
GOST 23511-79

ГОСТ 23511-79

Industrial radio frequency interference generated by domestic electrical appliances used in residential buildings, or connected to domestic power sources

Радиопомехи индустриальные от электротехнических устройств, эксплуатируемых в жилых домах или подключаемых к их электрическим сетям. Нормы и методы измерений

Status: Not effective - Canceled in the Russian Federation. IUS 4-2000

The standard applies to electrical devices (hereinafter referred to as electrical equipment) of household, municipal, medical, commercial and other purposes, which are operated in residential buildings or institutions (enterprises), whose electrical networks are connected to the networks of residential buildings, and establishes standards and methods for measuring industrial radio interference (hereinafter - radio interference) in the frequency range from 0.15 to 1000 MHz. The standard does not apply to video recorders, broadcasting and television receivers, tuners, converters, as well as devices that are their combinations, to wireline equipment, lamps with fluorescent lamps, industrial, scientific and medical high-frequency installations.

Стандарт распространяется на электротехнические устройства (далее - электроустройства) бытового, коммунального, медицинского, торгового и т. п. назначений, эксплуатируемые в жилых домах или учреждениях (предприятиях), электрические сети которых подключены к сетям жилых домов, и устанавливает нормы и методы измерений индустриальных радиопомех (далее - радиопомехи) в полосе частот от 0,15 до 1000 МГц. Стандарт не распространяется на видеомагнитофоны, радиовещательные и телевизионные приемники, тюнеры, конверторы, а также устройства, являющиеся их комбинациями, на аппаратуру проводной связи, светильники с люминесцентными лампами, промышленные, научные и медицинские высокочастотные установки.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: USSR State Committee for Product Quality and Standards Management, 2/27/1979

SKU: RUSS18740

Price: $396.16


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

ISO classifier » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements » 17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities »

National standards » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements » 17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities »

ISO classifier » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) »

National standards » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) »

ISO classifier » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) » 33.100.10 Radiation »

National standards » 33 TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT » 33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) » 33.100.10 Radiation »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » E Electronic engineering, electronics and communications » E0 General rules and regulations for electronic engineering, electronics and communications » E02 Design and calculation norms »


National Standards for OKSTU » RADIO COMMUNICATIONS, RADIO BROADCASTING AND TELEVISION » General rules and regulations »

The Document References:

GOST 11001-80: Man-made noise radio interference measuring apparatus. Technical requirements

GOST 12.1.003-83: Noise. General safety requirements

GOST 12.1.006-84: Occupational safety standards system. Electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies. Permissible levels at work-places and requirements for control

GOST 12.3.019-80: Occupational safety standards system. Electrical tests and measurements. General safety requirements

GOST 16842-82: Industrial radio-interferences. Test methods for radio-interference sources

GOST 22261-82: Means for measuring of electrical quantities. General technical specifications

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 10084-73: Electric portable tools. General specifications

GOST 10223-97: Weighing batchers of periodic operation

GOST 10280-83: Electrical household vacuum cleaners

GOST 11157-87: Reproducing devices of mechanical sound recording. General specifications

GOST 11476-79: Control cash machines. Specifications

GOST Woodworking machinery. Construction safety requirements

GOST 12.2.084-93: Occupational safety standards system. Machines and equipment for laundries and dry-cleaning enterprises. General safety requirements

GOST 12.4.155-85: Earth leakage circuit breakers

GOST 13.1.503-89: Reprography. Micrography. Retrieval units for microforms or frames of microforms. General technical requirements

GOST 13.2.001-2001: Reprography. Copyrography. Electrophotographic document copying machines. General technical requirements

GOST 13.2.001-90: Reprography. Copyrography. Electrophotographic document copying machines. General technical requirements

GOST 14087-88: Domestic electric appliances

GOST 14191-88: Low power rotating electrical machines. Motors for sound recording equipment and electrical players of domestic purpose

GOST 14227-85: Dish washing machines

GOST 14227-97: Dish washing machines. General specifications

GOST 14291-83: Document liquidation machines. General specifications

GOST 14907-88: Dictaphones

GOST 14919-83: Household electric ranges, electric plates and electric frying ovens

