
SP 20.13330.2011

СП 20.13330.2011

Loads and impacts

Нагрузки и воздействия

Status: Superseded in part. Not to be applied by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 891

The document establishes requirements for the appointment of loads, impacts and their combinations, taken into account when calculating buildings and structures for the limiting conditions of the first and second groups, in accordance with the provisions of GOST 27751.

Документ устанавливает требования по назначению нагрузок, воздействий и их сочетаний, учитываемых при расчетах зданий и сооружений по предельным состояниям первой и второй групп, в соответствии с положениями ГОСТ 27751.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, 12/27/2010

SKU: RUSS20775

Price: $696.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Documents System of normative documents in construction » 2. General technical regulatory documents » k.20 Basic provisions for reliability of building structures »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes » 2 Safety requirements for certain types of work » 2.1 Operation of industrial buildings and structures »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.040 Construction » 91.040.01 Construction in general »

National standards » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.040 Construction » 91.040.01 Construction in general »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.080 Structures of buildings »

National standards » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.080 Structures of buildings »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.080 Structures of buildings » 91.080.01 Structures of buildings in general »

The Document is Replaced With:

SP 20.13330.2016: Loads and actions

As a Replacement Of:

SP 20.13330.2010: Loadc&actions

The Document References:

Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation

GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air

GOST 12.1.012-2004: Occupational safety stаndards system. Vibration safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.012-90: SSBT. Occupational Safety Standards System. Vibrational safety. General requirements

GOST 25546-82: Hoisting cranes. Work conditions

GOST 27751-88: Reliability of the constructions and the foundations. Principal rules of the calculations

GOST R 54257-2010: Reliability of the constructions and foundations. Basic principles and requirements

SN 2.2.4/ Industrial vibration. Vibration in premises of residential and public buildings

The Document is Referenced By:

GOST 21.502-2016: System of building design documents. Rules for the implementation of working documentation for metal structures

GOST 23747-2015: Door blocks of aluminium profiles. Specifications

GOST 25098-2016: Reinforced concrete panels for partitions in industrial and agricultural buildings. Specifications

GOST 30970-2014: Door blocks of polyvinylchloride profiles. Specifications

GOST 31173-2016: Steel doors. Specifications

GOST 31174-2017: Gates of metall. General specifications

GOST 31385-2016: Vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and oil-products. General specifications

GOST 31462-2011: Safety windows. General specifications

GOST 33328-2015: Acoustical barriers for railway transport. Methods of control

GOST 33329-2015: Acoustical barriers for railway transport. Technical requirements

GOST 33960-2016: Steam and hot-water stationary boilers. Steel structures. Load norms for supporting steel structures

GOST 34027-2016: Gas supply system. Gas main pipeline transportation. Mechanical safety. Assigning of safe operation life for linear part of gas main pipeline

GOST 34379-2018: Translucent enclosing structures. Rules of inspection of technical conditions under natural conditions

GOST 475-2016: Door Blocks wooden and combined. General specifications

GOST R 42.4.01-2014: Civil defence. Civil defence constructions. Test methods

GOST R 52044-2003: Outer advertisement allocated alongside of highways and in territories of cities, towns and villages. General technical requirements concerning means of outer advertisement. Rules of allocation

GOST R 53301-2013: Fire dampers of ventilation systems. The test method for the fire resistance

GOST R 53681-2009: Flare parts for general refinery and petrochemical service. General technical requirements

GOST R 54923-2012: Polymer composite wall ties for multilayer envelope buildings. Specifications

GOST R 54931-2012: Acoustical barriers for railway transport. Technical requirements

GOST R 54932-2012: Acoustical barriers for railway transport. Methods of control

GOST R 55078-2012: Fiberglass reinforced thermosetting plastic pipes. Glass reinforced thermosetting plastics cylinder shells of chimney and flue-pipes. Specifications

GOST R 55198-2012: Civil defence. Constructive calculations of bearing elements defensive constructions of civil defence. General requirements

GOST R 55260.1.1-2013: Hydro power plants. Part 1-1. Hydraulic structures of hydropower stations. General safety requirements

GOST R 55260.1.2-2012: Hydro power plants. Part 1-2. Hydrotechnical power station. Safety requirements foundations

