
GOST 16504-81

ГОСТ 16504-81

The state system of testing products. Product test and quality inspection. General terms and definitions

Система государственных испытаний продукции. Испытания и контроль качества продукции. Основные термины и определения

Status: Effective

The standard establishes the terms and definitions used in science, technology and production of basic concepts in the field of product testing and quality control.

Стандарт устанавливает применяемые в науке, технике и производстве термины и определения основных понятий в области испытаний и контроля качества продукции.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosstandart of the USSR, 12/8/1981

SKU: RUSS20452

Price: $414.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 01 General. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation »

Construction (Max) » Standards » Other state standards used in construction » 03 Sociology. Services. Organization of firms and their management. Administration. Transport »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 11. Piping valves (TPA) tests »

Standards for pipe fittings (TPA) » 1. Fundamental standards for injection molding machines » 1.1 Terminology »

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » III Quality » 1 Basic requirements for quality of products and services »

ISO classifier » 01 GENERAL PROVISIONS. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION » 01.040 Dictionaries » 01.040.03 Services. Organization of companies, their management and quality. Administration. Transport. Sociology (Dictionaries) »

National standards » 01 GENERAL PROVISIONS. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION » 01.040 Dictionaries » 01.040.03 Services. Organization of companies, their management and quality. Administration. Transport. Sociology (Dictionaries) »

ISO classifier » 03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF COMPANIES. ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT » 03.120 Quality » 03.120.10 Quality Management and Quality Assurance »

National standards » 03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF COMPANIES. ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT » 03.120 Quality » 03.120.10 Quality Management and Quality Assurance »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » T General technical and organizational and methodological standards » T0 General technical and metrological terms, designations and values » T00 General technical terms, symbols and quantities »

National Standards for OKSTU » SYSTEMS OF GENERAL TECHNICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL STANDARDS » Applied statistics. Methods for statistical control of quality, reliability, durability. General methods of control and testing of products »

National Standards for OKSTU » SYSTEMS OF GENERAL TECHNICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL STANDARDS » General technical and metrological terms, designations and quantities »

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 16504-74: Product quality. Classification of products by quality and types of defects. Terms and definitions

The Document References:

GOST 15.001-88: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation

GOST 15895-77: Statistical quality control. Terms and definitions

GOST 21964-76: Environmental factors. Nomenclature and characteristics

GOST R 15.201-2000: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation. Procedure of product development and launching into manufacture

GOST R 50779.10-2000: Statistical methods. Probability and general statistical terms. Terms and definitions

GOST R 50779.11-2000: Statistical methods. Statistical quality control. Terms and definitions

The Document is Referenced By:

Disposition 2744r: On Approval of the Procedure for Providing Employees of JSC Russian Railways with Personal Protective Equipment

GKINP 17-004-99: Instructions on the order of control and acceptance of geodetic, topographic and cartographic works

GOST 10448-2014: Piston internal combustion engines. Acceptance. Test methods

GOST 10632-2014: Wood particle boards. Specifications

GOST 10692-2015: Steel and cast iron pipes and fittings. Acceptance, marking, packing, transportation and storage

GOST 10978-2014: Glass and glass products. Test method for linear thermal expansion coefficient

GOST 11206-77: Low-voltage magnetic contactors. General specifications

GOST 11313-75: Technical coal dicresol. Specifications

GOST 11479-75: Automatic rotational frequency control systems (ARFCS) of marine, locomotive and industrial diesel engines. Approval and test methods

GOST 11516-79: Erecting fitters tools for electrical plauts of voltage up to 1000 V. Insulating handles. Generic specifications

GOST 11516-94: Hand-held hot-line tools

GOST 11823-91: Check valves for stipulated pressure of pn < 25 MPa (250 kgf/sm2)

GOST 11868-75: Electric apparatus for floor railless electrified transport trucks. General technical specifications

GOST 12.1.012-78: Occupational safety standards system. Vibration. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.029-88: Machine tool attachments

GOST 12.2.034-78: Occupational safety equipment system. Geophysical borehole apparatus with sources of ionizing radiation. General requirements of radiation safety

GOST 12.2.091-2002: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. Part 1. General requirements

GOST 12.2.115-2002: Operation safety standard system. Blow-out preventers. Safety requirements

GOST 12.2.130-91: Occupational safety standard system. Single-bucket excavators. General safety and ergonomical requirements for the operator's position and methods of their control

GOST 12.4.238-2015: Occupational safely standards system. Closed-circuit breathing apparatus compressed air type. Requirements, testing, marking. Simples selection rules

GOST 12.4.249-2013: Occupational safety standards system. Individual protective respiratory devices. Compressed oxygen or compressed oxygen-nitrogen type self-contained clos-circuit breathing apparatus. General technical requirements. Test methods. Marking

GOST 12393-2013: Line fittings for overhead system of railways. General common requirements

GOST 12393-2019: Rail contact network fittings linear. General specifications

GOST 12893-2005: Single-seated, double-seated and cage control valves. General specifications

GOST 13015.1-81: Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete constructions and products. Acceptance

GOST 13015-2003: Concrete and reinforced concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 13252-91: Swing check valves for Pnom £25 MPa (250 kgf/cm2). General specifications

GOST 13547-2015: Pipeline valves. Butterfly wicket valves. General specifications

GOST 13821-77: Single-operator rectifiers with falling external characteristics for arc welding. General specifications

GOST 14.306-73: Unified system for technological preparation of production. Engineering control techniques selection rules

GOST 14163-88: Electric cast iron rings

GOST 1452-2011: Helical springs for trucks and draw-and-buffer gears of railway rolling stock. Specifications

GOST 14839.0-91: Commercial explosives. Acceptance rules and sampling

GOST 14965-80: Three-phase synchronous generators of power over 100 kw

GOST 15.016-2016: System of products development and launching into manufacture. Technical assignment. Requirements to contents and form of presentation

GOST 15.101-80: System of products development and launching into manufacture. Carrying out procedure of research works. General principles

GOST 15.109-97: System of product development and launching it into manufacture. Commercial explosives

GOST 15.309-98: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Test and acceptance of produced goods. Principal positions

GOST 15.902-2014: System of development and launching into manufacture. Railway rolling stock. Procedure of development and launching into manufacture

GOST 1516.1-76: Electrical equipment for ac voltages of 3 to 500 kv

GOST 1516.3-96: Electrical equipment for a.c. voltages from 1 to 750 kV. Requirements for dielectric strength of insulation

GOST 15467-79: Product quality control. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions

GOST 16120-86: Low-current timers

GOST 16121-86: Weak-current electromagnetic relays

GOST 16371-2014: Furniture. General specifications.

GOST 16371-84: Furniture. General requirements

GOST 16371-93: Furniture

GOST 16617-87: Household electric heating appliances

GOST 16854-2016: Armchairs for auditoriums. General technical conditions

GOST 16854-91: Auditorium arm-chairs. General specifications

GOST Nature protection. Atmosphere. Terms and definitions for air pollution control

GOST 17335-79: Positive displacement pumps

GOST 17340-87: Furniture for sitting and lying. Methods of testing wooden beds for strength and durability

GOST 17527-72: Packing. General concepts. Terms and definitions

GOST 17655-89: Liquid-propellant rocket engines. Terms and definitions

GOST 17770-86: Manual machines

GOST 18130-79: Semi-automatic machines for consumable electrode arc welding

GOST 18353-79: Non-destructive check. Classification of types and methods

GOST 18482-2018: Aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded tubes. Specifications

GOST 18689-81: Capacitors for electro thermal installations with frequencies of 0.5 - 10.0 kHz

GOST 18979-2014: Reinforced concrete columns for multi-storey buildings. Specification

GOST 18980-2015: Reinforced concrete collar beams for multistory buildings. Specifications

GOST 19194-73: Furniture. Method for determination of detachable legs fixing strength

GOST 19195-89: Furniture. Test methods of fixture of doors with upright and horizontal axis of rotation

GOST 19294-84: Low-power general-purpose transformers

GOST 1983-2001: Voltage transformers. General specifications

GOST 1983-2015: Voltage transformers. General specifications

GOST 1983-89: Voltage transformers

GOST 19917-2014: Furniture for sitting and bedding. General specifications

GOST 19917-93: Furniture for sitting and lying on

GOST 20213-2015: Reinforced concrete roof trusses. Specifications

GOST 2023.1-88: Lamps for road vehicles. Dimensional, electrical and luminous requirements

GOST 20372-2015: Reinforced concrete rafter and longitudinal beams. Specifications

GOST 20680-2002: Mechanical mixing devices (agitated vessels). General specifications

GOST 20767-75: Wooden and wooden material boxes. Terms and definitions

GOST 21345-2005: Ball, lifting-plug and cylindrical cocks for nominal pressure at most PN 250. General specifications

GOST 21493-76: Electronic components. Storageability requirements and test methods

GOST 21506-2013: Reinforced concrete ribbed floor slabs of 300 mm depth for buildings and structures. Specifications

GOST 21550-76: Information filing cards. Specifications

GOST 21621-83: Household electric grills, electric shashlik grills, electric toasters and electroroasters

GOST 21622-84: Household contact electric waffle-irons and electric grills

GOST 21640-91: Furniture for sitting and laying. Soft elements. Method for softness determination

GOST 22046-2002: Furniture for educational institutions. General specifications

GOST 22046-2016: Furniture for educational institutions. General technical conditions

GOST 22046-86: School furniture. General specifications

GOST 22046-89: Furniture for educational institutions

GOST 22061-76: Machines and technological equipment. Balance quality grade system. General

GOST 22470-77: Domestic electrical frying-pans. Specifications

GOST 22498-88: Local telephone cables with polyethylene insulation and plastic sheath.

GOST 22557-84: Time relays. General specifications

GOST 22789-94: Low-voltage unitized devices

GOST 22976-78: Hydraulic drives, pneumatic actuators and lubrication systems

GOST 23110-84: Household electric water heaters

GOST 23190-2018: Book-selling furniture. General specifications

GOST 23190-78: Bookselling furniture. General requirements

GOST 23380-83: Desks and tables for teachers. Test methods

GOST 23381-89: School chairs and chairs for children. Test methods

GOST 23508-2018: Book-selling furniture for storage facilities. General specifications

GOST 23586-79: Mounting of electric and radio electronic equipment and instruments. Technical requirements for braids and their fastening

GOST 23586-96: Electrical wiring of radio-electronic equipment and devices. Technical requirements for wire harnesses and their mounting

GOST 23592-96: Electrical wiring of radio-electronic equipment and devices. General requirements for three-dimensional wiring of electronic and electrical devices

GOST 23624-2001: Measuring laboratory current transformers. General specifications

GOST 23625-2001: Measuring laboratory voltage transformers. General specifications

GOST 23829-85: Acoustical non-destructive testing. Terms and definitions

GOST 23851-79: Aviation gas turbine engine. Terms and definitions

GOST 23855-2019: Cylindrical ingots from aluminum alloy AD31. Technical conditions

GOST 23948-80: Sewing wares. Acceptation rules

GOST 23979-2018: Subs for casing and tubing. Specifications

GOST 2402-82: Welding sets with internal combustion engines

GOST 24033-2018: Windows, doors and gates. Mechanical test methods

GOST 24104-88: General purpose and reference laboratory balances

GOST 24282-86: Flexible-way electric powered vehicles. Testing methods

GOST 24282-97: Floor-mounted flexible electrified vehicles. Testing methods

GOST 24289-80: Eddy current non-destructive testing. Terms and definitions

GOST 24297-2013: Verification of purchased product. Organization and methods of control

GOST 24297-80: Quality indicator system. Acceptance test of the products. General principles

GOST 24297-87: Input inspection of products. General provisions.

GOST 24450-80: Magnetic non-destructive inspection. Terms and definitions

GOST 24474-80: Marking tools

GOST 24568-81: Magnetic chucks. Specifications

GOST 24812-81: Testing of items from the point of view of influence on mechanical factors. General

GOST 24865.1-81: Holography and holographic methods of quality control. Terms and definitions

GOST 24893-2016: Reinforced concrete frame brace for industrial buildings. Specifications

GOST 24927-81: Electronic products. General requirements to the temporary corrosion protection and test methods

GOST 25.503-80: Strength calculation and testing. Methods of mechanical testing of metals compression test method

GOST 25.503-97: Design calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of metals. Method of compression testing

GOST 25051.1-82: System of the production state tests. Representation, processing, evaluation of accuracy and registration of test results. General requirements

GOST 25051.2-82: The state system of testing products. Test chambers of heat and cold. Certification methods

GOST 25051.3-83: Vibration testing equipment. Method of verification

GOST 25051.4-83: Electrodynamic vibration testing equipment. General specifications

GOST 25098-2016: Reinforced concrete panels for partitions in industrial and agricultural buildings. Specifications

GOST 25251-82: Electric gantry cranes. Testing methods

GOST 25485-2019: Cellular concrete. General specifications

GOST 25535-2013: Glass and glass products. Heat resistance determination methods

GOST 25645.321-87: Polymeric materials radiation resistance. Terms and definitions

GOST 25804.1-83: Atomic power station technological processes control system equipment. General

GOST 25804.8-83: Atomic power station technological processes control system equipment. Evaluation methods of meeting general design-constructional requirements

GOST 25818-2017: Fly ash thermal power plants for concrete. Technical conditions

GOST 25997-83: Fusion welding of metals. Statistical quality evaluation by non-destructive testing results

GOST 26003-83: Auditorium arm-chairs. Stability and strength test methods

GOST 26281-84: Heat-insulating construction materials and products. Acceptance rules

GOST 26313-2014: Fruit and vegetables processing products. Rules of acceptance and sampling methods.

