GOST 1577-93
ГОСТ 1577-93
Plate and broadband roll stock of construction fine steel.
Прокат толстолистовой и широкополосный из конструкционной качественной стали
Status: Effective - Supersedes. (IUS 10-1994, IUS 6-1996)
The standard applies to the rental of hot-rolled plate and broadband of high-quality constructional alloyed and alloyed steel.
Стандарт распространяется на прокат горячекатаный толстолистовой и широкополосный из качественной конструкционной нелегированной и легированной стали.
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Approved: Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification,
SKU: RUSS19400
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
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Other state standards used in construction »
77 Metallurgy »
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.12 Testing and control of products of metallurgical industry »
4.12.4 Iron and steel products »
ISO classifier »
77.140 Iron and steel products »
77.140.20 Stainless steels »
National standards »
77.140 Iron and steel products »
77.140.20 Stainless steels »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
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V Metals and metal products »
V3 Steel quality and high quality (quality stock) »
V33 Sheets and Stripes »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Hot-rolled structural steel (without steel grades AK-16 - AK-29) »
The Document is Replaced With:
GOST 1577-2022: Heavy-gauge plates and wide strips of structural quality steel. Technical specifications
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 1577-81: Rolled sheets and wide strips of structural quality steel. Specifications
The Document References:
GOST 10243-75: Steel. Methods of test and estimation of macrostructure
GOST 103-76: Hot-rolled steel strip. Dimensions
GOST 1050-88: Carbon structural quality steel gauged bars with special surface finish. General specifications
GOST 12344-88: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods of carbon determination
GOST 12345-2001: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods of sulphur determination
GOST 12346-78: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods of silicon determination
GOST 12347-77: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods for determination of phosphorus
GOST 12348-78: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods of manganese determination
GOST 12350-78: Alloyed and high-alloyed steels. Methods of chromium determination
GOST 12351-81: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the determination of vanadium
GOST 12352-81: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the determination of nickel
GOST 12354-81: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the determination of molybdenum
GOST 12357-84: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the, determination of aluminium
GOST 12360-82: Steels alloyed and highalloyed. Methods for the determination of boron
GOST 14019-80: Metals. Methods of bend tests
GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking
GOST 14637-89: Thick sheet rolled stock of normal quality carbon steel
GOST 14959-79: Spring carbon and alloy steel bars. Specifications
GOST 1497-84: Metals. Methods of tension test
GOST 1577-81: Rolled sheets and wide strips of structural quality steel. Specifications
GOST 15846-79: Products for transportation to the areas of the far north and remote regions
GOST 162-90: Depth gauges. Specifications
GOST 166-89: Vernier callipers. Specifications
GOST 1763-68: Steel. Methods for determination of decarbonised layer depth
GOST 19903-74: Hot-rolled steel sheets. Dimensions
GOST 22235-76: Freight cars for 1520 mm gauge main line railways. General requirements for safety in loading-unloading and shunting operations
GOST 22536.0-87: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 22536.10-88: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of alluminium
GOST 22536.1-88: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of general carbon and graphite
GOST 22536.2-87: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for the determination of sulfur
GOST 22536.3-88: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of phosphorus
GOST 22536.4-88: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of silicon
GOST 22536.5-87: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of manganese
GOST 22536.6-88: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of arsenic
GOST 22536.7-88: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of chromium
GOST 22536.8-87: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of copper
GOST 22536.9-88: Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of nickel
GOST 22727-88: Rolled sheet. Ultrasonic test methods
GOST 26877-91: Metal products
GOST 28473-90: Iron, steel, ferroalloys, metal chromium and metal manganese. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 427-75: Measuring metal rules. Basic parameters and dimensions. Specifications
GOST 4543-71: Structural alloyed steel
GOST 535-88: Common quality carbon bar and shaped sections. General specifications
GOST 7502-98: Measuring metal tapes. Specifications
GOST 7564-97: Rolled products general rules of samples, rough specimens and test pieces selection for mechanical and technological testing
