions and technical requirements

GOST 12835-67: Flanges for the lens gasket of steel butt welded. Design, dimensions and technical requirements

The Document References:

GOST 12815-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). Types. Connecting dimensions and dimensions of sealing surfaces

GOST 12816-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). General technical requirements

GOST 7505-89: Steel stamping forgings. Tolerances, allowances and forging laps

The Document is Referenced By:

ATK 24.201.02-90: Devices for installing level gauges. Types, design and dimensions

ATK 24.218.04-90: Liquid mesh filters for pipelines. Design, dimensions and dimensions

ATK 24.218.06-90: Couplings for Welded Steel Vessels and Apparatus. Types, Basic Parameters, Dimensions, and General Technical Requirements

ATK 26-18-10-94: Devices for Installation of Temperature Measuring Devices for Use at Nominal Pressure from 0.6 to 16.0 MPa. Plugs. General Technical Requirements

ATK 26-18-13-96: Flanges for reinforcing connecting parts and pipelines for corrosive environments on Ru from 0.6 to 16.0 MPa. Design, dimensions and general technical requirements

GOST 10738-76: The wedge gate valves with sliding spindle steel on Pd approximately 2.5 MPa (25 kgf / cm2). Specification

GOST 12815-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). Types. Connecting dimensions and dimensions of sealing surfaces

GOST 12816-80: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for Pnom from 0,1 to 20 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf/sq sm). General technical requirements

GOST 12893-2005: Single-seated, double-seated and cage control valves. General specifications

GOST 15763-2005: Threaded and flange pipe connections for PN to 63 MPa (to 630 kgf/sq sm). General specifications

GOST 25164-82: Connections of SSI instruments and devices with external hydraulic and gas lines. Types, basic parameters and dimensions. Technical requirements

GOST 26969-86: Standard orifice plates for flow meters. Specifications

GOST 31294-2005: Direct-acting safety valves. General specifications

GOST 32388-2013: Process piping. Standard for the stress, vibration and seismic analysis

GOST 33259-2015: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for pressure to PN 250. Design, dimensions and general technical requirements

GOST 34011-2016: Gas distribution systems. Block gas delivery stations. Cabinet gas delivery stations. General technical requirements

GOST 34059-2017: Internal buildings and structures utilities. Arrangement of heating, heating and cooling water supply systems. General technical requirements

GOST 5466-74: Soil transfering pipes

GOST 5761-2005: Valves for nominal pressure at most PN 250. General specifications

GOST 5762-2002: Pipeline industrial valves. Gate valves PN<=250. General specifications

GOST 8050-85: Carbon dioxide,

GOST 9789-75: Safety spring full-lifted flanged steel valves for p stip "1.6 and 4.0 MPa (16 and 40 kgf/cm2)

GOST R 51382-2011: Heating boilers. Part 4. Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Special requirements for boilers with forced draught oil burners with output up to 70 kW and maximum operating pressure of 0,3 MPa. Terminology, special requirements, test methods and marking

GOST R 53671-2009: Pipeline valves. Swing and lift check valves. General specifications

GOST R 53673-2009: Pipeline valves. Butterfly wicket valves. General specifications

GOST R 53790-2010: Non-traditional technologies. Energetics of biowastes. General technical requirements for biogas sets

GOST R 54440-2011: Heating boilers. Part 1. Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Terminology, general requirements, test and marking

GOST R 54960-2012: Gas distribution systems. Block gas delivery stations. Cabinet gas delivery stations. General technical requirements

GOST R 55472-2013: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas distribution networks. Part 0. General

GOST R 55474-2013: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas distribution networks. Part 2. Steel gas pipelines

GOST R 56830-2015: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Electrical submersible pump units. General technical requirements

GOST R 57430-2017: Pipes, fitting from ductile iron with spherical graphite and their connections for trade oil pipelines. Specifications

IM 14-4-2004: Automation. Instruments for measuring and controlling flow and quantity. Directory

IM 14-7-2004: Automation. Instruments for measuring and regulating temperature. Part 2. Thermometers, alarms, indicators, frames, temperature relays, devices are different. Nomenclature directory

IM 4-12-95: Automation systems. Handbook of materials. Part 1. Basic materials

MI 2638-2001: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Chamber and tubeless diaphragms installed in flanged connections of measuring pipelines. Dimensional control methods for the primary and periodic calibration of measuring systems with restricting devices

OST 108.030.124-85: Details and prefabricated units made of pearlitic steels for pipelines with environment pressure P>2.2 MPa (22 kg/cm2) in nuclear power plants. General Specifications.