GOST 26585-2003: Giant and super giant pneumatic tyres for off-the-road trucks. Specifications

GOST 26627-85: Rolled roofing's and hydroinsulatings materials. Acceptance rules

GOST 26666.5-89: Man-made knitted fur. Method for the determination of pattern effect stability

GOST 26756-2016: Furniture for trade enterprises. General technical conditions

GOST 26756-85: Furniture for trade enterprises. General specifications

GOST 26790-85: Leak testing technique

GOST 26821-86: Tableware and decorative articles made of soda-lima-silicate glass. General specifications

GOST 26980-95: Single bucket excavators. General specifications

GOST 26992-2016: Reinforced purloins for roofing in industrial and agricultural buildings. Specifications

GOST 27.002-89: Industrial product dependability. General principles. Terms and definitions

GOST 27.202-83: Reliability in technique. Technological systems. Methods of reliability evaluation by parameters of product quality

GOST 27.204-83: Industrial product dependability. Technological systems. Technical requirements for methods of reliability evaluation on productivity parameters

GOST 27.401-84: Reliability engineering. The order and methods of control of reliability indicators established in normative and technical documentation. General requirements

GOST 27.451-80: Reliability engineering. Tests for serviceability. General principles

GOST 27108-2016: Frame structures of reinforced concrete, prefabricated for multi-stored buildings with beams. Specification

GOST 27215-2013: Reinforced concrete ribbed floor slabs of 400 mm depth for industrial buildings. Specifications

GOST 2744-79: Line accessories. Acceptance rules and methods of tests

GOST 27452-87: Safety radiation control apparatus for nuclear power stations. General technical requirements

GOST 27772-2015: Structural steel structure rolled products. General specifications

GOST 27772-88: structural steel structure rolled products. General specifications

GOST 28042-2013: Reinforced concrete roofing slabs for industrial buildings. Specifications

GOST 28053-89: Chips of non-ferrous metals and alloys. Methods of sampling, sample preparation and test methods

GOST 28102-89: Cabinet furniture. Test methods of clothes rails

GOST 28300-89: Cardan shafts of traction drive of diesel locomotives and diesel trains. Types, main parameters and dimensions, technical requirements

GOST 28301-2015: Grain harvesters. Test methods

GOST 28305-89: Agricultural and forestry machines and tractors. Acceptance rules for testing

GOST 28306-2018: Agricultural machinery. Potato planters. Test methods

GOST 28307-2013: Tractor-drawn trailers and semi-trailers. Methods of testing

GOST 28332-89: Arc welding flexible manufacturing modules. Norms of reliability and main requirements for methods of controlling

GOST 28466-90: Horns and signal whistles. General specifications

GOST 28697-90: Programme and test methods of bellows compensators and seals. General requirements

GOST 28708-2013: Means of small mechanization of agricultural works. Safety requirements

GOST 28711-90: Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes. Performance requirements

GOST 28712-90: Incandescent lamps for domestic and analogous general illuminations

GOST 28713-2018: Potato harvesting machines. Test methods

GOST 28713-90: Machines and tractors agricultural and forest potato. Harvesting machines. Methods of testing

GOST 28718-2016: Agricultural machinery. Machine for introduction of solid organic fertilizers. Test methods

GOST 28722-2018: Agricultural machinery. Mowers and mower conditioners. Test methods

GOST 28737-2016: Reinforced concrete foundation beams for buildings walls of industrial and agricultural enterprises. Specifications

GOST 28777-90: Furniture. Methods for testing children beds

GOST 28948-91: Laboratory tables for operation with radioactive substance. Specifications

GOST 28987-91: All-or-nothing electrical relay. Application of the IEC quality assessment system for electronic components to all-or-nothing relays

GOST 29093-91: Umbrellas. General specifications

GOST 29285-92: Reducers and motor-reducers. General requirements to the methods of experiments

GOST 3.1109-82: Unified system for technological documentation. Terms and definitions of main concepts

GOST 30011.1-2012: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 1. General rules

GOST 30011.3-93: Low - voltage switchgears and control gears. Part 3. Switches, disconnectors, switch - disconnectors and fuse-combination units

GOST 30011.6.1-2012: Distribution and control equipment low voltage. Part 6. Multifunctional equipment. Section 1. Switching equipment for automatic switching

GOST 30135-94: Fabric knitting carcasses for fire hoses. General specifications

GOST 30200-94: Textile materials for filtration of industrial aerosols. Method for determination of wear resistance

GOST 30201-94: Textile materials for filtration of industrial aerosols. Method of determination of the dust mass concentration behind filter

GOST 30206-94: Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy ( accuracy classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S)

GOST 30207-94: Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (accuracy classes 1 and 2)

GOST 30209-94: Frame furniture. Sliding doors. Test methods

GOST 30210-94: Furniture. Methods for testing bunk beds

GOST 30276-95: Textile synthetic filter materials for sugar industry. General specifications

GOST 30277-95: Synthetic bulky fabrics for technical use. General specifications

GOST 30301-95: Asbestos-cement products. Acceptance rules

GOST 30324.0-95: Medical electrical equipment. Part 1. General safety requirements

GOST 30358-96: Synthetic high bulky fabrics. Determination of compressive strength test

GOST 30359-96: Synthetic high bulky fabrics. Determination of effective service life

GOST 30377-95: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means. Force electrical equipment. Limits for the low frequency periodical electromagnetic fields

GOST 30407-96: Glass tableware and decorative articles

GOST 30415-96: Steel. Non-destructive testing of mechanical properties and microstructure of steel products by magnetic method

GOST 30420-96: Textile fastening. Method for determination of strength engagement change as a result of static load in use

GOST 304-82: Welding generators.

GOST 30515-2013: Cements. General specifications

GOST 30515-97: Cements General specifications

GOST 30765-2001: Metal transport packagings. General specifications

GOST 30766-2001: Tins for chemical products. General specifications

GOST 30803-2014: Transmission tooth gears of the traction railway stock. Specifications

GOST 30849.1-2002: Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes. Part 1. General requirements

GOST 30850.1-2002: Switches for household or similar stationary electrical facilities. Part 1 General requirements and test methods.

GOST 30852.15-2002: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Part 16. Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyzer(s) houses

GOST 30852.3-2002: Explosionproof electrical equipment. Part 2. Filling or purging of the pressurized enclosure «p»

GOST 30887-2002: Magneto-electric compliance of technical facilities. Systems of electric actuators with adjustable rotation speed. Requirements and test methods.

GOST 30969-2002: Electro-magnetic compatibility of equipment. Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. Requirements and methods of testing

GOST 31294-2005: Direct-acting safety valves. General specifications

GOST 31345-2017: Agricultural machinery. Tractor seeders. Test methods

GOST 31359-2007: Cellular autoclave curing concretes. Specifications

GOST 31446-2012: Steel pipes used as casing or tubing for wells in the oil and gas industry. General specifications

GOST 31446-2017: Steel casing and tubing pipes for the oil and gas industry. General technical conditions

GOST 31458-2015: Steel and cast iron pipes and fittings. Inspection documents

GOST 31507-2012: Road vehicles. Handling and stability. Technical requirements. Test methods

GOST 31538-2012: Live-cycle of railway rolling stock. General requirements

GOST 31560-2012: Metal frame yield supports. Arch support. General specifications

GOST 31561-2012: Longwall powered roof chocks. Basic parameters. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST 31592-2012: Machine reducers. General specifications

GOST 31637-2012: contactors electromechanical household and similar use

GOST 31827-2012: Liquid centrifugal separators. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST 31828-2012: Drying and evaporating apparatus and plants. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST 31836-2012: Industrial centrifuges. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST 31901-2013: Pipeline valves for nuclear stations. General specifications

GOST 31938-2012: Fiber-reinforced polymer bar for concrete reinforcement. General specifications

GOST 31948-2012: Discharge lamps (excluding luminescent lamps). Safety requirements

GOST 31998.1-2012: Safety requirements for incandescent lamps. Part 1. Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes

GOST 32077-2013: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Rules of acceptance, methods of sampling and their preparation for control

GOST 32078-2013: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Method of determining shrinkage temperature

GOST 32079-2013: Fur skins and packer pelts dressing and coloured. Determination of colour resistance to friction

GOST 32090-2013: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Methods of determining the chromium oxide (III) mass fraction

GOST 32126.1-2013: Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similsr fixed electrical installations. Part 1. General requirements

GOST 32137-2013: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Technical equipment for nuclear power plants. Requirement and test methods

GOST 32165-2013: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Method of determining the pН of aqueous extraction

GOST 32190-2013: Vegetable oils. Acceptance rules and methods of sampling

GOST 32203-2013: Railway rolling stock. Acoustics. Measurement of outward noize

GOST 32204-2013: Current collectors of railway electric rolling stock. General specifications

GOST 32265-2013: Special railway rolling stok. Dynamic and strength testing procedures

GOST 32278-2013: Glass and glass products. Optical characteristics determination methods. Determination of colour coordinates

GOST 32289-2013: Wood particleboards, laminated with paper impregnated with thermosetting resins

GOST 32492-2013: Polymer composite frame for reinforcement concrete structures. Method for determination of physical and mechanical properties

GOST 32499-2013: Reinforced concrete multihollow slabs for floors in buildings for span to 9 m stand moulding. Specifications

GOST 32529-2013: Glass and glass products. Acceptance rules

GOST 32557-2013: Glass and glass products. Inspection methods for geometric parameters and appearance

GOST 32696-2014: Steel drill pipes for oil and gas industry. Specifications.

GOST 32697-2014: Railroad carrier cables of contact network. Specifications

GOST 32697-2019: Rail contact network cables. Technical specifications

GOST 32792-2014: Static rectifiers for railway power supply devices. Safety requirements and control methods

GOST 32793-2014: Current collection by electric rolling stock current collector. The nomenclature of current collection quality indicators and method of its calculation

GOST 32894-2014: Railway application. Inspection control. General provisions

GOST 32931-2015: Profile steel pipes for metal constructions. Specifications

GOST 32950-2014: Automobile roads of general use. Supports of metal road signs. Control methods

GOST 32957-2014: Public roads. Acoustic screens. Technical specifications

GOST 32958-2014: Public roads. Acoustic screens. Methods of control

GOST 32996-2014: Glass and glass products. Climatic load resistance test methods. Frost resistance test

GOST 32999-2014: Glass and glass products. Salt spray resistance test method

GOST 33003-2014: Glass and glass items. Methods for determining the optical distortion

GOST 33088-2014: Glass and glass products. Humidity resistance test method

GOST 33164.1-2014: Mining equipment. Longwall powered roof shocks. Section of support. General specifications

GOST 33164.3-2014: Mining and tunneling equipment. Timbering, mechanized. Hydraulic control systems. Safety requirements and methods of testing

GOST 33228-2015: Steel welded pipes for general purposes. Specifications

GOST 33257-2015: Pipeline valves. Methods of control and testing

GOST 33265-2015: Fur skins and packer pelts dressing and coloured. The method of determining the light resistance of the painting

GOST 33266-2015: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Method of determining the untied fatty substances mass fraction

GOST 33267-2015: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Mechanical test methods

GOST 33295-2015: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Methods of determining the aluminium mass fraction

GOST 33321-2015: Railway rolling stock. Acoustic signalling devices. General specifications

GOST 33423-2015: Pipeline valves. Swing and lift check valves. General specifications

GOST 33435-2015: Control, monitoring and safety means of railway rolling stock. Safety requirements and control methods

GOST 33436.4-1-2015: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Systems and equipment of railway transport. Part 4-1. Devices and equipment of railway automatics and telemechanics. Requirements and testing methods

GOST 33463.1-2015: Life support systems on railway rolling stock. Part 1. Test methods for determining the parameters of microclimate and performance indicators assurance systems of microclimate

GOST 33463.3-2015: Life support systems on railway rolling stock. Part 3. Test methods for the determination of sanitary-chemical indicators

