On Approval Of Fire Safety Standards In The Russian Federation
Правила Пожарной Безопасности В Российской Федерации ППБ 01-03
Status: Not effective. Order of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia No. 306 dated 05/31/2012 was repealed as Order of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia No. 313 dated 06/18/2003
The fire safety regulations in the Russian Federation establish fire safety requirements that are mandatory for use and enforcement by state authorities, local governments, organizations regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, their officials, entrepreneurs without a legal entity, citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons in order to protect the life or health of citizens, the property of individuals or legal entities, osudarstvennogo or municipal property, the environment
Правила пожарной безопасности в Российской Федерации устанавливают требования пожарной безопасности, обязательные для применения и исполнения органами государственной власти, органами местного самоуправления, организациями независимо от их организационно-правовых форм и форм собственности, их должностными лицами, предпринимателями без образования юридического лица, гражданами Российской Федерации, иностранными гражданами, лицами без гражданства в целях защиты жизни или здоровья граждан, имущества физических или юридических лиц, государственного или муниципального имущества, охраны окружающей среды
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Approved: Russian Emergency Situations Ministry,
SKU: RUSS19379
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Highways (Max) »
Design, construction, repair and maintenance of roads »
26. Labor protection and safety engineering during surveys and construction of roads and in construction projects »
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Regulatory documents of supervisory authorities »
Normative documents of State Fire Service and private security of Ministry of Internal Affairs »
Technical Supervision »
Section II. State regulation of safety in use of atomic energy »
Normative legal and normative acts approved by other federal executive bodies and organizations (reference application) »
1. Regulatory documents approved by other state security regulatory bodies »
Fire safety regulations »
PromExpert »
IV Fire safety »
1 Organizational and technical measures for ensuring fire safety »
PromExpert »
I Industrial Safety Administration »
1 General requirements for industrial safety »
ISO classifier »
13.220 Fire protection »
13.220.01 Fire protection in general »
As a Replacement Of:
PPB 01-93*: Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation
The Document References:
Code 136-FZ: Land Code of the Russian Federation
Federal Law 69-FZ: Fire Safety
PPB 01-93*: Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation
Resolution 390: Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation
The Document is Referenced By:
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GOST R 52599-2006: Precious metals and their alloys. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST R 52734-2007: Sealing devices for dangerous goods. General technical requirements
GOST R 52860-2007: Physical protection systems. General technical requirements
GOST R 53237-2008: Fiber glass. General requirements for safety in the course of Production and Application
GOST R 53370-2009: Removable protective polymeric covering for radiation protective rooms and box-like premises. Improvement of radioactivity situation. Technological requirements
GOST R 53704-2009: Complex and integrated security systems. General technical requirements
GOST R 53705-2009: Complex security systems. Stationary metal detectors for apartments. General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST R 53762-2009: Natural combustible gases. Determination of hydrocarbon dew point temperature
GOST R 53763-2009: Natural combustible gases. Determination of water dew point temperature
GOST R 53949-2010: Technical potassic saltpeter. Specifications
GOST R 54317-2011: Launching and technical complexes of space-rocket complexes. Safety requirements
GOST R 54389-2011: Stable gas condensate. Specifications
GOST R 54562-2011: Chlorinated lime. Specifications
GOST R 54893-2012: Passenger cars on locomotive traction and motor-cars. Lacquer and antidischarge coating reguirements.
