GOST 24607-88
ГОСТ 24607-88
Semiconductor frequency converters
Преобразователи частоты полупроводниковые. Общие технические требования
Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 2-1989 Limitation of effectiveness lifted: Minutes No. 4-93 of the IGU dated 10.21.93 (IUS 4-1994)
The standard applies to semiconductor frequency converters (direct and two-stage) (hereinafter referred to as converters) with output currents from 0.004 to 25 000 A, output voltages from 6 to 20 000 V and output frequencies from 5 to 10 000 Hz and establishes requirements for converters manufactured for the needs of the national economy and export. The standard does not apply to onboard converters of aircraft, converters operating in explosive environments, environments with conductive dust and converters intended for use in technological processes with synchronous hysteresis engines.
Стандарт распространяется на полупроводниковые преобразователи частоты (непосредственные и двухзвенные) (далее - преобразователи) с выходными токами от 0,004 до 25 000 А, выходными напряжениями от 6 до 20 000 В и выходными частотами от 5 до 10 000 Гц и устанавливает требования к преобразователям, изготовляемым для нужд народного хозяйства и экспорта. Стандарт не распространяется на бортовые преобразователи летательных аппаратов, на преобразователи, работающие во взрывоопасных средах, средах с токопроводящей пылью и на преобразователи, предназначенные для использования в технологических процессах с синхронно-гистерезисными двигателями.
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS19602
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
ISO classifier »
29.200 Rectifiers. Converters. Stabilized power supplies »
National standards »
29.200 Rectifiers. Converters. Stabilized power supplies »
ISO classifier »
31.080 Semiconductors »
National standards »
31.080 Semiconductors »
ISO classifier »
31.080 Semiconductors »
31.080.01 Semiconductor devices in general »
National standards »
31.080 Semiconductors »
31.080.01 Semiconductor devices in general »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
E Power and electrical equipment »
E6 Electric machines, transformers and converters »
E65 Converters and rectifiers »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Semiconductor power converters up to 5 kW »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Power converters with a power of 5 kW and more »
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 24607-81: Frequency converters, semiconductor, power over 5 kVA for voltage up to 1 kV. General specifications
GOST 26088-84: Semiconductor frequency converters with a capacity of 5 kVA and more for a voltage of 1 kV and higher. General specifications
The Document References:
GOST 10434-82: Electric contact connections. Classification. General technical requirements
GOST 12.1.003-83: Noise. General safety requirements
GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.026-80: Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of noise characteristics of noise sources in a free-field over reflecting plane. Engineering method
GOST Occupation safety standards system Electrical equipment. General safety requirements
GOST Occupation safety standards system. Semiconductor converters of electric energy. Safety requirements
GOST 13109-87: Electric energy. Requirements for quality of electric energy in general-purpose networks
GOST 14254-80: Electrotechnical articles. Enclosures. Degrees of protections. Designations. Test methods
GOST 15.001-88: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 15543.1-89: Electrical articles. General requirements for environmental climatic aspects stability
GOST 15543-70: Electrical articles. Applications for different climatic regions. General technical requirements as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 15963-79: Electrical articles for tropical application. General technical requirements and methods of testing
GOST 16842-82: Industrial radio-interferences. Test methods for radio-interference sources
GOST 16962.1-89: Electrical articles. Test methods as to environments climatic factors resistance
GOST 16962.2-90: Electrotechnical product
GOST 17412-72: Electrical articles for the cold climate regions. Technical requirements, acceptance and test methods
GOST 17441-84: Electrical contact connections. Acceptance and methods of tests
GOST 17516-72: Electrical articles. Operating conditions as to environment mechanical aspects influence
GOST 18620-86: Electrotechnical articles
GOST 2.601-68: Unified system for design documentation. Exploitative documents
GOST 20.39.312-85: Integrated system of general technical requirements. Electrotechnical equipments and components. Dependability requirements
GOST 21128-83: Power supply systems, nets, sources, converters and receivers of electric energy. Rated voltages to 1000 V
GOST 22352-77: Manufacturer's guarantee. Establishment and calculation of the quarantined times in standards and specifications. General statements
GOST 23366-78: Series of rated voltages of direct and alternating current
GOST 23511-79: Industrial radio frequency interference generated by domestic electrical appliances used in residential buildings, or connected to domestic power sources
GOST 24555-81: The state system of testing the production. The procedure of verification of testing equipment. General principle
GOST 24682-81: Electrotechnical products
GOST 26118-84: Electric energy semiconductor converters with power 5 kV.A and higher. Marking, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 26284-84: Semiconductor power converters. Conventional designations
GOST 26567-85: Semiconductor energy converters. Test methods
GOST 27.410-87: Industrial product dependability. Inspection methods of reliability indices and plans of check tests on reliability
GOST 6697-83: Power supply systems, sources, converters and receivers of electric alternating current energy rated frequencies from 0,1 to 10000 Hz and tolerances
GOST 6827-76: Electrical equipment and receivers of electric energy. Series of nominal currents
GOST 721-77: Power supply systems, networks, sources,converters and receivers of electric energy. Rated voltages above 1000 V
GOST 8.002-86: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State supervision and department control of measuring instruments. Basic regulations
GOST 8.326-89: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological certification measuring instruments
GOST 8.513-84: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure
GOST 8865-93: Electrical insulation system. Thermal evalution and classification
GOST 9.005-72: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metals, alloys, metallic and non-metallic coatings. Permissible and impermissible contacts with metals and non-metals
GOST 9.032-74: Unified, system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations
GOST 9.104-79: Unified system corrosion of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Croups of operation conditions
GOST 9.301-86: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. General requirements
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 26118-84: Electric energy semiconductor converters with power 5 kV.A and higher. Marking, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 31187-2011: Main-line diesel locomotives. General technical requirements.
GOST 31428-2011: Shunting diesel locomotives. General technical requirements
GOST 31666-2014: Diesel-multiple unit train. General technical requirements
GOST 33726-2016: Static non-tractive converters for railway rolling stock. General specifications
GOST 34627-2019: Power semiconductor converters for diesel rolling stock. General parameters and general requirements
GOST R 51137-98: Asynchronous controlled variable electric drives for energetic objects. General specifications
GOST R 56286-2014: Gas-fueled shunting locomotives. General technical requirements
GOST R 56287-2014: Main-line liquefied natural gas turbine locomotives. General technical requirements
GOST R 56830-2015: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Electrical submersible pump units. General technical requirements
NB ZhT TsL-TsT 139-2003: Static non-pulling converters of rolling stock. Safety standards
VRD 39-1.10-052-2001: Guidelines for the selection and use of asynchronous variable frequency drives up to 500 kW
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