GOST 14.205-83
ГОСТ 14.205-83
Unified system for technological preparation of production. Technological efficiency of design of prodacts. Terms and definitions
Технологичность конструкции изделий. Термины и определения
Status: Effective - Supersedes. IUS 5-1983
The standard establishes the terms used in science and technology and the definitions of basic concepts on the technological design of engineering products and instrument-making.
Стандарт устанавливает применяемые в науке и технике термины и определения основных понятий по технологичности конструкции изделий машиностроения и приборостроения.
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Approved: USSR State Committee for Standards,
SKU: RUSS20432
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01 General. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation »
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III Quality »
2 Product quality assurance »
2.1 Ensuring product quality at stage of technical preparation of production »
2.1.2 Technological preparation of production »
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01.040 Dictionaries »
01.040.01 General. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation (Dictionaries) »
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01.040 Dictionaries »
01.040.01 General. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation (Dictionaries) »
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01.110 Technical product documentation »
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01.110 Technical product documentation »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
Latest edition »
T General technical and organizational and methodological standards »
T5 Documentation System »
T53 System of technological documentation »
National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) »
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T General technical and organizational and methodological standards »
T0 General technical and metrological terms, designations and values »
T00 General technical terms, symbols and quantities »
National Standards for OKSTU »
Unified system of technological documentation (ESTD) »
As a Replacement Of:
GOST 18831-73: Technological design. Terms and definitions
The Document References:
GOST 21623-76: System of technical maintenance and repair of equipment. Characteristics for evaluation of maintainability and rapairability. Terms and definitions
GOST 27782-88: Materials consumption for engineering products. Terms and definitions
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 13.2.004-89: Reprography. Copirography. Means of document duplication. General specifications
GOST 14.201-83: Provision of technological efficiency of products design. General requirements
GOST 15.601-98: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Industrial products maintenance. Principal positions
GOST 1770-74: Laboratory volumetric glassware. Cylinders, beakers, measuring flasks, test tubes. General specifications
GOST 21623-76: System of technical maintenance and repair of equipment. Characteristics for evaluation of maintainability and rapairability. Terms and definitions
GOST 30167-2014: Resources saving. Procedure for resource conservation indices establishment in the papers on goods
GOST 30167-95: Resource conservation. Procedure for resource conservation indices establishment in the papers on goods
GOST 302-79: Medical maximum glass thermometer. Specifications
GOST 4.106-83: System of product quality indices. Gas extinguisher mixtures. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.107-83: System of product quality indices. Fire-extinguishing powders. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.120-87: Product-quality index system. Motor graders. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.121-87: Product-quality index system. Scrapers. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.122-87: Product-quality index system. Bulldozers. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.132-85: Product-quality index system. Fire extinguishers. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.136-85: Product-quality index system. Thermophysical apparatus. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.139-85: System of product-quality indices. Semiconductor power converters. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.140-85: Product-quality index system. Equipment for electric welding. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.148-85: System of product-quality indices. Low-voltage complete devices. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.154-85: Product-quality index system. Electrical rotating frames, number above 56 to 355 including. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.158-85: System of product-quality indices. Volumetric, velocity counters, batchmeters and flowmeters. Electromagnetic flowmeters. Vortex flowmeters, batchmeters and metering plants. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.161-85: System of product-quality indices. Manicure and pedicure articles. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.164-85: Product-quality index system. Radio spectrometrical analysers. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.165-85: Product-quality index system. Temperature regulators operating without outside energy source, sensor-relays. Nomenclature of mdices
GOST 4.166-85: Product-quality index system. Analysers of liquid. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.168-85: System of production quality indexes. Ultracentrifuges and rotors preparative. Nomenclature of indexes
GOST 4.170-85: System of product-quality indices. Analysers for aerosols of solid and granular materials. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.171-85: Product-quality index system. Turbo-generators, whater-wheel generators, synchronous condensers and their excitation systems. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.173-85: System of product-quality indices. Factory-assembled switch-gears for voltage above 1000 V. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.174-85: System of product-quality indices. Thermoelectric temperature transducers. Pyrometers. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.176-85: System of product-quality indeces. High-voltage electrical apparatus. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.177-85: Product-quality index system. Nondectructive testing instruments. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.179-85: System of product-quality indices. Machines and instruments for measuring forces and strains. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.181-85: System of product-quality indices. Electronic cash-register machines. Nomenclate of indices
GOST 4.186-85: System of product-quality indices. Automatic servo-balancing instruments. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.187-85: System of product-quality indices. Telecontrol equipment and systems. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.188-85: Product-quality index system. Means for guarding, fire and guarding fire signalization. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.189-85: System of product-quality indices. Electrical measuring resording instruments. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.194-85: System of product-quality indices. Analogue pertable laboratory electrical measuring instruments. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.195-85: System of product-quality indices. Electrical standards. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.197-85: System of product-quality indices. Sets for measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.199-85: System of product-quality indices. Infermation electrical measuring systems. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.21-85: Quality ratings system. Conveyers. Quality characteristics nomenclature
