
SNiP 11-02-96

СНиП 11-02-96

Engineering surveying for construction. fundamentals

Инженерные изыскания для строительства

Status: Not effective. Updated version of SP 47.13330.2012 Engineering surveys for construction. Key Points

Construction norms and rules establish general provisions and requirements for the organization and procedure for conducting engineering surveys (engineering-geodetic, engineering-geological, engineering-hydrometeorological and engineering-ecological, surveying of ground building materials and water sources based on groundwater) design and construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures for all types of construction and engineering protection of territories, as well as engineering surveys performed during the construction, operation and liquidation of facilities

Строительные нормы и правила устанавливают общие положения и требования к организации и порядку проведения инженерных изысканий (инженерно-геодезических, инженерно-геологических, инженерно-гидрометеорологических и инженерно-экологических, изысканий грунтовых строительных материалов и источников водоснабжения на базе подземных вод) для обоснования предпроектной документации, проектирования и строительства новых, расширения, реконструкции и технического перевооружения действующих предприятий, зданий и сооружений для всех видов строительства и инженерной защиты территорий, а также к инженерным изысканиям, выполняемым в период строительства, эксплуатации и ликвидации объектов

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Ministry of Construction of Russia, 10/29/1996

SKU: RUSS18920

Price: $368.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Highways (Max) » Engineering surveys for construction of roads and artificial structures » 1. General engineering survey questions »

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Documents System of normative documents in construction » 1. Organizational and methodological regulatory documents » k.11 Engineering surveys for construction and design »

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » II Ensuring environmental safety » 1 Air Protection » 1.3 Requirements for protection of atmospheric air in carrying out activities » 1.3.2 Requirements for protection of atmospheric air during design, placement, construction, reconstruction and operation of facilities »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.200 Construction technology » 91.200.20 Engineering surveys for construction »

As a Replacement Of:

SNiP 1.02.07-87: Engineering Research for Construction

The Document References:

GOST System of standards in nature protection and improving utilization of nature resources. General provisions.

GOST 21.101-93: System of design documents for construction. rubber articles. General technical requirements. Main requirements for working documents

GOST 21.302-96: System of design documents for construction Graphic symbols for engineering geological investigation documents

GOST 24846-81: Soils. Measuring methods of strains of structures and buildings bases

GOST 25100-95: Soils. Classification

GOST 27751-88: Reliability of the constructions and the foundations. Principal rules of the calculations

GOST 30108-94: Building materials and elements. Determination of specific activity of natural radioactive nuclei

RDS 11-201-95: Instructions on the procedure for conducting state examination of construction projects

SNiP 1.02.07-87: Engineering Research for Construction

SNiP 10-01-94: System of normative documents in construction. Basic provisions.

SNiP 11-01-95: Instructions on the procedure of elaboration, coordination, approval, and composition of design documentation for construction of enterprises, buildings, and structures

SNiP 2.01.15-90: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological phenomenon. Principal provisions of design

SNiP 2.06.15-85: Inundation & under-flooding. Area protection engineering

SNiP 22-01-95: Geophysics of hazard natural process

The Document is Referenced By:

GKINP (ONTA) 01-265-02: Guidance on the execution of measurements when creating an OGS of Moscow with GeodimeTer (Trimble) electronic total stations

GOST 31385-2008: Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and oil-products. General specifications

GOST R 1.19-2023: Standardization in the Russian Federation. Code of Practice. Rules of construction, statement, design and marking

GOST R 52910-2008: Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and oil-products. General specifications

GOST R 54477-2011: Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of soil deformation characteristics in road construction

GOST R 54931-2012: Acoustical barriers for railway transport. Technical requirements

GOST R 55024-2012: Geodetic networks. Classification. General technical requirements

GOST R 55260.1.1-2013: Hydro power plants. Part 1-1. Hydraulic structures of hydropower stations. General safety requirements

GOST R 55561-2013: Inland water transport. Dock and harbour hydraulic structure. Safety requirements

GOST R 55990-2014: Oil and gas-oil fields. Field pipelines. Design codes

GOST R 70311-2022: Public roads. Bridge structures. Rules for construction and strengthening of approach embankment cones

GOST R 70312-2022: Public roads. Bridge structures. Rules for design of interfaces with approach embankments

GOST R 70346-2022: "Green" standards. Multifamily residential "green" buildings. Evaluation methodology and criteria for design, construction and operation

GOST R 70525-2022: Land reclamation. Cultural and technical works. General requirements.

