PB 09-170-97
ПБ 09-170-97
General rules on explosion safety for explosive- and fire-hazardous chemical, petrochemical plants and oil refineries
Общие правила взрывобезопасности для взрывопожароопасных химических, нефтехимических и нефтеперерабатывающих производств
Status: Not effective. Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2003
General rules of explosion safety for explosive chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries * apply to newly designed, under construction, reconstructed and existing enterprises, organizations and facilities (regardless of their organizational and legal status and ownership) of the chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas processing industry, as well as other objects (in accordance with section V of the current List of organizations, industries, facilities and works, which are supervised The rgans of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia), in which substances forming steam, gas, and dust-air and fire-hazardous mixtures are circulated.
Общие правила взрывобезопасности для взрывопожароопасных химических, нефтехимических и нефтеперерабатывающих производств* распространяются на вновь проектируемые, строящиеся, реконструируемые и действующие предприятия, организации и объекты (независимо от их организационно-правового статуса и форм собственности) химической, нефтехимической, нефтегазоперерабатывающей промышленности, а также другие объекты (в соответствии с разделом V действующего Перечня организаций, производств, объектов и работ, надзор за которыми осуществляют органы Федерального горного и промышленного надзора России), в которых обращаются вещества, образующие паро-, газо- и пылевоздушные взрывопожароопасные смеси.
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Approved: Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia,
SKU: RUSS19274
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Regulatory documents of supervisory authorities »
Regulatory documents of Gosgortekhnadzor »
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IV Fire safety »
1 Organizational and technical measures for ensuring fire safety »
PromExpert »
II Industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility »
2 Special industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility »
2.1 Industrial safety requirements in chemical, petrochemical and refining industries »
ISO classifier »
13.220 Fire protection »
13.220.01 Fire protection in general »
ISO classifier »
13.220 Fire protection »
13.220.99 Fire protection, other aspects »
ISO classifier »
13.230 Explosion protection »
The Document is Replaced With:
PB 09-540-03: General codes on explosion protection for explosive and fire hazardous chemical, petrochemical plants and oil refineries
As a Replacement Of:
OPV 88: General Explosion Safety Requirements for Explosion-Hazardous Chemical, Petrochemical, and Petroleum Refining Processes
The Document References:
GOST 1.25-76: State system of standardization. Metrological assurance. General
GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air
GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements
GOST 17433-80: Industrial purity. Compressed air. Grades of contamination
GOST 24.104-85: Unified system of standards of computer control systems. Computer control systems. General requirements
GOST 9544-93: Pipeline cut-off valves
NPB 105-95: Determination of Rooms and Buildings Categories on Explosion and Fire Hazard
OPV 88: General Explosion Safety Requirements for Explosion-Hazardous Chemical, Petrochemical, and Petroleum Refining Processes
PB 03-576-03: Regulations of design and safe operation of pressure vessels
PB 03-590-03: Regulations for construction, installation, and safe operation of explosion-proof fans
SN 174-75: Instruction for industrial power supply design
VSN: Rules for protection against static electricity in the chemical, petrochemical and refinery industries
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 20680-2002: Mechanical mixing devices (agitated vessels). General specifications
GOST 31827-2012: Liquid centrifugal separators. Safety requirements. Test methods
GOST 31833-2012: Biotechnical industries equipment. Vegetable materials hydrolysis apparatus. Fermenters. Safety requirements. Test methods
GOST R 51691-2000: Paint materials. Enamels. General specifications
GOST R 51692-2000: Boiled oils. General specifications
GOST R 51693-2000: Anticorrosion primers. General specifications
GOST R 51931-2002: Industrial centrifuges. Safety requirements. Test methods
GOST R 52020-2003: Water dispersible paint materials. General specifications
IM 14-1-2004: Automation tools. Instruments for measuring and regulating the level. Directory
IM 14-12-2004: Automation. Instruments for measuring and regulating pressure and vacuum. Nomenclature directory
IM 14-13-2006: Automation systems. Signaling devices. Information display tools. Directory
IM 14-23-2005: Means of fire and burglar alarm. Directory
IM 14-24-2005: Electrotechnical Controls. Actuators, knife switches, disconnectors, push button switches (switches), push buttons, push buttons. Directory
IM 14-25-2005: Electrical engineering controls. Switches (switches). Microswitches (microswitches). Track switches (switches). Toggle switches. Directory
MDS 11-16.2002: Guidelines for drafting an engineering plan for civil defense
MI 2728-2002: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The list of regulatory documents on security requirements. The order of their application in the normative documents of the ICE
NTP-APK Technological design norms for warehouses of liquid matters for chemicalization
OST 26-04-280-93: Pipeline fittings of cryogenic equipment products. General specifications.