GOST 4.223-83: Quality ratings system. Building. Parquet articles. Nomenclature of characteristics
GOST 4.226-83: Quality rating system. Building. Windows, doors and gates of wood. Nomeclature of characterictics
GOST 4.22-85: Quality ratings system. Lifting capacity cranes. Quality charasteristics nomenclature
GOST 4.229-83: Quality ratings system. Building. Decorative paper laminates. Nomenclature of characteristics
GOST 4.301-85: System of product-quality indices. Functional sets, instruments, devices, units, modules of control and regulation modular means. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.302-85: System of product-quality indices. Downhole hammers for drilling geological prospecting boreholes. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.303-85: System of product-quality indices. Magnetic and electromagnetic separators. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.304-85: Production quality index system. Vibration measurement equipment and apparatus. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.305-85: System of product-quality indices. Industrial electric locomotives. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.313-85: Product-quality index system. Means for retriveal, storage and transportation of documents. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.314-85: Product-quality index system. Writing means. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.316-85: System of product-quality indices. Power, small, measuring transformer. Complete transformer substations. High-voltage bushings. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.318-85: Product-quality index system. Laboratory ware and equipment made of glass. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.319-85: Product-quality index system. Laboratory instruments and apparatus made of glass, quartz and porcelain. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.320-85: Product-quality index system. Instruments for measuring temperature and humidity, switches. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.321-85: Product-quality index system. Laboratory ware and equipment made of quartz and porcelain. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.330-85: System of product-quality indices. Low-power rotating electrical machines. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.331-85: Product-quality index system. Fire power pumps. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.332-85: Product-quality index system. Fire extinguishing trucks. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.334-85: System of product-quality indices. Type writers and word processors. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.336-85: Product-quality index system. Means for shredding of documents and cutting of paper. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.338-85: Product-quality index system. Reprography. Micrography. Microcopying equipment. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.339-85: Product-quality index system. Reprography. Micrography. Readers and reader-printers. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.344-85: Product-quality index system. Time instruments. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.345-85: System of product-quality indices. Watch and industrial jewels. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.346-85: System of product-quality indices. Main line electric locomotives. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.347-85: Product-quality index system. Cars. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.354-85: Product-quality index system. Underground loading machines. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.356-85: Product-quality index system. Floatation machines. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.357-85: Index system production quality. Underground loading-transport machines. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.360-85: Product-quality index system. Reprography. Micrography. Microfilm cameras. Index nomeclature
GOST 4.367-85: Product-quality index system. Marine, locomotive and commercial diesel engines. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.370-85: Product-quality index system. Mechanical analysers of biological liquiods. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.372-85: Product-quality index system. Medical instrumentation and apparatus for sample processing by electrophoresis. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.373-85: Product-quality index system. Industrial and forestry tractors. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.374-85: Product-quality index system. Gas analysers. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.375-85: Product-quality index system. Measuring analogue transducers, amplifiers, stabilizers and transformers. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.376-85: Product-quality index system. Combination analogue electrical measuring instruments. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.377-85: Product-quality index system. Single-bucket excavators. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.378-85: Product-quality index system. Electrodynamic seismoreceivers. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.379-85: Product-quality index system. Digital seismic survey station. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.380-85: Product-quality index system. Pleasure crafts. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.385-85: Product-quality index system. Meters for mognetic induction and meters for magnetic flux. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.386-85: Product-quality index system. Surface gravimeters. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.388-85: Product-quality index system. Electrical measuring instruments for comparison. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.389-85: Product-quality index system. Medical ultrasonic diagnostic instruments. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.390-85: System of product quality. Automatic play machines. Nomenclature of indexes
GOST 4.392-85: Product-quality index system. Electricity meters. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.395-85: Devices of alphanumeric data transmission and signal conversion (modems)
