
GOST 22261-94

ГОСТ 22261-94

Measuring instruments for electrical

Средства измерений электрических и магнитных величин

Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 8-1995

The standard applies to measuring instruments for electrical and magnetic quantities of general use. The standard does not apply to non-standardized means of change in accordance with GOST 8.326.

Стандарт распространяется на средства измерений электрических и магнитных величин общего применения. Стандарт не распространяется на не стандартизованные средства изменений по ГОСТ 8.326.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, 5/15/1995

SKU: RUSS19934

Price: $606.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 17 Metrology and measurements. Physical phenomena »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » II Industrial sanitation and occupational health » 6 Protection against electromagnetic radiation » 6.1 Non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and radiation »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 3 Activities of testing laboratories » 3.2 Technical equipment of testing laboratories » 3.2.2 Measuring instruments and test equipment » Instruments for electrical and magnetic measurements »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 3 Activities of testing laboratories » 3.2 Technical equipment of testing laboratories » 3.2.2 Measuring instruments and test equipment » Basic requirements for instruments and test equipment »

ISO classifier » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements » 17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities »

National standards » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements » 17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » P Measuring devices. Automation and computing facilities » P0 General rules and regulations for instrument-making industry » P01 Technical documentation and general technical requirements. »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 22261-82: Means for measuring of electrical quantities. General technical specifications

The Document References:

GOST 12.2.091-94: Safety requirements for indicating and registering electrical measuring instruments and accessories to them

GOST 12.3.019-80: Occupational safety standards system. Electrical tests and measurements. General safety requirements

GOST 12.4.026-76: Signal colors and safety signs

GOST 13109-97: Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Power quality limits in public electrical systems

GOST 13317-89: Connectors of microwave channels of radiomeasuring apparatus. Connecting dimensions

GOST 14192-96: Cargo marking

GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence

GOST 16842-82: Industrial radio-interferences. Test methods for radio-interference sources

GOST 2.601-2006: Unified system for design documentation. Exploitative documents

GOST 2.601-95: Operational documents

GOST 20.57.406-81: Electrical equipment, devices for electronic technology and quantum electronics

GOST 21128-83: Power supply systems, nets, sources, converters and receivers of electric energy. Rated voltages to 1000 V

GOST 22261-82: Means for measuring of electrical quantities. General technical specifications

GOST 23170-78: Packing for products of engineering industry. General requirements.

GOST 23217-78: Direct-reading indicating electrical measuring instruments. Marking symbols

GOST 24314-80: Electronic measuring instruments. Terms and definitions, methods of expressing errors and general test conditions

GOST 25565-88: Electronic measuring devices. Documentation supplied with electronic gauges

GOST 26104-89: Electronic measurement instruments

GOST 27.002-89: Industrial product dependability. General principles. Terms and definitions

GOST 27883-88: Industrial process measurement and control equipment. Reliability. General requirements and test methods

GOST 28197-90: National conformity mark. Form, sizes and technical requirements

GOST 29156-91: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Electrical fast transient /burst immunity. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST 29191-91: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means. Electrostatic discharge immunity. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST 29216-91: Man-made noise from information technology equipment

GOST 30375-95: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity to radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic fields in the frequency range 26 to 1000 MHz. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST 30376-95: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity to dynamic voltage changes in power supply networks. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST 30379-95: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means of protection fire-alarm and fire-protection systems. Requirements, standards and methods of tests on interference immunity and industrial interference

GOST 5365-83: Electrical measuring instruments. Dials and scales. General technical requirements

GOST 5944-91: Dimensions of panel mounted indicating and recording electrical measuring instruments

GOST 7396.1-89: Plugs and socket-outlets for domestic and similar general use

GOST 8.001-80: State system of ensuring the unity of measurements. Rules for conducting the state tests of measuring means

GOST 8.009-84: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Standardized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments

GOST 8.137-84: State system for ensuring the uniformity measurements. State special standard and all-union verification schedule for means measuring acceleration in shock motion

GOST 8.256-77: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Standardization and determination of dynamic characteristics of analogue measuring instruments. Basic principles

GOST 8.326-89: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological certification measuring instruments

GOST 8.383-80: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State tests of means for measurements. General statements

GOST 8.401-80: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Accuracy classes of measuring instruments. General requirements

GOST 8.417-2002: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Units of quantities

GOST 8.417-81: State system of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Units of physical quantities

GOST 9.014-78: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Temporary corrosion protection of products. General requirements

GOST 9181-74: Electrical measuring instruments. Packing, marking, transport and storage

GOST R 12.4.026-2001: Occupational safety standards system. Safety colors, safety signs and signal marking. Purpose and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods

GOST R 50008-92: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity to radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic fields in the frequency range 26 to 1000 MHz. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 50460-92: Mark of conformity for obligatory certification form, dimensions dnd technical requirements

GOST R 50627-93: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity to dynamic voltage changes in power supply networks. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 51288-99: Means for measuring electric and magnetic quantities. Exploitation documents

GOST R 51317.4.11-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity to dynamic changes of power supply voltage. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 51317.4.2-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity to electrostatic discharge. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 51317.4.3-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 51317.4.4-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity to electrical fast transient/burst. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 51318.22-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Man-made radio disturbance from information technology equipment. Limits and test methods

GOST R 51320-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Man-made radio disturbance. Test methods for technical equipment which are man-made radio disturbance sources

GOST R 51350-99: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use. Part 1. General requirements

PR 50.2.009-94: The testing and approval procedure for the measurement instrumentation

RMG 29-99: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrology. Basic terms and definitions

The Document is Referenced By:

FR 1.31.2005.01752: Quantitative chemical analysis of water. Method for measuring the mass concentration of fluoride ions in wastewater, natural surface and groundwaters by the potentiometric method

FR 1.31.2005.01755: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Method for measuring the mass concentration of methyl chloride, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, methylene chloride, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, 1,2-dichloroethane, benzene, trichlorethylene, 1.1.2-trichloroethane, toluene, ortho-xylene, the total content of meta- and para-xylene in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by gas chromatographic method

FR 1.31.2005.01759: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. The methodology for measuring the chloride content in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by the mercury method

FR 1.31.2005.01760: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Methodology for measuring the mass fraction of ash in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by gravimetric method

FR 1.31.2005.01761: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Measurement procedure for ammonium nitrogen in solid and liquid production and consumption wastes, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by the photometric method

FR 1.31.2005.01763: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Methodology for measuring the content of dry and calcined residue in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by gravimetric method

FR 1.31.2005.01764: Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. The measurement procedure for the value of the hydrogen index (pH) of solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by the potentiometric method

FR 1.31.2007.03794: Methodical recommendations on the application of the method of performing pH measurements in waters by the potentiometric method

FTS ZhT SI 019-99: Technical Regulations. Measuring instruments and means of admission control of industry application. Certification requirements

GOST 10287-83: Dc electric meters

GOST 10374-93: Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories. Part 7. Special requirements for multi-function instruments

GOST 10512-93: Magnetic and electromagnetic separators

GOST 12.2.025-76: Medical equipment. Electrical safety

GOST 12.2.091-94: Safety requirements for indicating and registering electrical measuring instruments and accessories to them

GOST 12.3.019-80: Occupational safety standards system. Electrical tests and measurements. General safety requirements

GOST 12.4.012-83: Occupational safety standards system. Vibration. Means for measurement and control of vibration in site. Technical requirements

GOST 1232-2017: Insulators linear pin porcelain and glass for voltage from 1 to 35 kV. General technical conditions

GOST 1232-82: Porcelain and glass pin-type insulators for voltage 1-35 kv

GOST 13540-74: Stabilized low voltage power units type 591 for electronics used General specifications

GOST 13821-77: Single-operator rectifiers with falling external characteristics for arc welding. General specifications

GOST 14014-91: Digital instruments and measuring transducers of voltage, current and resistance

GOST 14203-69: Oil and petroleum products. Capacitance method of determination of water content

GOST 14651-78: Electrode holders for manual arc welding

GOST 16483.31-74: Wood. Resonance method for determination of modulus of elasticity and shear and decrement vibrations

GOST 16842-82: Industrial radio-interferences. Test methods for radio-interference sources

GOST 17168-82: Octave and one-third-of-octave electronic filters

GOST 17335-79: Positive displacement pumps

GOST 17557-88: Terminal blocks for illuminating engineering

GOST 18408-73: Wood. Methods for evaluation of electrical resistances at d.c. voltages

GOST 18694-2017: Phenol-formaldehyde resins are solid. Technical conditions

GOST 19034-82: Tubes of polyvinylchloride plastic. Specifications

GOST 1954-82: Measures of electromotive force standard cells

GOST 20798-75: Mutual inductance actual measures. General specifications

GOST 20907-2016: Liquid phenolformaldehyde resins. Specifications

GOST 21106.0-75: Oscillator, modulator and regulation tubes anode dissipated power more than 25 W. Method of measurements of electrical parameters. General principles

GOST 22171-90: Laboratory conductometric analysers of liquid. General specifications

GOST 23198-94: Electric lamps. Methods of measuring spectral and colour characteristics

GOST 23544-84: Ropes of wires for electrical equipment of cars and tractors

GOST 23624-2001: Measuring laboratory current transformers. General specifications

GOST 23625-2001: Measuring laboratory voltage transformers. General specifications