GOST 33473-2015: Global navigation satellite system. Satellite navigation equipment for mounting on wheeled vehicles. Functional test methods

GOST 33477-2015: System of development and launching into manufacture. Railway infrastructure equipment. Procedure of development, launching into manufacture and tolerance for use

GOST 33565-2015: Materials used for the preparation and treatment of water-based drilling fluids. Input control

GOST 33661-2015: Protecting constructions of the railway rolling stock premises. Test methods for determining the thermal technical indicators

GOST 33677-2015: Machines and tools for row and row tillage. Methods of tests

GOST 33686-2015: Machines for transportation and application of liquid fertilizer. Methods of tests

GOST 33687-2015: Machines and tools for surface treatment of soil. Methods of tests

GOST 33721-2016: Head sets of electric drives, external contactors for switches. Safety requirements and methods of checking

GOST 33734-2016: Agricultural machinery. Combines and machines for cleaning up of flax. Test methods

GOST 33735-2016: Agricultural machinery. Grain-cleaning machines. Test methods

GOST 33736-2016: Agricultural machinery. Machines for deep tillage. Test methods

GOST 33737-2016: Agricultural machinery. Beet-gathering machines. Test methods

GOST 33783-2016: Wheeled pairs of railway rolling stock. Methods for determination of strength indicators

GOST 33787-2016: Railway application. Rolling stock equipment. Shock and vibration

GOST 33787-2019: Equipment of railway rolling stock. Shock and vibration test

GOST 33796-2016: Railway multiple units. Durability and dynamics requirements

GOST 33798.1-2016: Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 1. General service conditions and general rules

GOST 33798.4-2016: Electric equipment of a railway rolling stock. Part 4. A.c. circuit-breakers. General specifications

GOST 33798.5-2016: Railway applications. Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 5. Electrotechnical components. Rules for HV fuses

GOST 33807-2016: Safety of attractions. General requirements

GOST 33852-2016: Pipeline valves. Knife gate valves for trunk pipelines. General specifications

GOST 33944-2016: The contact suspension of the railway. Technical requirements and methods of control

GOST 33982-2016: Fire fighting equipment. Personal respiratory and vision protection. Self-rescue insulating type. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST 33983-2016: Fire fighting equipment. Personal protective equipment for firefighters. Breathing apparatus with compressed air. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST 34.003-90: Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems. Terms and definitions

GOST 34012-2016: Railway automatics and telemechanics equipment. General technical requirements

GOST 34013-2016: Seat passenger railcar rolling stock and passenger cars with locomotive traction. General specifications

GOST 34027-2016: Gas supply system. Gas main pipeline transportation. Mechanical safety. Assigning of safe operation life for linear part of gas main pipeline

GOST 34029-2016: Pipeline accessories. Check fittings for main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines. General specifications

GOST 34069-2017: Gas supply system. Main pipeline gas transportation. Mobile compressor unit. Control and testing

GOST 34077-2017: Hydrodynamic transmission for the railway rolling stock. Specifications

GOST 34125-2017: Dried fruits and vegetables. Acceptance rules, sampling and sample preparation

GOST 34129-2017: Vegetables are salted and pickled, fruit is salted and soaked. Acceptance rules, sampling and sample preparation

GOST 34204-2017: Surge suppressors are non-linear for the railway traction network. General technical conditions

GOST 34205-2017: Insulators sectional for the contact network of railways. General technical conditions

GOST 34265-2017: Agricultural machinery. Forage harvesting machines. Test methods

GOST 34288-2017: Pipeline valves. Butterfly valves of thermoplastics materials. General specifications

GOST 34289-2017: Pipeline valves. Gate valves of thermoplastics materials. General specifications

GOST 34290-2017: Pipeline valves. Diaphragm valves of thermoplastics materials. General specifications

GOST 34291-2017: Pipeline valves. Check valves of thermoplastics materials. General specifications

GOST 34292-2017: Pipeline valves. Ball valves of thermoplastics materials. General specifications

GOST 34293-2017: Pipeline valves. Metal ball valves for petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries. General specifications

GOST 34294-2017: Cryogenic pipeline valves. General specifications

GOST 34350-2017: Fire-fighting techniques. Fire extinguishing trucks. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST 34388-2023: Steel pipes. Test method for corrosion resistance in salt spray

GOST 34389-2018: Agricultural machinery. Machines for the primary processing of flax trusts. Test methods

GOST 34390-2018: Agricultural machinery. Machines for harvesting the tops of root crops. Test methods

GOST 34391-2018: Agricultural machinery. Technical grape harvesting machines. Test methods

GOST 34392-2018: Agricultural machinery. Planting machines. Test methods

GOST 34433-2018: Trunk pipelines for oil and oil products transportation. Transformer complete substations with voltage from 35 to 220 kV. General specifications

GOST 34437-2018: Pipe fittings. Methods of experimental determination of hydraulic and cavitation characteristics

GOST 34451-2018: Motor car rolling stock. The method of dynamic strength tests

GOST 34452-2018: Disconnectors for the traction network of railways and their drives. General specifications

GOST 34473-2018: Pipe fittings. Cranes spherical steel all-welded for water thermal networks. General technical conditions

GOST 34490-2018: Machines for post-harvest processing of potatoes. Test methods

GOST 34498-2018: Agricultural machinery. Machines for post-harvest processing of vegetables and gourds. Test methods

GOST 34499-2018: Agricultural machinery. Machines for harvesting vegetables and gourds. Test methods

GOST 34510-2018: Cogwheels of traction gears of traction rolling stock. Methods for determining bending and contact fatigue strength

GOST 34513-2018: Non-destructive testing system for railway products. Key Points

GOST 34514-2019: Diesel locomotives main and shunting. Energy Efficiency Determination Method

GOST 34524-2019: Rails are railway. Non-destructive testing in operating conditions. General requirements

GOST 34582-2019: Lifts Rules and methods for tests, measurements and checks before commissioning

GOST 34583-2019: Lifts Rules and methods of tests, measurements and checks during operation

GOST 34593-2019: Security doors. General technical requirements and test methods for resistance to burglary, explosion and bullet resistance

GOST 34595-2019: Mining engineering. Pneumatic impulse cartridges. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST 34610-2019: Pipe fittings. Electric drives. General specifications

GOST 34635-2020: Fire-fighting equipment. Generators of fire-extinguishing aerosol. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST 34650-2020: Solid-rolled wheels and wheelset tires for railway rolling stock. Non-destructive testing methods

GOST 34656-2020: Axles of wheelsets of railway rolling stock. Non-destructive testing methods

GOST 34657-2020: Cast and rolled wheel centers for railway rolling stock. Non-destructive testing methods

GOST 34664-2020: Thermite-welded railroad rails. Specifications

GOST 34665-2020: Electro-welded railway rails. Specifications

GOST 34729-2021: Fire equipment. Fire truck ladders. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST 34818-2021: Pipeline valves. Testing during installation, commissioning and operation

GOST 3484.2-88: Power transformers. Heating tests

GOST 3484.4-88: Power transformers. Tank tests for strength

GOST 3484.5-88: Power transformers. Tank tests for leakages

GOST 34881-2022: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and petroleum products. Stationary booms for containment of oil and oil products spills. General technical conditions

GOST 34904-2022: Ship pipeline valves. General specifications

GOST 34926-2023: Railway rolling stock and railway transport infrastructure facilities. Requirements for the composition, content, design, development, validation, verification and validation of test procedures

GOST 34939-2023: Locomotives. Requirements for strength and dynamic qualities

GOST 3565-80: Metals. Method for torsional test

GOST 4097-78: Cans for motion-picture rawstock, magnetic tapes and film materials. Specifications

GOST 4430-78: Containers for motion picture films, film material and magnetic tapes. Specifications

GOST 4754-97: Pneumatic tyres for passenger cars, trailers for them, light-duty trucks and buses of especially small capacity. Specifications

GOST 4871-77: Rheostats for starting and control for DC motors. General specifications

GOST 5286-2022: Screw-in steel pipe clamps for drill pipes. General technical requirements

GOST 533-2000: Rotating electrical machinery. Turbo-generators. General specifications

GOST 538-2001: Locks and building hardware. General specifications

GOST 546-2001: Copper cathodes. Specifications

GOST 5471-83: Vegetable oils. Reception rules and methods of sampling

GOST 5513-97: Pneumatic tiers for trucks, trailers fot them, buses and rtolleybuses

GOST 5761-2005: Valves for nominal pressure at most PN 250. General specifications

GOST 5761-74: Valves for nominal pressure

GOST 5762-2002: Pipeline industrial valves. Gate valves PN<=250. General specifications

GOST 5762-74: Pipeline industrial valves. Gate valves PN £ 250. General specifications

GOST 5960-72: Flexible PVC for insulation and protective jackets of wires and cables. Specifications

GOST 6134-2007: Rotodynamic pumps. Test methods

GOST 6134-87: Rotor-dynamic pumps

GOST 6943.0-93: Textile glass. Rules of acceptance

GOST 6943.8-2015: Glass textile materials. Method for determination of moisture and substances removed during calcination

GOST 7012-77: Single-operator single-phase transformers for automatic submerged arc welding. General specifications

GOST 7237-82: Welding converters

GOST 7370-2015: Railway frogs. Specifications

GOST 7370-86: Railway frogs of types R75, R65 and R50

GOST 7370-98: Railroad frogs of P75, P65 and P50 types. Specifications

GOST 7392-2014: Crushed stone of solid rocks for ballast layer of rail ways. Specifications.

GOST 7463-2003: Pneumatic tyres for tractors and agricultural machinery. Specifications

GOST 7518-83: Transformers for household electrical appliances

GOST 7566-2018: Metal product. Rules of acceptance, marking, packing, transportation and storage

GOST 7746-2001: Current transformers. General specifications

GOST 7746-2015: Current transformers. General specifications

GOST 7746-89: Current transformers. General specifications

GOST 8179-98: Refractory products. Sampling and acceptance testing

GOST 8430-2003: Pneumatic tyres for earthmoving, loading and mining machines. Specifications

GOST 8554-89: Motor pumps

GOST 8617-2018: Pressed sections of aluminium and aluminium alloys. Specifications

GOST 8752-79: Metal insert rubber seals for rotating. Specifications

GOST 9.045-75: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Paint coatings. Accelerated methods of light-fastness determination

GOST 9098-78: Low voltage automatic switches

GOST 9219-88: Traction electrical devices

GOST 9413-78: Lighting panels for dwelling-houses. General specifications

GOST 9498-2019: Flat bars of aluminum and aluminum wrought alloys for hire. Technical specifications

GOST 95-77: Single-operator single-phase transformers for manual arc welding. General specifications

GOST 9941-2022: Cold-deformed seamless pipes made of corrosion-resistant high-alloy steels. Technical conditions

GOST ISO 1940-2-99: Mechanical vibration. Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors. Part 2. Balance errors

GOST R 1.12-99: State system for standardization of Russian Federation. Standardization and related activities. Terms and definitions

GOST R 12.4.186-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Respiratory individual protective devices. Closed-circuit breathing apparatus compressed air type. Technical requirements. Test methods. Marking. Simples selection rules

GOST R 12.4.249-2009: Occupational safety standards system. Individual protective respiratory devices. Compressed oxygen or compressed oxygen-nitrogen type self-contained clos-circuit breathing apparatus. General technical requirements. Test methods. Marking

GOST R 12.4.273-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air supply apparatus completed with face mask or mouthpiece (escape breathing apparatus). Technical requirements. Test methods. Marking

GOST R 12.4.274-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus incorporating a hood for escape. Requirements, testing, marking

GOST R 12.4.275-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Powered atmospheric air supply hose apparatus with helmet. Technical requirements. Test methods. Marking

GOST R 12.4.276-1-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Compressed air line supply breathing apparatus. Part 1. Apparatus with a full face mask. Technical requirements. Test methods. Marking

GOST R 12.4.276-2-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Compressed air line supply breathing apparatus. Part 2. Apparatus with half mask at positive pressure. Requirements. Test methods. Marking

GOST R 12.4.277-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Respiratory lung-governed protective device for escape with compressed air, half mask and positive pressure. Technical requirements. Test methods. Marking

GOST R 12.4.278-2012: Occupational safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with half mask, designed to be used with positive pressure only. Technical requirements. Test methods. Marking

GOST R 15.000-2016: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Basic provisions

GOST R 15.013-2016: System of products development and launching into manufacture. Medical devices

GOST R 15.111-2015: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Technical aids for disabled persons

GOST R 15.111-97: System product development and launching into manufacture. Technical aids for disabled persons

GOST R 15.301-2016: System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation. Procedure of product development and launching into manufacture

GOST R 18.12.01-2015: Technology of the aviation fuelling. Functional and technological parameters of airfield fuelling tankers (tankers). Customer requirements