GOST R 55260.1.3-2012: Hydro power plants. Part 1-3. Hydroelectric power station hydraulic installations. Concrete construction and reinforced concrete construction. Safety requirements

GOST R 55260.1.6-2012: Hydroelectric power stations. Part 1-6. Hydroelectric power station hydraulic engineering constructions. Requirements on loadings and influences (wave, ice and from vessels)

GOST R 55561-2013: Inland water transport. Dock and harbour hydraulic structure. Safety requirements

GOST R 55567-2013: The order of the organization and conducting technical engineering studies on researches on objects of cultural heritage. Monuments of history and culture. General requirements

GOST R 55596-2013: District heating systems. Standard for the stress and seismic analysis

GOST R 55615.2-2013: Renewable power engineering. Tidal power plants. Part 2. Construction of tidal power plants. Safety requirements. Essentials

GOST R 55615.3-2013: Renewable power engineering. Tidal power plants. Part 3. Sea hydraulic structures. Requirements for loads and actions

GOST R 55616-2013: Thermal solar systems and components. Solar collectors. Factory made systems. Part 1. General requirements

GOST R 55989-2014: Trunk gas pipelines. Design standard for pressure over 10 MPa. Principal requirements

GOST R 55990-2014: Oil and gas-oil fields. Field pipelines. Design codes

GOST R 56567-2015: Adjustable pallet racking systems. Design code

GOST R 56728-2015: Buildings and constructions. Method for determining wind loads on the building envelope

GOST R 56926-2016: Window and balcony constructions of different functional purpose for residential buildings. General specifications

GOST R 56944-2016: Cranes. Overhead crane railway. General specifications

GOST R 57144-2016: Special automatic traffic enforcement devices with photo, filming and recording features. General technical requirements

GOST R 57208-2016: Tunnels and subways. Rules of inspection and elimination of defects and damages under operation

GOST R 57555-2017: Petroleum and natural gas industry. Offshore oil and gas field structures. Topsides structure

GOST R 58094-2018: Gas distribution systems. Gas distribution networks. Service life assessment in design of outdoor steel gas pipelines

GOST R 58367-2019: Arrangement of oil fields on land. Technological design

GOST R 58654-2019: Automobile roads for general use. Spiral corrugated metal pipes. Specifications

GOST R 58744.1-2019: Inland water transport. Infrastructure facilities. Embankments, retaining walls thin-walled (sheet pile). Basic requirements for calculation and design

GOST R 58745.1-2019: Inland water transport. Infrastructure facilities. Embankments, retaining walls semi-gravity and gravity. Basic requirements for calculation and design

GOST R 58774-2019: The external walls are frame-sheathed self-supporting and non-bearing with a frame made of cold-rolled steel galvanized profiles. General specifications

GOST R 58947-2020: Automobile roads for general use. Ecodukes. Requirements for placement and arrangement

GOST R 70139-2022: Data centers. Engineering infrastructure. Classification

GOST R ISO 4355-2016: Bases for design of structures. Determination of snow loads on roofs

Manual for SP 63.13330.2012: Manual for the calculation of concrete and reinforced concrete structures on a computer

Methodical manual: Refinement of initial seismicity and seismic micro-zoning of sections of transport facilities

Methodical manual: Hotel building design

Methodical manual: Classification methods of information modeling tasks

Methodical manual: Base data for the design of building structures on the tsunami-dangerous coasts of the Russian Federation

Methodical manual: Building Design for Refrigerators

MRR 3.2.86-15: Method of determining the cost of developing special technical conditions for the design, carried out with the involvement of the budget of the city of Moscow

MRR 9.6-17: Development of special technical conditions for design

ODM 218.2.014-2011: Guidelines for the use of steel-fiber-concrete in the repair of bridge structures

ODM 218.2.017-2011: Guidelines Design, construction and operation of roads with low traffic

ODM 218.2.028-2012: Methodical recommendations on the technical and economic comparison of pavement options

ODM 218.2.038-2014: Guidelines for the overhaul and reconstruction of retaining walls and retaining structures

ODM 218.2.040-2014: Guidelines for the evaluation of the aerodynamic characteristics of the cross sections of bridges

ODM 218.2.051-2015: Recommendations for the design and design of anti-tailing structures on highways