GOST 2402-82: Welding sets with internal combustion engines

GOST 24032-80: Mine instruments for gas analysis. General technical requirements. Testing methods

GOST 24950-2019: Curved bends and curve inserts on bends of the linear part of steel pipelines. Technical specifications

GOST 25051.4-83: Electrodynamic vibration testing equipment. General specifications

GOST 25258-82: Electrometric measurement means. Acceptance rules and test methods

GOST 26035-83: Electronic meters of an alternating-current electricity

GOST 26655-85: Technical diagnostics. Diagnostics of motor vehicles, tractors, construction and road machines. Pick-ups. General technical requirements

GOST 27173-86: Spectrometric units and devices for detection of ionizing radiation

GOST 27300-87: Information measuring systems. General requirements, complete set and rules of operation documentation composition

GOST 2746-90: Screw holders for electric lamps. General specifications

GOST 27694-88: Integrated circuits. Low-, intermediate- and high-frequency amplifiers. Methods for measuring electric parameters

GOST 28276-89: Surface acoustic wave devices. Types, main parameters and methods of measurements

GOST 28278-89: Stereophonic headphones. Methods of measurements

GOST 28724-90: Speed gas meters

GOST 28785-90: Preparative ultracentrifuges and rotors

GOST 28856-90: Line suspension polymeric rod insulators

GOST 28871-90: Line transmission path equipment of digital optical-fibre transmission systems. Methods of measuring basic parameters

GOST 29024-91: Turbidimetric and nephelometric liquid analyzers

GOST 29027-91: Moisture meters for solid and loose substances

GOST 29226-91: Viscometers for liquids

GOST 29284-92: Current sources primary. Control methods of electric parameters

GOST 30206-94: Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy ( accuracy classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S)

GOST 30207-94: Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (accuracy classes 1 and 2)

GOST 30264-95: Varistors. General requirements for electrical parameters measuring

GOST 30350-96: Analogue integrated circuits. General requirements to apparatus and conditions for measurement of electrical parameters

GOST 30373-95: Electromagnet compatibility of technical means. Test equipment. Shielded chambers. Classes, basic parameters, technical requirements and test methods

GOST 30421-96: Electrical capacitance, pure resistance and dissipation factor high-voltage meters. General specifications

GOST 304-82: Welding generators.

GOST 30534-97: Means of measurement for linear and angular dimensions. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 30605-98: Digital voltage and current measuring converters. General specifications

GOST 30804.4.15-2002: Electro-magnetic compatibility of equipment. Flicker meter. Specifications and test methods.

GOST 30831-2002: Gaseous discharge pulsed and continuous sources of high-intensity optical radiation. Methods of electrical and radiation parameters measuring

GOST 30850.1-2002: Switches for household or similar stationary electrical facilities. Part 1 General requirements and test methods.

GOST 31489-2012: Garage equipment. Safety requirements and methods of inspection

GOST 31536-2012: Wheelsets for the traction railway stock. Method of measuring electrical resistance

GOST 31818.11-2012: Electricity metering equipment (а.с). Particular General requirements. Tests and test conditions. Part 11. Meters for electric energy

GOST 31847-2012: Wheel sets for the special-purpose rolling stock. General specifications

GOST 31944-2012: Load-bearing geophysical armoured cables. General specifications

GOST 32698-2014: Rail fastening. Safety requirements and methods of control

GOST 33596-2015: Electric heating devices for heating rolling stock railways. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST 33726-2016: Static non-tractive converters for railway rolling stock. General specifications

GOST 34058-2017: Internal buildings and structures utilities. Mounting and start-up adaptive control of air-conditioning evaporative and condensing units. General technical requirements

GOST 34058-2021: Engineering networks of buildings and structures. Installation and commissioning, maintenance and repair of evaporative and compressor-condenser units of domestic air-conditioning systems. The rules and control of the work

GOST 4.392-85: Product-quality index system. Electricity meters. Index nomenclature

GOST 4559-2017: Liquid bakelite. Specifications

GOST 4835-2013: Wheelsets for freight and passenger car. Technical specifications

GOST 5382-2019: Cements and materials of cement production. Chemical analysis methods

GOST 6047-90: General purpose floodlights

GOST 6490-2017: Line suspension disk insulators. General specifications

GOST 6490-93: Suspended line disk insulators

GOST 6570-96: Electrical induction active and reactive energy meters

GOST 6746-94: Measures of electrical capacitance. General technical requirements

GOST 7012-77: Single-operator single-phase transformers for automatic submerged arc welding. General specifications

GOST 7370-2015: Railway frogs. Specifications

GOST 7590-93: Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories. Part 4. Special requirements for frequency meters

GOST 8.216-2011: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurement. Potential transformers Checking methods.