GOST 16264.3-2018: Collector motors. General specifications

GOST 16264.3-85: Commutator motors

GOST 16317-87: Household electrical refrigeration devices

GOST 16617-87: Household electric heating appliances

GOST 17083-87: Electric fan heaters for household use. General specifications

GOST 17677-82: Light fixtures

GOST 18199-83: Electric domestic juicers

GOST 18286-88: Three-program wired broadcasting receivers. General specifications

GOST 18710-91: Household electric mixers

GOST 18988-90: Lifts on ships. General technical requirements

GOST 19423-81: Household electric coffee grinders

GOST 19569-89: Steam medical sterilizers

GOST 19930-91: Sewing domestic machines. General specifications

GOST 20469-81: Domestic electric meat mincers. Specifications

GOST 20469-95: Household electric mincers

GOST 20790-82: Medical instruments, apparatus and equipment. General specifications

GOST 20790-93: Medical instruments, apparatus and equipment. General specifications

GOST 20888-81: Household electrical coffee makers specifications

GOST 21552-84: Computers and computer

GOST 21621-83: Household electric grills, electric shashlik grills, electric toasters and electroroasters

GOST 21622-84: Household contact electric waffle-irons and electric grills

GOST 22011-90: Passenger and goods lifts. Specifications

GOST 22011-95: Passenger and freight elevators

GOST 22314-84: Electric hair-driers

GOST 22340-89: Medical electrical water stills

GOST 22470-77: Domestic electrical frying-pans. Specifications

GOST 22522-91: Radioisotope fire detectors

GOST 22649-83: Medical air sterilizers

GOST 22744-84: Flame photometers. General specifications

GOST 23067-78: Electric heating equipment for public catering establishments. General specifications

GOST 23411-84: Electronic cash registers

GOST 23456-79: Closed-circuit television systems. Methods for measuring and testing

GOST 23468-85: Micro calculators

GOST 23773-88: Digital computers. Methods of testing

GOST 23833-95: Commercial refrigeration equipment

GOST 24.501-82: Road transport automatic systems. General requirements

GOST 24104-2001: Laboratory scales. General technical requirements

GOST 24371-80: Electronic photo-flashes for amateur photography

GOST 24376-91: Semiconductor inverters

GOST 24469-80: Instruments for measurements of laser radiation parameters

GOST 24593-87: Graphic input devices for electronic computers

GOST 24607-88: Semiconductor frequency converters

GOST 25148-82: Stationary dental units

GOST 25611-83: Dielcometric moisture meters for construction materials. General specifications

GOST 25812-83: Steel pipe mains. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST 26019-83: Film projectors for 8-mm of films

GOST 26140-84: Medical x-ray units

GOST 26141-84: Amplifiers of x-ray images for medical roentgen apparatuses

GOST 26161-89: Operating tables

GOST 26287-84: Household electric pumps

GOST 26499-85: Multi-purpose household kitchen machines

GOST 26771-85: Electric micro-motors for toys

GOST 26813-86: Domestic electric air cleaners for kitchens

GOST 26813-99: Domestic electric air cleaners for kitchens. General specifications

GOST 26926-86: Amateur slide projectors

GOST 27072-86: Diagnostic acoustic generators of signals. Audiometers

GOST 27570.01-92: Safety of electrically heated blankets, pads and similar flexible heating appliances for household use. Requirements and test methods

GOST 27735-94: Domestic scales

GOST 28162-89: Means for putting protection covers on documents. General technical requirements

GOST 28167-89: Semiconductor alternating voltage converters. General specifications

GOST 28171-89: Gambling machines

GOST 28311-89: General purpose equipment designed for determination of key parameters of vibration processes

GOST 28536-90: Domestic video tape recorders. General technical requirements

GOST 28703-90: Automatic and semi-automatic instruments for indirect measurement of arterial pressure

GOST 28934-91: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Electromagnetic compatibility technical requirements contents

GOST 29124-91: Data input keyboard

GOST 29329-92: Balance for static weightings

GOST 30124-94: Weight meters and weighing batchers of continuous action

GOST 30248-2013: Electrical carbon products. Electrical heating appliances made of carbon fibre materials. General specifications

GOST 30248-97: Electric heaters using carbon fiber materials

GOST 30406-96: Churns for household use. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 30414-96: Weighbridges for weighing of vehicles in motion. General technical requirements

GOST 30534-97: Means of measurement for linear and angular dimensions. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 30607-98: Programmable controllers of machines. General technical requirements

GOST 30645-99: Energy efficiency Non-traditional and inexhaustible energy sources. Hear pumps 'Air - Water" for household and municipal heat supply. General technical requirements and test methods.