GOST R 18.12.02-2017: Technology of the aviation fueling. Installation of the aviation fuel supply typical schemes.General technical requirements

GOST R 18.12.05-2022: Aviation fuel supply technologies. Means of aviation fuel supply filtration. Test methods for microfilter elements

GOST R 22.9.15-2014: Safety in emergencies. Technical means of chemical detection. Test methods

GOST R 27.605-2013: Reliability in technique. Maintainability of equipment. Diagnostic testing

GOST R 50.02.01-2017: Conformity assessment system for the use of nuclear energy. Basic terms and definitions

GOST R 50.04.07-2022: Conformity assessment system in the field of atomic energy use. Conformity assessment in the form of tests. Attestation tests of non-destructive testing systems

GOST R 50.04.08-2019: Conformity assessment system in the field of atomic energy use. Conformity assessment in the form of tests. Order of conduct

GOST R 50.04.09-2019: Conformity assessment system in the field of atomic energy use. Development and putting into production of the constituent parts of the active zones of nuclear facilities and the assessment of their conformity in the form of tests. Order of conduct

GOST R 50.05.16-2018: Conformity assessment system in the field of atomic energy use. Conformity assessment in the form of control. Unbrakable control. Metrological support

GOST R 50.06.01-2017: Conformity assessment system for the use of nuclear energy. Сonformity assessment of products in the form of acceptance. The procedure of

GOST R 50009-2000: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Components of intruder alarm systems. Requirement and test methods

GOST R 50010-92: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means. Force electrical equipment. Limits for the low frequency periodical electromagnetic field

GOST R 50030.1-2000: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 1. General rules and test methods

GOST R 50030.1-2007: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 1. General rules

GOST R 50030.1-92: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 1. General rules

GOST R 50030.2-99: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 2. Circuit-breakers

GOST R 50030.3-99: Low -voltage switchgear and controlgear. Pat 3. Switchers, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fure-combination units

GOST R 50030.5.1-2005: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 5. Control circuit devices and switching elements. Section 1. Electromechanical control circuit devices

GOST R 50030.5.1-99: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 5.1. Control circuit devices and switching elements. Electromechanical control circuit devices

GOST R 50030.6.1-99: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 6. Multiple function equipment. Section one. Аutomatic transfer switching equipment

GOST R 50030.6.2-2000: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 6. Multiple function equipment. Section 2. Control and protective switching devices (or equipment)

GOST R 50030.6.2-2011: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 6-2. Multiple function equipment. Control and protective switching devices (or equipment) (CPS).

GOST R 50030.7.1-2000: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 7. Ancillary equipment. Section 1. Terminal blocks for copper conductors

GOST R 50030.7.2-2000: Low-voltage switchgeal and controlgear. Part 7. Ancillary equipment. Section 2. Protective conductor terminal blocks for copper conductors

GOST R 50031-2012: Circuit-breakers for equipment (CBE)

GOST R 50031-92: Circuit-breakers for equipment (CBE)

GOST R 50031-99: Circuit-breakers for equipment (CBE)

GOST R 50052-92: Frame furniture. Sliding doors. Test methods

GOST R 50053-92: Furniture. Methods for testing bunk beds

GOST R 50204-92: Occasional tables and desks. Methods of tests

GOST R 50267.29-96: Medical electrical equipment. Part 2. Particular requirements for the safety of radiotherapy simulators

GOST R 50345-2010: Electrical accessories. Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations. Part 2. Circuit-breakers for a.c. operation

GOST R 50345-92: Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations

GOST R 50345-99: Electrical accessories. Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations

GOST R 50400-2011: Fire-fighting equipment. Hose branching. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 50571.15-97: Electrical installations of buildings

GOST R 50656-2001: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Technical equipment for railway control systems. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 50656-94: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity of technical equipment for railway control systems to conductive electromagnetic interference and electrostatic discharges. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 50746-2000: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Technical equipment for nuclear power plants. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 50746-95: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Technical equipment for nuclear power plants. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 50747-2000: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Electronic cash registers. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 50747-95: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Electronic cash registers. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 50779.0-95: Statistical methods. General provisions

GOST R 50779.30-95: Statistical methods. Acceptance sampling. General requirements

GOST R 50799-95: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity of radiocommunications equipment to electrostatic discharge, impulsive disturbances and dynamic voltage changes in supply networks. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 50827.1-2009: Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations. Part 1. General requirements

GOST R 50827-95: Enclosures for accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations. General requirements and methods of tests

GOST R 50891-96: Machine reducers. General specifications

GOST R 50910-96: Metal frame yield supports. Test methods

GOST R 50982-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Tool for special work in fires. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51047-97: Cutters for shearers and entry-driving machines. General specifications

GOST R 51049-2008: Fire equipment. Pressure fire hoses. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51049-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Pressure head fire hoses. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51111-97: Equipment for bank protection. Acceptance rules and test methods

GOST R 51112-97: Equipment for bank protection. Bullet-proof requirements and test methods

GOST R 51143-98: Launching and technical complexes of space-rocket complexes. General requirements for tests and acceptance

GOST R 51155-2017: Line accessories. Acceptance rules and test methods

GOST R 51155-98: Line accessories. Acceptance rules and methods of tests

GOST R 51220-98: Transmission tooth gears of the traction main railway stock. Raw pieces. Technical specifications

GOST R 51317.3.2-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Harmonic current emissions (equipment input current < 16 A per phase). Limits and test methods

GOST R 51317.3.3-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Voltage fluctuation and flicker impressed on low-voltage supply systems by equipment with rated current <=16 A. Limits and test methods

GOST R 51318.14.1-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Radio disturbance from household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus. Limits and test methods

GOST R 51321.1-2000: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies. Part 1. Requirements for type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies. General technical requirements and methods of tests

GOST R 51321.3-99: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies. Part 3. Particular requirements for low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies intended to be installed in places where unskilled persons have access for their use. Distribution boards

GOST R 51321.5-99: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies. Part 5. Particular requirements for assemblies intended to be installed outdoors in public places. Cable distribution cabinets (CDCs) for power distribution in networks

GOST R 51322.1-99: Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes. Part 1. Requirements and methods of tests

GOST R 51323.1-99: Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes. Part 1. General requirements

GOST R 51324.1-2005: Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations. General requirements and tests methods

GOST R 51324.1-99: Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations. Part 1. General specifications and methods of tests

GOST R 51325.1-99: Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes. Requirements and methods of tests

GOST R 51326.1-99: Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCB's). Part 1. General requirements and test methods

GOST R 51327.1-2010: Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBOs). Part 1. General rules and test methods

GOST R 51327.1-99: Residual current operated circuit-pressers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar use. Part 1. General requirements and test methods

GOST R 51328-99: Portable residual current devices without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar use (PRCDs). General requirements and test methods

GOST R 51330.15-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Part 16. Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyzer(s) houses

GOST R 51330.3-99: Explosion protected electrical equipment. Part 2. Filling or purging of the pressurized enclosure P

GOST R 51350-99: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use. Part 1. General requirements

GOST R 51514-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity of equipment for general lighting purposes. Requirement and test methods

GOST R 51516-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity of measuring relays and protection equipment to fast transient disturbance. Requirement and test methods

GOST R 51522-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 51524-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. Requirements and test methods

GOST R 51525-99: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity of measuring relays and protection equipment to electrostatic discharges. Requirement and test methods

GOST R 51539-99: Cable reels for household and similar purposes. General requirements and test methods

GOST R 51559-2022: Power oil transformers of 110 and 220 kV voltage classes and autotransformers of 27,5 kV voltage class for AC traction railway power supply systems. General specifications

GOST R 51563-2000: Liquid centrifugal separators. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51564-2000: Drying and evaporating apparatus and plants. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51583-2014: Information protection. Sequence of protected operational system formation. General provisions

GOST R 51672-2000: Metrological ensuring of product testing for the assurance of conformity. General principles

GOST R 51685-2013: Railway rails. General specifications.

GOST R 51686.1-2000: Connecting devices. Electrical copper conductors. Safety requirements for screw-type and screwless-type clamping units. Part 1. General requirements and particular requirements for clamping units for conductors from 0,2 up to 35 sq. mm (included)

GOST R 51701-2000: Connecting devices. Devices for the connection of aluminium conductors in clamping units of any material and copper conductors in aluminium bodied clamping units. General requirements and methods of tests

GOST R 51731-2001: Electromechanical contactors for household and similar purposes

GOST R 51731-2010: Electromechanical contactors for household and similar purposes

GOST R 51748-2001: Metal frame yield supports. Arch support. General specifications

GOST R 51751-2001: Non-destructive testing. Non-destructive testing for evaluation of critical high-loaded elements when exposed to significant temperature and forces. General requirements for guidance of the selection of methods

GOST R 51759-2001: Hydrodynamic transmission for the railway rolling stock. General specifications

GOST R 51760-2001: Polymeric consumers packagings. General specifications

GOST R 51827-2001: Packagings. Leakproofness and hydraulic pressure testing methods

GOST R 51841-2001: Programmable controllers. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 51864-2002: Packagings. Testing methods of handle fastening strength

GOST R 51919-2002: Radionuclide ionizing radiation sealed sources. Leakage test methods

GOST R 51931-2002: Industrial centrifuges. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST R 51992-2002: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems. Part 1. Performance requirements and testing methods

GOST R 51992-2011: Low-voltage surge protective devices. Part 1. Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 52018-2003: Shaft sinking hoppets. Specifications

GOST R 52062-2003: Vegetable oils. Acceptance rules and methods of sampling

GOST R 52109-2003: Drinking bottled water. General specifications

GOST R 52114-2021: Units of mechanical prostheses of the upper extremities. Technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 52152-2003: Long wall powered roof chocks. Basic parameters. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 52155-2003: Federal, regional, municipal geographical information systems. General technical requirements

GOST R 52212-2004: Shooting-galleries. Armoured protection and technical resistance to burglary. General technical requirements

GOST R 52218-2004: Shaft sinking winches. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 52283-2004: Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 52283-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Centrifugal fire pumps. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 52284-2004: Fire aerial ladders. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 52302-2004: Road vehicles. Handling and stability. Technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 52316-2005: Fire equipment. Thermal equipment trips. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 52338-2005: Industrial cleanliness. Methods for lubricating and cooling liquids testing

GOST R 52348-2005: Shooting-galleries. Armoured protection and technical resistance to burglary. Acceptance rules and methods of testing

GOST R 52357-2005: Milk and milk-containing products. Technological instruction. General requirements for lay out, development and composition

GOST R 52365-2005: Seals. Requirements for test methods of locking system reliability and resistance to unauthorized access

GOST R 52365-2019: Filling devices. Requirements for test methods of resistance to protective properties and resistance to unauthorized opening

GOST R 52503-2005: Venetian blinds-rollets. Methods of testing for resistance to burglary and bullet-proofing

GOST R 52540-2006: Refractory clays and kaolins for production of refractories. Acceptance rules and methods of sampling

GOST R 52604-2012: Water attractions. Safety at operation. General requirements

GOST R 52620-2006: Transport polymeric containers. General specifications

GOST R 52706-2007: Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes. Performance requirements

GOST R 52712-2007: Safety requirements for incandescent lamps. Part 1. Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes

GOST R 52713-2007: Discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps). Safety requirements

GOST R 52725-2007: Surge arresters for a.c. electrical installations for voltage from 3 kV to 750kV. General specifications

GOST R 52776-2007: Rotating electrical machines. Rating and performance

GOST R 52778-2007: Test of agricultural machinery. Methods of operational-technological evaluation

GOST R 52868-2007: Cable tray systems and cable ladder systems for cable management. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 52899-2007: Pneumatic tyres for truck power-driven vehicles and trailers. Specifications

GOST R 52900-2007: Pneumatic tyres for passenger cars and trailers for them. Specifications

GOST R 52906-2008: Equipment of the aviation fuelling system. General technical requirements

GOST R 52957-2008: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Mechanical test methods

GOST R 52958-2008: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Rules of acceptance, methods of sampling and their preparation for control

GOST R 52959-2008: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Method of determining the shrinkage temperature

GOST R 53012-2008: Undressed fur and sheepskins. Methods for determining the structure damage and bacterial infection of flesh side

GOST R 53013-2008: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Methods of determining the chromium oxide (III) mass fraction

GOST R 53014-2008: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Methods of determining the aluminium mass fraction

GOST R 53015-2008: Dressed coloured fur and sheepskins. Method of determining the colour stability to friction

GOST R 53016-2008: Dressed coloured fur and sheepskins. Method of determining the light resistance of painting

GOST R 53017-2008: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Method of determining the pH of aqueous extraction

GOST R 53018-2008: Dressed fur and sheepskins. Method of determining the untied fatty substances mass fraction

GOST R 53037-2008: Mobile elevating work platforms. Design calculations, safety requirements, tests

