SP 44.13330.2011
СП 44.13330.2011
Administrative and residential buildings
Административные и бытовые здания
Status: Effective
The set of rules applies to the design of administrative and residential buildings up to 55 m in height. The norms of this set of rules concern new, expandable, reconstructed and technically re-equipped industrial enterprises of various forms of ownership.
Свод правил распространяется на проектирование административных и бытовых зданий высотой до 55 м. Нормы настоящего свода правил касаются новых, расширяемых, реконструируемых и технически перевооружаемых производственных предприятий промышленности различных форм собственности.
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Approved: Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation,
SKU: RUSS20783
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
3. Normative documents on urban planning, buildings and constructions »
k.31 Residential, public and industrial buildings and structures »
PromExpert »
III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes »
2 Safety requirements for certain types of work »
2.1 Operation of industrial buildings and structures »
ISO classifier »
91.040 Construction »
National standards »
91.040 Construction »
ISO classifier »
91.040 Construction »
91.040.10 Public buildings »
As a Replacement Of:
SP 44.13330.2010: Office and social buldings
The Document References:
Federal Law 184-FZ: About technical regulation
Federal Law 261-FZ: On energy conservation and on improving energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation
GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements
GOST 14202-69: Pipe-lines of industrial plants. Identification coloring, safety signs and marking screens
GOST Nature protection. Soils. Classification of chemicals for pollution control
GOST 5746-2015: Passenger lifts. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST R 12.4.026-2001: Occupational safety standards system. Safety colors, safety signs and signal marking. Purpose and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods
GOST R 53767-2010: Polymeric and combined means of closing for perfumery cosmetic production. General specifications
GOST R 53770-2010: Passenger lifts. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST R 53771-2010: Goods lifts. Basic parameters and dimensions
Resolution 87: The list of names of communication services included in the license for the implementation of activities in the field of rendering communication services
Resolution 87: Regulations on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content
SanPiN Hygienic requirements to occupational microclimate
SNiP 3.05.06-85: Electrical devices
SNiP 31-06-2009: Public buildings and constructions
SP 1.13130.2009: The systems of fire protection. Evacuation ways and exits
SP 118.13330.2012: Public buildings and facilities
SP 131.13330.2018: Construction Climatology
SP 136.13330.2012: Buildings and structures. Common design regulations of accessibility for physically handicapped persons
SP 138.13330.2012: Public buildings and structures accessible for physically handicapped visitors. Rules of architectural design
SP 139.13330.2012: Buildings and premises with working places for disebled rules of architectural design
SP 279.1325800.2016: Buildings of professional educational institutions. Design rules
SP 296.1325800.2017: Buildings and structures. Accidental actions
SP 3.13130.2009: Systems of fire protection. System of annunciation and management of human evacuation at fire. Requirements of fire safety
SP 30.13330.2016: Domestic water supply and drainage systems in buildings
SP 31-110-2003: Design and installation of electrical facilities of residential and public buildings. To replace VSN 59-88
SP 52.13330.2011: Natural and artificial lighting
SP 52.13330.2016: Daylighting and artificial lighting
SP 56.13330.2011: Industrial buildings
SP 59.13330.2016: Accessibility of buildings and structures for persons with reduced mobility
SP 60.13330.2016: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
The Document is Referenced By:
Amendment 4: Amendment to SP 43.13330.2012 SNiP 2.09.03-85 Structures of industrial enterprises
GOST 13047.1-2014: Nickel. Cobalt. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 20996.0-2014: Selenium technical. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 31382-2009: Copper. Methods of analysis
GOST 32221-2013: Copper concentrates. Methods of analysis
GOST 4960-2017: Copper electrolytic powder. Technical conditions
GOST 7409-2018: Freight cars. Requirements to paint coatings and corrosion protection and methods of their control
GOST 9816.0-2014: Tellurium technical. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST R 51829-2022: Gypsum fiberboard sheets and products based on them. Technical specifications
GOST R 54893-2012: Passenger cars on locomotive traction and motor-cars. Lacquer and antidischarge coating reguirements.