GOST R 54906-2012: Complex security systems. Environmental security and ecological safety guaranteed design. General technical requirements
GOST R 56221-2022: Tourism and related services. River cruises. General requirements
GOST R 70209-2022: Solid mineral fuels. Methods of determination of carbon dioxide carbonates
GOST R 70210-2022: Solid mineral fuels. Methods for determination of humic acid yield
GOST R 70219-2022: Safety of congresses, exhibitions and fairs. Main provisions and requirements
GOST R 70266-2022: Transparent enclosing structures. Sealing of joints to load-bearing structures and wall openings. Rules and control of work performance
GOST R 70344-2022: Translucent enclosing structures. Works on the construction of skylights. General requirements for the manufacture and control of works
GOST R 70387-2022: Comprehensive improvement and maintenance of urban areas. Rules of improvement of municipalities. Basic requirements, processes of development and updating
GOST R 70448-2022: Translucent enclosing structures in low-rise residential buildings. Rules and control of installation works
GOST R 70587-2022: Tourism and related services. All-inclusive and Ultra All-inclusive accommodation services. General requirements
Guidelines 2-4-71-1-28: Methodological recommendations on the organization of inspections in the field of fire safety at protection facilities
I 1.09-10: Instructions for connecting insulated conductors of wires and cables
Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems
Manual for MGSN 2.09-03: Corrosion protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of transport facilities
MDK 2-04.2004: Methodological manual for the maintenance and repair of housing
MDK 4-02.2001: Model Guidelines for Operation of Piped Heat Supply Networks of Public Piped Heat Supply Systems
MDS 12-14.2003: Methodological manual for SNiP 12-04-2002
MDS 12-16.2003: Recommended Practice for the Development of Local Regulations (Proprietary Standards) for Use in an Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems in a Construction Organization
MDS 12-17.2004: Methodological manual for the joint venture 12-133-2000 Safety of labor in construction. Regulations on the procedure for certification of workplaces on working conditions in construction and housing and communal services. Expert safety assessment of non-
MDS 12-22.2005: Recommendations for the application in the construction industry of the requirements of regulatory legal and other regulatory acts containing state regulatory labor protection requirements
MDS 12-23.2006: Temporary recommendations on the technology and organization of construction of multifunctional high-rise buildings and building complexes in Moscow
MDS 12-26.2006: Methodological manual for the examination of knowledge of labor protection requirements by executives and specialists of construction organizations
MDS 12-27.2006: Methodological manual for conducting labor protection training for executives and specialists of construction organizations
MDS 12-28.2006: Methodological guide for the expert assessment of the safety of non-stationary jobs at construction sites
MDS 12-35.2007: Methodological manual for the development of administrative and regulatory documentation of the labor protection management system of a construction organization
MDS 12-39.2008: Recommendations for the preparation of a project for the installation of a panel high-rise building
MDS 12-40.2008: Recommendations for the preparation of a project for the installation of scaffolding
MDS 12-44.2008: Recommendations for drafting work on the construction of a railway track tower crane
MDS 12-45.2008: Recommendations for drafting a project for the installation and operation of a tower crane
MDS 12-47.2008: Roofing of metal tiles. Design of works
MDS 12-48.2009: Winter concreting with the use of heating wire
MDS 12-49.2009: Layouts of labor protection instructions for construction workers. Toolkit
MDS 12-52.2009: In situ pile construction
MDS 12-53.2010: Layouts of administrative and regulatory documents of the labor protection management system of a construction organization. Toolkit
MDS 12-54.2010: Guidelines for use in roofs and waterproofing of polymer materials
MDS 12-57.2010: Installation of scaffolding on high-rise buildings. Project of work production
MDS 12-58.2011: Scaffolding. Manufacturing, installation, operation
MDS 12-59.2011: Production design for dismantling of panel buildings