OST 26-18-5-88: Technological units of gas and oil industry. General technical requirements.
OST 290.004-02: Rules of air division product production design.
OST 64-02-003-2002: Products of the medical industry. Technological regulations of production. Content, procedure of development, coordination and approval
PB 03-182-98: Safety Requirements for Aboveground Storage Facilities for Liquid Ammonia
PB 08-258-98: Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of the Main Pipeline for the Transportation of Liquid Ammonia
PB 08-342-00: Safety regulations at production, storing and delivery of liquefied natural gas at gas distribution stations of gas main pipelines (GDS GMP) and car gas-filling compressor stations
PB 08-389-00: Safety Rules for Gas Processing Plants Production
PB 08-624-03: Safety Regulations for oil and gas industry
PB 09-224-98: Safety rules for productions using inorganic acids and alkalis
PB 09-297-99: Rules of setup and safe operation of compressor units with piston compressors operating on dangerously explosive and noxious gases
PB 09-310-99: Industrial safety regulations for refinery plants
PB 09-322-99: Safety Requirements for Production, Storage, Transportation, and Use of Chlorine
PNST 66-2015: Nanomodified antibacterial acrylic paint. Specifications
POT R M-010-2000: Intersectoral labor protection rules in the production of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials and products
POT R M-028-2003: Intersectoral labor protection regulations for plastics processing
POT R O 97300-12-97: Labor protection regulations in the beer and non-alcoholic food industry
RD 03-357-00: Methodical recommendations for declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities
RD 03-380-00: Guidelines for Inspection of Spherical Tanks and Gas Holders for Storage of Liquefied Gases Under Pressure
RD 03-410-01: Instructions on the procedure of comprehensive engineering certification of cryogenic tanks for liquefied gases
RD 03-421-01: Guidelines for the diagnosis of the technical condition and the determination of the residual service life of vessels and apparatus
RD 09-244-98: Instructions for diagnostics of technical condition of vessels, pipes and compressors, industrial ammonia refrigeration plants.
RD 09-251-98: Provision on procedure of formulation and content of section “safety operation of production plant” of process regulations
RD 09-390-00: Model Ordinance for Organization and Execution of Work to Ensure a Safe Shutdown for a Long Period and/or Closeout of Chemically Hazardous Industrial Facilities
RD 153-39.1-36-99: Recommendations for the unification of oil pumps for oil refineries
RD 153-39.4-041-99: Operating rules and regulations for trunk oil product pipelines.
RD 26.260.011-99: Methodological instructions. Calculated setting of standards for air-tightness of vessels and apparatuses.
RD 26.260.15-2001: The leading document. Positive material identification of the main and welding materials and finished goods.
RD 34.01.203: Model Index of Operations Documentation for Chemical Shop of a Thermal Power Station
Rules 00-97: Rules for Occupational Safety and Health in the Pulp and Paper and Forestry Industries (final)
SO 34.03.355-2005: Methodological instructions for ensuring fire and explosion safety during operating power gas turbine electric power units.
SO 34.23.501-2005: Guidelines for the operation of fuel oil facilities of thermal power plants
SP 11-113-2002: The reporting on the engineering civil defence measures and activities to prevent emergencies in the preparation of an application of intent to invest in the construction and justification of investment in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures
TU 3612-005-00220302-98: Shell-and-tube heat exchangers for special purposes. Thermosiphon evaporators. Technical conditions
TU 3612-007-00220302-99: Shell-and-tube heat exchangers for special purposes. Vacuum capacitors. Technical conditions
TU 3612-014-00220302-99: Heat exchangers "pipe in pipe". Technical conditions
TU 3681-134-00220302-2007: Air coolers block-modular complete AVG-KB. Technical specifications
TU 3742-001-10995136-98: All-welded ball valves. Technical conditions
VNTP 4-00: Determination of explosion and fire hazard classes of premises, buildings and outdoor installation of oil products pipeline transportation facilities
VRD 39-1.12-067-2002: Operating procedure regulation for the production of output of gas processing plants and refineries
VSN 07/02/34 Russian Defense Ministry: Design of fuel depots of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
VSN 13-2002: Instructions for the design of fire and explosion hazardous production of alcohol, alcoholic beverage and brandy enterprises of the food industry
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