GOST R 56747-2015: Organization and technology of catering. Requirements
GOST R 56963-2016: Locomotives. Lacquer and antidischarge coating requirements and methods of their control
GOST R 57818-2017: Design standards of buildings and constructions for gas processing industry
GOST R 57955-2017: Buildings and facilities for oil and gas producing industries. Design standards
GOST R 58095.0-2018: Gas distribution systems. Requirements for gas consumption networks. Part 0. General
GOST R 58234-2018: Traction rolling stock. Cleaning and washing requirements
GOST R 58466-2019: Ores copper-iron-vanadium and iron-vanadium commodity unenriched. Technical specifications
GOST R 58875-2020: Green standards. Greened and maintained roofs of buildings and structures. Technical and environmental requirements
GOST R 59117-2020: Antimony concentrate. Specifications
GOST R 59138-2020: Tin concentrate. Specifications
GOST R 59932-2021: Uranium mining facilities by in-situ and heap leaching methods. Norms of technological design
GOST R 70517-2022: Hydrometallurgical plants of uranium mining enterprises. Norms of technological design
GOST R 70676-2023: Copper-bearing and polymetallic ores. Technical specifications
GOST R 70726-2023: Modular swimming pools. General technical conditions
Letter Ish-1106: On the application of SP 2.2.3670-20 and SP 44.13330.2011 in terms of dressing rooms
MDS 21-3.2001: Method for and Examples of Feasibility Study for Fire Protection Measures for SNIP 21-01-97*
Methodical manual: Building Design for Refrigerators
Methodical manual: Refinement of initial seismicity and seismic micro-zoning of sections of transport facilities
Methodical manual: Hotel building design
Methodical manual: Classification methods of information modeling tasks
Methodical manual: Base data for the design of building structures on the tsunami-dangerous coasts of the Russian Federation
MI 3342-11: Recommendation. GSE. Requirements for testing laboratories that monitor the quality of oil
MRR Methods for determining the cost of developing a design assignment for a technological section for construction projects carried out with the involvement of Moscow budget funds
MRR 9.3-16: Development of a task for the design of the technological section
Order 1112: On Amending Order No. 687 of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020
Order 1247: On Amending the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687 "On Approval of the list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures".
Order 1653: On amending the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of April 2, 2020 N 687
Order 2079: List of documents in the field of standardization, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 № 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures
Order 99/pr: On the approval of the Plan for the development and approval of codes of practice and updating of previously approved building codes and regulations, codes of practice for 2021.
POT RZhD 4100612-TsSh-074-2015: Rules for labor protection during maintenance and repair of signaling, centralization and blocking devices at Russian Railways
POT RZhD-4100612-TsP-TsDRP-022-2013: Rules for labor protection, environmental, industrial and fire safety during maintenance and repair of infrastructure facilities of the railway complex of JSC Russian Railways
RD 32-CSR-110/34-03: Guidance document. Labor protection during the operation of buildings and structures and the repair and construction work at railway facilities
RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of cattle farms and complexes
RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of farms and cattle farms (farms)
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of pig farms of peasant (farmer) farms
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of pig farms and complexes
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of goat farms and complexes
RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of sheep facilities
RD-APK Engineering Design Standards for Horse Raising Facilities
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of poultry enterprises
RD-APK Engineering Design Standards for Fur Farms and Rabbit Farms
RD-APK Guidelines for the technological design of veterinary and sanitary utilization plants
RD-APK Engineering Design Standards for Greenhouses and Hothouses for Growing Vegetables and Seedlings
RD-APK Guidelines for technological design of enterprises for the production of animal feed
RD-APK Veterinary and sanitary requirements for the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of livestock buildings
Resolution 2152-PP: On approval of norms of town-planning design of the city of Moscow in the field of trade, service and provision of comfortable and favorable living conditions of citizens in the objects of residential purpose
SP 105.13330.2012: Buildings and premises for keeping and treating agricultural production
SP 106.13330.2012: Livestock, poultry and animal-breeding buildings and facilities
SP 107.13330.2012: Greenhouses and hotbeds
SP 108.13330.2012: Plants, buildings and constructions of storage and grain processing
SP 114.13330.2016: Forest material storages. Fire regulations
SP 118.13330.2012: Public buildings and facilities
