GOST 5382-91
ГОСТ 5382-91
Cements and materials for cement production. Chemical analysis methods
Цементы и материалы цементного производства Методы химического анализа
Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 6-1991
The standard applies to cements, clinker, raw mixes, mineral additives and raw materials used in cement production and establishes standards for the accuracy of analyzes of the chemical composition, as well as methods for determining the mass fraction of moisture, loss on ignition, insoluble residue, oxides of silicon, calcium (including including free), magnesium, iron, aluminum, titanium, sulfur, potassium, sodium, manganese, chromium, phosphorus, barium, chlorine ion, fluoride ion. The use of other methods of analysis, metrologically certified and corresponding to the accuracy standards of this standard, is allowed. At the same time, the reproducibility error of the methods should not exceed two repeatability errors established in the standard for the corresponding elements.
Стандарт распространяется на цементы, клинкер, сырьевые смеси, минеральные добавки и сырье, применяемые в цементном производстве и устанавливает нормы точности выполнения анализов химического состава, а также методы определения массовой доли влаги, потери при прокаливании, нерастворимого остатка, оксидов кремния, кальция (в том числе свободного), магния, железа, алюминия, титана, серы, калия, натрия, марганца, хрома, фосфора, бария, хлор-иона, фтор-иона. Допускается применение других методов анализа, метрологически аттестованных и соответствующих нормам точности настоящего стандарта. При этом ошибка воспроизводимости методов не должна превышать двух ошибок повторяемости, установленных в стандарте для соответствующих элементов.
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Approved: USSR State Building Committee,
SKU: RUSS20008
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Construction (Max) »
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Documents System of normative documents in construction »
6. Regulatory documents for building materials and products »
k.61 Mineral binders »
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014/2011 TR CU. Road safety »
Regulations and standards (to TR TS 014/2011) »
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
2 Tests for external factors »
2.3 Testing of products in construction »
ISO classifier »
91.100 Building Materials »
91.100.10 Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Building mixture »
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91.100 Building Materials »
91.100.10 Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Building mixture »
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Zh Construction and building materials »
Zh1 Construction materials »
Zh19 Test methods. Packaging. Marking »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »
The Document is Replaced With:
GOST 5382-2019: Cements and materials of cement production. Chemical analysis methods
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 5382-73: Cements. Chemical testing methods
GOST 9552-76: Cements, aluminous, high-aluminous and gypsum-aluminous expanding. Chemical testing methods
The Document References:
GOST 10163-76: Reagents. Soluble starch. Specifications
GOST 10164-75: Reagents. Ethylene glycol. Specifications
GOST 10484-78: Reagents. Hydrofluoric acid. Specifications
GOST 10521-78: Reagents. Benzoic acid. Specifications
GOST 10652-73: Reagents. Dihydrate ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt. Specifications
GOST 10929-76: Reagents. Hydrogen peroxide. Specifications
GOST 10931-74: Reagents. Sodium molybdate 2-aqueous. Specifications
GOST 11293-89: Gelatin. Specifications
GOST 12.1.010-76: Explosion safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.019-79: Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. General requirements and nomenclature of kinds of protection
GOST 12.2.008-75: Equipment and facilities for gas-flame treatment of metals and thermal
GOST 12.4.004-74: Filtering protective mask RPG-67
GOST 12.4.011-89: Occupational safety standards system. Means of protection. General requirements and classification
GOST 12.4.021-75: Ventilation systems. General requirements
GOST 12.4.028-76: Respirators шб-1 "lepestok"