GOST 8.216-88: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Voltage transformers. Verification methods

GOST 8.237-2003: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Single-value electrical resistance measures. Verification procedure

GOST 8.255-2003: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Electrical capacity measures. Verification procedure

GOST 8.259-2004: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Electrical induction active and reactive energy meters. Methods of verification

GOST 8.292-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Laboratory conductometers of liquid. Verification procedure

GOST 8.331-99: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurement. Distortion meters. Methods and means of verification and calibration

GOST 8.422-81: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Frequency meters. Methods and means for verification

GOST 8.497-83: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ampere meters, voltmeters, watt meters, varmeters. Calibration methods

GOST 8.518-2010: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ferritometers for austenitic steels. Verification procedure

GOST 8.569-2000: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Low power SHF wattmeters of frequency range 0,02-178,6 GHz. Verification and calibration methods

GOST 8.584-2004: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Alternating current static meters for active energy. Methods of verification

GOST 8042-93: Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories. Part 8. Special requirements for accessories

GOST 9.602-2005: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Underground constructions. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST 901-2017: Bakelite lacquers. Specifications

GOST 9245-79: Measuring direct current potentiometers

GOST 95-77: Single-operator single-phase transformers for manual arc welding. General specifications

GOST R 15.013-94: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Medical products

GOST R 50856-96: Radar meters of the speed of vehicles. Basic technical requirements. Methods of tests

GOST R 51036-97: Electrooptical elements. Methods for measurement of electrooptical parameters

GOST R 51060-97: Instruments for measurement of optical average power of fibre optics transmission systems. General technical requirements

GOST R 51070-97: Voltages instruments of electrical and magnetic fields. General technical requirements and methods of tests

GOST R 51151-98: Garage equipment. Safety requirements and methods of inspection

GOST R 51164-98: Steel pipe mains. General requirements for corrosion protection

GOST R 51288-99: Means for measuring electric and magnetic quantities. Exploitation documents

GOST R 51317.3.2-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Harmonic current emissions (equipment input current < 16 A per phase). Limits and test methods

GOST R 51317.3.3-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Voltage fluctuation and flicker impressed on low-voltage supply systems by equipment with rated current <=16 A. Limits and test methods

GOST R 51317.4.15-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Flikermeter. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 51319-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio disturbance measuring apparatus. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 51324.1-99: Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations. Part 1. General specifications and methods of tests

GOST R 51570-2000: Decontamination of territories. Method for determination of penetration depth of cesium-137 into the soil

GOST R 51724-2001: Shielded facilities, spaces, installations. Reduced geomagnetic field. Measuring methods and assessment of field intensity compliance with technical requirements and hygiene standards

GOST R 51728-2001: Stick insulators of polymeric material of tram and trolleybus contact nets to be used in polluted environmental conditions. General specifications

GOST R 51978-2002: Load-bearing geophysical armoured cables. General specifications

GOST R 52082-2003: Support polymeric outdoor insulators for voltage 6-220 kV. General specifications

GOST R 52320-2005: Electricity metering equipment (а.с). General requirements. Tests and test conditions. Part 11. Meters for electric energy

GOST R 52536-2006: Automatic equipment for spectrum monitoring stations. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 52742-2007: Sound broadcasting channels and sections. Typical structures. Basic quality parameters. Methods for measuring

GOST R 52920-2008: Wheelsets for the traction railway stock. Method of measuring the electrical resistance

GOST R 53112-2008: Information protection. Facilities for measuring side electromagnetic radiation and pickup parameters. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 53374-2009: Liquid - propellant rocket engines. General technical requirements for production and quality inspection during supply for use

GOST R 53425-2009: Connecting lines and engineering area in digital and analogue paths of sound broadcasting. Technical characteristics. Parameters of quality. Methods of measurements

GOST R 53537-2009: Sound broadcasting. The basic electric parameters of channels and of studio quality (with frequency band 20...20000 Hz)

GOST R 54292-2010: Digital paths of the initial distribution of programs of a sound broadcasting, organized by fibre optical, satellite, radiorelay and cable systems of transfer. Terms and definitions. Structure. Basic parameters. Methods of measurement

GOST R 54775-2011: Powered support pumping stations. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 54922-2012: Zink concentrates. Technical specification

GOST R 55152-2012: Mining equipment. Mobile armoured face conveyors. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55189-2012: Line suspension polymeric rod insulators. General specifications

GOST R 55686-2013: Real-time audio-visual information system (RAVIS). Digital modulator. Basic parameters and technical requirements

GOST R 55687-2013: Real-time audio-visual information system (RAVIS). Monitoring receiver. General technical requirements

GOST R 55688-2013: Real-time audio-visual information system (RAVIS). Content composer. Structure and data transmission protocols

