GOST 3399-76
ГОСТ 3399-76
Medical rubber tubes
Трубки медицинские резиновые
Status: Effective - Supersedes. The limitation of effectiveness has been lifted: Protocol No. 2-92 of the IGU dated 05.10.92 (IUS 2-1993)
The standard applies to rubber medical tubes for the manufacture of systems for the receipt of components and blood products and the use of blood transfusion devices in injection units (single use); drainage for surgical purposes; vacuum for use in the production of vaccines, serums, bacterial and viral drugs; for oxygen pillows; auditory to stetofonendoskop; connecting to medical devices, provided there is no direct contact of the tubes with tissues and internal media of the body, liquid and gas-air mixtures entering the body.
Стандарт распространяется на резиновые медицинские трубки для изготовления систем при получении компонентов и препаратов крови и использования в инъекционных узлах устройств переливания крови (однократного применения); дренажные для хирургических целей; вакуумные для применения в производстве вакцин, сывороток, бактерийных и вирусных препаратов; для кислородных подушек; слуховые к стетофонендоскопам; соединительные к медицинским приборам, при условии отсутствия непосредственного контакта трубок с тканями и внутренними средами организма, жидкими и газовоздушными смесями, поступающими в организм.
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS19158
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.10 Testing and monitoring products of rubber and plastics industry »
4.10.1 Rubber products »
ISO classifier »
11.040 Medical equipment »
11.040.30 Surgical instruments and materials »
National standards »
11.040 Medical equipment »
11.040.30 Surgical instruments and materials »
ISO classifier »
83.140 Rubber and plastic products »
National standards »
83.140 Rubber and plastic products »
ISO classifier »
83.140 Rubber and plastic products »
83.140.99 Other rubber and plastic products »
National standards »
83.140 Rubber and plastic products »
83.140.99 Other rubber and plastic products »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
R Health. Sanitation and hygiene items »
R1 Pharmaceutical and perfumery and cosmetic products »
R13 Sanitary and hygiene items made of rubber »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Medical, sanitary and hygienic and patient care molded items »
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 3399-54: Rubber medical tubes
The Document is Referenced By:
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M-01V/2011: Method for measuring the mass concentration of metals in emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and in the air in the working zone of industrial enterprises
MI PrV-2015/1: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of sulfur dioxide in gases organized by IZA (photometric method)
MI PrV-2015/3: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of dust in gases organized by IZA
MI PrV-2015/4: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of solid fluorides in gases organized by IZA (potentiometric method)
MI PrV-2016/1: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of aluminum oxide in gases organized by IZA
MI PrV-2016/4: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of hydrogen fluoride in gases organized by IZA (photometric method)
MI PrV-2016/5: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of chlorine in gases organized by IZA (photometric method)
MI PrV-2017/1: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of resinous substances in gases organized by IZA (gravimetric method)
MR Radiochemical determination of specific activity of cesium-137 and strontium-90 in samples of food products, soil, other environmental objects and biological samples
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MUK 4.1.2468-09: Measuring mass concentrations of dust in the air of the working area of metal and nonmetal mining industry enterprises
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MUK 4.1.2470-09: Measurement of mass concentrations of dihydrosulfide (hydrogen sulfide) in the air of the working area by reaction with ammonium molybdate by photometry
MUK 4.1.2471-09: Measurement of mass concentrations of sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide) in the air of the working area by reaction with fuchsino formaldehyde reagent by photometry
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MUK 4.1.3487-17: Measurement of the concentration of coal dust in the atmospheric air and in the air of the working area by the gravimetric method
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MVI 60-09: Methodology for measuring the anticorrosion characteristics of samples of mineral and flame-retardant (type OMTI) turbine oils
MVI 62-09: Methodology for measuring the mass fraction of sludge in samples of mineral energy oils
MVI 77-09: Methodology for measuring the mass fraction of dissolved sludge in samples of fire-resistant turbine oils of the OMTI type (OMTI)
OND OND-90: Guidelines for the control of sources of atmospheric pollution. Part II
OST 26-04-2573-80: Gases. Chromatographic method for the determination of traces of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
OST 37.002.1153-86: Typical technological process sealing isolation and braiding at the ends of electrical wires. Main provisions.
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