
GOST 10885-85

ГОСТ 10885-85

Hot-rolled two-ply corrosion-resistant steel sheets

Сталь листовая горячекатаная двухслойная коррозионно-стойкая

Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 11-1985; The limitation of the effectiveness period has been lifted: Protocol No. 3-93 of the IGU dated 03.03.93 (IUS 5-6-1993)

The standard applies to hot-rolled two-layer corrosion-resistant sheets with a base layer of carbon or low-alloyed steel and a cladding layer of corrosion-resistant steels and alloys, nickel and monel metal.

Стандарт распространяется на горячекатаные двухслойные коррозионностойкие листы с основным слоем из углеродистой или низколегированной стали и плакирующим слоем из коррозионностойких сталей и сплавов, никеля и монель-металла.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards, 8/26/1985

SKU: RUSS18700

Price: $309.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 77 Metallurgy »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.12 Testing and control of products of metallurgical industry » 4.12.4 Iron and steel products »

ISO classifier » 77 METALLURGY » 77.140 Iron and steel products » 77.140.20 Stainless steels »

National standards » 77 METALLURGY » 77.140 Iron and steel products » 77.140.20 Stainless steels »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » V Metals and metal products » V3 Steel quality and high quality (quality stock) » V33 Sheets and Stripes »

National Standards for OKSTU » FINISHED ROLLED STEELS (INCLUDING BILL FOR EXPORT) » Double-layer steel sheet with stainless cladding layer »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 10885-75: Hot-rolled two-ply corrosion-resistant steel sheets

The Document References:

GOST 10243-75: Steel. Methods of test and estimation of macrostructure

GOST 1050-2013: Metal products from nonalloyed structural quality and special steels. General specification

GOST 1050-88: Carbon structural quality steel gauged bars with special surface finish. General specifications

GOST 10885-75: Hot-rolled two-ply corrosion-resistant steel sheets

GOST 12344-2003: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods for determination of carbon

GOST 12344-88: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods of carbon determination

GOST 12345-2001: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods of sulphur determination

GOST 12346-78: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods of silicon determination

GOST 12347-77: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods for determination of phosphorus

GOST 12348-78: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods of manganese determination

GOST 12349-83: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods for determination of tungsten

GOST 12350-78: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods of chromium determination

GOST 12351-2003: Alloyed and highalloyed steels. Methods for determination of vanadium

GOST 12351-81: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the determination of vanadium

GOST 12352-81: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the determination of nickel

GOST 12353-78: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods of cobalt determination

GOST 12354-81: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the determination of molybdenum

GOST 12355-78: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods of copper determination

GOST 12356-81: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods of the determination of titanium

GOST 12357-84: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the, determination of aluminium

GOST 12362-79: Alloy and high-alloy steels. Methods for determination of stibium, lead, tin, zinc and cadmium

GOST 12363-79: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the determination of selenium

GOST 12364-84: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the determination of cetium

GOST 12365-84: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the determination of zirconium

GOST 14019-2003: Metallic materials. Bend test method

GOST 14019-80: Metals. Methods of bend tests

GOST 14637-89: Thick sheet rolled stock of normal quality carbon steel

GOST 1497-84: Metals. Methods of tension test

GOST 1577-93: Plate and broadband roll stock of construction fine steel.

GOST 19281-2014: High strength rolled steel. General specification

GOST 19281-73: Low alloyed sorted and shaped steel

GOST 19903-2015: Hot-rolled sheet. Range

GOST 19903-74: Hot-rolled steel sheets. Dimensions

GOST 20072-74: Heat-resistant steel

GOST 22727-88: Rolled sheet. Ultrasonic test methods

GOST 24982-81: Sheets of corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and high-temperature alloys

GOST 26877-2008: Metal products. Methods of measuring form variations

GOST 26877-91: Metal products

GOST 28473-90: Iron, steel, ferroalloys, metal chromium and metal manganese. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 380-2005: Common quality carbon steel. Grades

GOST 380-94: Normal quality carbon steel

GOST 492-2006: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys treated by pressure. Grades

GOST 492-73: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys treated under pressure. Grades

GOST 5520-2017: Rolled plate of unalloyed and alloyed steel for boilers and vessels working under pressure. Technical conditions

GOST 5520-79: Carbon, low-alloy and alloy sheet steel for boilers and pressure vessels. Specifications

GOST 5521-93: Shipbuilding rolled steel

GOST 5632-2014: Stainless steels and corrosion resisting, heat-resisting and creep resisting alloys. Grades

GOST 5632-72: High-alloy steels and corrosion-proof, heat-resisting and heat treated alloys. Grades

GOST 6032-2017: Steel and corrosion resistant alloys. Test methods for resistance to intergranular corrosion

GOST 6032-89: Corrosion-resistant steels and alloys. Methods for determination of intercrystalline corrosion resistance

GOST 6689.10-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of carbon

GOST 6689.11-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Method for the determination of tungsten

GOST 6689.12-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of magnesium

GOST 6689.13-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of arsenic

GOST 6689.14-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of chromium

GOST 6689.15-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of antimony

GOST 6689.16-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of zinc, cadmium, lead, bismuth and tin

GOST 6689.17-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of bismuth

GOST 6689.18-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of sulphur

GOST 6689.1-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of copper

GOST 6689.19-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of phosphorus

GOST 6689.20-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of lead

GOST 6689.21-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of titanium

GOST 6689.22-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of tin

GOST 6689.24-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Method for the determination of calcium

