SP 29.13330.2011
СП 29.13330.2011
Status: Effective
The set of rules applies to the design of industrial, warehouse, public, administrative, sports and household floors.
Свод правил распространяется на проектирование полов производственных, складских, общественных, административных, спортивных и бытовых зданий.
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS20781
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
3. Normative documents on urban planning, buildings and constructions »
k.31 Residential, public and industrial buildings and structures »
PromExpert »
III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes »
2 Safety requirements for certain types of work »
2.1 Operation of industrial buildings and structures »
ISO classifier »
91.060 Construction elements »
91.060.30 Ceilings. The floors. Stairs »
National standards »
91.060 Construction elements »
91.060.30 Ceilings. The floors. Stairs »
As a Replacement Of:
SP 29.13330.2010: The floor
The Document References:
Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation
GOST 10178-85: Portland cement and portland blastfurnace slag cement. Specifications
GOST 23161-2012: Soils. Method of laboratory determination of subsiding characteristics
GOST 24211-2008: Admixtures for concretes and mortars. General specifications
GOST 25100-2011: Soils. Classification
GOST 26633-2015: Heavy-weight and sand concretes. Specifications
GOST 31108-2016: General structural Portland clinker cements. Specifications
GOST 9179-77: Lime for building purposes. Specifications
GOST ISO 14644-1-2002: Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments. Part 1. Classification of air cleanliness
SNiP 2.03.11-85: Corrosion protection of buildings structures
SNiP 2.10.03-84: Cattle-breeding poultry and fur-farming buildings and premises
SNiP 2.11.02-87: Refrigerators
SNiP 23-02-2003: Buildings Heat Insulation
SNiP 3.02.01-87: Earthen structures, foundation and basis
SNiP 3.04.01-87: Insulation and finishing coatings
SNiP 31-05-2003: Public office buildings
SNiP 31-06-2009: Public buildings and constructions
SP 106.13330.2012: Livestock, poultry and animal-breeding buildings and facilities
SP 109.13330.2012: Cold storage units
SP 158.13330.2014: Buildings and rooms for health care facilities. Design rules
SP 22.13330.2016: Soil bases of buildings and structures
SP 23-101-2004: Design of thermal protection of buildings
SP 23-103-2003: Designing acoustic walling for residential and public buildings
SP 28.13330.2017: Protection against corrosion of construction
SP 31-112-2004: Gyms and sports facilities, (Parts 1 and 2)
SP 31-112-2007: Athletic and sports halls. Part 3: Indoor ice arenas
SP 31-113-2004: Swimming pools
SP 45.13330.2017: Earthworks, grounds and footings
SP 5.13130.2009: Fire protection systems. Automated fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design norms and regulations
SP 50.13330.2012: Buildings Heat Insulation. Updated living edition of SNiP 23-02-2003
SP 51.13330.2011: Noise protection and rooms acoustics.
SP 52-104-2006: Steel fibre reineorced concrete structures
SP 54.13330.2011: Multicompartment residential buldings
SP 54.13330.2016: Multicompartment residential buildings
SP 55.13330.2011: Sindle-family houses
SP 55.13330.2016: Detached houses
SP 56.13330.2011: Industrial buildings
SP 63.13330.2012: Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. General provisions.
SP 71.13330.2017: Insulation and finish coatings
The Document is Referenced By:
Amendment 4: Amendment to SP 43.13330.2012 SNiP 2.09.03-85 Structures of industrial enterprises
GOST 18108-2016: Polyvinylchloride linoleum with heat and sound-insulating backing. Specifications
GOST 31358-2019: Dry building floor mixes. Technical specifications
GOST 7251-2016: Polyvinilohloride linoleum with woven and unwoven backing. Specifications
GOST R 42.4.01-2014: Civil defence. Civil defence constructions. Test methods
GOST R 52875-2018: Tactile terrestrial signs for the visually impaired. Technical requirements
GOST R 56379-2015: Floors. Test method of bearing ability
GOST R 57381-2017: Storage systems. Hand loaded steel static shelving. General specifications
GOST R 58211-2018: Adhesives for floor coverings. General specifications
GOST R 58458-2020: Swimming pools. General specifications
GOST R 58899-2020: Elastic, textile and laminated floor coverings. Main characteristics
GOST R 59940-2021: Vibration isolation systems for buildings and structures. Test methods for vibration-damping materials.
GOST R 70086-2022: Flexible roll-fed bitumen-containing waterproofing materials. General technical conditions
GOST R 70192-2022: Dry frame cladding frame ceilings. Steel cold-formed galvanized steel frame flooring system. General technical requirements
GOST R 70400.8-2023: Ammunition and specialty chemicals industry. Electrostatics. Protection of special purpose industries against static electricity. Norms and requirements
GOST R 70517-2022: Hydrometallurgical plants of uranium mining enterprises. Norms of technological design
MDS 81-39.2005: Individual elemental estimate of the consumption rate of materials and labor costs for the finishing of the premises with KNAUF complete systems. Standard flow charts for finishing works using KNAUF complete systems. Volume 1. Individual elemental estimat
Methodical manual: Building Design for Refrigerators
Methodical manual: Refinement of initial seismicity and seismic micro-zoning of sections of transport facilities
Methodical manual: Hotel building design
Methodical manual: Classification methods of information modeling tasks
Methodical manual: Base data for the design of building structures on the tsunami-dangerous coasts of the Russian Federation
Order 1061/pr: On approval of the consolidated standards for the price of construction
Order 1061/pr: On approval of Amendments N 3 to SP 29.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.03.13-88 Floors
Order 1112: On Amending Order No. 687 of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020
Order 1247: On Amending the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687 "On Approval of the list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures".