GOST R 70568-2022: Land reclamation systems and structures. Engineering soil-reclamation and botanical-cultural surveys. General provisions

GOST R 70577-2022: Checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation. General requirements

Letter 01-01-17/20173-NB: On evaluation of the results of engineering surveys

Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems

Manual for MGSN 2.07-01: Inspection and monitoring during the construction and reconstruction of buildings and underground structures

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: Guide to SNiP 11-01-95 on the development of the section of project documentation "Environmental Protection"

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: The manual on the initial requirements for the development of design documentation for equipment of individual production (to SNiP 11-01-95)

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: A collection of explanations of certain provisions and the contents of paragraphs of the Instructions on the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and preparation of project documents for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures of SNiP 11-01-95 (Questions and Answers)

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: A guide to SNiP 11-01-95 on the development of a section of project documentation "Organization and working conditions of workers. Production and enterprise management"

MDS 11-16.2002: Guidelines for drafting an engineering plan for civil defense

MDS 11-21.2009: Method of determination of exact location and depth, as well as ruptures of underground utilities (power, signal cables, pipelines, gas, water, etc.) to prevent their damage during excavation

MDS 11-5.99: Procedure Guidelines On The Expert Appraisal of Engineering Survey for the Feasibility Study (Projects, Draft Projects) of the Construction Units

MDS 12-23.2006: Temporary recommendations on the technology and organization of construction of multifunctional high-rise buildings and building complexes in Moscow

MDS 13-1.99: Guidelines on the Scope and Procedure for Development and Approval of Construction Documents for Renovation of Residential Buildings

MDS 13-22.2009: Methods of geodetic monitoring of the technical condition of high-rise buildings and unique buildings and structures

MDS 13-24.2010: Recommendations on the rules of geotechnical support of high-rise construction and adjacent space

MDS 50-1.2007: Design and construction of foundations, foundations and underground parts of multifunctional high-rise buildings and building complexes

MGSN 1.01-97: Part 1: Interim Urban Development Code of the City of Moscow

MGSN 1.04-2005: Temporary norms and rules for designing the planning and development of areas of high-rise buildings, complexes, high-rise urban complexes in the city of Moscow

MGSN 2.02-97: Allowable levels of ionizing radiation and radon at the construction sites

MGSN 2.08-01: Corrosion Protection of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures for Residential and Public Buildings

MGSN 4.19-2005: Temporary norms and standards for design of multifunctional high-rise buildings and buildings complexes in Moscow. Part 2. (Part 1 is sold separately as MGSN 4.19-05)

MRR 3.1.04-12: Recommended Practice for Using Consolidated Price Indexes for Construction, Survey, and Design Work for Compiling Title Lists of Design and Survey Work on Facilities Located in the City of Moscow and the Greenbelt and Funded by…

ODM 218.2.001-2009: Recommendations for the design and construction of culverts of metal corrugated structures on public roads, taking into account regional conditions (road-climatic zones)

ODM 218.2.006-2010: Recommendations for the calculation of the stability of landslide-prone slopes (slopes) and the determination of landslide pressures on the engineering structures of roads

ODM 218.2.027-2012: Guidelines for the calculation and design of reinforced ground retaining walls on highways

ODM 218.2.030-2013: Guidelines for evaluating landslide hazard on highways

ODM 218.2.031-2013: Guidelines for the use of fly ash and ash-and-slag mixtures from coal combustion at thermal power plants in road construction

ODM 218.2.033-2013: Guidelines for the implementation of engineering and geological surveys on landslide-prone slopes and slopes of roads

ODM 218.3.008-2011: Recommendations for monitoring and inspection of retaining walls and retaining structures on landslide roads