GOST 12.4.103-83: Occupational safety standards system. Special protective clothes, personal means of hand and legs protections. Classification
GOST 1277-75: Reagents. Silver nitrate. Specifications
GOST 1381-73: Hexamethylenetetramine for industrial use. Specifications
GOST 1625-89: Formalin for industrial use. Specifications
GOST 16286-84: Potentiometric transducers SSI. Industrial auxiliary electrodes. Specifications
GOST 1770-74: Laboratory volumetric glassware. Cylinders, beakers, measuring flasks, test tubes. General specifications
GOST 18300-87: Technical rectified ethyl alcohol. Specifications
GOST 195-77: Reagents. Sodium sulphite. Specifications
GOST 199-78: Reagents. Sodium acetate 3-aqueous. Specifications
GOST 20292-74: Laboratory volumetric glassware. Burettes, pipettes
GOST 20298-74: Ion-exchange resins. Cation exchangers. Specifications
GOST 20478-75: Reagents. Ammonium persulphate. Specifications
GOST 20490-75: Reagents. Potassium permanganate. Specifications
GOST 22180-76: Reagents. Oxalic acid. Specifications
GOST 22867-77: Reagents. Ammonium nitrate. Specifications
GOST 24104-2001: Laboratory scales. General technical requirements
GOST 24104-88: General purpose and reference laboratory balances
GOST 24363-80: Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Specifications
GOST 25336-82: Laboratory glassware and equipment. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 25664-83: Metol (para-methyl-aminophenol sulphate). Specifications
GOST 27067-86: Reagents. Ammonium thiocyanate. Specifications
GOST 27654-88: Women wear for acid protection
GOST 29058-91: Women’s suits for protection against nontoxic dust
GOST 29169-91: Laboratory glassware. One-mark pipettes
GOST 29227-91: Laboratory glassware. Graduated pipettes. Part 1. General requirements
GOST 29228-91: Laboratory glassware. Graduated pipettes. Part 2. Pipettes for which no waiting time is specified
GOST 29229-91: Laboratory glassware. Graduated pipettes. Part 3. Pipettes for which a waiting time of 15 s is specified
GOST 29251-91: Laboratory glassware. Burettes. Part 1. General requirements
GOST 29252-91: Laboratory glassware. Burettes. Part 2. Burettes for which no waiting time is specified
GOST 29253-91: Laboratory glassware. Burettes. Part 3. Burettes for which a waiting time of 30 s is specified
GOST 3118-77: Reagents. Hydrochloric acid. Specifications
GOST 3158-75: Reagents. Barium sulphate. Specifications
GOST 3639-79: Water-alcohol solutions. Methods for the determination of the ethyl alcohol content
GOST 3652-69: Reagents. Citric acid monohydrate and anhydrous. Specifications
GOST 3757-75: Reagents. Aluminium nitrate 9-aqueous. Specifications
GOST 3758-75: Reagents. Aluminium sulphate octadecahydrate. Specifications
GOST 3760-79: Reagents. Ammonia water. Specifications.
GOST 3765-78: Reagents. Ammonium molibdate. Specifications
GOST 3770-75: Reagents. Ammonium carbonate. Specifications
GOST 3771-74: Reagents. Ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate Specifications
GOST 3773-72: Reagents. Ammonium chloride. Specifications
GOST 4108-72: Reagents. Barium chloride, 2-aqueous. Specifications
GOST 4139-75: Reagents. Potassium thiocyanate. Specifications
GOST 4145-74: Reagents. Potassium sulphate. Specifications
GOST 4147-74: Reagents. Ferric chloride hexahydrate. Specifications
GOST 4198-75: Reagents. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Specifications
GOST 4199-76: Reagents. 10-aqueous sodium tetraborate. Specifications
GOST 4204-77: Reagents. Sulphuric acid. Specifications
GOST 4217-77: Reagents. Potassium nitrate. Specifications
GOST 4220-75: Reagents. Potassium bichromate. Specifications
GOST 4221-76: Reagents. Potassium carbonate. Specifications
GOST 4233-77: Reagents. Sodium chloride. Specifications
GOST 4234-77: Reagents. Potassium chloride. Specifications
GOST 4328-77: Reagents. Sodium hydroxide. Specifications
GOST 4329-77: Reagents. Aluminium potassium sulphate. Specifications
GOST 4332-76: Reagents. Potassium sodium carbonate. Specifications
GOST 4461-77: Reagents. Nitric acid. Specifications
GOST 4463-76: Reagents. Sodium fluoride. Specifications
GOST 4478-78: Reagents. Sulphosalicylic acid, 2-aqueous. Specifications
GOST 4518-75: Reagents. Ammonium fluoride. Specifications