Order 1653: On amending the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687
Order 2079: List of documents in the field of standardization, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 № 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures
Order 99/pr: On the approval of the Plan for the development and approval of codes of practice and updating of previously approved building codes and regulations, codes of practice for 2021.
RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of cattle farms and complexes
RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of farms and cattle farms (farms)
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of pig farms of peasant (farmer) farms
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of pig farms and complexes
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of goat farms and complexes
RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of sheep facilities
RD-APK Engineering Design Standards for Horse Raising Facilities
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of poultry enterprises
RD-APK Methodological guide for veterinary examination of projects of livestock facilities
Resolution 815: On the approval of the list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" July 2020 N 985
Resolution 985: The list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures"
RMD 35-13-2012 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommended for re-use design solutions to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population of St. Petersburg health facilities, built according to standard projects in the 60s-80s of the XX century
RMD 35-14-2012 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommended for re-use of design solutions to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population of educational institutions of St. Petersburg, built on model projects in 60 - 80 years of the twentieth centur
RMD 35-17-2012 Sankt-Peterburg: Recommended for re-use of design solutions to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities and other limited mobility groups of residential buildings built in St. Petersburg according to standard designs in the 60s – 80s of the 20th century
RU Guidance for the repair of concrete, reinforced concrete constructions and hydrotechnical constructions of nuclear power plant stations
SP 105.13330.2012: Buildings and premises for keeping and treating agricultural production
SP 106.13330.2012: Livestock, poultry and animal-breeding buildings and facilities
SP 107.13330.2012: Greenhouses and hotbeds
SP 108.13330.2012: Plants, buildings and constructions of storage and grain processing
SP 109.13330.2012: Cold storage units
SP 113.13330.2023: Parking lots
SP 155.13130.2014: Warehouses of oil and oil products. Fire safety requirements
SP 162.1330610.2014: Safety requirements for production, storage, transportation and use of liquid hydrogen
SP 163.1325800.2014: The designs with application of gypsum plasterboards and gypsum fiber sheets. Terms of design and installation
SP 17.13330.2017: The roofs
SP 247.1325800.2016: Penal system. Pretrial detention facilities. Design rules
SP 289.1325800.2017: Constructions cattle-breeding, poultry-breeding and beast-breeding. Design rules
SP 302.1325800.2017: Warehouses for emergency chemically hazardous substances. Rules of design
SP 303.1325800.2017: One-story industrial buildings. Operating rules
SP 306.1325800.2017: Multifunctional shopping complex. Operating rules
SP 307.1325800.2017: Buildings and premises for the storage and processing of agricultural products the rules of operation
SP 308.1325800.2017: Correctional institutions and centers of criminaly-executive system. Design rules
SP 309.1325800.2017: Buildings of theaters and entertainment. Regulations of design
SP 316.1325800.2017: Container terminals. Regulations of projecting
SP 324.1325800.2017: Multi-storey industrial buildings. Operating rales
SP 325.1325800.2017: Buildings and construction. Rules for the production of demolition and recycling
SP 343.1325800.2017: Constructions of the industrial enterprises. The rules of operation
SP 350.1326000.2018: Norms for technological design of sea ports
SP 374.1325800.2018: Buildings and premises for the storage and processing of agricultural products. Accidental actions
SP 379.1325800.2018: Buildings of dormitory and hostels. Rules of design
SP 397.1325800.2018: Buildings and facilities of equestrian complexes. Design rules
SP 418.1325800.2018: Buildings and facilities are sports. Terms of Use
SP 43.13330.2012: Structures for industrial installations
SP 460.1325800.2019: Buildings of educational organizations of additional education for children. Design rules
SP 467.1325800.2019: Car parking. Terms of Use
SP 467.1325800.2019: Car parking. Terms of Use
SP 469.1325800.2019: The construction of livestock, poultry and animal husbandry enterprises. Terms of Use
SP 478.1325800.2019: Air terminal buildings and complexes. Design rules
SP 507.1325800.2021: Buildings and premises of weapons, ammunition and special means for the needs of the penal system. Design Rules
SP 509.1325800.2021: Prisons. Design rules
SP 56.13330.2011: Industrial buildings
SP 56.13330.2021: Industrial buildings SNiP 31-03-2001
SP 71.13330.2017: Insulation and finish coatings
SP 72.13330.2016: Protection of buildings, facilities and structures against corrosion
SP 88.13330.2014: The protective shelters of civil defense
SP 92.13330.2012: Warehouses of dry mineral hestilizers and chamical means of protection plants
SP 98.13330.2012: Tram and trolleybus lines
SP 98.13330.2018: Tram and trolley lines
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