MDS 12-60.2011: Production design for installation of steel structures of buildings
MDS 12-61.2012: The project for the production of works on the device of a rail track of a tower crane with a concrete beam BRP-62.8.3
MDS 12-62.2012: The project of the installation of a protective screen from parts of scaffolding
MDS 31-9.2003: Orthodox churches. Volume 2. Orthodox churches and complexes. Allowance for design and construction (to SP 31-103-99)
MDS 81-39.2005: Individual elemental estimate of the consumption rate of materials and labor costs for the finishing of the premises with KNAUF complete systems. Standard flow charts for finishing works using KNAUF complete systems. Volume 1. Individual elemental estimat
MGSN 4.14-98: Food Service Facilities
MGSN 5.02-99: Design of Urban Bridge Structures
MI 2968-2006: State system of measuring uniformity provision. Petroleum density. Method of measuring with hydrometer using dotted petroleum tests in a chemical-analytical laboratory during accounting operations LACT No. 200 on Kharabash TP Oil&Gas Recovery Company
MI 2969-2006: State system of measuring uniformity provision. Petroleum density. Method of measuring with hydrometer using dotted petroleum tests in a chemical-analytical laboratory during accounting operations LACT No. 202 Oil&Gas Recovery Company 'Aznakaevskneft'
MI 2970-2006: State system of measuring uniformity provision. Petroleum density. Method of measuring with hydrometer using dotted petroleum tests in a chemical-analytical laboratory during accounting operations LACT No. 232 Oil&Gas Recovery Company 'Bavlyneft' JSC
MI 2978-2006: State system of measuring uniformity provision. Petroleum density. Hydrometer method of measuring in the petroleum properties measuring unit during accounting operations LACT No. 380 crude oil delivery and acceptance point 'Chernushka' JSC 'LUKOIL-Perm'
MI 2979-2006: State system of measuring uniformity provision. Petroleum density. Hydrometer method of measuring using dotted petroleum tests in a chemical-analytical laboratory during accounting operations LACT No. 380 crude oil delivery and acceptance point 'Chernushk
MI 2981-2006: State system of measuring uniformity provision. Petroleum density. Hydrometer method of measuring in the petroleum properties measuring unit during accounting operations LACT No 595 JSC 'ANK 'Bashneft' on pump station 'Alexandrovskaya'
MI 3001-2006: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Fluid density and viscosity converters in-line models 7827 and 7829 from Solartron Mobrey Limited. Dynamic mode calibration technique
MI 3200-2009: Recommendation. GSE. Mass of crude oil. Methods of measuring the system of measuring the amount and parameters of crude oil at the temporary loading point of the Bayandy field at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Usinskneftegaz OOO Lukoil-Komi
MI 3301-2010: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Oil product pipeline. Acceptance points of petroleum products. Metrological and technical support
MI 3342-11: Recommendation. GSE. Requirements for testing laboratories that monitor the quality of oil
NTP 10-12976-2000*: Norms of technological design of enterprises of the alcohol industry
NTP 10-12977-2000: Standards of technological design of enterprises of the alcoholic beverage industry
NTP-APK Standards of technological design of complexes for the cultivation of champignons
NTP-APK Norms of technological design of oyster mushroom growing complexes
NTP-APK Standards of technological design of enterprises of the yeast industry
ODM 218.2.075-2016: Guidelines for the use of structural composite grids and gratings instead of steel when used to strengthen the arches of tunnels and retaining walls by the method of gunning
ODM 218.6.014-2014: Guidelines for Traffic Control and Safety Barriers at Road Construction Sites
Order 250: Manual on radio technical support of flights and technical operation of objects of radio technical support of flights and aviation telecommunications (RRTOP TE-2000)
Order 677: Regulations on the dust and gas regime at coal preparation plants (installations)
Order 892: Labor protection rules for the production of alcohol, vodka, brandy, wines, beer and juices
Order P/0164: On approval of the Regulations on the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the North Caucasus Federal District
OSN-APK Lighting standards for agricultural enterprises, buildings and structures
OST 92-9440-81: Conducting lacquer coating. Technical requirements and typical technological processes.
