
GOST 1516.1-76

ГОСТ 1516.1-76

Electrical equipment for ac voltages of 3 to 500 kv

Электрооборудование переменного тока на напряжения от 3 до 500 кВ

Status: Effective - Supersedes. The limitation of effectiveness has been lifted: Decree of the State Standard No. 1076 dated 06/27/91

The standard applies to electrical equipment of three-phase alternating current of 50 Hz frequency of three-phase (three-pole) and single-phase (single-pole) versions, voltage classes from 3 to 500 kV, climatic versions of U, CL and T (TS), placement categories 1, 2, 3 and 4 according to GOST 15150. The standard does not apply to: electrical equipment operating in test, medical X-ray, radio engineering, autonomous mobile and other special installations; valve windings of converter transformers and converter reactors; valve arresters; vacuum circuit breakers; parts of transformers and reactors (for example, devices for switching windings taps and related devices, including switching devices supplied separately from transformers), parts of apparatus (for example, rods, rods, guides, insulating tires); isolation of connection (node outside the transformer tank) of the cable to the winding of the oil power transformer; serial and linear regulating transformers; power transformer neutral insulation, grounded through a serial control transformer; insulation between the conductive parts of the multi-pin glands; electrical equipment in operation, in terms of preventive tests of its insulation; external insulation of electrical equipment and internal insulation of dry transformers and reactors exposed to the harmful effects of gases, vapors and chemical deposits.

Стандарт распространяется на электрооборудование трехфазного переменного тока частоты 50 Гц трехфазного (трехполюсного) и однофазного (однополюсного) исполнений, классов напряжения от 3 до 500 кВ, климатических исполнений У, ХЛ и Т (ТС), категорий размещения 1, 2, 3 и 4 по ГОСТ 15150. Стандарт не распространяется на: электрооборудование, работающее в испытательных, медицинских рентгеновских, радиотехнических, автономных подвижных и других специальных установках; вентильные обмотки преобразовательных трансформаторов и преобразовательные реакторы; вентильные разрядники; вакуумные выключатели; детали трансформаторов и реакторов (например, устройства переключения ответвлений обмоток и связанные с ними устройства, в том числе устройства переключения, поставляемые отдельно от трансформаторов), детали аппаратов (например, штанги, тяги, направляющие, изолирующие покрышки); изоляцию присоединения (узел вне бака трансформатора) кабеля к обмотке масляного силового трансформатора; последовательные и линейные регулировочные трансформаторы; изоляцию нейтрали силовых трансформаторов, заземляемую через последовательный регулировочный трансформатор; изоляцию между токоведущими частями многозажимных вводов; электрооборудование, находящееся в эксплуатации, в части профилактических испытаний его изоляции; внешнюю изоляцию электрооборудования и внутреннюю изоляцию сухих трансформаторов и реакторов, подвергающуюся вредным воздействиям газов, испарений и химических отложений.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 12/6/1976

SKU: RUSS20018

Price: $824.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes » 2 Safety requirements for certain types of work » 2.10 Operation of electrical installations, electrical equipment and power tools »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes » 2 Safety requirements for certain types of work » 2.2 Operation of production machines and equipment »

ISO classifier » 29 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING » 29.020 Electrical engineering in general »

National standards » 29 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING » 29.020 Electrical engineering in general »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » E Power and electrical equipment » E0 General rules and regulations for electrical and heat engineering » E09 Test methods. Packaging. Marking »

National Standards for OKSTU » ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS » Control methods (testing, analysis, measurements) »

The Document References:

GOST 10693-81: Hermetic capacitor bushings designed for rated voltages 110 kv and more

GOST 11677-85: Power transformers

GOST 12450-82: Ac circuit breakers for the rated voltages from 110 to 750 kv

GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence

GOST 1516.2-97: Electrical equipment and installations for a.c. voltage 3 kV and higher. General methods of dielectric tests

GOST 15543.1-89: Electrical articles. General requirements for environmental climatic aspects stability

GOST 15963-79: Electrical articles for tropical application. General technical requirements and methods of testing

GOST 16110-82: Power transformers. Terms and definitions

GOST 16357-83: Nonlinear resistor-type arresters for standard ac voltage

GOST 16504-81: The state system of testing products. Product test and quality inspection. General terms and definitions

GOST 16772-77: Converter transformers and reactors. General specifications

GOST 20074-83: Electrical equipment and installations. Method measurements of partial discharge characteristics

GOST 21023-75: Power transformers. Methods of measuring partial discharge characteristics during power frequency voltage testing

GOST 22756-77: Power and voltage transformers and reactors. Test methods of electric insulation strength

GOST 687-78: Ac breakers for the voltage exceeding 1000 v

GOST 9920-89: A.c. electrical installations for voltage from 3 to 750 kV. Creepage distance of external insulation

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 10693-81: Hermetic capacitor bushings designed for rated voltages 110 kv and more

GOST 11677-85: Power transformers

GOST Occupational safety standard system. Electrotechnical devices for voltage more than 1 000 v

GOST Cabinets for switchgear and control gear and unitized transformer substations

GOST 12022-76: Three-phase oil power transformers of general purpose, power range from 25 to 630 kV · A for voltage up to 35 kV inclusively. Specification

GOST 14693-90: Unsealed metal-enclosed switchgear

GOST 14694-76: Metal-clad switchgears up to 10 kV. Test methods

GOST 14695-80: Compact unit substations

GOST 14794-79: Concrete current-limiting

GOST 1516.2-76: Electrical equipment and installations for a. c. voltages 3 kV and higher. General test methods of electrical strength of insulation