GOST 7565-81: Iron, steel and alloys. Sampling for determination of chemical composition
GOST 7566-94: Metal products
GOST 8.001-80: State system of ensuring the unity of measurements. Rules for conducting the state tests of measuring means
GOST 8.326-89: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological certification measuring instruments
GOST 82-70: Universal hot-rolled steel wide strips. Dimensions
GOST 9012-59: Metals. Method of Brinell hardness measurement
GOST 9045-93: Cold-rolled thin sheets of low-carbon steel for cold stamping. Specifications
GOST 9454-78: Metals. Method for testing the impact strength at the low, room and high temperature
PR 50.2.009-94: The testing and approval procedure for the measurement instrumentation
The Document is Referenced By:
ATK 24.201.18-91: Flanges, Covers, and Gaskets for Compact Chemical Apparatus. Design and Dimensions. Technical Specifications
GOST 10885-85: Hot-rolled two-ply corrosion-resistant steel sheets
GOST 11474-76: Bent-steel sections. Specifications
GOST 1198-93: Asbestos brake bands
GOST 1561-75: Air reservoirs for railway car automatic brakes. Specifications
GOST 1577-2022: Heavy-gauge plates and wide strips of structural quality steel. Technical specifications
GOST 17380-2001: Carbon and low-alloy steel butt-welding fittings. General specifications
GOST 22133-86: Paint and varnish coatings of metal-cutting, press-forging, foundry and wood-working equipment
GOST 27590-2005: House-tube water-watered heat supply systems. General specifications
GOST 28759.8-90: Metal gaskets of octagonal cross-section
GOST 30482-97: Electroslag welding of steels. Requirements for technological process
GOST 32871-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Pipes for road culvert. Technical requirements
GOST 32935-2014: Steel bellows expansion joints for heat networks. General specifications
GOST 33259-2015: Flanges for valves, fittings and pipelines for pressure to PN 250. Design, dimensions and general technical requirements
GOST 33260-2015: Pipeline valves. Мetals used in pipeline valves production. Basic requirements for choice of materials
GOST 34000-2016: Shaped charge. Test methods for function and safety
GOST 34347-2017: Steel welded vessels and apparatus. General technical conditions
GOST 82-70: Universal hot-rolled steel wide strips. Dimensions
GOST R 51382-2011: Heating boilers. Part 4. Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Special requirements for boilers with forced draught oil burners with output up to 70 kW and maximum operating pressure of 0,3 MPa. Terminology, special requirements, test methods and marking
GOST R 52400-2005: Air reservoirs for railway brakes. General specifications
GOST R 52630-2006: Steel welded vessels and apparatus. General specifications
GOST R 52630-2012: Steel welded vessels and apparatus. General specifications.
GOST R 54432-2011: Flanges for valves, fittings, and pipelines for pressure from PN 1 to PN 200. Design, dimensions and general technical requirements
GOST R 54440-2011: Heating boilers. Part 1. Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Terminology, general requirements, test and marking
GOST R 54803-2011: High-pressure welded steel vessels. General technical requirements
GOST R 55509-2013: Pipeline valves. Metals used in pipeline valves production. Basic requirements for choice of materials
GOST R 55682.2-2017: Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations. Part 2. Materials for pressure parts of boilers and accessories
GOST R 55853-2013: Medium speed roller mill. Types, critical parameters, specification
ODM 218.2.001-2009: Recommendations for the design and construction of culverts of metal corrugated structures on public roads, taking into account regional conditions (road-climatic zones)
ODM 218.2.087-2017: Recommendations for the design and construction of culverts of spiral-wavy metal corrugated pipes
OST 108.764.01-80: Cylindrical helical springs for CHP plant and NTP plant pipeline hangers. Construction, dimensions and specifications.
OST 153-34.0-1002-99A: Assembly units and suspension parts for nuclear power plant station pipelines Py <= 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2). Gasket Design and dimensions
OST 153-34.0-1002-99А: Assembling units and station pipeline hang details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure is no more than 4,0 MPa. The laying. Design and dimensions.
OST 153-34.0-1004-99A: Assembly units and suspension parts of nuclear power plant station pipelines Py <= 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2). Suspension block spring. Design and dimensions
OST 153-34.0-1004-99А: Assembling units and station pipeline hang details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure is no more than 4,0 MPa. Spring bloc of hang. Design and dimensions.
OST 153-34.0-976-99A: Assembly units and parts of the supports of the station pipelines of nuclear power plants Py <= 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm2). Shells welded sliding supports, guides and fixed. Design and dimensions
OST 153-34.0-976-99А: Assembling units and support station pipeline details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure no more than 2,5 MPa. The holder of the welded and sliding, guide rail and fixed supports. Design and dimensions.