PB 03-428-02: Safety Requirements for Construction of Underground Structures
PB 03-498-02: Uniform Safety Requirements for Underground Development of Mineral Deposits Using Opencast Method
PB 09-220-98: Installation and Safe Operation Requirements for Ammonia-Based Refrigeration Equipment
PB 11-401-01: Safety regulations for gas-handling facilities of metallurgic and coke-chemical industries and enterprises
POT R M-004-97: Intersectoral labor protection regulations for the use of chemicals
POT R M-007-98: Industry-Wide Occupational Safety and Health Requirements for Freight Loading/Offloading and Placement Operations
POT R M-010-2000: Intersectoral labor protection rules in the production of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials and products
POT R M-014-2000: Intersectoral Occupational Safety Rules
POT R O 13153-ZhDRM-946-03: Industry rules on labor protection during factory repair of locomotives and freight cars
POT R O 29-001-93: Labor protection regulations for printing companies
POT R O-001-2002: Rules on labor protection for printing organizations
POT R O-14000-005-98: Position. Work with increased danger. Organization of
POT R O-32-CV-400-96: Labor protection rules for the maintenance and repair of freight cars and refrigerated rolling stock
POT R O-45-009-2003: Rules for labor protection when working on linear structures of cable transmission lines
POT R O-97300-016-98: Rules on labor protection. Beekeeping
POT R O-97300-08-96: Rules on labor protection in animal husbandry. Pig breeding
POT R O-97300-13-97: Occupational Safety and Health Requirements in Poultry Farming
POT R O-97300-14-97: Rules on labor protection in animal husbandry. Fur farming
POT RO-32-TsP-652-99: Rules for labor protection during the maintenance and repair of railway tracks and structures
PPB-AS 2011: Technical documentation. Fire safety regulations for the operation of nuclear power plants
RD 09-364-00: Safety Instructions for hot works in hazardous and explosive areas.
RD 11-06-2007: Guidelines on development procedure for work execution program and schedule for hoisting machines and loading-unloading operations process chart.
RD 15-10-2006: Methodological recommendations on the procedure for conducting hot work in the mine workings and heading of coal (shale) mines
RD 34.04.502: Model Ordinances on Departments of Hydroelectric Generating Stations and Stages of Hydroelectric Generating Stations
RD 34.25.502: Typical instructions for start-up from various thermal states and shutdown of a 300 MW double unit
RD 3689-002-00220302/31-2008: Welding of radiant tubes and their elements for reaction tube furnaces. Main provisions
RD 45.162-2001: Complexes of cellular and satellite mobile communication public networks.
RD 52.04.700-2008: Standard provision on the inaccessible hydrometeorological station of Roshydromet. Main Geophysical Observatory. A.I.Voyeikova (MGO)
RD 52.19.568-2010: Organization of acquisition, accounting, storage and use of documents from the archival collection of data on the state of the environment and its pollution
RD 78.36.004-2005: Recommendations for Technical Supervision of Design, Erecting Works, and Commissioning of Object Technical Security Equipment
RD 78.36.005-2005: Recommendations on the procedure for inspecting secure properties
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of farms and cattle complexes
RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of farms and cattle farms (farms)
RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of sheep facilities
RD-APK Methodical recommendations on the technological design of veterinary facilities for livestock, animal, poultry and peasant (farmer) farms
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of beekeeping objects
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of disposal systems and preparation for the use of manure and litter
Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
RMD 31-03-2008 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for the design of buildings of hotel enterprises, motels and campgrounds in St. Petersburg
RMD 31-04-2008 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommendations for construction of residential and public high-rise buildings
RMG 94-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Test laboratories performing of the quality control of oil at acceptance operations. Basic requirements
RMG 99-2010: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Procedure of metrological and technical ensuring of operation of measuring systems for oil quantity and quality metrics, pipe-piston calibration setup and measuring instruments as their components
RRTOP TE 99: Guide to Aircraft Radio Navigational Aids and Operation of Radio Navigational Aids and Aircraft Telecommunication Systems
Rules 2001: Rules for operation of technical means of television and radio broadcasting. Part 1. Television
Rules 2001: Rules for operation of technical means of television and radio broadcasting. Part 2. Broadcasting
Rules 2001: Rules for operation of technical means of television and radio broadcasting. Part 3. General safety requirements
Rules on the Selection of Pressure Vessels and Equipment: Instruction on the selection of pressure vessels and devices operating under pressure of 100 kgf/cm2 and overpressure protection, Ministry of Petroleum Energy
SNiP 21-03-2003: Forest material storages. Fire regulations
SNiP 31-01-2003: Multicompartment residential buildings
SNiP 31-05-2003: Public office buildings
SNiP 31-06-2009: Public buildings and constructions
SO 34.04.623-2006: Job description of the head of the gas service of thermal power plants and boiler rooms
SO 34.04.624-2006: Job description of the gas service master of thermal power plants and boiler rooms
SO 34.04.625-2006: Job description of the person responsible for the safe operation of the gas economy of thermal power plants and boiler rooms
SO 34.49.505-2003: Regulations for fire retardant coating for building constructions of buildings and facilities of power engineering enterprises
SP 114.13330.2011: Forest material storages. Fire regulations
SP 117.13330.2011: Public office buildings
SP 118.13330.2011: Public buildings and works
SP 307.1325800.2017: Buildings and premises for the storage and processing of agricultural products the rules of operation
SP 31-103-99: Buildings, structures and complexes of orthodox churches
SP 31-109-2003: Buildings of arbitration courts
SP 31-115-2006: Physical training and sport halls
SP 32-105-2004: Subways
SP 35-117-2006: Orphanages for children with disabilities
SP 5.13130.2009: Fire protection systems. Automated fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design norms and regulations
SP 54.13330.2011: Multicompartment residential buldings
SP 9.13130.2009: Fire Engineering. Fire extinguishers. Requirements to Operation
ST SSFZhT TsSh 095-2003: LED signaling devices for railway transport. Typical methods of certification tests.