SP 120.13330.2012: Subway systems
SP 123.13330.2012: Underground storages of natural gas, oil and processing product
SP 133.13330.2012: Networks of wire broadcasting and anouncements in buildings and facilities. Design norms
SP 134.13330.2012: Telecommunication systems of buildings and facilities. Design basic provisions
SP 139.13330.2012: Buildings and premises with working places for disebled rules of architectural design
SP 152.1325800.2018: Buildings of federal courts. Design rules
SP 152.13330.2012: Buildings of common jurisdiction courts. Rules of architectural design
SP 158.13330.2014: Buildings and rooms for health care facilities. Design rules
SP 162.1330610.2014: Safety requirements for production, storage, transportation and use of liquid hydrogen
SP 163.1325800.2014: The designs with application of gypsum plasterboards and gypsum fiber sheets. Terms of design and installation
SP 18.13330.2011: Master plans for industrial enterprises
SP 18.13330.2019: Production facilities. Planning organization of the land plot (Master plans of industrial enterprises) SNiP II-89-80 *
SP 225.1326000.2014: Station buildings, structures and devices
SP 228.1325800.2014: Buildings and structures of the investigative bodies. Rules of architectures design
SP 229.1325800.2014: Reinforced concrete structures of underground and utility systems. Protection against corrosion
SP 242.1325800.2015: Buildings of territorial institutions of the Russian Federation Pension Fund. Design rules
SP 247.1325800.2016: Penal system. Pretrial detention facilities. Design rules
SP 266.1325800.2016: Composite steel and concrete structures. Design rules
SP 281.1325800.2016: Boiler rooms integrated in building by general power to 360 kW. Rules of planning and device
SP 285.1325800.2016: Football stadiums. Desing rules
SP 302.1325800.2017: Warehouses for emergency chemically hazardous substances. Rules of design
SP 304.1325800.2017: Construction of long-span buildings and structures. Operating rules
SP 307.1325800.2017: Buildings and premises for the storage and processing of agricultural products the rules of operation
SP 308.1325800.2017: Correctional institutions and centers of criminaly-executive system. Design rules
SP 31.13330.2012: Water supply. Pipelines and portable water treatment plants
SP 31.13330.2021: Water supply. External networks and structures SNiP 2.04.02-84*
SP 31-112-2007: Athletic and sports halls. Part 3: Indoor ice arenas
SP 314.1325800.2017: Tracks overland rail cranes. Design, arrangement and exploitation
SP 316.1325800.2017: Container terminals. Regulations of projecting
SP 32.13330.2012: Sewerage. Pipelines and wastewater treatment plants
SP 32.13330.2018: Sewerage. Outdoor networks and facilities
SP 332.1325800.2017: Sport constructions. Rules of design
SP 348.1325800.2017: Industrial parks and industrial clusters. Design rules
SP 350.1326000.2018: Norms for technological design of sea ports
SP 356.1325800.2017: Prefabricated reinforced concrete frame constructions multi-storey buildings. Rules of design
SP 37.13330.2012: Industrial transport
SP 379.1325800.2018: Buildings of dormitory and hostels. Rules of design
SP 380.1325800.2018: Fire station building. Desing rules
SP 385.1325800.2018: Protection of buildings and structures against progressive collapse. Design code. Basic statements
SP 397.1325800.2018: Buildings and facilities of equestrian complexes. Design rules
SP 400.1325800.2018: Multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services. Design rules
SP 417.1325800.2018: Buildings of railway stations. Design rules
SP 43.13330.2012: Structures for industrial installations
SP 450.1325800.2019: Agro-industrial clusters. Design rules
SP 457.1325800.2019: Sports facilities for cycling. Design rules
SP 457.1325800.2019: Sports facilities for cycling. Design rules
SP 462.1325800.2019: Bus station buildings. Design rules
SP 462.1325800.2019: Bus station buildings. Design rules
SP 463.1325800.2019: Buildings of river and sea stations. Design rules
SP 463.1325800.2019: Buildings of river and sea stations. Design rules
SP 478.1325800.2019: Air terminal buildings and complexes. Design rules
SP 507.1325800.2021: Buildings and premises of weapons, ammunition and special means for the needs of the penal system. Design Rules
SP 509.1325800.2021: Prisons. Design rules
SP 55.13330.2016: Detached houses
SP 56.13330.2011: Industrial buildings
SP 56.13330.2021: Industrial buildings SNiP 31-03-2001
SP 59.13330.2012: Accessibility of buildings and structures for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility
SP 59.13330.2020: Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility SNiP 35-01-2001
SP 60.13330.2012: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC). Updated living edition of SNiP 41-01-2003
SP 89.13330.2012: Combustion boiler systems of heating generation
SP 89.13330.2016: Boiler installations
SP 90.13330.2012: Thermal power stations
SP 92.13330.2012: Warehouses of dry mineral hestilizers and chamical means of protection plants
SP 94.13330.2016: Facilities public utility for sanitary processing of people, special treatment of clothing and rolling stock vehicles
SP 98.13330.2012: Tram and trolleybus lines
SP 98.13330.2018: Tram and trolley lines
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