PB 10-573-03
ПБ 10-573-03
Series 17. Supervision documents in power industry. Issue 46. Construction and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines rules.
Правила устройства и безопасной эксплуатации трубопроводов пара и горячей воды
Status: Not effective - Not applicable. By order of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated March 25, 2014 No. 116 to consider the resolution of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia dated June 11, 2003 No. 90 as non-applicable (the order shall enter into force three months after its official publication, the text of the order is published in the Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies of September 22, 2014 No. 38)
The rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish requirements for the design, construction, materials, production, installation, repair and operation of pipelines * transporting steam with a working pressure ** of more than 0.07 MPa , 7 kgf
Правила устройства и безопасной эксплуатации трубопроводов пара и горячей воды (далее по тексту Правила) устанавливают требования к проектированию, конструкции, материалам, изготовлению, монтажу, ремонту и эксплуатации трубопроводов*, транспортирующих водяной пар с рабочим давлением** более 0,07 МПа (0,7 кгс/см2) или горячую воду с температурой свыше 115 °С Правила не распространяются на: а) трубопроводы, расположенные в пределах котла; б) сосуды, входящие в систему трубопроводов и являющиеся их неотъемлемой частью (водоотделители, грязевики и т.п.); в) трубопроводы, устанавливаемые на морских и речных судах и на других плавучих средствах, а также на морских передвижных установках и объектах подводного применения; г) трубопроводы, устанавливаемые на подвижном составе железнодорожного, автомобильного и гусеничного транспорта; д) трубопроводы I категории с наружным диаметром менее 51 мм и трубопроводы II, III и IV категории с наружным диаметром менее 76 мм; е) сливные, продувочные и выхлопные трубопроводы котлов, трубопроводов, сосудов, редукционно-охладительных и других устройств, соединенные с атмосферой; ж) трубопроводы атомных электростанций и установок; з) трубопроводы специальных установок военного ведомства; и) трубопроводы, изготовленные из неметаллических материалов.
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Approved: Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia,
SKU: RUSS19503
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Construction (Max) »
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Regulatory documents of Gosgortekhnadzor »
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Steel, cast iron »
Technical Supervision »
Section I. Technological, construction, energy supervision and environmental protection regarding limitation of negative anthropogenic impact »
IV. Regulatory legal acts and regulations »
2. Industrial safety »
2.14. Equipment operating under excess pressure of more than 0.07 megapascals or at a water heating temperature of more than 115 degrees Celsius »
PromExpert »
II Industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility »
2 Special industrial safety requirements for operation of a hazardous production facility »
2.6 Industrial safety requirements for pressure equipment »
ISO classifier »
27.120 Nuclear power engineering »
27.120.99 Nuclear energy, other aspects »
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91.140 Installations in buildings »
91.140.10 Central heating systems »
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91.140 Installations in buildings »
91.140.60 Water supply systems »
ISO classifier »
93.025 Outdoor plumbing systems »
The Document is Replaced With:
Order 116: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Industrial safety rules for hazardous production facilities where equipment operating under excessive pressure is used"
Order 116: On the approval of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Industrial safety rules for hazardous production facilities using equipment operating under excessive pressure" (as amended on December 12, 2017) (canceled from 01.01.2021 on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.08.2020 N 1192)
As a Replacement Of:
PB 03-75-94: Rules for arrangement and safe operation of steam and hot water piping
The Document References:
GOST 1050-88: Carbon structural quality steel gauged bars with special surface finish. General specifications
GOST 10702-78: Steel bars, carbon and alloy, structural, for cold extruding and upsetting. Specifications
GOST 10705-80: Electrically welded steel tubes. Specifications
GOST 10706-76: Electrically welded steel line-weld tubes. Technical requirements
GOST 1215-79: Malleable iron castings
GOST 1412-85: Flakish graphite cast iron
GOST 1577-93: Plate and broadband roll stock of construction fine steel.
GOST 1759.0-87: Bolts, screws, studs and nuts. Specifications.
