GOST 17412-72
ГОСТ 17412-72
Electrical articles for the cold climate regions. Technical requirements, acceptance and test methods
Изделия электротехнические для районов с холодным климатом. Технические требования, приемка и методы испытаний
Status: Superseded in part. IUS 11-1989
The standard applies to electrical products intended for use in areas with cold climates. The standard establishes requirements for the selection of structures and materials, requirements for equipment, as well as rules and methods for testing products in terms of the specific effects of cold climate factors.
Стандарт распространяется на электротехнические изделия, предназначенные для эксплуатации в районах с холодным климатом. Стандарт устанавливает требования к выбору конструкции и материалов, требования к комплектации, а также правила и методы испытаний изделий в части специфических воздействий факторов холодного климата.
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Approved: State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR,
SKU: RUSS20456
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The Document References:
GOST 10007-80: Polytetrafluoroethylene. Specifications
GOST 10178-85: Portland cement and portland blastfurnace slag cement. Specifications
GOST 10589-87: Moulding polyamide 610. Specification
GOST 10834-76: Hydrophobizing liquid 136-41. Specifications
GOST 11025-78: Industrial felt of line wool for electrotechnical equipment and details of it. Specifications
GOST 12034-77: Enamels MЛ-165, MЛ-165ПM and MC-160. Specifications
GOST 12271-76: The copolymers of styrene. Specifications
GOST 12294-66: Electrical insulating impregnation varnish ФЛ-98. Specifications
GOST 12707-77: Wash primers. Specifications
GOST 13744-87: Fluoroplast-3. Specifications
GOST 1412-85: Flakish graphite cast iron
GOST 14906-77: Fluoroplastic-4D. Specifications
GOST 14923-78: Enamels ПФ-223. Specifications
GOST 15030-78: Varnish KФ-965. Specifications
GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 15543-70: Electrical articles. Applications for different climatic regions. General technical requirements as to environment climatic aspects influence
GOST 15865-70: Insulating varnish MЛ-92. Specifications
GOST 15943-80: Electrical insulating enamel ЭП-91. Specifications
GOST 15963-79: Electrical articles for tropical application. General technical requirements and methods of testing
GOST 16302-79: Primer ФЛ-086. Specifications
GOST 16337-77: High-pressure polyethylene. Specifications
GOST 16338-85: Low-pressure polyethylene. Specifications
GOST 16962-71: Electronic and electrical equipment. Mechanical and climatic influence. Requirements and test methods
GOST 20282-86: General-purpose polystyrene. Specifications
GOST 20799-75: Industrial oils. Specifications
GOST 3772-74: Reagents. Ammonium phosphate dibasic. Specifications
GOST 5689-79: Phenolic moulding compound. Specifications
GOST 6244-70: Electrical insulating impregnating varnishes БТ-987, БТ-988. Specifications
GOST 6465-76: Enamels PF-115. Specifications
GOST 8017-74: Lacquer БT-99. Specifications
GOST 8018-70: Electrical insulating impregnating varnish ГФ-95. Specifications
GOST 8773-73: Grease ЦИАТИМ-203. Specifications
GOST 901-78: Bakelite lacquers. Specifications
GOST 9109-81: Primers ФЛ-03k and ФЛ-03Ж. Specifications
GOST 9151-75: Enamels of types ГФ-92. Specifications
GOST 9640-85: Enamels ЭП-51. Specifications
GOST 9754-76: Enamels MЛ-12 type. Specifications
MRTU 6-05-1110-68: Glue FL-4C
MRTU 6-05-1216-69: Glue brand BC-350
MRTU 6-14-235-69: Leukonate glue
OST 38.01412-86: Bobbin oil АУ.