ST TsKBA 025-2006: Pipe fittings. Welding and quality control of welded joints. Technical requirements
ST TsKBA 079-2010: General purpose pipeline valves. Paint coatings. General technical conditions
ST TsKBA 089-2010: Pipe fittings. Welding defects castings. Technical requirements
TMD Sankt-Peterburg 21-606-2005: Guidelines for ensuring fire safety in the design, construction and operation of gas stations in St. Petersburg
TOI R-218-40-94: Standard labor protection instruction for a gas station operator
TOI R-218-42-95: Model instructions for labor protection for workers engaged in loading, transporting, unloading and storing explosive and fire hazardous substances and materials
TOI R-218-44-95: The standard instruction on labor protection for workers engaged in loading and unloading
TR 129-02: Technical recommendations for the construction of heat and water supply networks of steel pipes with polyurethane foam insulation in underground channel and ground gaskets
TR 160-04: Technical Recommendations for the design and channelless installation of intra-block pipelines for hot water supply and heat supply from glass-basalt-plastic pipes and products
TR 162-04: Technical recommendations on the use of reinforced concrete pipes with an inner plastic sheath
TR 163-04: Technical recommendations on the installation of pitched roofs using new materials (metal sheets and soft tile)
TR 168-05: Technical recommendations for the design, installation and operation of drainage from polyethylene pipes with filter sheath
TR 183-07: Technical recommendations for roofing with the use of roll roofing material Shungomast
TR 187-07: Technical recommendations on roofing and waterproofing with the use of new waterproofing materials Filizol-Breeze and Filizol-NG
TR 198-08: Technical recommendations for flat roofing of residential, public and industrial buildings using rolled bitumen, bitumen-polymer and polymer materials
TR 206-09: Technical recommendations on the design and production of works on the installation of walling pits in the cramped conditions of the existing urban development in Moscow
TR 217-2011: Technical recommendations on the technology of waterproofing works using the materials of the "Antihydron" complex during the construction of underground parts of buildings and structures
TSN 30-310-2003: Garbage disposal and arrangement of landfills for the disposal of municipal solid waste from rural settlements. Samara Region
TSN 31-328-2004: Secondary schools. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
TSN 31-332-2006: Residential and public high-rise buildings
TSN 40-303-2003: Trenchless Installation of Utility Lines Using Microtunneling Complexes and Rehabilitation of Pipelines Using Special Equipment
TSN 41-310-2004: Apartment heating systems from gas-fired heat generators. Kursk region
TSN 52-302-2003: Corrosion Protection of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures of Transport Facilities
VNP 001-01: Industry-Specific Design Standards. Buildings for Territorial Main Administrations, National Banks, and Clearing Centers of the Russian Federation Central Bank
VPPB 01-02-95: Rules on Fire Safety for Energy Enterprises
VRD 39-1.10-006-2000*: Rules for the technical operation of gas pipelines
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