GOST 1516.2-97: Electrical equipment and installations for a.c. voltage 3 kV and higher. General methods of dielectric tests

GOST 1516.3-96: Electrical equipment for a.c. voltages from 1 to 750 kV. Requirements for dielectric strength of insulation

GOST 15542-79: Flame-proof mine power transformers. General specifications

GOST 15581-80: Coupling and power selection capacitors for electricity transmission lines

GOST 15957-70: Three-phase power oil transformers of general purpose, voltage class 220 kV. Specification

GOST 15963-79: Electrical articles for tropical application. General technical requirements and methods of testing

GOST 16357-83: Nonlinear resistor-type arresters for standard ac voltage

GOST 16772-77: Converter transformers and reactors. General specifications

GOST 17500-72: Power transformers. Tap changers. General specifications

GOST 17512-82: Electric equipment and installations for 3 kV and higher. Measuring methods during high - voltage tests

GOST 17545-72: Three-phase power oil transformers of general purpose, voltage class 330 kV. Specification

GOST 17717-79: Alternating-current load-break cutouts for voltages of 3 to 10 kv

GOST 18397-86: Ac high-voltage circuit breakers standard voltage 6-220 kv for frequent switching operations

GOST 1983-2001: Voltage transformers. General specifications

GOST 20247-81: Power electric-furnace transformers and transformer sets

GOST 20248-82: Unit transformer substations from 25 to 2500 kV·A for voltage to 10 kV. Test methods

GOST 20690-75: Electrical equipment for a.c. voltage 750 kV. Requirements for electric strength of insulation

GOST 22229-83: Ceramic through insulators for voltage over 1000 V. General specifications

GOST 24126-80: Power transformer on-load tap-changing devices. General specifications

GOST 26093-84: Ceramic insulators. Test methods

GOST 30487-97: Electric train for suburban communication. General safety requirements

GOST 32676-2014: Smoothing reactors for railway traction substation. General specifications

GOST 34433-2018: Trunk pipelines for oil and oil products transportation. Transformer complete substations with voltage from 35 to 220 kV. General specifications

GOST 687-78: Ac breakers for the voltage exceeding 1000 v

GOST 689-90: Disconnectors and ground-wires for alternating current with voltage over 1 000 v

GOST 7746-2001: Current transformers. General specifications

GOST 7746-89: Current transformers. General specifications

GOST 8.216-2011: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurement. Potential transformers Checking methods.

GOST 8.216-88: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Voltage transformers. Verification methods

GOST 8008-75: Power transformers. Test methods of tap changing devices

GOST 8608-79: Porcelain pin support insulators for voltage above 1000 V. General specifications

GOST 8608-96: Porcelain pin support insulators for voltage above 1000 V. General specifications

GOST 9984-85: Ceramic support insulators rated for voltage over 1000 v

GOST R 51203-98: Rod porcelain insulators for contact net of railways. General specifications

GOST R 51204-98: Rod polymeric insulators for contact net of railways. General specifications

GOST R 51559-2000: General-purpose oil-immersed power transformers of 110 and 220 kV and autotransformers 27,5 kV for electric a. c. railway. General specifications

GOST R 52287-2004: Electrical penetration in containment structures for nuclear power generating stations

GOST R 53842-2010: Automobile engines. Spark plugs. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55853-2013: Medium speed roller mill. Types, critical parameters, specification

GOST R 56830-2015: Petroleum and natural gas industries. Electrical submersible pump units. General technical requirements

GOST R 58115-2018: Converter transformers for voltages from 6 to 110 kV for railway traction substations. General specifications

GOST R 58176-2018: Electric industry. Energy construction. Organisation of commissioning of thermal power plants. General requirements

GOST R 58786-2019: Electrical equipment for nuclear power plants. General technical requirements

GOST R 59032.4-2020: Electricity transmission by direct current of high voltage. AC side harmonic filter specification and design guide. Part 4. Equipment

GOST R IEC 870-2-1-93: Telecontrol equipment and systems. Part 2. Operating conditions. Sections One - Environmental conditions and power supplies

NB ZhT TsT 03-98: Electric trains. Safety Standards. Amendments №1-4

NB ZhT TsT 04-98: Electric locomotives. Safety standards

PNST 164-2016: Electric equipment for nuclear power plants. General technical requirements

RD 05-335-99: Requirements for the manufacture of mine electrical equipment with a voltage of 1140 V

RD 153-34.3-35.125-99: Guide to Protection of 6-1150 kV Electrical Circuits Against Lightning and Internal Overvoltages

RD 34.20.506-84: Typical operating and repair instructions for complete switchgears 6 - 10 kV

RD 34.35.514-85: Operating Instructions for Surge Protectors

RD 34.46.605: Transformers at Voltage of 110-1150 kV, with Power of 80 MVxA and Above

RD EO Provisions on acceptance and testing form conformity assessment for nuclear plants.

SO 34.46.611-2005: Typical technological instruction. Repair of high-voltage inputs of voltage classes 35 kV and above

SO 34-38-20136-2005: General-purpose 630 kVA power oil transformers for voltage up to 35 kV. Specifications for capital repair

STO: Thermal power plants. Methods of assessing the condition of the main equipment

TU 16-674.073-86: Short circuit breakers of types KRN and KZ for voltage classes 35, 110, 150 and 220 KV

TU 34-38-20121-87: Oil inlets. General technical conditions for major repairs

TU 34-38-20216-84: Transformers (and autotransformers) power oil general purpose 110 - 330 kV. Technical conditions for major repairs

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