GOST 1759.4-87: Bolts, screws and studs. Mechanical properties and test methods
GOST 1759.5-87: Nuts. Mechanical properties and test methods
GOST 18968-73: Corrosion-resistant and high temperature steel rods and strips for steam turbine blades
GOST 19281-89: Rolled steel with increased strength. General specifications
GOST 20072-74: Heat-resistant steel
GOST 20295-85: Welded steel pipes for gas and oil pipelines. Technical specifications
GOST 20700-75: Bolts, studs, nuts and washers for flanged and anchor connections, corks and yokes with medium temperature from 0 to 650 °C. Specifications
GOST 23304-78: Bolts, studs, nuts and washers for flanged connections for atomic power plants. Technical requirements. Acceptance. Test methods. Marking, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 25949-83: Ceramic trimmer capacitors type kpk-m. Specifications
GOST 380-94: Normal quality carbon steel
GOST 4543-71: Structural alloyed steel
GOST 550-75: Seamless steel tubes for petroleum processing and petrochemical industry. Specifications
GOST 5520-79: Carbon, low-alloy and alloy sheet steel for boilers and pressure vessels. Specifications
GOST 5632-72: High-alloy steels and corrosion-proof, heat-resisting and heat treated alloys. Grades
GOST 5949-75: Gauged corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and high-temperature steel shape
GOST 6996-66: Welded joints. Methods of mechanical properties determination
GOST 7293-85: Cast iron with globular graphite for foundry
GOST 7350-77: Plate, corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant, and high-temperature steel
GOST 8479-70: Structural carbon and alloy steel forgings
GOST 8731-74: Seamless hot-deformed steel pipes. Specifications
GOST 8733-74: Cold-formed and heat-formed seamless steel pipes. Technical requirements
GOST 9466-75: Covered metal electrodes for manual arc welding of steels and deposition. Classification and general specifications
GOST 977-88: Steel castings. General specifications
GOST R 52627-2006: Bolts, screws and studs. Mechanical properties and test methods
GOST R 52628-2006: Nuts. Mechanical properties and test methods
OST 26-2043-91: Bolts, studs, nuts and washers for flanged joints. Technical requirements
PB 03-273-99: Rules for qualification test of welders and welding production specialists
PB 03-440-02: Attestation rules for nondestructive inspection personnel
PB 03-75-94: Rules for arrangement and safe operation of steam and hot water piping
RD 03-19-2007: Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Atomic Supervision
RD 03-444-02: The provision of procedure for training and qualification test of workers of organizations engaging in activities of industrial safety of hazardous industrial sites under supervision of Gosgortekhnadzor, Russia
Resolution 1371: Rules for registration of facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities
The Document is Referenced By:
ATR 313.TS-014.000: Typical solutions for laying pipelines of heat networks in foam-polymer-mineral (PPM) insulation. Diameter DN 50 - 400 mm. Constructions and parts
GOST 12.2.063-2015: Pipeline valves. General safety requirements
GOST 33260-2015: Pipeline valves. Мetals used in pipeline valves production. Basic requirements for choice of materials
GOST R 53672-2009: Pipeline valves. General safety requirements
GOST R 54317-2011: Launching and technical complexes of space-rocket complexes. Safety requirements
GOST R 55005-2012: Renewable power engineering. Geothermal power plants. Safety requirements under operation
GOST R 55018-2012: Pipeline valves for objects of energetics. General specifications
GOST R 55596-2013: District heating systems. Standard for the stress and seismic analysis
GOST R 56227-2014: Pipes and shaped products steel in polymer-mineral foam isolation. Specifications
Manual: Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems
MDK 4-02.2001: Model Guidelines for Operation of Piped Heat Supply Networks of Public Piped Heat Supply Systems
MDS 12-49.2009: Layouts of labor protection instructions for construction workers. Toolkit
Model series 20.0027: Reinforced Concrete Supports for Joint Suspension of 10 kV Overhead Line Protected Wires and Self-Carrying Insulated Wires of Double-Chain 0.4 kV Overhead Line. Working drawings
NTP-APK Norms of technological design of agricultural enterprises for the production of animal feed
NTP-APK Standards for technological design of small confectionery production enterprises
Order 101: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules in the oil and gas industry"
Order 1155: Model program on the course "Industrial, Environmental, Energy Safety, Safety of Hydraulic Structures" for pre-certification (pre-examination) training of managers and specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.
Order 116: Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Industrial safety rules for hazardous production facilities where equipment operating under excessive pressure is used"
Order 116: On the approval of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Industrial safety rules for hazardous production facilities using equipment operating under excessive pressure" (as amended on December 12, 2017) (canceled from 01.01.2021 on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.08.2020 N 1192)
OST 108.961.02-79: Carbon and alloy steel castings for components of stationary steam turbines with secured strength properties at high temperatures. Specifications.
OST 26.260.18-2004: Process modules for oil and gas industry. General technical specifications
OTT Valves of pipeline technological systems of nuclear power plants, not affecting safety. General technical requirements
PB 06-317-99: Uniform safety rules for crushing, sorting, mineral processing and sintering of ores and concentrates
POT R M-005-97: Intersectoral labor protection rules for heat treatment of metals
POT R O 13153-ZhDRM-946-03: Industry rules on labor protection during factory repair of locomotives and freight cars
POT R O-001-2002: Rules on labor protection for printing organizations
POT R O-32-CV-400-96: Labor protection rules for the maintenance and repair of freight cars and refrigerated rolling stock
POT RO-14000-002-98: Ordinance on Safety Assurance for Process Equipment
POT RO-32-TsP-652-99: Rules for labor protection during the maintenance and repair of railway tracks and structures
RD 03-29-93: Instructional Guidelines For Engineering Certification of Steam and Hot-Water Boilers, Pressure Vessels, Steam and Hot-Water Pipelines
RD 04-05-2008: Methodical instructions on the procedure for exercising supervision over compliance with the requirements of federal standards and regulations in the field of atomic energy use and the conditions of validity of licenses in the construction of nuclear faci
RD 10-249-98: Strength calculation norms for stationary boilers and steam and hot water pipelines.
