
PNAE G-01-011-97

ПНАЭ Г-01-011-97

General Safety Regulations for nuclear thermal power plants (SSB 88/97). Also known as NP-001-97.

Общие положения обеспечения безопасности атомных станций (ОБП 88/97). Общие положения обеспечения безопасности атомных станций (ОБП 88/97).

Status: Not effective - Not applicable. Order of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of February 16, 2016 No. 52

Establish goals, benchmarks and basic safety criteria, as well as the basic principles and nature of technical and organizational measures aimed at achieving safety.

Устанавливают цели, ориентиры и основные критерии безопасности, а также основные принципы и характер технических и организационных мер, направленных на достижение безопасности.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosatomnadzor of Russia, 11/14/1997

SKU: RUSS20107

Price: $34.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Regulatory documents of supervisory authorities » Normative documents of Gosatomnadzor of Russia »

Technical Supervision » Section II. State regulation of safety in use of atomic energy » Other documents »

PromExpert » SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL SAFETY » III Nuclear and radiation safety » 3 Atomic stations »

ISO classifier » 27 ENERGY AND HEATING TECHNOLOGY » 27.120 Nuclear power engineering » 27.120.20 Nuclear power plants. Security »

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RG Regulation of the interaction of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC and Engineering Company (NPP General Designer) in the coordination of technical specifications and specifications for NPP equipment

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ST TsKBA 008.1-2007: Pipe fittings. Calculation and evaluation of reliability indicators and assigned indicators at the design stage. Part 1. Method of calculating and evaluating reliability indicators and assigned indicators at the design stage

ST TsKBA 008-2011: Pipe fittings. Calculation and evaluation of reliability and safety at the design stage

ST TsKBA 008-2014: Pipe fittings. Calculation and evaluation of reliability and safety at the design stage

ST TsKBA 009-2007: Pipe fittings. Electrical connectors of electric drives for nuclear power plants. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 031-2015: Pipeline valves and actuators for it. Passport. Development and design rules

ST TsKBA 055-2008: Pipe fittings. Valves valves with fluoroplast-4 seal and composite materials. Technical requirements and methods of mounting the sealing rings

ST TsKBA 065-2008: Pipe fittings. The nomenclature of indicators. Questionnaires for design and order

ST TsKBA 080-2015: Pipe fittings. Methods of testing for seismic resistance

ST TsKBA 084-2010: Elements of pipelines. Parts and assembly units of titanium alloys for nuclear power plant pipelines. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 085-2010: Elements of pipelines. Parts and assembly units of titanium alloys for nuclear power plant pipelines. Types and sizes

ST TsKBA 087-2010: Pipe fittings. Electric drives. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 090-2013: Pipe fittings. Pneumatic actuators and hydraulic actuators. General technical conditions

STO Preparation and conduct of emergency response training of nuclear power plant personnel. Primary requirements

STO Extending the life of a nuclear power unit

STO Basic rules for ensuring the operation of nuclear power plants

STO Water chemistry of the secondary circuit of nuclear power plants of the NPP-2006 project when the power unit is commissioned. Standards for the quality of the working environment and means to ensure them

STO Regulations on annual reports on the assessment of the state of safe operation of nuclear power units

STO The procedure for organizing and conducting the modernization of systems and equipment

STO Integrated management system. General guidance on the quality of the operating organization of Concern Rosenergoatom JSC

STO Atom stations. Equipment, instruments, means of monitoring and control systems. General technical requirements

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