GOST 4.397-89: Product-quality index system. Motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, miniscooters. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.405-85: Product-quality index system. Numerical control units. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.409-85: Product-quality index system. Power generating sets and mobile electric power stations with internal combustion engines. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.412-86: Index system of production quality. Butterfly and spherical valves for hydraulic turbines. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.413-86: Index system of production quality. Hot water heating boilers. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.416-86: Product-quality index system. Shooting and sporting cartridges, paper and plastic cartridge-cases. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.417-86: Product-quality index system. Geodesic instruments. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.422-86: Product-quality index system. Stationary steam boilers. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.426-86: Product-quality index system. Accessory equipment of steam turbines. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.427-86: Product-quality index system. Equipment of hydraulic turbines. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.428-86: Product-quality index system. Stationary utilize boilers and power technological boilers. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.429-86: Product-quality index system. Heat-exchanging equipment of thermal power stations. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.430-86: Product-quality index system. Converters. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.431-86: Product-quality index system. Photoelectric detectors. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.432-86: Product-quality index system. Stationary gas-turbine plants. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.440-86: Product-quality index system. Steel-teeming ladles. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.445-86: Product-quality index system. Charging stations for fire extinguishers. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.446-86: System of product-quality indices. Measuring means for linear and angular measurements in mechanical engineering. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.447-86: Product-quality index system. Optical instruments for linear measurements. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.448-86: Product-quality index system. Optical instruments for angular measurements. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.449-86: Product-quality index system. Optical instruments for control of surface roughness and quality. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.450-86: Product-quality index system. Instruments for spectral analysis. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.451-86: Product-quality index system. Light microscopes. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.452-86: Product-quality index system. Phetometric instruments. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.459-86: Product-quality index system. Slide projectors. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.460-86: Product-quality index system. Objective lenses. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.462-86: Product-quality index system. Photographic enlargers. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.463-86: Product-quality index system. Metion-picture cameras. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.464-86: Product-quality index system. Still picture cameras. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.466-87: Product-quality index system. Boiler equipment. Sootblowing system. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.467-87: Product-quality index system. Mechanical stokers. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.472-87: Product-quality index system. Equipment of energetic boilers for preparing water on enterprises. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.473-87: Product-quality index system. Forced draft machines. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.474-87: Product-quality index system. Building tower cranes. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.485-87: Product-quality index system. Apparatus electrical high-voltage surgical. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.487-88: Product-quality index system. Coordinate-measuring machines. Index nomenclature
GOST 4.491-89: Product-quality index system. Hot-water heating boilers with capacity up to 100 kW. Nomenclature of indices
GOST 4.50-78: Quality rating system. Cargo containers. Factors nomenclature
GOST 4.93-86: Production quality index system. Metal-working machines. Nomenclature of indeces
GOST R 51110-97: Equipment for bank protection. General technical requirements
GOST R 52106-2003: Resources saving. General
GOST R 52107-2003: Resources saving. Classification and definition of indices
GOST R 52108-2003: Resources saving. Waste treatment. Basic principles
GOST R 52212-2004: Shooting-galleries. Armoured protection and technical resistance to burglary. General technical requirements
GOST R 53394-2017: Integrated Logistic Support. Terms and Definitions
GOST R 55929-2013: Integrated logistic support of exporting military products. Integrated logistic support and product after sale support. General requirements
GOST R 56111-2014: Integrated logistic support for exporting military products. Nomenclature of the technical operating capabilities indices
GOST R 56112-2014: Integrated logistic support of exporting military products. General requirements for technical operating capabilities assurance programmes
GOST R 56135-2014: Life cycle management for military products. General provisions
GOST R 56615-2015: Resources saving. Indices of materials consumption and materials affection. Guidance by establishment criterions of choice
GOST R 56828.37-2018: Best available techniques. Rationing. Terms and definitions
GOST R 57702-2017: Resources saving. Waste treatment. Requirements for low-waste and wasteless technologies
GOST R 57944-2017: Unified system of technological preparation of production. Rules of choise of indexes of technological efficiency of space hardware
GOST R 58124-2018: Space systems. Provision of productive technological efficiency of products creation. Basic principles
GOST R 58454-2019: The system of development and putting products into production. Medical Products. Terms and Definitions
GOST R 58875-2020: Green standards. Greened and maintained roofs of buildings and structures. Technical and environmental requirements
GOST R 58925-2020: Aviation technology. Technological control of design documentation for main production products
GOST R 71362-2024: System of technological preparation of production. Organization of works on assessment of manufacturability of the product design
MR 186-85: Ensuring the manufacturability of the design of engineering and instrumentation products
OST 24.050.34-84: Wagon steel structures design and production. Specifications.
OST 36-81-87: Quality indicator system. Machines and mechanisms for production of installation and special building and construction works. Product indicators.
P SSFZhT 45/ISO 9001-2003: The certification system on the federal railway transport of the Russian Federation. Quality Management System. Requirements
R 50-54-11-87: Unified system of technological preparation of production. General provisions on the selection, design and application of technological equipment
RD 50-703-91: Instructions. The basic supporting structures of electronic equipment. Technological requirements
RD 50-90-83: Instructions for conducting a review of the implementation and compliance with the standards of the Unified system of technological preparation of production in associations and enterprises
RST RSFSR 721-84: Product Quality Rating System. Instruments and Equipment for Testing of Road Pavements, Roadbeds, Materials, and Soils. Index of Properties
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