GOST 4523-77: Reagents. Magnesium sulphate 7-aqueous. Specifications
GOST 4530-76: Reagents. Calcium carbonate. Specifications
GOST 4919.2-77: Reagents and matters of special purity. Methods for preparation of buffer solutions
GOST 5382-73: Cements. Chemical testing methods
GOST 5456-79: Reagents. Hydroxilamine hydrochloride. Specifications
GOST 5632-72: High-alloy steels and corrosion-proof, heat-resisting and heat treated alloys. Grades
GOST 5712-78: Reagents. 1-aqueous ammonium oxalate. Specifications
GOST 5841-74: Reagents. Hydrazine sulfate
GOST 61-75: Reagents. Acetic acid. Specifications
GOST 6259-75: Reagents. Glycerin. Specifications
GOST 6552-80: Reagents. Orthophosphoric acid. Specifications
GOST 6563-75: Technical articles made of noble metals and their alloys. Specifications
GOST 6613-86: Square meshed woven wire gauzes
GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications
GOST 7298-79: Reagents. Hydroxylamine sulfate. Specifications
GOST 8.315-91: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measuring. Reference materials. Basic principles, ways of development, certification, approval, registration and use
GOST 8.315-97: Standard samples for composition and properties of substances and materials
GOST 8.316-78: The State Measurement System. Certification and approval of state standard samples
GOST 8.326-89: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological certification measuring instruments
GOST 8.531-2002: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Reference materials of composition of solid and disperse materials. Ways of homogeneity assessment
GOST 8.531-85: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Homogeneity of powdered certified reference materials of content. Measurement procedure
GOST 8.532-2002: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Certified reference materials of composition of substances and materials. Interlaboratory metrological certification. Content and order of works
GOST 8.532-85: Standard samples for composition of substances and materials
GOST 83-79: Reagents. Sodium carbonate. Specifications
GOST 8429-77: Borax. Technical conditions
GOST 8677-76: Reagents. Calcium oxide. Specifications
GOST 9147-80: Laboratory porcelain ware and apparatus. Specifications
GOST 9552-76: Cements, aluminous, high-aluminous and gypsum-aluminous expanding. Chemical testing methods
GOST 9656-75: Reagents. Boric acid. Specifications
Order 970: Administrative Regulations on rendering by the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology of the state service on type approval of certified reference materials or type of measuring instruments
OSP-72/87: Basic sanitary rules for working with radioactive substances and other sources of ionizing radiation
PR 50.2.009-94: The testing and approval procedure for the measurement instrumentation
ST SEV 3477-81: Cements. Sampling and sample preparation
TU 6-09-1368-78: Calcein disodium salt, indicator, pure for analysis
TU 6-09-1418-78: Iron (3) oxide (iron oxide, iron trioxide) brand OCh 2-4
TU 6-09-3835-77: Diantipyrylmethane (4, 4-methylenebis) 2, 3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-OH); 4, 4-methylenedientipyrin, pure for analysis
TU 6-09-3973-75: P-NITROPHENOL pure for analysis and pure
TU 6-09-4530-77: Indicators in small packing
TU 6-09-4756-79: Lithium metaborate 2-water (lithium boric acid) pure
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 10178-85: Portland cement and portland blastfurnace slag cement. Specifications
GOST 1581-91: Oil-well Portland cements. Specifications
GOST 1581-96: Well Portland cements. Specifications.
GOST 15825-80: Coloured Portland cement. Specifications
GOST 22266-2013: Sulphate-resistant cements. Specifications
GOST 22266-94: Sulphate-resistant cements. Specifications
GOST 23.201-78: Products wear resistance assurance. Gas abrasive wear testing of materials and coatings with centrifugal accelerator
GOST 23.207-79: Ensuring of wear resistance of products. Testing of engineering materials for impact abrasive wear
GOST 23.208-79: Ensuring of wear resistance of products. Wear resistance testing of materials by friction against loosely fixed abrasive particles
GOST 23790-79: Phosphates fire protective wood coating. Technical requirements
GOST 25328-82: Masonry cement. Specifications.