ODM 218.2.053-2015: Recommendations for seismic impact assessment in determining the sustainability of landslide sections of roads

ODM 218.2.054-2015: Recommendations for the use of textile-sand piles in the construction of roads on weak grounds

ODM 218.2.066-2016: Guidelines for the use of anchor piles and micropiles as part of the engineering protection of roads

ODM 218.2.067-2016: Guidelines for the selection of rational structures of the roadbed on weak grounds and their feasibility study

ODM 218.2.068-2016: Recommendations on accounting for dynamic effects from modern vehicles when calculating the strength, stability and deformability of the road bed

ODM 218.2.078-2016: Guidelines for the selection of the structure for strengthening the slopes of the road bed of public roads

ODM 218.3.083-2016: Guidelines for trenchless laying of road culvert pipes

ODM Typical technical solutions for embankments on pile foundations with a flexible grillage made of geosynthetic materials

ODM 218.6.023-2017: Guidelines for Traffic Control and Safety Barriers at Road Construction Sites

ODM 218.8.012-2019: Guidelines (guidance) on the predictive assessment of environmental impact during the construction and operation of public roads

Order 2079: List of documents in the field of standardization, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 № 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures

Order 5214: The list of documents in the field of standardization, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of application and execution of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2010 № 870 "On approval of technical regulations on the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks" (as amended on June 23, 2011) and implementation of conformity assessment

Order 5214: On approval of the List of documents in the field of standardization, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of technical regulations "On safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks" approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 29, 2010 N 870 (as amended on April 22, 2013) (lost force from 01.04.2022 on the order of Rosstandart from 10.01.2022 N 3)

PNST 320-2018: Bearing structures of railway signaling devices. General technical requirements

R 78.36.033-2013: Application monitoring and comparative analysis of testing various types of window units, blinds, security grilles and glazing. Classification, methods of installation and strengthening of the structure. Guidelines

RD EO Methods for assessing the technical condition and residual life of building structures of nuclear power plants

RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of sheep facilities

RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of poultry enterprises

RMD 12-21-2013 Sankt-Peterburg: Typical temporary means of fencing, arranging and decorating construction sites

RMD 20-19-2013 Sankt-Peterburg: Snow loads for St. Petersburg

RMD 32-24-2015 Sankt-Peterburg: Design of artificial structures at transport facilities in St. Petersburg

RMD 52-01-2006 Sankt-Peterburg: Design and construction of enclosing structures of residential and public buildings using cellular concrete in St. Petersburg. Part I

RMD 56-05-2015 Saint-Petersburg: Recommendations for the design, manufacture and installation of translucent structures with safety glazing (2016 edition)

RTM 5-05-2009: Guiding technical materials for the design, manufacture and use of steel fiber concrete structures on the fiber of thin steel wire

SP 101.13330.2012: Retaining walls, navigation locks, fish passing and fish protection facilities

SP 102.13330.2012: Hydraulic tunnels

SP 106.13330.2012: Livestock, poultry and animal-breeding buildings and facilities

SP 107.13330.2012: Greenhouses and hotbeds

SP 108.13330.2012: Plants, buildings and constructions of storage and grain processing

SP 109.13330.2012: Cold storage units

SP 114.13330.2016: Forest material storages. Fire regulations

SP 116.13330.2012: Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic principles.

SP 119.13330.2012: Railways of 1520 mm

SP 120.13330.2012: Subway systems

SP 122.13330.2012: Railway and highway tunnels

SP 123.13330.2012: Underground storages of natural gas, oil and processing product

SP 126.13330.2012: Survey operations in construction

SP 128.13330.2012: Aluminium structures

SP 128.13330.2016: Aluminium structures

SP 14.13330.2011: Construction in seismic regions.