ODN 218.5.016-2002: Ecological Safety Indicators and Standards for Roads and Highways

Order 1112: On Amending Order No. 687 of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020

Order 1653: On amending the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687

Order 2079: List of documents in the field of standardization, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 № 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures

OSN-APK Design of shallow-depth foundations of low-rise rural buildings on heaving soils

RB-046-08: Monitoring of Meteorological and Aerological Conditions in the Location Area of Nuclear Facilities

RD 153-39.4-075-01: Rules of maintenance overhaul of oil-trunk pipeline at waterway, railway and category I-IV highway crossings.

RD 153-39.4R-128-2002 (VSN): Engineering surveys for the construction of oil trunk pipelines

RD EO Guidelines for the construction and commissioning of the foundations of turbine units of nuclear power plants

RD-APK Instructions on the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of land reclamation facilities

RDS 10-236-99: Procedures for Certifying Quality Control Systems and Production Facilities in the Construction Industry

Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope

Resolution 107: Provisional Regulations on the composition of measures to prevent emergencies in the special section "Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergencies" of urban planning documentation of Moscow

Resolution 82: Temporary norms and rules for the planning and development of the city of Moscow. Consolidated edition (not valid)

RMD 11-08-2009 SPb: Guidelines for preparation of capital construction projects in St. Petersburg City

RMD 11-08-2009 St. Petersburg: Guide to the design preparation of capital construction in St. Petersburg

RMD 11-22-2013 Sankt-Peterburg: Guide to project preparation of capital construction in St. Petersburg

RMD 30-23-2014 Sankt-Peterburg: Guidance on the design of engineering preparation of the territory, engineering networks and improvement of residential and public business neighborhoods

RMD 31-04-2008 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for construction of residential and public high-rise buildings

Rules on the Selection of Pressure Vessels and Equipment: Instruction on the selection of pressure vessels and devices operating under pressure of 100 kgf/cm2 and overpressure protection, Ministry of Petroleum Energy

SNiP 22-02-2003: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and facilities against hazardous geological processes. Basic provisions

SNiP 32-02-2003: Subways

SNiP 32-04-97: Railway and highway tunnels

SP 108-34-97: SPSMG. The construction of underwater passages. RAO "Gazprom", 01/08/98

SP 11-102-97: Engineering environmental site investigations for construction

SP 11-103-97: Code of practice. Engineering hydrometeorological survey for construction

SP 11-104-97: Collection of rules for engineering surveys for construction. Engineering-geodetic surveys for construction

SP 11-105-97: Engineering and geological survey for construction

SP 11-107-98: Procedure of Development and Composition of the “Engineering and Technical Measures of Civil Defense. Measures for Prevention of Emergencies” Section of Construction Projects

SP 11-108-98: Identifying sources of water supply based on groundwater

SP 11-109-98: Prospecting for soil building materials

SP 11-111-99: Development, coordination, approval and composition of the design and planning documentation for construction of low-rise residential construction

SP 11-112-2001: The procedure for development and composition of the section "Engineering civil defence measures. Measures for the prevention of emergencies" for urban planning documentation for the areas of urban and rural settlements and other municipality subjects

SP 11-113-2002: The reporting on the engineering civil defence measures and activities to prevent emergencies in the preparation of an application of intent to invest in the construction and justification of investment in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures

SP 11-114-2004: Engineering surveys on the continental shelf for the construction offshore oil and gas installations

SP 116.13330.2011: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic principles

SP 116.13330.2012: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic principles.