GOST R 55689-2013: Real-time audio-visual information system (RAVIS). Norms and methods of measurement assurance

GOST R 55702-2013: Electric light sources. Methods of measuring of electrical and luminous characteristics

GOST R 55703-2013: Electric light sources. Methods of measuring spectral and colour characteristics

GOST R 55705-2013: Lighting devices with the LED light sources. General specifications

GOST R 56834-2015: Combustible natural gas. Determination of oxygen content

GOST R 57144-2016: Special automatic traffic enforcement devices with photo, filming and recording features. General technical requirements

GOST R 57393-2017: Microelectromechanical transducers of linear acceleration. Methods for measurement parameters

GOST R 58344-2019: Earthing switches and grounding devices for various purposes. General technical requirements for anode grounding of electrochemical corrosion protection installations

GOST R 58365-2019: DC switches for voltages above 1000 V for traction substations and linear devices for traction power supply of the railway. General specifications

GOST R 58601-2019: Unified energy system and isolated energy systems. Operational Dispatch Management. Relay protection and automation. Autonomous emergency recorders. Norms and requirements

GOST R 58815-2020: Lamps with LEDs for museum lighting. General specifications

GOST R 70258-2022: Sub-ballast mats for vibration isolation of track superstructure structures. Test methods

GOST R 70261-2022: Sub-tie gaskets for vibration isolation of track superstructure structures. Test methods

GOST R 8.564-96: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for means of electric field intensity measurement within frequency range 0-20 kHz

GOST R 8.566-96: The state system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Standard radiation sources (reference sources) in form of black body models for temperature range -50 +2500 °C. Standard procedure for metrological certification and verification

GOST R 8.622-2006: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The quality performances of electric energy. Procedures of measurements during the control of electric energy in the public electrical systems

GOST R 8.655-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Quality factors of electric power measuring instruments. General specification

GOST R 8.656-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Quality factors of electric power measuring instruments. Methods of verification

GOST R 8.675-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Electromagnetic flow meter. Calibration methods

GOST R 8.685-2009: State system of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Diode slideback voltmeters. Verification methods

GOST R 8.686-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. A.C. balanced bridges. Verification methods

GOST R 8.689-2009: Quality factors of electric power measuring instruments. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Test methods and equipment.

GOST R 8.704-2010: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Working dilatometers. Verification procedure

GOST R 8.709-2010: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The laboratory conductometers of liquid. Methods of verification

GOST R 8.832-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification system for measuring equipment of AC industrial voltage from 1 to 500 kV

GOST R 8.867-2014: The state system of measurement assurance. The verification of a measuring instruments of direct current in range from 1·10 raised to the power of-15 to 1·10 raised to the power of -9 A

GOST R 8.877-2014: The state system of measurement assurance. Measures of electromotive force (standard cells) and measures of direct electrical voltage. Methods of verification

GOST R IEC 61037-2001: Electricity metering. Tariff and load control. Particular requirements for electronic ripple control receivers

GOST R IEC 61038-2001: Electricity metering. Tariff and load control. Particular requirements for time switches

IM 14-7-2004: Automation. Instruments for measuring and regulating temperature. Part 2. Thermometers, alarms, indicators, frames, temperature relays, devices are different. Nomenclature directory

MI 114-77: GSE. Method of calibration of reference devices for calibration of current and voltage transformers

MI 1201-86: Guidelines. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Sequence Spectrum Analyzers. Method of verification

MI 1202-86: Guidelines. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Instruments and converters measuring voltage, current, resistance, digital. General requirements for methods of verification

MI 136-77: GSE. Calibration method of kiloampereme DC

MI 1695-87: Guidelines. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Measures of electrical resistance are multi-valued, used in DC circuits. Method of verification

MI 1888-88: Guidelines. GSE. Normal measurement conditions in flexible manufacturing systems. General provisions

MI 197-79: Method of calibration of medical oscilloscopes

MI 1991-89: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Converters measuring electrical quantities. DC shunts measuring. Method of verification

MI 209-80: Methods of metrological certification of D1-13 devices (ASO №M) as exemplary measuring frequencies in the range 0-35 MHz

MI 211-80: Methods of metrological certification of passing power wattmeters with inverters YA2M-21 and YA2M-22 as exemplary measuring apparatuses of the 2nd category in the frequency range 3-10 GHz

MI 212-80: Methods of metrological certification of passing power wattmeters with inverters YA2M-23 and YA2M-24 as exemplary measuring apparatuses of the 2nd category in the frequency range 0.15-3.0 GHz

MI 2158-91: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. AC electricity meters electronic. Method of verification

MI 2351-95: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Heat meters for closed and open heating systems such as UTC. Method of verification