GOST 25818-2017: Fly ash thermal power plants for concrete. Technical conditions
GOST 30515-2013: Cements. General specifications
GOST 30515-97: Cements General specifications
GOST 31108-2003: General structural Portland clinker cements. Specifications
GOST 31108-2016: General structural Portland clinker cements. Specifications
GOST 32026-2012: Clay raw materials for manufacturing of claydite gravel, rubble and sand. Specifications
GOST 33174-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Cement. Technical requirements
GOST 33762-2016: Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Requirements for injection-sealing compounds and seals of cracks, cavities and clefts
GOST 34277-2017: Materials and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Requirements for anchoring compositions and adhesion-strength fastenings of reinforcement elements
GOST 3476-74: Slags domain and electrothermophosphoric granulated for the production of cements
GOST 4013-82: Gypsum and gypsum-anhydrite rock for the manufacture of binders. Specifications
GOST 5578-94: Slag crushed stone and slag sand of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy for concretes. Specifications
GOST 6139-2003: Sand for cement testing. Specifications
GOST 965-89: Portland cements, white. Specification
GOST 969-91: Alumina and high alumina cements. Specifications
GOST R 51795-2001: Cements. Methods for determination of content of mineral additives
GOST R 55224-2012: Cements for the transport construction. Specifications
GOST R 55567-2013: The order of the organization and conducting technical engineering studies on researches on objects of cultural heritage. Monuments of history and culture. General requirements
GOST R 56178-2014: Modifiers of organic-mineral origin of MB type for concretes, mortars and dry mixes. Specifications
GOST R 56196-2014: Active mineral additives for cements. General specifications
GOST R 56378-2015: Materials and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Requirements for products repair and bond connections for rehabilitation of structures
GOST R 56585-2015: Pigments for concretes and mortars. General Specifications
GOST R 56593-2015: Mineral admixtures for concretes and mortars. Test methods
GOST R 56703-2015: Dry building in-depth waterproofing capillary mixes based on cement binder. Specifications
GOST R 56727-2015: Self-stressing cements. Specifications
GOST R 57018-2016: Guidelines for diagnosis of fly ash produced in the coal combustion
GOST R 57293-2016: Common cement. Specifications
GOST R 58894-2020: Condensed silica fume for concrete and mortars. Specifications
ODM 218.2.031-2013: Guidelines for the use of fly ash and ash-and-slag mixtures from coal combustion at thermal power plants in road construction
ODM 218.2.044-2014: Recommendations for the performance of instrument and instrumental measurements in assessing the technical condition of bridge structures on highways
ODM 218.3.012-2011: Cements for concrete coatings and road foundations
OST 218.2.001-2002: Portland cement for concrete artificial constructions and road pavements of the St. Petersburg ring road. Specifications
PNST 19-2014: Portlandcement nanomodified. Specifications
SDA 24-2008: Rules for assessment (certification) of testing laboratories personnel
SN 277-80: Guidelines for the Fabrication of Cellular Concrete Products
SNiP I-V.2-69: Inorganic Binders and Admixtures for Concretes and Mortars
SP 13-102-2003: Rules of inspection of bearing structures of buildings and facilities
SP 349.1325800.2017: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Rules of structural reinforcement and repair
TR 120-01: Technical recommendations on the waterproofing of the underground part of buildings and structures using materials "Akvatron-6u", "Akvatron-8b", "Akvatron-12"
TR 166-04: Technical recommendations for quality assurance of concrete and mortar mixes and prevention of concrete corrosion in reinforced concrete structures
TSN 13-311-01: Inspection and assessment of the technical condition of buildings and structures
TU 21-26-14-90: Cements for hydraulic structures
VSN 184-75: Technical guidelines for the installation of pavement bases made of stone materials, not reinforced and fortified with inorganic binders
VSN 185-75: Technical Guidelines for Roadbed and Pavement Construction Using Fly Ash and Ash-Slag Mixtures of Residue from Combustion of Various Types of Solid Fuels
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