SP 120.13330.2011: Subways

SP 120.13330.2012: Subway systems

SP 12-103-2002: Tracks for ground rail cranes. Design, installation and operation

SP 122.13330.2011: Railways and highway tunnels

SP 151.13330.2012: Engineering site investigations for nuclear power plants construction

SP 22.13330.2011: Buildings and structures foundations

SP 32-104-98: Design of earthwork for railways with 1520 mm track

SP 32-105-2004: Subways

SP 33-101-2003: Determination of design hydrological performance

SP 42-101-2003: The general provision and construction gas distribution sistem from steel and polyethyelene pipes

SP 42-102-2004: Design and construction of gas pipelines from metal pipes. To replace SP 42-102-96

SP 45.13330.2012: Earth structures, bases and foundations

SP 47.13330.2012: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles

SP 47.13330.2016: Engineering survey for construction. Basic principles

SP 50-101-2004: Design and construction of soil bases and foundations for buildings and structures

SP 50-102-2003: Design and construction of soil bases and foundations for buildings and structures

SP 91.13330.2012: Underground mine workings

STO-SA-03-002-2009: Rules for the design, manufacture and installation of vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and oil products

TR 101-07: Technical recommendations for the design and construction of non-pressure underground pipelines for domestic and rainwater sewage from polyethylene pipes with a two-layer profiled wall "Korsis"

TR 182-08: Technical recommendations on scientific and technical support and monitoring of the construction of long-span, high-altitude and other unique buildings and structures

TR 206-09: Technical recommendations on the design and production of works on the installation of walling pits in the cramped conditions of the existing urban development in Moscow

TR 50-180-06: Technical recommendations for the design and installation of pile foundations using discharge-pulse technology for high-rise buildings

TR 94.02-99: Standard Procedure for Operational Quality Control of Construction, Installation, and Military Construction Work During Construction of Buildings and Structures. 02: Construction of Foundation Beds and Foundations

TSN 11-301-2004: Regulation on the procedure for the rehabilitation of unauthorized landfills in the city of Moscow

TSN 11-303-2001: Procedure for Preparation for Construction in the Moscow Region During the Pre-Design and Design Phases

TSN 12-310-97 SO: Underground facilities

TSN 22-303-2001: Ensuring radiation safety of the population from the effects of natural radionuclides during the construction of facilities in the Perm region

TSN 22-308-98: Engineering survey, design, construction and operation of buildings and structures in the karst territories of the Nizhny Novgorod region

TSN 23-354-2004 MO: Requirements for ensuring radiation safety during construction in the Moscow region

TSN 30-303-2000 MO: Planning and development of urban and rural settlements. Moscow region

TSN 30-304-2000: City of Moscow Planning and Development Code

TSN 30-305-2002: Urban planning. Reconstruction and development of non-central areas of St. Petersburg

TSN 30-308-2002: Design, construction and reclamation of solid waste landfills in the Moscow region

TSN 30-310-2003: Garbage disposal and arrangement of landfills for the disposal of municipal solid waste from rural settlements. Samara Region

TSN 30-311-2004: Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

TSN 31-305-97 NN: Radiation and environmental surveys for the design and construction of residential and public buildings. Nizhny Novgorod Region

TSN 31-332-2006: Residential and public high-rise buildings

TSN 40-303-2003: Trenchless Installation of Utility Lines Using Microtunneling Complexes and Rehabilitation of Pipelines Using Special Equipment

TSN 40-304-2003: Water supply to buildings, external networks and water supply facilities for low-rise housing construction and horticultural associations of citizens. Samara Region

TSN 50-302-2004: Designing the foundations of buildings and structures in St. Petersburg

TSN 50-303-96 NN: Foundations and foundations of buildings and structures in the alluvial territories of the Nizhny Novgorod region

TSN 50-304-2000: Foundation Beds, Foundations, and Underground Structures

TSN 50-304-2001: Basements, foundations, and underground constructions

TSN RK 97: Execution Procedures for Rehabilitation and Renovation of Residential Buildings of Early Mass Production Series and Public Utility Facilities in the Moscow Region

TsPT-53: Specifications for repairs and scheduled preventive track alignment

VRD 39-1.8-055-2002: Standard design specification for compressor stations (CS), booster compressor stations (BCS) and compressor stations of underground gas storage facilities (CS UGSF)

VSN 39-1.10-002-2000: Repair of Gas Pipelines Using Hydraulic Excavation Methods

VSN 39-1.9-003-98: Designs and Methods of Ballasting and Anchoring of Underground Gas Pipelines

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