MI 2380-2001: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Heat power controller TECON 10. Calibration method

MI 2539-99: GSE. Measuring channels of controllers, measuring and computing, control, software and hardware systems. General requirements for methods of verification

MI 2560-99: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Measuring channels of programmable controllers. General requirements for metrological characteristics

MI 2646-2001: GSOEI. Description of the type of measuring instruments for the State Register. The order of construction and general requirements for the presentation and design

MI 2728-2002: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The list of regulatory documents on security requirements. The order of their application in the normative documents of the ICE

MI 2786-2003: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Installation mass measuring ASMA. Test methods

MI 2808-2003: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The amount of electrical energy. Measurement technique for the distribution of unbalances in the wholesale electricity market

MI 2845-2003: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Measuring voltage transformers 6

MI 2846-2003: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The amount of electrical energy and power. The method of measurement in the branches of OJSC Tyumenenergo

MI 2982-2006: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Voltage transformers measuring from 500/square root of 3 to 750/square root of 3 kV. On-site verification method

MI 2999-2006: Recommendation. GSOEI. Systems automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electric energy. Recommendations for writing a type description

MI 2999-2011: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Systems automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electric energy. Recommendations for writing a type description

MI 2999-2018: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Systems automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electric energy. Recommendations for writing a type description

MI 3022-2006: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Normalization of the load of the secondary circuits of measuring current transformers

MI 3023-2006: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Normalization of the load of the secondary circuits of measuring voltage transformers

MI 3050-2007: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Voltage transformers measuring. Methods of on-site verification using PVE voltage converters

MI 3195-2018: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Method of measuring the load power of measuring voltage transformers under operating conditions

MI 3314-2011: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Measuring voltage transformers 220

MI 3591-17: GSI. Measuring voltage transformers with rated primary voltage from 0.1 to 0.8 kV. On-site verification procedure using the Energomonitor-3.1KM device

MI JeP.INT-10-01-2018: Electrostatic fields. The method of measuring the intensity of the electrostatic field for the purpose of a special assessment of working conditions

MI PJeM50.INT-08.01-2018: Electromagnetic fields. Methods of measuring electric field strength of 50 Hz and magnetic field strength or induction of 50 Hz, (parameters of an alternating electromagnetic field) for the purpose of a special assessment of working conditions

MI PJeMRCh.INT-09.01-2018: Electromagnetic fields. Methods of measuring the parameters of the variable electromagnetic field of the radio frequency range for the purpose of a special assessment of working conditions

MI PMP.INT-11-01-2018: Permanent magnetic fields. Methods of measuring magnetic induction (parameters of a constant magnetic field) for the purpose of a special assessment of working conditions

MI PrV-2015/1: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of sulfur dioxide in gases organized by IZA (photometric method)

MI PrV-2015/3: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of dust in gases organized by IZA

MI PrV-2015/4: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of solid fluorides in gases organized by IZA (potentiometric method)

MI PrV-2017/1: Industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Method for measuring the mass concentration of resinous substances in gases organized by IZA (gravimetric method)

MP 201-045-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG software 220 kV

MP 201-047-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG software 220 kV

MP 201-048-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG software 220 kV

MP 201-049-2019: System automated information-measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG software 220 kV

MP 203-55-2019: Machines coordinate measuring PRIMUS L

MP 2550-0138-2010: Hydrological automated complexes AGK-1. Verification Method

MP JePR-205-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) "Limanskaya SES"

MP JePR-205-2019: System automated information measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) "Limanskaya SES"

MP JePR-216-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) of JSC "NESK" for GTE "Gelendzhik" second stage. Verification method

MP JePR-217-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) Construction Innovations LLC, second stage. Verification method

MP JePR-222-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial electricity metering (AIIS KUE) of NPP LLC at the facility of LISCo Broiler LLC (GTD No. 5). Verification method

MP JePR-223-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) of Stolitsa LLC. Verification method

MP JePR-224-2019: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) of CJSC "Nizhnevartovskaya GRES". Verification method

MP JePR-226-2020: Automated information and measuring system for commercial metering of electricity (AIIS KUE) RUSENERGOSBYT SIBERIA LLC. Verification method

MP JePR-227-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG PP 220kV Amga

MP JePR-227-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) UNEG PP 220kV Amga

MP JePR-230-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of PJSC "TNS energo Yaroslavl"

MP JePR-230-2020: System automated information and measuring commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of PJSC "TNS energo Yaroslavl"

MP JePR-232-2020: Automated information-measuring system for commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of LLC "MSC Energo" in terms of electricity supply of LLC "Mine Gramoteinsky"

MP JePR-232-2020: Automated information-measuring system for commercial accounting of electricity (AIIS KUE) of LLC "MSC Energo" in terms of electricity supply of LLC "Mine Gramoteinsky"