GOST R 53051-2008: Machinery and tools for digging out and selection of seedlings and saplings in nursery forests. Test methods

GOST R 53052-2008: Machinery and tools for preparation of fillings for making foresting. Test methods

GOST R 53130-2008: Safety of attractions. General requirements

GOST R 53210-2008: Composite containers. General specifications

GOST R 53249-2009: Fire-fighting equipment. Sleeved water collecting. General technical requirements. Methods of testing

GOST R 53250-2009: Fire-fighting equipment. Fire standpipe. General technical requirements. Methods of testing

GOST R 53251-2009: Fire-fighting equipment. Hand foam-nozzles. General technical requirements. Methods of testing

GOST R 53252-2009: Fire-fighting equipment. Foam mixers. General technical requirements. Methods of testing

GOST R 53253-2009: Fire-fighting equipment. Suction gauzes. General technical requirements. Methods of testing

GOST R 53255-2009: Fire equipment. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53255-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Breathing apparatus with compressed air with an open breathing cycle. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53256-2009: Fire equipment. Self-contained closed-circuit breathing apparatus with compressed oxygen. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53256-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Respiratory apparatus with compressed oxygen with a closed breathing cycle. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53257-2009: Fire equipment. Full face masks breathing apparatus. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53258-2009: Fire equipment. The small size cylinders for apparatuses breathing and self-contained escape with compressed air. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53261-2009: Fire equipment. Filter self-rescue for protection of people against toxic products at evacuation from smoking buildings from fire. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53261-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Filter fire self-rescuers to protect people from toxic combustion products when rescuing from smoky rooms during a fire. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53262-2009: Fire equipment. Devices for control breathing apparatuses. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53262-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Installations for testing breathing apparatus. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53263-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Compressor plants for filling compressed air and oxygen cylinders of breathing apparatus for firefighters. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53271-2009: Fire equipment. Fire escape chute. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53275-2009: Fire equipment. Fire department hand-operated ladders. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53328-2009: Fire fighting technics. Fire extinguishing trucks. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53329-2009: Fire elevators. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53330-2009: Fire foam elevators. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53331-2009: Fire-fighting equipment. Hand nozzles. General technical requirements. Methods of testing

GOST R 53332-2009: Fire equipment. Fire motor pumps. Main parameters. General technical requirements. Methods of testing

GOST R 53332-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Motor-pumps fire. Main parameters. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 53336-2009: Live-cycle of railway rolling stock. General requirements

GOST R 53366-2009: Steel pipes for use as casing or tubing for wells in petroleum and natural gas industries. General specifications

GOST R 53374-2009: Liquid - propellant rocket engines. General technical requirements for production and quality inspection during supply for use

GOST R 53402-2009: Pipeline valves. Methods of control and testing

GOST R 53418-2009: Seals. Order of the inspection of seals in operating condition

GOST R 53424-2009: Mechanical seals for freight containers. General technical requirements

GOST R 53424-2018: Mechanical seals for freight containers. General technical requirements

GOST R 53471-2009: Synchronous three-phase generators of power above 100 kW. General specifications

GOST R 53616-2009: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environmental endurance tests. Certification methods of chambers (without load) for humidity endurance test chambers

GOST R 53618-2009: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods of chambers (without load) for temperature resistance test

GOST R 53671-2009: Pipeline valves. Swing and lift check valves. General specifications

GOST R 53673-2009: Pipeline valves. Butterfly wicket valves. General specifications

GOST R 53711-2009: Electronic components. Rules acceptation

GOST R 53781-2010: Lifts. Rules and method of examination (test) and measurement by certification of lifts. Rules of sampling

GOST R 53782-2010: Lifts. Rules and methods of the appraisement of lifts conformity before putting in service

GOST R 53783-2010: Lifts. Rules and methods of the appraisement of lifts conformity in period exploitation

GOST R 53787-2010: Sealing devices. Test methods of rod type power sealing devices resistance to unauthorized access. General requirements

GOST R 53865-2010: Gas distribution systems. Terms and definitions

GOST R 53865-2019: Gas distribution systems. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 53888-2010: Sealing devices. Test methods of indicative seals resistance to unauthorized access. General requirements

GOST R 53960-2010: Metal frame yield supports. Trapezoid supports. General specifications

GOST R 53961-2010: Fire-fighting equipment. Underground fire hydrants. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 54061-2010: Railway applications. Acoustics. Measurement of noise emitted by railbound vehicles

GOST R 54082-2010: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environmental endurance tests. Data processing methods for chamber certification (calibration)

GOST R 54083-2010: General requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods for chambers (with load) for temperature resistance test

GOST R 54087-2017: Integrated Logistic Support. Quality assurance of electronic operation and maintenance documentation. General provisions and general requirements

GOST R 54157-2010: Profile steel pipes for metal constructions. Specifications

GOST R 54302-2011: Sealing devices. Test methods of security seals resistance to environmental climatic and mechanical factors occurring in operation

GOST R 54334-2011: Current collectors of railways electric rolling stock. General specifications

GOST R 54364-2011: Low-voltage power supply devices, d.c. output. Performance characteristics

GOST R 54383-2011: Steel drill pipes for petroleum and natural gas industries. Specifications

GOST R 54416-2011: Incandescent lamps. Safety specifications. Part 3. Tungsten-halogen lamps (non-vehicle)

GOST R 54434-2011: Railway application. Rolling stock equipment. Shock and vibration

GOST R 54436-2011: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods for chambers (with load) for humidity endurance cyclic tests

GOST R 54437-2011: Requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods for chambers (without load) for resistance to air pressure tests

GOST R 54466-2011: Rotating electrical machines. Asynchronous explosion-proof motors of power from 0,25 to 400 kW inclusive. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 54474-2011: Glass containers. Rules of acceptance on the base of sampling control for inspection by attributes

GOST R 54501-2011: Complex quality control system. Control of technological processes of manufacturing materials and semi-finished product at enterprises-suppliers. General requirements

GOST R 54523-2011: Port hydraulic structures. Rules of inspection and monitoring of the technical condition

GOST R 54567-2011: Petroleum. Requirements for chemical products ensuring their safe application in petroleum industry

GOST R 54574-2011: Steel drums for paint materials. Specifications

GOST R 54746-2011: Railway rolling stock. Acoustic signaling devices. General specifications

GOST R 54748-2011: Crushed stone from rocks for railway ballast. Specifications

GOST R 54767-2011: Cranes. Test code and procedures

GOST R 54773-2011: Anchor supports. Test methods for anchor

GOST R 54775-2011: Powered support pumping stations. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 54777-2011: Automatic systems for explosions localization and suppression of methane-dust-air mixture explosions in coal mines. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 54778-2011: Machines for harvesting fruit and berries. Test methods

GOST R 54779-2011: Corn harvesting combines. Test methods

GOST R 54780-2011: Machines for goods processing fruit. Test methods

GOST R 54781-2011: Potato harvesting machines. Test methods

GOST R 54782-2011: Forage harvesting machine. Test methods

GOST R 54783-2011: Testing of agricultural machinery. Basic principles

GOST R 54798-2011: Control, monitoring and safety means of railway rolling stock. Safety requirements and control methods

GOST R 54854-2011: Light-weight concretes on phytogenesis organic aggregates. Specifications

GOST R 54864-2016: Hot-deformed seamless steel pipes for the welded steel structures. Specifications

GOST R 54892-2012: Installation of air separation plants and other cryogenic equipment. General provisions

GOST R 54929-2012: Steel welded pipes for general purposes. Specifications

GOST R 54958-2012: Railway telecommunications. Safety requirement control methods

GOST R 55001-2012: General requirements for performance of chambers for industrial products environments endurance tests. Certification methods for chambers (without load) for salt spray tests

GOST R 55014-2012: Power transformers. Tests for mechanical strength of tanks

GOST R 55015-2012: Power transformers. Tanks leakage tests

GOST R 55020-2012: Pipeline valves. Knife gate valves for trunk pipelines. General specifications

GOST R 55023-2012: Pipeline valves. Home regulators of pressure. General specifications

GOST R 55050-2012: Railway rolling stock. Permissible exposure norms to the railway track and test methods.

GOST R 55151-2012: Mining equipment. Cable laying machines. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55152-2012: Mining equipment. Mobile armoured face conveyors. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55153-2012: The mountain-mine equipment. Underground loading-transport machines. The safety requisitions and test methods

GOST R 55160-2012: Mining equipment. Mine face conveyers jacks. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55167-2012: Surge arresters for power supply systems of electrified railways. General specifications

GOST R 55176.4.1-2012: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Systems and equipment of railway transport. Part 4-1. Devices and equipment of railway automatics and telemechanics. Requirements and testing methods

GOST R 55195-2012: Electrical equipment and installations for a.c. voltages from 1 up to 750 kV. Requirements for dielectric strength of insulation

GOST R 55252-2012: Air transport. Aviation techniques non-destructive testing. Qualification and approval of personnel. General principles

GOST R 55255-2012: Air transport. System of maintenance service and repair of aviation equipment. The organization of works on diagnostics of the technical state. Basic provisions

GOST R 55259-2012: Plants for artificial drying of hay. Test methods

GOST R 55260.1.8-2013: Hydro power plants. Part 1-8. Hydroelectic power stations. The general rules of the organization of building manufacture at erection

GOST R 55260.2.2-2013: Hydro power plants. Part 2-2. Hydrotreaters. Hydraulic estimation procedures of operating conditions

GOST R 55260.3.1-2013: Hydro power plants. Part 3-1. Hydraulic turbines. Procurement specification

GOST R 55260.3.2-2013: Hydro Power Plants. Part 3-2. Estimation procedures of hydroturbine operating conditions

GOST R 55261-2012: Testing agricultural tractors and machines. Potato planters. Methods of testing

GOST R 55369-2012: Railway automatics and telemechanics equipment. General technical requirements

GOST R 55495-2013: Railway multiple units. Durability and dynamics requirements

GOST R 55496-2013: Motor railway rolling stock. Methodology of dynamic-strength tests

GOST R 55497-2013: Check railway rails. Specifications

GOST R 55508-2013: Pipeline valves. Technique of the experimental definitions hydraulic and cavitation characteristics

GOST R 55511-2013: Pipeline valves. Electric actuators. General specifications

GOST R 55513-2013: Locomotives. Requirements for strength and dynamic properties

GOST R 55527-2013: Protecting constructions of the railway rolling stock premises. Test methods for determining the thermal technical indicators

GOST R 55602-2013: Switching devices for railway traction network and power substations earthling. General specifications

GOST R 55612-2013: Magnetic non-destructive inspection. Terms and definitions

GOST R 55621-2013: Guide for procurement of power station equipment. Part 5-4. Turbines-hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines

GOST R 55640-2013: Escalators and passenger conveyors. Rules and methods of examinations (tests) and measurements. Rules of sampling

GOST R 55642-2013: Lifting platforms for persons with impaired mobility. Rules and methods of examinations (tests) and measurements. Rules of sampling

GOST R 55649-2013: Section insulation for catenary of railways. Specifications

GOST R 55705-2013: Lighting devices with the LED light sources. General specifications

GOST R 55716-2013: High-voltage switchgear. General specifications

GOST R 55731-2013: Mining equipment. Metal frame yield supports. Ring supports. General specifications

GOST R 55734-2013: Mining equipment. Quarry spreaders. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55735-2013: Mining equipment. High pressure mine rubber hoses with metallic tapings and metallic braidings with fitting. Safety requirements and test methods

GOST R 55736-2013: Mining equipment. Machines for drilling blast holes in open mountain developments. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 55753-2013: Complex quality control system. Electronic components. Requirements quality assurance and quality control

GOST R 55756-2013: Integrated system of general technical requirements. Electronic components. General technical requirements

GOST R 55820-2013: Switch and crossing rails. Specifications

GOST R 55851-2013: Gas burners, gas/oil burner and pulverized solid fuel/gas burners of steam and hot-water boilers. Acceptance test. Basis requirements

GOST R 55882.1-2013: Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 1. General service conditions and general rules

GOST R 55882.4-2013: Electric equipment of a railway rolling stock. Part 4. A.c. circuit-breakers. General specifications

GOST R 55882.5-2013: Railway applications. Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 5. Electrotechnical components. Rules for HV fuses

GOST R 55883-2013: Disconnections for railways traction network and operating mechanisms for them. General specifications

GOST R 55995-2014: Seat passenger railcar rolling stock and passenger cars with locomotive traction. General specifications

GOST R 55996-2014: Space systems. Requirements to the content and format of statement of work clauses for the development of science and social-economic function space technique

GOST R 56137-2014: Prosthetics and orthotics. Quality control prostheses and orthoses lower limb with individual parameters manufacturing

GOST R 56209-2014: Rods composite polymer for the manufacture of cores uninsulated wires. Specifications

