
GOST 14050-93

ГОСТ 14050-93

Limestone meal (dolomite)

Мука известняковая (доломитовая)

Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 5-1994

The standard applies to limestone (dolomite) flour obtained by grinding carbonate rocks or screenings of their crushing in the production of crushed stone. Limestone flour is used in agriculture for the liming of acidic soils.

Стандарт распространяется на известняковую (доломитовую) муку, получаемую измельчением карбонатных пород или отсевов их дробления при производстве щебня. Известняковая мука применяется в сельском хозяйстве для известкования кислых почв.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, 6/2/1994

SKU: RUSS18842

Price: $349.00

English keywords: fertilizers; limestone flour;


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 65 Agriculture »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 4 Testing and control of products » 4.9 Testing and control of chemical and industrial products » 4.9.2 Products of agrochemical industry »

ISO classifier » 65 AGRICULTURE » 65.080 Fertilizers »

National standards » 65 AGRICULTURE » 65.080 Fertilizers »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » L Chemical products and rubber-asbestos products » L1 Inorganic chemical products » L15 Fertilizers and feed additives »

National Standards for OKSTU » CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, EXCEPT REFINED CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND PARTS » Natural chalk. Raw materials for the production of binding materials, limestone and dolomite flour and raw gypsum »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 14050-78: Limestone meal. Specification

The Document References:

GOST 10652-73: Reagents. Dihydrate ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt. Specifications

GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air

GOST 12.4.099-80: Women's overalls for protection against non-toxic substances, mechanical damage and general industrial contamination

GOST 12.4.100-80: Man's overalls for protection against non-toxic dust, mechanical effects and general industrial contaminations. Specifications

GOST 14919-83: Household electric ranges, electric plates and electric frying ovens

GOST 17299-78: Technical ethyl alcohol. Specifications

GOST 1770-74: Laboratory volumetric glassware. Cylinders, beakers, measuring flasks, test tubes. General specifications

GOST 23845-86: Hard rocks for crushed stone production for construction. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST 24104-2001: Laboratory scales. General technical requirements

GOST 24104-88: General purpose and reference laboratory balances

GOST 24363-80: Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 25336-82: Laboratory glassware and equipment. Basic parameters and dimensions

GOST 29057-91: Costumes mens for protection against a not toxic dust

GOST 29058-91: Women’s suits for protection against nontoxic dust

GOST 29329-92: Balance for static weightings

GOST 3118-77: Reagents. Hydrochloric acid. Specifications

GOST 3760-79: Reagents. Ammonia water. Specifications.

GOST 3773-72: Reagents. Ammonium chloride. Specifications

GOST 4234-77: Reagents. Potassium chloride. Specifications

GOST 4328-77: Reagents. Sodium hydroxide. Specifications

GOST 4523-77: Reagents. Magnesium sulphate 7-aqueous. Specifications

GOST 4568-83: Potassium chloride

GOST 4568-95: Potassium chloride

GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications

GOST 8.326-89: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological certification measuring instruments

GOST 8267-93: Crushed stone and gravel of solid rocks for construction works. Specifications

GOST 8269.0-97: Mauntainous rock road-metal and gravel, industrial waste products for construction works. Methods of physical and mechanical tests

GOST 8269-87: Crushed aggregate of natural rock, crushed-gravel aggregate and gravel for construction work. Testing methods

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST General Requirements to Protection of Surface and Underground Waters Against Pollution by Mineral Fertilizers

GOST 26826-86: Limestone meal for formula feed production and supplementary nutrition for agricultural animal and poultry feed

GOST 9479-2011: Blocks of rocks for the production of facing, architectural and construction, memorial and other products. Technical conditions

GOST 9479-98: Rock blocks used for manufacture of facing, architectural and building, memorial and other products. Specifications

GOST R 51661.4-2000: Neutralized peat. Specifications

GOST R 51661.5-2000: Peat fertilizers for agriculture. Specifications

GOST R 53380-2009: Soils and Grounds. Hothouse grounds. Specifications

GOST R 53381-2009: Soils and Grounds. Feeding Grounds. Specifications

GOST R 55571-2013: Organic fertilizers on basis of solid domestic waste. Specifications

GOST R 56374-2015: Feedstuffs, compound feeds, feed raw materials. Determination of mass fraction of ammonium, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium cations using capillary electrophoresis

GOST R 57111-2016: Specialized food products. Order to control the content of nanomaterials used in agriculture

Resolution 2425: On approval of the single list of products subject to mandatory certification and the single list of products subject to declaration of conformity, amending the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2020 N 2467 and repealing certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

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