RD 10-319-99: Model Guidelines for Safe Practices for Boiler Plant Personnel
RD 11-08-2008: Standard inspection program during state construction supervision of nuclear facilities
RD 153-34.0-20.673-2005: Guidelines for the technical diagnosis of pipelines of heat networks using the acoustic method
RD 153-34.0-37.411-2001: Procedural Guidelines for In-Service Steam-Oxygen Cleaning and Passivation of Inner Surfaces of Power Generating Equipment
RD 24.020.11-93: Welded joints of stationary steam, gas and hydraulic turbines. Testing rules and quality evaluation standards.
RD 24.031.121-2012: Equipping steam stationary boilers with devices for sampling steam and water
RD 34.10.126-94: Instructions for operational control of assembly processes, welding and heat treatment.
RD 34.20.501-95: Technical operation rules for power plants and networks of the Russian federation
RD 34-10.030-89: Rules for quality control of welded joints of pipelines of nuclear power plants
RD 3-VEP: Guidance document on the use of axial bellows expansion joints (SC) for the technical conditions of the İNESH.300260.029TU, bellows compensating devices (SKU) for the technical conditions of the ЯІANSh.300260.033TU, starting bellows for the compensators (
RD 4-VEP: Guiding document on the use of axial bellows expansion joints (KSO-TPZ) for the technical specifications of TU 3-120-81 OAO Tula Cartridge Plant and starting bellows compensators (KSS-TPZ) for the technical specifications of TU 3695-056-08629358- 2000 OJS
RD EO 0017-2004: Maintenance and repair of NPP equipment. Technological documentation for repair. Forms and completeness requirements for structure, maintenance and registration of documentation
RD EO 0198-2000: Maintenance and repair of NP systems and equipment. Assembly of flange connections. General technical requirements
RD EO 0295-2004: Maintenance and repair of systems and equipment of nuclear power plants. Executive documents repair work with the use of welding. Types and requirements for content and design
RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of veterinary and sanitary utilization plants
RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of veterinary and sanitary utilization plants
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of enterprises for the production of animal feed
RMD 40-20-2013 Sankt-Peterburg: Designing and installation pipelines for water supply and sewage systems in Saint-Petersburg
RMD 40-20-2016 Sankt-Peterburg: Installation of water supply and drainage networks in St. Petersburg
SA 03-005-07: Industrial pipelines of oil-refining, petrochemical and chemical industry. Requirements to configuration and operation
Safety Guide: Recommendations on arrangement and safe operation of process pipelines
Safety Guide: Recommendations on technical diagnostics of welded vertical cylindrical tanks for oil and petroleum products
SNiP 41-02-2003: Heat networks
SO 153-34.17.470-2003: Instructions on the procedure for inspection and extension of the service life of steam pipelines beyond the park resource
SO 34.20.514-2005: Guidelines for the operation of the gas economy of thermal power plants
SO 34.23.501-2005: Guidelines for the operation of fuel oil facilities of thermal power plants
SO 34.26.735: Recommendations for the maintenance of heating equipment of thermal power plants
SO 34.37.536-2004: Guidelines for the use of anti-scaling and corrosion inhibitors OEDFC, AFON 200-60A, AFON 230-23A, PAF-13A, IOMS-1 and their analogues tested and certified by RAO UES of Russia in energy utilities
SP 124.13330.2011: Thermal networks
SP 124.13330.2012: Heating networks
SP 33.13330.2012: Steel pipelines strength analysis
SP 41-106-2004: Design and erection of underground hot water supply and heat supply pipelines made of asbestos cement pipes
SP 41-106-2006: Design and installation of underground pipeline systems for hot water supply and heating made of pressurized of asbestos-cement pipes and couplings. To replace SP 41-106-2004
SP 43.13330.2012: Structures for industrial installations
SP 73.13330.2012: Internal sanitary-technical systems
SP 89.13330.2012: Combustion boiler systems of heating generation
ST TsKBA 010-2004: Pipe fittings. Forgings, stampings and rolled products. Technical requirements
ST TsKBA 014-2004: Pipe fittings. Steel castings. General technical conditions
ST TsKBA 025-2006: Pipe fittings. Welding and quality control of welded joints. Technical requirements
ST TsKBA 045-2009: Pipe fittings. Welding and surfacing of parts made of titanium and titanium alloys. Technical requirements and quality control
ST TsKBA 089-2010: Pipe fittings. Welding defects castings. Technical requirements
STO: Thermal power plants. Methods of assessing the condition of the main equipment
STO ROSTEHEKSPERTIZA 10.001-2009: Thermal networks. Norms and methods of strength calculation
VNP-10041-2002: Departmental norms and rules for creating coastal fishing enterprises. Treatment facilities
VNTP 81-85: Norms of technological design for petroleum-refining and organic synthesis products manufacture enterprises
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