GOST R 56401-2015: Aircraft. Standard practice for approval of new aviation fuels and lubricants in aircraft

GOST R 56409-2015: Global navigation satellite system. Systems of geodetic monitoring. Program and methods of testing

GOST R 56468-2015: Automatic spacecraft. Thermal control subsystems. General technical requirements

GOST R 56474-2015: Space systems. Non-destructive testing of physics and mechanical properties of space technique's materials and coatings by dynamic indentation. General requirements

GOST R 56517-2015: Liquid rocket engines. Production quality control rules according to maximum permissible value of output parameters, considering measurement error

GOST R 56518-2015: Space products. Requirements for quality management systems of organizations participating in development, production and operation

GOST R 56519-2015: Automatic spacecrafts. Thermal vacuum treatment. General requirements

GOST R 56542-2015: Non-destructive testing. Classification of types and methods

GOST R 56622-2015: Removable insulating towers for operation on the railway contact network. Specifications

GOST R 56648-2015: Electronic components for rocket and space technology. Input inspection and additional testing. General provisions

GOST R 57076-2016: Field test centers for the railway rolling stock and the infrastructure elements. Technical requirements

GOST R 57175-2016: Requirements for the quality and safety of PCR kits, research and testing using the PCR method in the identification of the target taxa of microorganisms, plants and genetically modified organisms

GOST R 57179-2016: Thermite welding of rails. The method of testing and quality control

GOST R 57180-2016: Welding joints. Methods for determination of mechanical properties, macrostructure and microstructure

GOST R 57307-2016: Fire equipment. Self-rescue filtering devices for protection of children from 1, 5 to 7 years old against toxic products at rescue from smoking buildings during fire. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 57308-2016: Fire equipment. Сamera protection for children for protection of the children 1, 5 years against toxic products at rescue from smoking buildings from fire. Protective devices for children for rescue of new born and small babys out of smoking areas during

GOST R 57378-2016: Earthing rod for railway overhead contact system. Specifications

GOST R 57394-2017: Integrated circuits and semiconductor devices. Methods of accelerated tests for non-failure operation

GOST R 57395-2017: Angle-to-digit converters. General requirements for measuring instruments, testing and monitoring of input and output parameters

GOST R 57423-2017: Tubes for boiler and heat exchanging equipment. Part 2. Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes more 6, 4 MPa and temperatures exceeding 400 °C. Specifications

GOST R 57445-2017: Railway technical means. General requirements for methods of life time estimation

GOST R 57512-2017: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Terms and definitions

GOST R 57618.3-2017: Small craft infrastructure. Yacht harbours. Exploitation. Safety requirement

GOST R 57618.4-2017: Small craft infrastructure. Repair bases and services. General requirements

GOST R 57659-2017: The railway transport objects testing methods of prolongation operating cycle. Part 1. Power transformers and auto transformers for railway power substations, transform substations and power supply linear devices

GOST R 57700.37-2021: Computer models and modeling. Digital twins of products. General Provisions

GOST R 57991-2017: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Steel piles of pipes used for foundation construction of above-ground pipelines supports. General specifications

GOST R 58018-2017: Interim composite polymeric supports for overhead power lines voltage 35-220 kV. General specifications

GOST R 58021-2017: Composite polymeric supports for overhead power lines of voltage 6-20 kV. General specifications

GOST R 58044-2017: Aviation equipment. Incoming product verification

GOST R 58064-2018: Steel welded pipes for building structure. Technical specifications

GOST R 58088-2018: Mining equipment. Mine parachutes for cages. Specifications

GOST R 58092.3.1-2020: Electric energy storage systems (EES). Design and evaluation of operating parameters. General requirements

GOST R 58115-2018: Converter transformers for voltages from 6 to 110 kV for railway traction substations. General specifications

GOST R 58124-2018: Space systems. Provision of productive technological efficiency of products creation. Basic principles

GOST R 58201-2018: Mining drilling for pneumatic and hydraulic anchorage installers. General specifications

GOST R 58274-2018: Space systems. Metrological provision of technological preparation of production. Main provisions

GOST R 58341.13-2022: Elements of the Control and Management System of Nuclear Power Plants. Accounting of actually worked out and estimation of residual resource

GOST R 58346-2019: Steel pipes and fittings for the oil industry. Protective coatings on the inner surface. General technical requirements

GOST R 58454-2019: The system of development and putting products into production. Medical Products. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 58493-2019: Mining equipment. Drilling machines. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 58540-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Semi-rigid pressure fire hoses. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 58584-2019: Mining engineering. Switch points in self-rescuers. Safety requirements. Test methods

GOST R 58616-2019: Pipe fittings. Regulating fittings for main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines. General specifications

GOST R 58685-2019: Permeable ship doors. Test Methods and Types

GOST R 58711-2019: Aircraft technology. Embedded Software. Design documentation requirements

GOST R 58715-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Special fire trucks. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 58716-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Filter fire respirators for respiratory and visual protection used in extinguishing natural fires in the open air. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 58753-2019: Cargo rope slings for construction. Technical specifications

GOST R 58755-2019: Mobile scaffolds, collapsible. Technical specifications

GOST R 58758-2019: Platforms and stairs for construction works. General specifications

GOST R 58764-2019: Non-destructive testing. Optical methods. Endoscopes are technical. General requirements

GOST R 58767-2019: Building solutions. Test Methods

GOST R 58780-2019: Rocket and space technology. Quality Assurance Program. General Provisions

GOST R 58787-2019: Electric generating sets with internal combustion engines for nuclear power plants. General technical conditions. Accommodation

GOST R 58788-2019: Pipeline fittings of safety class 4 for technological systems of nuclear power plants. General technical requirements

GOST R 58792-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Mobile compression foam generation systems. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 58793-2019: Fire fighting equipment. Highly manoeuvrable fire rescue equipment. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 58819-2020: Pipe fittings for trunk oil pipelines and oil product pipelines. Rules for assessing the technical condition and extension of assigned indicators

GOST R 58849-2020: Civil aviation equipment. The order of creation. Key Points

GOST R 58857-2020: Rocket and space technology. Electronic component base. General Provisions

GOST R 58922-2020: Sports equipment safety standards system. Sports equipment for fall protection. Strapping. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 58928-2020: The system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements at the enterprises of the aviation industry. The order of work on the metrological support of test equipment

GOST R 58929-2020: A system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements at enterprises of the aviation industry. Metrological support of aircraft products

GOST R 59987-2022: Ship navigation equipment. Systems of free-form inertial navigation of maritime applications. Standardization and control of designation indicators

GOST R 59998-2022: Antitrap devices for security from vehicles. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R Robots and robotic devices. Kinds of testing

GOST R Robots and robotic devices. Test methods service mobile robots to work in extreme conditions. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 70073-2022: Public roads. Bridges and road pipes. Methods for determining geometric and physical parameters

GOST R 70075-2022: Sealants for the organization of mounting joints of the joints of window units to the wall openings. Technical conditions

GOST R 70077-2022: Satellite imagery materials for creating and updating state topographic maps. Quality Assessment. Basic requirements

GOST R 70172-2022: Geodesy and Cartography. Requirements for technical control of geodesic and cartographic products and processes of their creation. Main Provisions

GOST R 70215-2022: Shipboard furniture and non-mechanical room equipment. Norms and test methods

GOST R 70236-2022: Pipeline valves. Shut-off valves of thermoplastic materials. General specifications

GOST R 70294-2022: The system of standards for the safety of sports equipment. Sports equipment for protection against falling from height. Sports carabiners. General technical requirements. Test methods

GOST R 70306-2022: Centrifuged reinforced concrete columns of circular section for industrial buildings and engineering structures. Technical specifications

GOST R 70320-2022: Charging and charging converters and uninterruptible power supply devices for railway traction substations, transformer substations and linear devices of railway traction power supply system. General specifications

GOST R 70352-2022: Fittings for overhead power lines up to 1 kV with self-supporting insulated wires. General specifications

GOST R 70360-2022: Metros. Verification of purchased products

GOST R 70461-2022: Construction works and typical technological processes. Steel structures made of pipes and closed profiles. Rules and control of installation work

GOST R 70463-2022: Four- and six-axle flatcars. General specifications

GOST R 70465-2022: Typical technological and organizational processes. Welding of steel building structures. Requirements for the organization and execution of work in construction site conditions. Quality control

GOST R 70488-2022: System of product development and production. Railway rolling stock. The order of development of repair documents and preparation of repairs

GOST R 70595-2022: Shipboard fittings. General specifications

GOST R 70596-2022: Manufacture of marine electrical installation. Terms and definitions

GOST R 70695-2023: Soils fixed by injection mortars based on cement and sodium silicate. Test methods

GOST R 70696-2023: Injection mortars for cement-based soil consolidation. Test methods

GOST R 70731.4-2023: Steel pipes for manufacture of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants. General technical conditions. Part 4. Longitudinal welded steel pipes made of 08Х18Н10Т austenitic class steel.

GOST R 71300-2024: Mining equipment. Explosion protection means in gas suction and degassing pipelines and installations. General technical requirements and test methods

GOST R 8.000-2015: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Basic principles

GOST R 8.1011-2022: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements (GSI). Systems for measuring the quantity and quality indicators of crude oil and petroleum products. Commissioning, operation, decommissioning

GOST R 8.1015-2022: State System for Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements (GSI). Metrological expertise of normative and technical documentation in the field of atomic energy use. Organization and basic requirements to the content

GOST R 8.565-2014: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological ensuring of atomic power stations. General principles

GOST R 8.568-97: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Verification of testing equipment. General principles

GOST R 8.637-2007: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Certified reference materials for metrological maintenance of pipeline non-destructive testing equipment. General requirements

GOST R 8.655-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Quality factors of electric power measuring instruments. General specification

GOST R 8.689-2009: Quality factors of electric power measuring instruments. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Test methods and equipment.

GOST R 8.825-2013: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Intelligent Sensors and Intelligent Measuring Systems. Methods of accelerated tests

GOST R 8.932-2017: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirement to methodologies (to the methods) of measuring in area of uses of nuclear-power. Substantive provisions

GOST R 8.932-2022: State System for Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements (GSI). Requirements to measurement procedures (methods) in the field of atomic energy use. General provisions

GOST R 9.517-2003: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Temporary rust protection of products. Test methods

GOST R ISO 10328-1-98: Prosthetics. Structural testing of lower-limb prostheses. Part 1. Test configurations

GOST R ISO 15032-2001: Prostheses. Structural testing of hip units

GOST R ISO 3046-1-99: Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Performance. Part 1. Standard reference conditions? declarations of power fuel and lubricating oil consumptions. Test method

I 101-01: Accreditation system for laboratories of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation. Accreditation Rules. Guidelines for accreditation. General Provisions

I 101-06: System of accreditation of laboratories conducting sanitary and epidemiological research, testing. Guidelines. General accreditation procedure

MDS 12-1.98: Recommended Practice for Development of Quality Systems in Construction and Installation Organizations (Based on ISO 9000 Standards)

MI 2647-2001: Recommendation. State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The procedure for accreditation of organizations for the right of attestation of test equipment used in the interests of defense and security

MI 3342-11: Recommendation. GSE. Requirements for testing laboratories that monitor the quality of oil

MI 675-84: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Methods of conducting state control tests of measuring instruments

MVN 7/2002: Temporary regulatory and technical requirements for horizontal road marking of public roads, urban and rural roads and streets managed by the UAV "Mosavtodor"

NB ZhT TsP 110-2003: Spring terminals of a flawless separate fastening ZhBR-65. Safety standards

NB ZhT TsP 142-2003: Covers with polymeric coating for insulating joints of railway rails. Safety standards

NPB 101-2005*: Fire safety standards of the Republic of Belarus. The main fire trucks. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 163-97*: Fire fighting equipment. The main fire trucks. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 164-2001: Fire equipment. Oxygenous self-contained gas-masks for fireman. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 164-97*: Fire fighting equipment. Oxygen gas masks (respirators) for firefighters. General technical requirements and test methods

NPB 170-98*: Extinguishing powder for general purposes. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 178-99: Fire equipment. Full face masks for breathing apparatus of fireman. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 180-99: Fire engineering. Fire vehicles. Development and putting into production

NPB 181-99: Fire water tenders , complete parts and accessories. Release from repair. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 185-99: Fire equipment. Fire fighting centrifugal pumps. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 188-2000: Fire aerial ladder. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 192-2000: Fire engineering. Communnication and lighting truck. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 194-2000: Fire engineering. Smoke ejector truck. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 197-2001: Fire elevators. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 308-2002: Procedure of developments to documentation fire fighting vehicles and pumps

NPB 311-2002: Fire equipment. Command vehicle. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 312-2003: Fire engineering. Rescue vehicle. General technical requirements. Test methods

NPB 314-2003: Firefoam elevators. General technical requirements. Test methods

ODM 218.2.044-2014: Recommendations for the performance of instrument and instrumental measurements in assessing the technical condition of bridge structures on highways

ODM 218.3.014-2011: Evaluation method for technical condition of bridges and automobile roads.