The Document is Referenced By:
GOST 10264-82: Light signaling fittings
GOST 10434-82: Electric contact connections. Classification. General technical requirements
GOST 10693-81: Hermetic capacitor bushings designed for rated voltages 110 kv and more
GOST 11677-85: Power transformers
GOST 13871-78: Ceramic insulators for voltage to 1000 V. General specifications
GOST 14693-90: Unsealed metal-enclosed switchgear
GOST 14965-80: Three-phase synchronous generators of power over 100 kw
GOST 16264.0-2018: Electric machines of low power. Engines General specifications
GOST 16264.0-85: Low-power electric motors
GOST 16772-77: Converter transformers and reactors. General specifications
GOST 16809-88: Starter and control devices
GOST 16962.1-89: Electrical articles. Test methods as to environments climatic factors resistance
GOST 17557-80: Photometric terminal blocks. General technical requirements
GOST 17557-88: Terminal blocks for illuminating engineering
GOST 17677-82: Light fixtures
GOST 18142.1-85: Semiconductor power rectifiers of 5 plus kw capacity
GOST 18142-80: Electricity converters, static, semiconductor, ac to dc (rectifiers). General specifications
GOST 18397-86: Ac high-voltage circuit breakers standard voltage 6-220 kv for frequent switching operations
GOST 20804-81: Profiles bent and stripes perforated of steel for wiring. General specifications
GOST 21130-75: Electrical articles. Grounding terminals and grounding signs
GOST 22229-83: Ceramic through insulators for voltage over 1000 V. General specifications
GOST 23111-78: Asynchronous three-phase short-circuited explosion-proof motors series V and VR with power from 0,25 to 110 kW. Specification
GOST 23274-84: Mobile buildings. Electrical devices. General specifications
GOST 24376-91: Semiconductor inverters
GOST 24607-88: Semiconductor frequency converters
GOST 24720-81: Brush holders for electrical machines. General specifications
GOST 2491-82: Ow-voltage electromagnetic starters
GOST 2492-77: Switches (breakers), push-button and control posts with push-button. General specifications
GOST 2492-84: Power push-button switches and push-button control stations. General specifications
GOST 26093-84: Ceramic insulators. Test methods
GOST 28167-89: Semiconductor alternating voltage converters. General specifications
GOST 29146.1-91: Plugs, socket-outlets
GOST 32396-2013: Input-distributional boards for dwellings and public buildings. General specifications
GOST 32397-2013: Distribution boards for industrial and social buildings. General specifications
GOST 33798.1-2016: Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 1. General service conditions and general rules
GOST 33798.4-2016: Electric equipment of a railway rolling stock. Part 4. A.c. circuit-breakers. General specifications
GOST 34433-2018: Trunk pipelines for oil and oil products transportation. Transformer complete substations with voltage from 35 to 220 kV. General specifications
GOST 34452-2018: Disconnectors for the traction network of railways and their drives. General specifications
GOST 34627-2019: Power semiconductor converters for diesel rolling stock. General parameters and general requirements
GOST 6047-90: General purpose floodlights
GOST 687-78: Ac breakers for the voltage exceeding 1000 v
GOST 689-90: Disconnectors and ground-wires for alternating current with voltage over 1 000 v
GOST 7396.0-89: Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes. General specifications
GOST 7397.0-89: Switches for household and similar stationary electric devices
GOST 7746-89: Current transformers. General specifications
GOST 8709-82: Light boards for industrial and public buildings
GOST 9219-88: Traction electrical devices
GOST 9219-95: Electrical draft gears. General specifications.
GOST 9601-84: Power track (limit) switches. General specifications
GOST 9984-85: Ceramic support insulators rated for voltage over 1000 v
GOST R 50339.0-2003: Low-voltage fuses. Part 1. General requirements
GOST R 50339.0-92: Low-voltage fuses. General requirements
GOST R 50571.24-2000: Electrical installations of buildings. Part 5. Selection and erection of electrical equipment. Chapter 51. Common rules
GOST R 51559-2000: General-purpose oil-immersed power transformers of 110 and 220 kV and autotransformers 27,5 kV for electric a. c. railway. General specifications
GOST R 51778-2001: Distribution boards for industrial and social buildings. General specifications
GOST R 52034-2003: Ceramic support insulators for voltage over 1000 V. General specifications
GOST R 52034-2008: Ceramic support insulators for voltage over 1000 V. General specifications
GOST R 52082-2003: Support polymeric outdoor insulators for voltage 6-220 kV. General specifications
GOST R 52565-2006: Alternating-current circuit-breakers for voltages from 3 to 750 kV. General specifications
GOST R 52726-2007: Alternating current disconnectors and earthling switches for voltage above 1 kV and operating mechanisms for them. General specifications
GOST R 53471-2009: Synchronous three-phase generators of power above 100 kW. General specifications
GOST R 54828-2022: Complete gas-insulated metal-insulated switchgear (GIS) for rated voltages of 110 kV and above. General specifications
GOST R 55607-2013: Electrical equipment (installations) for power supply systems of machines and devices In open-pit mining. General specifications
GOST R 55882.1-2013: Electric equipment for rolling stock. Part 1. General service conditions and general rules
GOST R 55882.4-2013: Electric equipment of a railway rolling stock. Part 4. A.c. circuit-breakers. General specifications
GOST R 58761-2019: Mobile buildings (inventory). Electrical installations. Technical specifications
GOST R 58786-2019: Electrical equipment for nuclear power plants. General technical requirements
GOST R 70347-2022: Trunk pipeline transport of oil and petroleum products. Uninterruptible power supplies for auxiliary systems and automation systems. General specifications
I 1.09-10: Instructions for connecting insulated conductors of wires and cables
IM 14-22-2006: Automation systems. Low-voltage electrical apparatus. Electromagnetic relays. Time relay Directory
OST 48-41-91: Engineering products of non-ferrous metallurgy. General Specifications.
PNST 164-2016: Electric equipment for nuclear power plants. General technical requirements
ST RK 1518-2006: Diesel locomotives. DC electric rotating traction machines. Requirements for acceptance programmes and test procedures
ST RK 1531-2006: Locomotives of main railways of 1520 mm gage. AC electric rotating tractive machinery. Requirements for acceptance programmes and test procedures
TU 16-674.073-86: Short circuit breakers of types KRN and KZ for voltage classes 35, 110, 150 and 220 KV
TU 16-90: Switches automatic type BA 57-35
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