GOST 307.1-95: Electric irons for every day use

GOST 307-81: Domestic electric irons

GOST 4.312-85: Product-quality index system. Diagnostic audio-signal generators. Audiometers. Nomenclature of indices

GOST 4.336-85: Product-quality index system. Means for shredding of documents and cutting of paper. Nomenclature of indices

GOST 4.459-86: Product-quality index system. Slide projectors. Nomenclature of indices

GOST 4.461-86: Product-quality index system. Motion-picture projectors. Nomenclature of indices

GOST 8051-83: Domestic washing machines

GOST 8607-82: Light fixtures for illumination of domestic and public interiors

GOST 9043-93: Clippers for hair cutting

GOST 9357-81: Individual electrical razors

GOST 9357-95: Electric shavers

GOST MEK 730-1-95: Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use. General requirements and test methods

GOST R 50267.0.2-95: Medical electrical equipment. Part 1. General requirements for safety. 2. Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements and tests

GOST R 50696-94: Domestic gas ranges. General specifications

GOST R 50746-2000: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Technical equipment for nuclear power plants. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 50775-95: Alarm systems. Part 1. General requirements. Section 1. General

GOST R 50786-95: Metal-cutting machine tools household. Safety requirements

GOST R 50787-95: Woodworking equipment. Woodworking transportable machines semi-fixed, for individual use. General requirements of safety

GOST R 50788-95: Direct broadcasting satellite television programs reception installations. Classification. Basic parameters. Technical requirements. Methods of measurement

GOST R 50890-96: Low-power television transmitters. Basic parameters. Technical requirements. Measuring methods

GOST R 50909-96: Visual observation instruments. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 51075-97: Television magnifying aids equipment. General specification

GOST R 51076-97: Speech hearing aids trainers. General specification

GOST R 51101-97: Metalworking and woodworking machines small-size. Testing methods safety requirements

GOST R 51164-98: Steel pipe mains. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST R 51241-98: Access control systems and units. Classification. General requirements. Methods of tests

GOST R 51260-99: Rehabilitation simulators for disabled persons. General specifications

GOST R 51264-99: Electronics aids disabled persons. General specifications

GOST R 51265-99: Household appliances, apparatus and equipment for rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities. General technical requirements

GOST R 51558-2000: Television systems of security. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R IEC 730-1-94: Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use. General requirements and test methods

MI 1888-88: Guidelines. GSE. Normal measurement conditions in flexible manufacturing systems. General provisions

MUK 4.1.1451-03: Determination of residual amounts of ammonium glufosinate and its metabolite in water, seeds and sunflower oil by gas chromatography

MUK 4.1.2228-07: Chromato-mass-spectrometric determination of the sum of steroid saponins Yuss Schidiger in water

NPB 65-97: Optical and Electronic Optical detectors. General Technical Requirement. Testing Procedure

NPB 88-2001*: Fire extinguishing and alarm systems. Norms and design rules

OST 45.50-96: Automatic container telephone exchanges. General technical requirements.

OST 45.77-97: Terrestrial stations transmitting feeder lines of satellite systems for direct television broadcasting. Main settings. Measurement methods

PR 50.2.023-2000: State System of Measuring Uniformity Provision. Testing procedures for validation of the type of gambling machines and establishing control of their conformity to the approved type

RD 153-34.0-03.504-00: Guidelines on Organization and Performance of Psychophysiological Examinations of Energy Facility Personnel

RD 25.952-90: Automatic fire extinguishing, fire, burglar and security alarm systems. Procedure for technical design assignment development

RD 50-697-90: Regulation on certification of technical means for compliance with the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility and accreditation of testing laboratories (centers) for testing in the field of EMC

SNiP 2.04.09-84: Automatic fire protection systems

SP 5.13130.2009: Fire protection systems. Automated fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design norms and regulations

STA 25.03.008-2004: Control, indicating, receiving and operating equipment. General specifications

STA 25.03.009-2004: Means of alarm, fire and alarm-fire systems. General technical requirements and test methods

STA 25.03.02-2004: Combined security system

STB 1390-2003: Woodworking equipment. Compact moveable, transportable woodworking machines for individual use. General safety requirements

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