ODM 218.3.042-2014: Recommendations for determining the parameters and assignment of categories of defects in assessing the technical condition of bridges on highways

ODM 218.4.031-2016: Recommendations on the organization and conduct of departmental control (monitoring) of quality during the performance of road works on federal public roads

OIT-0011-1999: System of certification of equipment, products and technologies for nuclear installations, radiation sources and storage facilities. Basic curriculum of the training centers of the System

OST 102-104-85: Nature preservation. Construction of pipe lines. General provisions.

OST 1-02525-84: Tests of aircraft gas turbine engines. Terms and Definitions

OST 102-55-81: Parts of trunk pipelines, steel welded on Ru to 10.0 MPa (100 kgf

OST 24.050.16-85: Passenger coaches. Methods to determine smoothness of movement.

OST 24.050.28-81: Passenger cars. Methods of measurement and evaluation of vibration

OST 24.050.37-84: Freight and passenger coaches. Testing methods for mechanical strength and ride performance.

OST 26-07-1023-80: Automatic pipeline fittings. General specifications.

OST 26-07-2021-79: Accelerated life tests of pipefittings for durability. Basic principles of acceleration.

OST 26-07-2031-81: Pipeline fittings. Acceptance sampling methods.

OST 26-07-2040-81: Pipeline Fittings. Abbreviated life tests. The general requirements to development of techniques of abbreviated tests.

OST 26-07-2069-86: Pipeline fittings for nuclear power facilities. Incoming control of materials of semi-finished products and component parts. Scope and methods.

OST 32.146-2000: Devices of railway automation, telemechanics and telecommunications. General specification requirements

OST 32.64-97: Industry standard. Kinds. Contents and procedure for testing track machines

OST 34-10-701-97: Parts of seamless steel welded pipelines on Rrab <2.2 MPa (22 kgf

OST 34-38-446-84: Specifications for complete overhaul. Rules of construction, structure and presentation. The procedure for coordination, approval and registration.

OST 37.001.471-88: Handling and stability of vehicles. Test methods.

OST 3-98-80: Constructional and spring refining steel. Technical requirements.

OST 45.181-2001: Fixed installations of power supply of telecommunications equipment. Test methods

OST 45.51-96: Automatic container telephone stations. Acceptance Rules

OST 95 18-2001: Scientific-research and experimental-design procedures. General provisions.

OT Quality assurance program in the development and manufacture of products supplied to nuclear power plants. Content and Development Requirements

OTU 3-01: Vessels and apparatuses. General specifications for the repair of buildings

P SSFZhT 23-99: Industry application measurement tools used in federal railway transport. Requirements for the order of development, construction, content, design, and certification of programs and test methods

P SSFZhT 34-99: The certification system on the federal railway transport of the Russian Federation. Model training programs for experts on certification and accreditation at the federal railway transport

P SSFZhT 45/ISO 9001-2003: The certification system on the federal railway transport of the Russian Federation. Quality Management System. Requirements

P SSFZhT 46-2001: The certification system for the federal railway transport. The order of development and certification of certification tests of railway equipment.

PNAE G-5-020-90: Requirements for Installation and Operation of the Systems of Emergency Cooling and Heat Abstraction from Nuclear Reactors to Heat Absorbers

PNST 154-2016: Petroleum products. Recovery of quality parameters

PNST 155-2016: Petroleum products. Use of test methods for quality supporting

PNST 156-2016: Petroleum production. Control for quality while maintaining in accepting for storage

PNST 164-2016: Electric equipment for nuclear power plants. General technical requirements

PNST 166-2016: Safety class 4 pipeline valves for technological systems of nuclear stations. General technical requirements

PNST 25-2014: Innovative technical devices of railway infrastructure. The procedure for admission to exploitation

PNST 317-2018: General automobile roads. Geosynthetic materials. Quality control

PNST 369-2019: Mining engineering. Mining Explosion Systems. General technical requirements

PNST 376-2019: Vibroacoustic ground control system on the airport maneuvering area. General technical requirements

PNST 394-2020: Steel pipes for the manufacture of equipment and pipelines of nuclear plants. General specifications. Part 1. Seamless steel pipes from unalloyed and alloyed steels

PNST 674-2022: Oil and gas industry. Underwater production systems. Chambers for launching and receiving means of cleaning and diagnostics of pipelines. General specifications

PNST 683-2023: Oil and gas industry. Underwater production systems. Tubes from austenitic-ferritic corrosion-resistant steel. Technical specifications

PNST 684-2022: Oil and gas industry. Subsea production systems. Riser interaction. Guidelines

PNST 692-2022: Oil and gas industry. Underwater production systems. Wellhead equipment. Plugging module

PNST 865-2023: Petroleum products. Rules of control and maintenance of properties preservation in oil product supply organizations. Basic provisions

PO The management system for the provision of personal protective equipment for employees of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC

PR 50.2.027-2001: State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. The procedure for testing and approval of the type of measuring instruments for special purposes

PR 64-05-001-2002: Rules of organization of clean manufactures and control of quality of medical products from polymers, woven and nonwoven materials, having contact with blood

R 082-2019: Guidelines. The procedure for conducting research and development work in the interests of units of private security of the national guard of the Russian Federation without raising funds from the state defense order

R 375-79: Guidelines for the operational quality control of construction and installation work in the construction of the linear part of trunk pipelines

R 454-81: Guidelines for assessing the quality of the construction of the linear part of trunk pipelines

R 50.1.025-2000: Energy conservation. Methods for estimation of accuracy and reproducibility of test results of energy efficiency indicators of products

R 50.1.026-2000: Energy conservation. Methods for assurance of energy efficiency indicators of products. General requirements

R 50.1.048-2004: Information-telecommunication fame-systems. Terms and definitions

R 50.1.056-2005: Technical protection of information. Basic terms and definitions

R 50.2.096-2015: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological criteria of conformity assessment of the object of technical regulation to the requirements of technical regulations and standards

R 50.4.004-2000: Accreditation of test labs for food products and raw material

R 50.4.006-2002: Interlaboratory comparison tests for the accreditation and conformity surveillance of testing laboratories. Procedure and order of carrying out the work

R 50-110-89: Acceptance control of product quality. General provisions

R 50-117-90: Recommendations. Complexes of aggregate means of automated diagnostics and control of products. General requirements for composition and structure

R 50-54-74-88: Recommendations. Production systems are flexible. Test methods and reliability control

R 50-54-80-88: Recommendations. Reliability in technology. Complex testing of engineering products for reliability. General provisions

R 50-601-20-91: Recommendations for assessing the accuracy and stability of technological processes (equipment)

R 50-601-32-92: Recommendations. Quality system Organization of the introduction of statistical methods of product quality management in the enterprise

R 50-601-40-93: Recommendations. Input control products. Main provisions

R 50-601-43-94: Recommendations for inspection control over certified products

R 50-605-80-93: System of products development and launching it into manufacture. Terms and definitions

R 50-609-48-88: Recommendations. Control of technological discipline. General provisions

RB-136-17: Safety Guide for the Use of Atomic Energy

RB-138-17: Safety Guide for the Use of Atomic Energy

RD 08-195-98: Instructions for the technical diagnosis of the state of mobile units for well repair

RD 10-525-03: Recommended Practice for Testing of Hoisting Machines

RD 153-34.0-15.501-00: Guidelines for monitoring and analyzing the quality of electric energy in general-purpose power supply systems. Part 1. Electrical energy quality control

RD 153-34.0-15.502-2002: The leading document. Methodical instructions on control and the analysis of electric energy quality in general purpose power supply systems. Part 2. Analysis of electric energy quality.

RD 153-34.0-17.456-98: Industry-Specific System "Robustness of Obsolete Thermal Power Stations

RD 153-34.1-04.504-01: Model Ordinance on the Automated Process Control Systems (Thermal Automation and Measurements) Department

RD 153-34.1-17.462-00: Procedural Guidelines Assessment of Serviceability of Steam Turbine Blades in the Process of Manufacturing, Operation, and Repair

RD 153-34.1-24.303-98: Model Method for Field Tests for the Determination of Service Life of Grinding Units of Ventilated Coal Crushing Mills (Drum Mills, Hammer Mills, and Pulverizing Fans)

RD 153-34.1-37.313-00: Method for Thermal Chemistry Tests of Stationary Natural-Circulation Steam Boilers

RD 22-28-36-01: Lifting cranes. Typical program and test procedure. Standard testing programs and procedures.

RD 24.020.11-93: Welded joints of stationary steam, gas and hydraulic turbines. Testing rules and quality evaluation standards.

RD 26-07-27-99: Pipeline gate valves. Classes and rates of gates sealibility

RD 26-12-29-88: Rules for conducting pneumatic tests of products for strength and tightness

RD 27.05.01-2017: Guidance document for the repair and maintenance of wheelsets with axleboxes for freight cars of 1520 (1524) mm track gauge main railways

RD 31.3.3-97: Guidelines on technical control of waterworks in maritime transport. Ministry of Transport, DMT Soyuzmorniiproekt, 1997

RD 31.3.4-97: Provision on organization of technical inspection of hydraulic facilities of marine transport

RD 32.144-2000: Acceptance nondestructive testing. Solid wheels, tires and axes of wheel sets for rolling stock. Technical requirements.

RD 34.04.181: Standard Guidelines. Requirements for Organization of Maintenance and Repair of Buildings and Structures of Electric Power Generating Stations and Networks

RD 34.15.401-87: Standard instruction for organizing and conducting input control of power equipment and controls at power enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Energy

RD 34.20.301-86: Regulations on the procedure for the development, coordination and approval of test programs at thermal, hydraulic and nuclear power plants, in energy systems, thermal and electric networks

RD 34.20.668-89: Typical provision on the industrialization of the repair of equipment of distribution electric networks 0.38 - 20 kV

RD 34.35.412-88: Requirements for Acceptance into Operation from Installation and Adjustment of Thermal Power Station Process Control Systems

RD 39-1-433-80: Instructions for conducting controlled operation of installations of submersible centrifugal electric pumps

RD 39-30-1058-84: Guidelines for the technical investigation of failures, damage to technological facilities of oil trunk pipelines

RD 50-286-81: Guidelines. The system of state testing of products. Ensuring the unity of the test. Main provisions

RD 50-394-83: Guidelines. Vibration. General requirements for regulatory and technical documents. Valid Parameters

RD 50-424-83: Methodological instructions. Industrial product dependability. Accelerated testing. Main provisions.

RD 50-605-86: Guidelines for the application of standards for statistical acceptance control

RD 50-702-91: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. The procedure for ensuring electromagnetic compatibility and the rules for the examination

RD EO 0052-00: Diesel generator sets for nuclear power plants. General specifications

RD EO Regulation on management of inconsistencies during manufacture and incoming inspection of the products for NPPs

RD JeO The procedure for the collection, processing, storage and transmission of information about failures and damage to equipment of nuclear power plants. Position

RD JeO Quality control of manufacturing nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants. Position

RD NIIKranostroeniya 02-05: Jib cranes for general purposes and hoisting cranes. Typical Test Programs

RD RTM 26-07-253-83: Pipe fittings. Accelerated resource tests. Destruction models

RDMU 106-77: Guidelines for determining the types of standards and the construction of their standard forms, taking into account the specificity of product groups

RDMU 26-07-261-86: Guidelines. State tests of pipeline fittings. The materials submitted by the basic test units of the head organization - TsKBA for primary certification and the procedure for their execution

RDP 26-07-260-86: Position. State tests of pipeline fittings. The basic test unit of the head organization - CKBA

Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope

Resolution 970: On approval of requirements for technical experts, a list of areas of specialization of technical experts, requirements for expert organizations for accreditation and a list of areas of certification of experts for accreditation

RM 4-239-91: Automation systems. Dictionary-reference terms. Allowance to SNiP 3.05.07-85

RMG 52-2002: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. General methological recommendations for the implementation of GOST 8.315-97 principles in the development and use of reference materials

RMG 94-2009: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Test laboratories performing of the quality control of oil at acceptance operations. Basic requirements

R-SSK 04-2016: Recommendations on the procedure for maintaining special journals for recording the performance of work during construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities

RST RSFSR 506-81: System development and production of products. Garage equipment. Main provisions

RST RSFSR 703-83: System development and production of products. Products of folk arts and crafts

SDA 06-2008: Terms and definitions used in the unified conformity assessment system at facilities controlled by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

SDA-06-2009: Terms and definitions used in the Unified system of conformity assessment in the field of industrial, environmental safety, safety in the energy sector and construction

SNiP 3.02.01-87: Earthen structures, foundation and basis

SO 153-34.03.603-2003: Guidelines for Use and Testing of Protective Means Used in Electrical Installations