OST 153-34.0-994-99A: Assembly units and suspension parts of nuclear power plant station pipelines Py <= 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2). Eye. Design and dimensions
OST 153-34.0-994-99А: Assembling units and station pipeline hang details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure is no more than 4,0 MPa. The lug. Design and dimensions.
OST 153-34.0-997-99A: Assembly units and suspension parts of nuclear power plant station pipelines Py <= 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2). Cover plate. Design and dimensions
OST 153-34.0-997-99А: Assembling units and station pipeline hang details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure is no more than 4,0 MPa. The lining pad. Design and dimensions.
OST 153-34.0-998-99A: Assembly units and suspension parts of nuclear power plant station pipelines Py <= 4.0 MPa (40 kgf/cm2). Fin. Design and dimensions
OST 153-34.0-998-99А: Assembling units and station pipeline hang details of nuclear power plants. Nominal pressure is no more than 4,0 MPa. The stud. Design and dimensions.
OST 24.125.120-01: CHP and NTPP pipeline suspensions. Semi-clamps for clamp supports. Design and dimensions.
OST 24.125.152-01: Bodies of fixed pipe supports of thermal and nuclear power plants. Design and dimensions.
OST 24.125.170-01: Details and prefabricated units of supports, hangers, ties for lens compensators and drives for remote control of pipe fittings in thermal and nuclear power plants. General Specifications.
OST 26.260.01-2001: Steel enamel vessels and devices. General technical specifications.
OST 26-07-2027-80: Symbols of materials in the design documentation.
OST 26-291-94: Steel welded vessels and devices. General technical requirements.
OST 34-10-747-97: Parts and assembly units of pipelines of TPPs at Rrab <2.2 MPa (22 kgf
OST 34-42-569-82: Axial single-lens compensator for Pnom ≤1.6 MPa (16 kg/cm2). Design and dimensions.
OTT The supporting structures of the elements of nuclear plants with water-cooled power reactors. General technical requirements
OTU 3-01: Vessels and apparatuses. General specifications for the repair of buildings
PB 03-384-00: Rules for design, manufacture and acceptance of steel welded vessels and apparatus
PB 03-576-03: Regulations of design and safe operation of pressure vessels
PB 03-75-94: Rules for arrangement and safe operation of steam and hot water piping
PB 10-115-96: Regulations of design and safe operation of pressure vessels
PB 10-573-03: Series 17. Supervision documents in power industry. Issue 46. Construction and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines rules.
PB 10-574-03: Safety Operation and Design Codes for Steam and Hot Water Boilers
PB 10-575-03: Requirements for the Design and Safe Operation of Electric Boilers and Electric Boiler Plants
PI 249-2000: Riveting of metal structures. application
PNST 309-2018: Roads are public. Bridges and pipes road. Technical requirements
R 001-98: Guide to the design of steel structures of objects of large-volume blast furnaces
RD 10-69-94: Typical technological process of installation electrical equipment. Main provisions.
RD 22-16-2005*: Guiding regulatory material. Hoisting machines. Selection of materials for the manufacture, repair and reconstruction of welded steel structures
RD EO 0198-2000: Maintenance and repair of NP systems and equipment. Assembly of flange connections. General technical requirements
RD OP.42-001-85: Main provisions for welding and control of the NPP tanks (reservoirs)
Resolution: Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers
SP 445.1325800.2018: Culverts and drainage systems in permafrost areas. Design rules
ST RK 1358-2005: Pressure vessels. Requirements for welding steels
ST TsKBA 005.1-2003: Pipe fittings. Metals used in the valve industry. Part 1. Basic requirements for the choice of materials
ST TsKBA 005.2-2004: Pipe fittings. Metals used in the valve industry. Part 2. Reference data on the properties of materials
ST TsKBA 025-2006: Pipe fittings. Welding and quality control of welded joints. Technical requirements
ST TsKBA 070-2009: Pipe fittings. Symbol of materials in the design documentation
TU 3612-023-00220302-01: Shell-and-tube heat exchangers with a floating head, shell-and-tube with U-tubes and tube bundles for them
TU 3680-001-04698606-04: Pipe Support
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