SP 14.13330.2014: Construction in seismic regions SNIP II-7-81 (revision SP 14.13330.2011)

SP 14.13330.2018: Seismic building design code

SP 15.13330.2012: Masonry and reinforced masonry structures

SP 151.13330.2012: Engineering site investigations for nuclear power plants construction

SP 16.13330.2011: Steel structures

SP 163.1325800.2014: The designs with application of gypsum plasterboards and gypsum fiber sheets. Terms of design and installation

SP 17.13330.2011: Roofs

SP 20.13330.2016: Loads and actions

SP 21.13330.2012: Buildings and structures on undermined territories and slumping soils

SP 22.13330.2011: Buildings and structures foundations

SP 22.13330.2016: Soil bases of buildings and structures

SP 224.1326000.2014: Railway traction power supply

SP 225.1326000.2014: Station buildings, structures and devices

SP 226.1326000.2014: Power supply of not traction consumers. Rules for design, construction and renovation

SP 229.1325800.2014: Reinforced concrete structures of underground and utility systems. Protection against corrosion

SP 248.1325800.2016: Underground structures. Design rules

SP 249.1325800.2016: Design and construction of underground utilities by closed and cut-and-cover methods

SP 25.13330.2012: Soil bases and foundations on permafrost soils

SP 250.1325800.2016: Building and structures. Protection against groundwater

SP 255.1325800.2016: Buildings and structures. Operating rules. General provisions

SP 26.13330.2012: Foundations for machines with dynamic loads

SP 260.1325800.2016: Cold-formed thin-walled steel profile and galvanized corrugated plate constructions. Design rules

SP 265.1325800.2016: Manifold for engineering networks

SP 266.1325800.2016: Composite steel and concrete structures. Design rules

SP 267.1325800.2016: High rise buildings and complexes. Design rules

SP 27.13330.2011: Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures intended for the Service in Elevated and High Temperatures

SP 28.13330.2012: Corrosion protection of buildings structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.03.11-85

SP 284.1325800.2016: Instructions for design, construction and redesign of field oil and gas pipelines

SP 285.1325800.2016: Football stadiums. Desing rules

SP 287.1325800.2016: Marine berthing facilities. Rules of design and construction

SP 292.1325800.2017: Buildings and structures on tsunami hazardous areas. Regulations of design

SP 299.1325800.2017: Ventilation systems of highway tunnels. Design rules

SP 304.1325800.2017: Construction of long-span buildings and structures. Operating rules

SP 31.13330.2012: Water supply. Pipelines and portable water treatment plants

SP 33.13330.2012: Steel pipelines strength analysis

SP 35.13330.2011: Bridges and pipes. Updated living edition of SNiP 2.05.03-84

SP 350.1326000.2018: Norms for technological design of sea ports

SP 36.13330.2012: Trunk pipelines

SP 369.1325800.2017: Fixed offshore platforms. Design principles

SP 37.13330.2012: Industrial transport

SP 376.1325800.2017: Residential buildings and facilities for temporary accommodation. Design rules

SP 38.13330.2012: Loads and impacts on Hydraulic structures (from wave, ice and ships)

SP 43.13330.2012: Structures for industrial installations

SP 50.13330.2012: Buildings Heat Insulation. Updated living edition of SNiP 23-02-2003

SP 52-104-2006: Steel fibre reineorced concrete structures

SP 52-110-2009: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures subjected to technological high and high temperatures

SP 52-117-2008*: Reinforced concrete spatial structures of coatings and floors. Part I. Calculation methods and design

SP 54.13330.2011: Multicompartment residential buldings

SP 54.13330.2016: Multicompartment residential buildings

SP 55.13330.2011: Sindle-family houses

SP 55.13330.2016: Detached houses

SP 56.13330.2011: Industrial buildings

SP 58.13330.2012: Hydraulic Structures. Basic statements

SP 62.13330.2011: Gas distribution systems

SP 63.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions.

SP 64.13330.2011: Wooden structures.

SP 64.13330.2017: Timber structures

SP 66.13330.2011: Designing, building of pressure head networks of water supply and water removal with application of high-strength pipes from pigiron with spherical graphite

SP 7.13130.2013: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire Safety Requirements

SP 70.13330.2012: Bearing and enclosing structures. Updated living edition of SNiP 3.03.01-87

SP 88.13330.2014: The protective shelters of civil defense

SP 91.13330.2012: Underground mine workings

SP 92.13330.2012: Warehouses of dry mineral hestilizers and chamical means of protection plants

SP 95.13330.2016: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of dense calcium-silicate concrete

SP 96.13330.2016: Ferrocement structures

SP 97.13330.2016: Asbestos-cement constructions

Supplement to SP 63.13330: Toolkit. Calculation of reinforced concrete structures without prestressed reinforcement

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