GOST 28279-89
ГОСТ 28279-89
Electromagnetic compatibility of on-board radio equipment and vehicle electrical circuitry
Электрооборудования автомобиля и
Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time. IUS 1-1990
This standard applies to automobiles and automobile broadcasting receivers (hereinafter referred to as receivers) and antennas, including those included in the radio tape recorder. The standard does not apply to cars, in the technical tasks for the development of which it is indicated that they are not intended for the equipment of the specified equipment. The standard establishes norms and methods for measuring the parameters of industrial radio interference generated by vehicle electrical equipment and the parameters of the noise immunity of receivers from industrial radio interference in the frequency range from 0.15 to 110 MHz
Настоящий стандарт распространяется на автомобили и автомобильные радиовещательные приемники (далее - приемники) и антенны, в том числе входящие в состав магнитол. Стандарт не распространяется на автомобили, в технических заданиях на разработку которых указано, что они не предназначены для оборудования указанной аппаратурой. Стандарт устанавливает нормы и методы измерений параметров индустриальных радиопомех, создаваемых электрооборудованием автомобиля, и параметров помехозащищенности приемников от индустриальных радиопомех в полосе частот от 0,15 до 110 МГц
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Approved: USSR State Committee for Product Quality and Standards Management,
SKU: RUSS19151
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Evidence base (TR CU, Technical Regulation of the Customs Union) »
020/2011 TR CU. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means »
Regulations and standards (to ТР ТС ТС 020/2011) »
ISO classifier »
17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements »
17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities »
National standards »
17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements »
17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities »
ISO classifier »
33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) »
National standards »
33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) »
ISO classifier »
33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) »
33.100.01 Electromagnetic compatibility in general »
National standards »
33.100 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMS) »
33.100.01 Electromagnetic compatibility in general »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
E Electronic engineering, electronics and communications »
E0 General rules and regulations for electronic engineering, electronics and communications »
E02 Design and calculation norms »
The Document References:
GOST 11001-80: Man-made noise radio interference measuring apparatus. Technical requirements
GOST 12.0.004-90: Organization of training for labor safety. General rules
GOST 12.1.019-79: Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. General requirements and nomenclature of kinds of protection
GOST 12.1.030-81: Electrical safety protective grounding, neutral grounding
GOST 12.3.019-80: Occupational safety standards system. Electrical tests and measurements. General safety requirements
GOST 14777-76: Man-made noise. Terms and definitions
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 16842-82: Industrial radio-interferences. Test methods for radio-interference sources
GOST 17168-82: Octave and one-third-of-octave electronic filters
GOST 17692-89: Car radio receivers
GOST 9783-88: Domestic broadcasting apparatus. Methods of electric high-frequency measurements
GOST R 51319-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio disturbance measuring apparatus. Technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 51320-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Man-made radio disturbance. Test methods for technical equipment which are man-made radio disturbance sources
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 17692-89: Car radio receivers
GOST 28934-91: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Electromagnetic compatibility technical requirements contents
GOST 30601-97: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Autotransport alarm systems. Requirements and test methods
GOST 30805.12-2002: Electro-magnetic compatibility of equipment. Radio disturbance from automotive tools, motor boats and equipment with internal combustion engines. Norms and test methods
GOST 31379-2009: Global navigation satellite systems. Personal receiver. Technical requirements
GOST 33464-2015: Global navigation satellite system. Accident emergency response system. Device / emergency service call system. General technical requirements
GOST 34005-2022: Automotive vehicles. Digital tachographs. Technical requirements and test methods
GOST R 50789-95: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Autotransport alarm systems. Requirements and test methods
GOST R 50905-96: Motor vehicles. Electronic equipment. General technical requirements
GOST R 51318.12-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Man-made radio disturbance from vehicles, motor boats and internal combustion engine devices. Limits and test methods
GOST R 52454-2005: Global navigation satellite system and global position system. Personal receiver. Technical requirements
GOST R 52456-2005: Global navigation satellite system and global position system. Individual receiver equipment for automobile transport. Technical requirements
GOST R 54115-2010: Global navigation satellite system. General-purpose rolling stock receiver. Technical requirements
GOST R 54620-2011: Global navigation satellite system. Road accident emergency response system. In-vehicle emergency call system/device. General technical requirements
GOST R 57186-2016: Intelligent transportation system. Highway state control and accounting. Functions, structure and characteristics on-board navigation and communication equipment for road machines
GOST R 59546-2021: On-board devices that ensure the maintenance of the driver's working condition for safe driving based on the analysis of electrodermal activity. Technical requirements and test methods
OST 45.132-2000: Subscriber earth stations of the mobile-satellite service of low-orbit satellite communication systems with frequency range below 1 GHz. General technical requirements. Test methods
RD 50-697-90: Regulation on certification of technical means for compliance with the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility and accreditation of testing laboratories (centers) for testing in the field of EMC
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