MP KCSM-186-2019: Channels measuring systems of automated information-measuring commercial metering of electricity AIIS KUE UNEG Substation 330 kV "Gubkin". Verification method

MU 08-47/147: Surface, natural, drinking and waste water. Inversion voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of aniline

MUK 4.1.003-13: Measurement of mass concentration of 1, 1-dimethylhydrazine in the blood by spectrophotometric method

MUK 4.1.004-13: Method for measuring the mass concentration of ammonium perchlorate (perchlorate ion) in the urine by the potentiometric method

MUK 4.1.1142-02: Determination of residual amounts of thiamethoxam and its metabolite (CGA 322704) in water, soil, potatoes, grain and straw of cereal crops, apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, peas and sugar beets using high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.1147-02: Measurement of famoxadone concentrations (DPH-JE 874) in the working area air and ambient air using high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.1388-03: Determination of residues of iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium in water, soil, grain and straw of cereal crops, green mass and corn grain by high-performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.1451-03: Determination of residual amounts of ammonium glufosinate and its metabolite in water, seeds and sunflower oil by gas chromatography

MUK 4.1.1872-04: Guidelines for the determination of residues of azimsulfuron in water, soil, grain and rice of straw by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.2027-05: Guidelines for the determination of residual amounts of chlorsulfoxime in water by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.2060-06: Methodological guidelines for determining residual amounts of nicosulfuron in corn oil by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.2146-06: Methodological guidelines for gas chromatographic determination of 1, 1-dimethylhydrazine concentrations in soil

MUK 4.1.2547-09: Determination of residues of isoxadifen-ethyl and isoxadifen in water, soil, green mass, corn grain and oil using capillary gas-liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.2594-10: Determination of styrene, phenol and naphthalene in air using chromatography-mass spectrometry

MUK 4.1.2675-10: Measurement of residual content of trifloxystrobin and its metabolite in berries and grape juice using high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.2676-10: Methods for measuring the residual content of thiacloprid in green mass, seeds and oil of rapeseed, berries and grape juice by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.2687-10: Methods for measuring the residual content of mesosulfuron methyl in water, soil, green mass, grain and straw of cereal crops using high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.2690-10: Methods for measuring residual spiroxamine content in leafy and sugar beet roots by capillary gas-liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.2863-11: Determination of residual amounts of propizachlor in water, soil, green mass, corn grain, sunflower seeds, rapeseed and vegetable oil by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.2864-11: Measurement of residual amounts of thiabendazole in seeds and in rapeseed oil by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.2923-11: Determination of residues of imidacloprid in carrots, onions, peas, grains and straw of rice, grains and soybean oil, berries and grape juice by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3020-12: Measurement of residual amounts of mepiquat chloride in water, soil, green mass, grain and straw of grain crops, seeds and oil of rapeseed by high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection

MUK 4.1.3022-12: Measurement of residual quantities of esfenvalerate in seeds and rapeseed oil by gas-liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3044-12: Determination of residues of imidacloprid in flax seeds and oil by high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3198-14: Measurement of the residual content of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl by the metabolite fenoxaprop-P in buckwheat grain and straw using high performance liquid chromatography

MUK 4.1.3476-17: Measurement of mass concentration of fluoride ions in hair samples by potentiometric method using an ion-selective electrode

MVI.MN 806-98: Methodology for determining the concentrations of sorbic and benzoic acids in food products by high performance liquid chromatography

ODM 218.3.001-2010: Recommendations for the diagnosis of active corrosion of reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures of bridges on highways using the half-cell potential method

ODM 218.8.006-2016: Lighting for highways. Classification. General requirements and test methods

ODM 218.9.015-2016: Recommendations for the organization of automated monitoring of the state of the artificial structures of highways as part of intelligent transport systems

OIT-0013-2000: Nomenclature of equipment, products and technologies for nuclear installations, radiation sources and storage facilities, subject to mandatory certification in the System of certification of equipment, products and technologies for nuclear installations,

OST 45.126-2002: Equipment of cable connection lines in telecommunications broadcasting closets. Main parameters. Technical requirements. Methods of measurement

OST 45.134-99: Instruments for measuring jitter and phase drift in digital telecommunication signals. Technical requirements. Test methods

OST 45.135-99: Measuring indicators of errors in the digital transmission paths of the synchronous digital hierarchy. Technical requirements. Test methods

OST 45.145-2001: Conjugations of digital automatic telephone exchanges and digital transmission systems. Parameters of joints for the transmission rate of 2048 kbit / s, the measurement technique

OST 45.191-2002: Average power meters of optical radiation for fiber-optic transmission systems. Technical requirements. Test methods