SO 34.26.724: Methodical instructions for testing furnaces and burners of boiler installations

SO 34-38-20136-2005: General-purpose 630 kVA power oil transformers for voltage up to 35 kV. Specifications for capital repair

SP 245.1325800.2015: Corrosion protection of communication and utility lines and structures in the oil and gas industry. Production and work acceptance rules

SP 392.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Executive documentation during construction. Forms of requirements for maintenance and execution

SP 393.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Organization of construction production

SP 406.1325800.2018: Steel and field pipelines for oil and gas. Installation work. Welding and control of its implementation

SP 409.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Work on the installation of thermal and anticorrosive insulation, monitoring of work

SP 410.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Permafrost construction and work control

SP 422.1325800.2018: Pipelines trunk and field for oil and gas. Construction of underwater crossings and work control

SP 45.13330.2012: Earth structures, bases and foundations

SP 45.13330.2017: Earthworks, grounds and footings

ST CKBA 123-2019: Pipe fittings. Terms and definitions (with illustrations)

ST CKBA 125-2020: Pipe fittings. Types of control and testing

ST RK 1518-2006: Diesel locomotives. DC electric rotating traction machines. Requirements for acceptance programmes and test procedures

ST RK 1531-2006: Locomotives of main railways of 1520 mm gage. AC electric rotating tractive machinery. Requirements for acceptance programmes and test procedures

ST RK 1685-2007: Bridgeworks and culverts on motor roads. Rules for performing and acceptance of work at construction, reconstruction and capital repair. Production control

ST RK 1715-2007: Fire engineering. Respiratory and visual organs personal protective equipment. Filter self-rescuers. General technical requirements. Testing methods

ST RK 1846-2008: Freight and passenger cars. Strength testing methods and running characteristics

ST RK 1976-2010: Fire engineering. Tower ladders. General specification

ST RK 1980-2010: Fire engineering. Basic fire fighting trucks. General specification

ST RK 1981-2010: Fire engineering. Fire aerial ladders. General specification

ST RK 2339-2013: Plastic insulated small-paired telephone cables. Specification

ST RK 2341-2013: Stationary cross wire with insulation from vinyl blend. Specification

ST RK 2432-2013: Railway rails differentially strengthened and not-heat-strengthened. General specification

ST RK 2526-2014: Heater wires. Technical conditions

ST RK 2641-2015: Single-pair telephone distribution wires Specifications

ST RK 2643-2015: Local communication cables of high frequency. Specifications.

ST RK 2644-2015: The cables combined for systems of video surveillance. Technical conditions

ST RK 2794-2015: Wires are self-supporting, insulated and protected for overhead power lines. Technical conditions

ST RK GOST R 51514-2009: State systems of measurement assurance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity of equipment for general lighting purposes. Specification and testing methods

ST RK GOST R 51522-2009: State systems of measurement assurance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. Specification and testing methods

ST RK GOST R 51524-2009: State systems of measurement assurance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. Specification and testing methods

ST RK GOST R 51827-2008: Packagings. Airtightness and hydraulic pressure testing methods

ST RK GOST R 51864-2008: Packaging. Testing methods of handle fastening strength

ST SSFZhT TM 151-2003: The wheels are seamless. Determination of the endurance limit of the disk. Typical Test Procedure

ST SSFZhT TM 152-2003: Finishing carriage axles. Definition of the endurance limit of the necks of the axes. Typical test method

ST SSFZhT TM 153-2003: Finished car axles. Determination of cyclic fracture toughness. Standard test procedure

ST SSFZhT TM-TsP 115-2001: Broad gauge railway rails. Typical method for determining the performance of wide gauge rail rails.

ST SSFZhT TsE 134-2002: 27.5 kV AC sectioning posts for electrified railways. Typical methods of certification tests.

ST SSFZhT TsE 135-2002: 3.3 kV AC sectioning posts for electrified railways. Typical methods of certification tests.

ST SSFZhT TsE 136-2002: Telemechanics equipment traction substations. Typical certification test methods

ST SSFZhT TsL 040-99: Services provided to passengers on federal railway transport. Typical methodology for assessing compliance with services requirements

ST SSFZhT TsP 017-99: Special rolling stock. Typical methods of dynamic (running) tests

ST SSFZhT TsP 054-99: Special rolling stock. Rubble cleaning machines. Typical test methods to verify the functional indicators related to traffic safety and safety indicators in the area of working bodies

ST SSFZhT TsP 055-99: Special rolling stock. Machines for cutting ballast in between. Typical test methods for determining the indicators of functional and occupational safety in the area of the working bodies

ST SSFZhT TsP 056-99: Special rolling stock. Machines for the formation of ballast section, planning and redistribution of ballast. Typical test methods for determining safety performance indicators in the working area

ST SSFZhT TsP 057-99: Special rolling stock. Machines for changing sleepers. Typical test methods for determining the indicators of functional and occupational safety in the area of the working bodies

ST SSFZhT TsP 058-99: Special rolling stock. Machines for compaction and stabilization of ballast. Typical test methods for determining the indicators of functional and occupational safety in the area of the working bodies

ST SSFZhT TsP 059-99: Special rolling stock. Machines for bearing, tamping and leveling path. Typical test methods to verify the functional indicators related to traffic safety and safety indicators in the area of working bodies

ST SSFZhT TsP 060-99: Special rolling stock. Machines for the transportation, loading and unloading of materials of the upper structure of the track and track equipment (except for lifting mechanisms) and delivery of crews to the place of work. Typical test methods for determi

ST SSFZhT TsP 061-99: Special rolling stock. Machines for cleaning rails from contaminants and trimming ballast in sleeper boxes. Typical test methods for determining safety performance indicators in the working area

ST SSFZhT TsP 062-99: Special rolling stock. Machines for fastening and lubrication of rail fasteners. Typical test methods for determining safety performance indicators in the working area

ST SSFZhT TsP 063-99: Special rolling stock. Rail grinding machines and trains. Typical test methods for determining safety performance indicators in the working area

ST SSFZhT TsP 064-99: Special rolling stock. Rail welding machines. Typical test methods for determining the indicators of functional and occupational safety in the area of the working bodies

ST SSFZhT TsP 065-99: Special rolling stock. Traction power machines. Typical test methods for determining safety performance indicators related to the functioning

ST SSFZhT TsP 066-99: Special rolling stock. Machines for cleaning roads from snow, ice and weeds. Typical test methods for determining the indicators of functional and occupational safety in the area of the working bodies

ST SSFZhT TsP 067-99: Special rolling stock. Self-propelled rolling stock track-measuring and flaw-proof (except for measuring systems). Typical test methods for determining safety performance indicators in the working area

ST SSFZhT TsP 068-99: Special rolling stock. Tracklaying cranes and engine platforms. Typical test methods for determining safety performance indicators in the working area

ST SSFZhT TsP 069-99: Special rolling stock. Special rolling stock for the transport of switches. Typical test methods for determining safety performance indicators in the working area

ST SSFZhT TsP 087-2000: Special rolling stock. Formulations for weeds. Typical test methods for verifying safety performance indicators in the area of operation of working bodies and functional indicators related to traffic safety

ST SSFZhT TsP 107-2001: Crushed stone from natural stone for the ballast layer of the railway track. Typical test method.

ST SSFZhT TsP 112-2001: Composite linings for the joints of insulating rails. Typical methodology for conducting field testing.

ST SSFZhT TsP 123-2001: Special rolling stock. Brush cutters. Typical test methods for calibration of labor safety indicators in the area of the working bodies.

ST SSFZhT TsP 124-2001: Special rolling stock. Crushed stone screening machines. Typical test methods to verify the functional indicators related to traffic safety and safety in the area of the screens

ST SSFZhT TsP 145-2002: Special rolling stock. Cuvette cleaning machines. Typical test methods for verification of indicators related to traffic safety.

ST SSFZhT TsT TsL TsV-137-2002: Rolling stock of mainline railways. Axle box rolling bearings. Standard testing method.

ST SSFZhT TsT-TsP 103-2003: Locomotives, engine wagon and special self-propelled rolling stock of railways. The driver's seat. Test methods for sanitary-chemical indicators

ST SSFZhT TsT-TsRB 091-2000: Jib cranes on the rail track. Typical methods of brake testing.

ST SSFZhT TsT-TsRB 092-2000: Jib cranes on the rail track. Typical methods of dynamic (running) test drive

ST SSFZhT TsUO 082-2000: Rolling stock and special railway rolling stock fire detection and fire extinguishing sys-tems. Standard test methods

ST TsKBA 006-2003: Pipe fittings. Cryogenic fittings. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 008.1-2007: Pipe fittings. Calculation and evaluation of reliability indicators and assigned indicators at the design stage. Part 1. Method of calculating and evaluating reliability indicators and assigned indicators at the design stage

ST TsKBA 008-2011: Pipe fittings. Calculation and evaluation of reliability and safety at the design stage

ST TsKBA 008-2014: Pipe fittings. Calculation and evaluation of reliability and safety at the design stage

ST TsKBA 009-2007: Pipe fittings. Electrical connectors of electric drives for nuclear power plants. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 017-2005: Pipe fittings. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 022-2005: General industrial pipeline valves supplied to nuclear power plants. General technical requirements

ST TsKBA 029-2006: Pipe fittings. Methods of experimental determination of hydraulic and cavitation characteristics

ST TsKBA 041-2008: Pipe fittings. Input control of materials, semi-finished products and components

ST TsKBA 087-2010: Pipe fittings. Electric drives. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 090-2013: Pipe fittings. Pneumatic actuators and hydraulic actuators. General technical conditions

ST TsKBA 116-2015: Pipe fittings. Reliability tests. Recommendations on the development of the program and test methods

ST TsKBA 117-2017: Pipe fittings. Methods of hydraulic calculation of check valves and gates

STB 1268-2006: Portative and convertible furniture. Tables. General technical requirements and test methods

STB 1306-2002: Construction. Input control products. Main provisions

STB 1357-2002: Industrial sewing machines. General specifications

STB 1517-2004: Plastic consumer packaging. General specifications

STB 1575-2005: Mechanized timberings for benches. Basic parameters. General specifications. Test methods

STB 1939-2009: Vegetable oils. Acceptance rules and methods of sampling

STB 2511-2017: The system of fire safety standards. Fire trucks main. General technical requirements. Test methods

STB 2513-2017: The system of fire safety standards. Car lifts General technical requirements. Test methods

STB GOST R 51326.1-2003: Automatic circuit breakers, controlled by differential current of household and similar purpose without integral overcurrent protection. Part 1. General requirements and test methods

STB GOST R 51525-2001: Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Resistance of measuring relays and protection devices to electrostatic discharge. Requirements and test methods

STB GOST R 51827-2002: Containers. Test methods for leak tightness and hydraulic pressure

STB GOST R 51864-2005: Containers. Test methods of handles attachment strength

STK 5-2005: Nuclear Reactors. Organizational and technical procedure for the development and production of cores and their components

STO Management of resource characteristics of elements of nuclear power units

STO The procedure for organizing and conducting the modernization of systems and equipment

STO 95 12007-2017: Objects of use of atomic energy. Construction materials, products and structures used in the construction of nuclear power plants. Input control

TPr 126-85: Model program for state acceptance testing of range finders

TSN MU 97: Guidelines (regulations) on certification of water treatment equipment for individual (household) and collective use of water supply and sanitation in the Moscow region

TU 16.K71-087-90: Round electrotechnical copper wire. Technical conditions

TU 2310-001-83568382-2008: Composition for the treatment of concrete surfaces "Monolith-20M"

TU 34-38-20216-84: Transformers (and autotransformers) power oil general purpose 110 - 330 kV. Technical conditions for major repairs

TU 3742-001-96231033-2006: Swing check valve type 19s38nzh and 19s73nzh. Technical conditions

TU 38-105376-82: Technical rubber products. Technical conditions

TU 5216-017-00110604-02: Fences bridge, holding, for cars, side, first type, single-sided

TU 5216-020-00110604-03: Fences bridge, holding, for cars, side, first type, single-sided

TU 5216-021-00110604-03: Road guardrail for cars, side, first type, metal, single-sided

TU 5216-021-00110604-06: Fences bridge, holding, for cars, side, first type, double-sided

TU 5216-024-00110604-06: Fences bridge, holding, for cars, side, first type, double-sided

TU 5216-067-36910961-2002: Retention fences, for vehicles, side, first type, single-sided and double-sided

TU 5216-067-36910961-97: Fences are road, holding, for cars, side, of the first type in one-sided and two-sided execution.

VN 01-01: Temporary technical requirements for horizontal road marking of urban highways and streets. Application rules and demarcation

VSN 35-86: Guidelines for Installation of Plastic Piping at USSR Gosagroprom Facilities

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