OST 24.125.60-89: Details and prefabricated units of steam and hot water in thermal power plants. General Specifications.

OST 24.200.02-91: Assembling units of steel pipelines on nominal pressure<=10 MPa (100 kgf/cm2) of complete technological lines. General specifications.

OST 26.260.18-2004: Process modules for oil and gas industry. General technical specifications

OST 26.260.462-99: Devices for installation of instruments measuring the temperature for PN from 0.6 to 16 MPa. Types, design, dimensions and general technical requirements

OST 26-01-1157-75: Input-outputs of pipes with welded flanges in conjunction with steel welded containers and devices. Design and dimensions.

OST 26-01-1351-81: devices for installation of level gauge. Types, Design and dimensions.

OST 26-02-2044-79: Adapter made of double-layer steels with welded flanges and welded sealing surface with cave for Ру 4.0 MPa. Design and dimensions.

OST 26-02-2045-79: Adapter made of double-layer steels with welded flanges and welded sealing surface with slot for Ру 4.0 MPa. Design and dimensions.

OST 26-02-2053-79: Adapter and hatches made of double-layer steel. Technical requirements .

OST 26-02-2070-83: Adapters for vessels and welded steel apparatus. Technical requirements .

OST 26-18-3-86: liquid mesh filter for piping. Design, parameters and dimensions.

OST 26-291-94: Steel welded vessels and devices. General technical requirements.

OST 95 10439-2002: Equipment for radioactive environments. General technical requirements. Acceptance. Maintenance and repair.

PB 03-108-96: Process pipeline design and safe operation rules

RD 153-006-02: Guidelines for the Welding Process in Construction and Renovation of Trunk Petroleum Pipelines

RD 26.260.010-2002: The leading document on standardization. The list of standard documentation on standardization on the cells and devices working under pressure.

RD 26.260.010-97: List of Regulatory Documents on Standardization for Pressure Vessels and Apparatus

RD 26-02-63-87: Technical requirements for designing and manufacturing of vessels, vehicles and technological blocks installations of oil and gas, operating environments, causing hydrogen sulphide stress corrosion cracking.

RD 3689-002-00220302/31-2008: Welding of radiant tubes and their elements for reaction tube furnaces. Main provisions

RD 38.13.004-86: Operation and repairs of process pipelines operating under pressure up to 10.0 MPa (100 kgf/cm2)

RD 39-0148306-413-88: Method for calculating fugitive emissions from gas processing plants

RD 39-132-94: Regulations for Operation, Inspection, Repair and Rejection of the Field Pipelines 1994

RD EO 0198-2000: Maintenance and repair of NP systems and equipment. Assembly of flange connections. General technical requirements

RMK 11-87: Temporary guidelines for the design of process piping heating systems with hot water, steam and steam condensate

RTM 38.001-94: Guidelines for the calculation of strength and vibration of technologically steel pipe.

SA 03-004-07: Calculation of the strength of vessels and apparatus

SA 03-005-07: Industrial pipelines of oil-refining, petrochemical and chemical industry. Requirements to configuration and operation

SA-03-003-07: Stressing and vibration calculation of steel industrial pipelines.

SP 34-116-97: Instructions For Design, Construction and Redesign of Field Oil and Gas Pipelines

SP 36.13330.2012: Trunk pipelines

ST TsKBA 084-2010: Elements of pipelines. Parts and assembly units of titanium alloys for nuclear power plant pipelines. General technical conditions

STO-SA-03-002-2009: Rules for the design, manufacture and installation of vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and oil products

TU 3612-023-00220302-01: Shell-and-tube heat exchangers with a floating head, shell-and-tube with U-tubes and tube bundles for them

TU 3612-024-00220302-02: Shell and tube heat exchangers with fixed tube sheets and shell and tube with temperature compensator on the shell

TU 3612-100-00220302-2005: Shell and tube heat exchangers, tube bundles for them and heat exchangers "pipe in pipe". General technical conditions

TU 3615-044-00220302-02: Cylindrical horizontal reservoirs for liquid hydrocarbonic propane and butane gases

TU 3644-006-00220302-99: Shell-and-tube heat exchangers for special purposes. Refrigeration evaporators and condensers

VNTP 36-84: Norms of technological design of coal and shale mines. Section "Pipelines laid in underground workings"

VSN 10-83/Minhimprom: Instruction on designing of oxygen gas pipelines

VSN 362-87: Disinfections and Etching of Pipelines

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