OST 45.192-2002: Measuring radiation sources for fiber-optic transmission systems. Technical requirements. Test methods

OST 45.57-97: Video center sound and image paths. Main settings. Measurement methods

OST 45.91-96: Error performance measuring equipment for digital paths and channels. Technical requirements. Measuring techniques

PND F 16.2.2:2.3:3.27-02: Quantitative chemical analysis of soil. Methods for measuring moisture content in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by the gravimetric method

PND F 16.2.2:2.3:3.31-02: Methods for measuring alkalinity in solid and liquid wastes of production and consumption, sediments, sludge, activated sludge, bottom sediments by potentiometric titration

PR 32.130-98: Rules for Metrology. Model regulation on the road metrological laboratory car

R 50-124-91: Recommendations. Acousto-optic filters. Types, basic parameters, measurement methods

RD 153-34.0-11.209-99: Recommended Practice. Automated Electric Energy and Power Monitoring and Metering Systems. Standard Method for Measurements of Electric Energy and Power

RD 153-34.0-15.501-00: Guidelines for monitoring and analyzing the quality of electric energy in general-purpose power supply systems. Part 1. Electrical energy quality control

RD 153-34.0-15.502-2002: The leading document. Methodical instructions on control and the analysis of electric energy quality in general purpose power supply systems. Part 2. Analysis of electric energy quality.

RD 34.11.333-97: Standard Method for Measurements of Quantity of Electrical Energy

RD 34.11.334-97: Standard Method for Measurements of Electrical Power

RD 45.002-96: The leading document of branch. The guideline on establishment of the measuring instrument nomenclature which are subject to checking.

RD 45.028-99: Equipment of monitoring system of optical cables of communication networks. Technical requirements

RD 45.035-99: Synchronization equipment of the second level of hierarchy. Secondary master oscillator - VZG. Technical requirements

RD 45.036-99: Technical requirements for the equipment of the atmospheric optical digital linear path of the plesiochronous digital hierarchy

RD 45.145-2000: Standards for error rates of digital channels with a speed of 64 kbps/s for the local network, including subscriber lines (access network)

RD 45.193-2001: Equipment of radio control stations. General specifications

RD 50-206-80: Guidelines. Rationing and determination of the metrological characteristics of the measuring transducers of the code into a constant voltage and current

RD 50-347-82: Guidelines. Digital pulse voltmeters. Methods and means of verification

RD 50-363-82: D.C. measuring high-voltage dividers. Methods and means of verification

RD 52.04.186-89: Part 1. Guidance on the control of air pollution. Pollution of the atmosphere in cities and other settlements. Main Geophysical Observatory. A.I.Voyeikova (MGO)

RD 52.18.191-89: Guidelines. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of acid-soluble forms of metals (copper, lead, zinc, nickel, cadmium) in soil samples by atomic absorption analysis

RD 52.18.289-90: Guidelines. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of mobile forms of metals (copper, lead, zinc, nickel, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, manganese) in soil samples by atomic absorption analysis. NGO "Typhoon"

RD 52.18.578-97: Guidelines. Mass fraction of the amount of polychlorbiphenyl isomers in soil samples. Methodology for measurement using gas-liquid chromatography

RD 52.18.579-97: Guidelines. The concentration of asymmetric dimethylhydrazine in surface, groundwater, drinking water and soil samples. Methods for measuring using mass spectrometry. NGO "Typhoon"

RD 52.26.817-2015: Guide to ionospheric, magnetic and heliogeophysical observations. Part I. Ionospheric Observations

RD 52.44.590-2016: Mass concentration of priority components of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in samples of precipitation and surface water. Measurement technique by high performance liquid chromatography

SanPiN 42-128-4433-87: Sanitary standards of permissible concentrations of chemicals in soil

SP 470.1325800.2019: Steel structures. Work Rules

SP 53-101-98: Manufacturing and quality control of steel structures for construction

ST RK 1518-2006: Diesel locomotives. DC electric rotating traction machines. Requirements for acceptance programmes and test procedures

ST RK 1820-2008: Refrigeration cars. Thermo-technical test procedure. Put into effect in substitution of OST 21.051.65-86

ST RK 1835-2008: Passenger railway car magnetic-rail brake. Specification

ST RK GOST R 52320-2009: AC electricity metering equipment. General requirements for testing and testing conditions. Part 11. Meters for electric energy

STB 1181-99: Products of fruits and vegetables. Spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods for determination of sorbic and benzoic acids content at their joint presence

STB 1982-2009: Wine products and wine-making raw materials. Method for determination of organic acids by high performance liquid chromatography

STB GOST R 52320-2007: Equipment for measurement of alternating current of electrical power. General requirements. Tests and test conditions. Part 11. Electrical power recorders

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