GOST 6689.2-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of nickel

GOST 6689.3-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Method for the determination of nickel and cobalt sum

GOST 6689.4-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of zinc

GOST 6689.5-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of iron

GOST 6689.6-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of manganese

GOST 6689.7-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of silicon

GOST 6689.8-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of aluminium

GOST 6689.9-92: Nickel, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. Methods for the determination of cobalt

GOST 7268-82: Steel. Method for determination of ability to mechanical aging by impact bend testing

GOST 7564-97: Rolled products general rules of samples, rough specimens and test pieces selection for mechanical and technological testing

GOST 7565-81: Iron, steel and alloys. Sampling for determination of chemical composition

GOST 7566-2018: Metal product. Rules of acceptance, marking, packing, transportation and storage

GOST 9454-78: Metals. Method for testing the impact strength at the low, room and high temperature

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 10674-82: Tank cars of 1520 mm gauge main-line railways. General specifications

GOST 16098-80: Welded joints of clad corrosion resistant steel. Main types, design elements and dimensions

GOST 23001-88: Propylene oxide technical. Specifications

GOST 27702-88: Steel and alloys. Unified grades

GOST 31846-2012: Special Rolling Stock. Requirements for Bearing Structure Strength and for Dynamic Properties

GOST 33796-2016: Railway multiple units. Durability and dynamics requirements

GOST 33976-2016: Welded joints in steel structures of railway rolling stock. Requirements for design, implementation and quality control

GOST 34347-2017: Steel welded vessels and apparatus. General technical conditions

GOST 34939-2023: Locomotives. Requirements for strength and dynamic qualities

GOST R 50599-93: Welded steel vessels and apparatus under high pressure. Non-destructive control while the manufacturing and operating

GOST R 51659-2000: Tank cars of 1520 mm gauge main line railways. General specifications

GOST R 52630-2006: Steel welded vessels and apparatus. General specifications

GOST R 52630-2012: Steel welded vessels and apparatus. General specifications.

GOST R 53192-2008: Welded steel structures of freight cars. Technical requirements

GOST R 53192-2014: Welded joints in steel structures of railway rolling stock. Requirements for design, production and quality control

GOST R 53337-2009: Special rolling stock. Requirements for bearing structure stength and for dynamic properties

GOST R 54803-2011: High-pressure welded steel vessels. General technical requirements

GOST R 54892-2012: Installation of air separation plants and other cryogenic equipment. General provisions

GOST R 55064-2012: Sodium hydroxide for industrial use. Specifications

GOST R 55495-2013: Railway multiple units. Durability and dynamics requirements

GOST R 55513-2013: Locomotives. Requirements for strength and dynamic properties

GOST R 55601-2013: Heat exchanger apparatuses and air cooling apparatuses. Tube expanding in tube-sheets. General technical requirements

OST 108.004.10-86: Quality control program of nuclear energetics products.

OST 24.050.34-84: Wagon steel structures design and production. Specifications.

OST 24.201.03-90: Steel high-pressure vessels and devices. General technical requirements.

OST 26.260.480-2003: Two-ply steel vessels and devices. Welding and weld deposition.

OST 26-02-2053-79: Adapter and hatches made of double-layer steel. Technical requirements .

OST 26-17-01-83: Heat exchangers and standard air cooling devices. Technical requirements to a bead forming with torque limiting.

OST 26-291-94: Steel welded vessels and devices. General technical requirements.

OST 26-3-87: Welding in chemical mechanical engineering. Main provisions.

OST 95 10440-2002: Equipment for radioactive environments. Welded joints. Types and dimensions and structural elements.

OTU 3-01: Vessels and apparatuses. General specifications for the repair of buildings

PB 03-384-00: Rules for design, manufacture and acceptance of steel welded vessels and apparatus

PB 10-115-96: Regulations of design and safe operation of pressure vessels

RD 03-380-00: Guidelines for Inspection of Spherical Tanks and Gas Holders for Storage of Liquefied Gases Under Pressure

RD 059/01-2019: Instructions for welding and surfacing during the repair of freight cars (with Amendment No. 1)

RD 31.28.10-97: Complex methods for protection of ship structures against corrosion.

RD 34 02.028-2007: Technical rules. Mechanical equipment and special steel structures for hydraulic structures. Manufacturing, installation and acceptance.

RMD 32-24-2015 Sankt-Peterburg: Design of artificial structures at transport facilities in St. Petersburg

RTM 26-44-82: Heat treatment of petrochemical equipment and its parts

Rules 2-020101-072: Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Volume 2 (Parts VII-X) (Modified and Supplemented) (2013 Edition)

Rules 2-020101-072: Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Volume 1 (General Provisions - Parts I-II) (as amended and supplemented) (2013 Edition)

Rules 2-020101-072: Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Volume 3

Rules 2-020101-072: Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Volume 1 (Parts III-VI) (with Amendments and Supplements) (2013 Edition)

Rules 2-020101-072: Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Volume 2 (Parts XI-XIII) (with Amendments and Additions) (2013 Edition)

Rules 2-020101-072: Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Volume 2 (Parts XIV-XVI) (with Amendments and Additions) (2013 Edition)

SP 35.13330.2011: Bridges and pipes. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.05.03-84

SP 453.1325800.2019: Artificial high-speed railway lines. Design and construction rules

STB GOST R 51659-2001: Railroad tankers of mainline railways of 1520 mm gauge. General specifications

TU 35-1757-87: Buildings spanning railway bridges with riding on top on the ballast of box section Lp = 33.6 m; 45.0 m. Specifications

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